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Lesson: The Medieval World
Q. Fill in the blanks:
1. The Sanskrit word Sindhu is pronounced as _______in Persian.
2. Coming of Muslims led to the growth of mixed culture known as_____.
3. The Mughal ruler Babur used Hindustan to describe__________
4. Literary Sources include__________.
5. ___________ led to increase in trade during medieval period.
6. ___________ was written by Kalhana.
7. ___________ ruled during late medieval period.
8. __________ tell us about the customs, food habits and jewellery of that time.
9. The eighth century is taken as the beginning of medieval period because ____________.
10. Coins are important as ________________________________________________________.
11. We have lots of information about Medieval period because _____________________.
12. Chroniclers are the___________________________.
13. Medieval period is divided into ______________and ___________.
14. Bhakti and Sufi movements spread the message of____________________.
15. _________describe the life and adventures of Prithviraj Chauhan.
Q. Answer the following questions:
Q1. Discuss the major historical developments of medieval period?
Q2. Write a short note on the archaeological sources of medieval period?
Q3. Why are coins and inscriptions important for the study of the Medieval period?
Q4. Why did the kings have inscriptions carved on copper plates and temple walls?
Q5. Why are the writings and letters of Sir Thomas Roe and William Hawkins important?
Q6. What information’s do we get from Tarikh-i-Firoz Shahi?
Q7. What does the book Drarya-Pariksha deal with?
Q8. ‘India was known by different names at different points in hiatory.’ Analyze the given statement.
Lesson : Pillars of Democracy
Q. Fill in the blanks
1. Citizens should be well informed because then only they____________.
2. Public opinion is the _______________________ on any issue.
3. Coalition government is formed when_____________.
4. _________ destroys the foundation of democracy.
5. ___________not fragmentation should be the goal of all political parties.
6. A country can progress in truly democratic manner if______________________________________.
7. Disciplined citizens should be aware of their rights and duties and respect the ________________.
8. ______________are the soul of democracy.
9. A society is called democratic only if all its members _________________________________.
10. ___________is considered as the best form of the government.
Q. Answer the following questions:
Q1. What is the significance of disciplined political parties?
Q2. Differentiate between tolerance and inclusiveness as features of democracy?
Q3. What is the role of minority in a democratic country?
Q4. “Wise leaders help the country to progress in truly democratic manner.” Analyse the given statement.
Q5. “Economic equality and Human dignity are the core values of a democracy” Discuss.

Lesson: Inside our Earth
Q. Fill in the blanks:
1.The thinnest layer of the earth is the _________.
2. The rocks that are formed from the molten magma are called ___________.
3. Granite, chalk, clay and salt are the examples of _________.
4.The fossil fuels are found in __________ rocks.
5. The solid outer most layer of the earth is called ________.
6. Limestone metamorphosed in to ____________.
7.The earth is divided in to three concentric layers, ________, ________ and __________.
8. Rocks are made up of _________.
9. There are three types of rocks, ________, __________ and __________.
10. The change of one type of rock into another in a cyclic manner is known as _________.
11. In ancient times, rocks were used to make ___________ and __________.
12. ________ is made up of heavy metals like nickel and iron.
13. _________ are solid substances and have definite chemical composition.
14. The word igneous means ___________.
15._________ rocks are called primary rocks.

Q. Answer the following questions:

1. Describe the characteristics of igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks.
2. What do you mean by rock cycle. Explain it with the help of a well labelled diagram.
3. What is mineral? How they are useful to us?
4.Differentiate between intrusive and extrusive igneous rocks.
5. Describe the main features of crust, mantle and core.
6. Describe the formation of sedimentary rock.
7. Why can’t we get direct information about the interior of the earth?
8. How are metamorphic rocks formed?

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