Far Easily Pleased

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Far Easily Pleased

Boasting. A study on human characteristics and its impact on the Christian. Jer 9: 21-26. Vs 23-24. Thus saith the LORD, Let not the wise [man] glory in his wisdom, neither let the mighty [man] glory in his might, let not the rich [man] glory in his riches: But let him that glorieth glory in this, that he understandeth and knoweth me, that I [am] the LORD which exercise lovingkindness, judgment, and righteousness, in the earth: for in these [things] I delight, saith the LORD. Various translations and the use of the word Glory(KJV; ASV); Boast(NLT; NIV;ESV; NASB). The word has two ideas: 1. Fame, and 2. Luminosity (like a bright electric bulb) Glory/Boast must mean fame, approval, applause, nobody seeks to be an Eternal Electric Bulb. The word used for glory/boast is halal. Halal: (Strongs): to be praised, be made praiseworthy, be commended, be worthy of praise. It is the same word from where we get the word Hallelujah Praise the LORD. It means to get a thunderous applause, approval and acclaim. Also, Satan is called Heylel. Same root form. Is 14:12. The word for Satan is called Lucifer as translated by Jerome (AD 405) in the Latin Vulgate. "Lucifer" comes from 2 Latin words: Lux (=light) + ferous (=to bear or carry). Thus the name "Lucifer" means: Light-bearer or Light-bringer. ( http://www.israelofgod.org/lucifer.htm. accessed oct 27,2011) There is disagreement in the translation of Heylel as Lucifer. However, in the context we see: Isaiah shows Satan boasting! Isaiah 14:13 - 14! That is why God calls him "heylel"--because he boasted! In vain boasting, we become like the devil. It is a serious charge. Why Our Need for Boasting? Borrowing from Tim Keller (Redeemer, NY), whose words and thoughts from a sermon (??) I have used widely in this study; as also I have from the sermon by C.S.Lewis, Weight of Glory (citations not available for both). We all want approval. In some form it is essential to the very identity of us humans. Example: when we receive applause or approval, it warms our heart. It is like a sticker I once read, Doing a good job is like peeing in your dark pants. No one notices, but it gives a warm feeling. A need for inner approval that gives us our self worth, value and purpose. Is Somethings wrong? This screaming for applause shows us that there is something wrong. For example, our body never seeks attention unless something is wrong. So it could be that this inordinate desire to seek approval screams to us that something is wrong. But what is wrong with seeking to meet this need? There are two levels (or three as we will see later) of applause the outer and the inner.
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Outer applause, however loud, never lasts and it never translates into inner applause. It is never permanent. We are never confident that we are praise worthy. And, when we dont get that inner approval, we seek them from different sources and they never satisfy or we are easily satisfied. The seeking of the identity workaholics in their career; wise man in his wisdom; the mighty man in his might and the rich man in his riches. Should we be merely satisfied or quench this need? Are we expecting too much or are we seeking too high a thing? Truth is, Lord finds our desires, not too strong, but too weaklike an ignorant child who wants to go on making mud pies in a slum because he cannot imagine what is meant by the offer of a holiday at the sea. We are far too easily pleased. [Weight of glory. C.S. Lewis]. The title of todays study is borrowed from this phrase. We boast in the useless, valueless, temporal things of life and God is challenging us look beyond our wisdom, might and riches. So what is the solution? A. Worlds Solution There are two opposing solutions that the world provides. Suppression: Self denial. Dont let them be expressed. There are not enough studies on health that show the detrimental effects of this solution. Expression: The motto is there is nothing I cant do if I really want to.com. Express yourself is the mantra of the Corporate World. Nazism is probably the quickest example that comes to mind that proves self expression at its height and how quickly it went wrong. B. God offers a cure God says it is neither no boasting, nor over boasting but boasting in the Lord. Not his (i.e. man) wisdom, his (i.e. man) might, or his (i.e. man) riches but in the LORD. Jeremiah is saying that you can receive the applause, not based on your performance, not because of something you have done but because of the LORD. Paul lived by it Paul paraphrases Jeremiah, at least four times. 1 Cor 1:31. That, according as it is written, He that glorieth, let him glory in the Lord. 2 Cor 10:17. But he that glorieth, let him glory in the Lord. Gal 6:14. But God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world is crucified unto me, and I unto the world. He adds an interesting twist in 1 Cor 4:3. But with me it is a very small thing that I should be judged of you, or of man's judgment: yea, I judge not mine own self. Paul says I dont care for others approval: I dont seek the outer approval. Also, neither does he care for his own approval: The desire to satisfy the inner approval. The psychologist advice, it doesnt matter what others think of you, it matters what you think of yourself. It really means if you dont meet the worlds standard, meet yours because it is lower. Seeking to satisfy the inner applause on your own is never possible. Lord is the Judge; it is His approval that Paul was seeking.
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We receive from God, not just mercy and forgiveness, but approval, the thunderous applause, the very pleasure of God. Gods approval is the healthy applause. Outer applause will make us egotistic. Inner applause will make us smug and arrogant. Gods approval puts things in perspective, as we will see.

How can we appropriate it? Jeremiah says, glory in knowing and understanding God Begin with a personal relationship with God. Note the first attribute lovingkindness : tender, everlasting love. It began with Agape, the love that demonstrated judgement and righteousness. Because the second and third attributes are judgment, and righteousness in the earth. As Paul says in Gal 6:14. Boast in the cross. It is the cross where the greatest somebody became an absolute nobody; the place where the Judgement of God fell on His Son. 2 Cor 5:21. For he hath made him [to be] sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.

What does it mean to glory in God or in the Cross? Remember, we began by saying that glory is fame? Milton, Johnson and Thomas Aquinas understood heavenly glory as fame or good report. The parable of the divine accolade makes it clear to our hearts. Matthew 25:21. Well done good and faithful servant What makes this approval any better? Is that a worthwhile motivation or is that scheming? Or as C.S. Lewis calls it mercenary What makes seeking this approval any better? Do we fall prey to the outer or the inner applause as we strive for Gods approval? How do I know I will get Gods approval? In trying to understand this C.S. Lewis expands in his sermon that there are three types of rewards possible: No natural connection: Man marrying for money; or a general fighting for his badge. Proper Reward: Man marrying for love; a general fighting for victory. Third reason is like a schoolboy beginning to study Greek, so that he can enjoy Greek poetry. Greek poetry, now why is that a reward? I dont understand. Probably because I dont know the ecstasy of reading Greek poetry. Continuing the illustration... while he is studying Greek, he strives to avoid failing or to lose a credit. However, gradually as enjoyment creeps in, the drudgery is replaced with the joy of enjoying the poetry. A Christian is like this schoolboy when eventually poetry replaces grammar, gospel replaces law, longing transforms obedience, as gradually as the tide lifts a grounded ship. True a Christians motivation will sometimes be warped by his sensual desires but he lives with the assurance of that day of final enjoyment.
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Scripture promises that rewards may be reduced to five levels. 1. We shall be like Christ 2. We shall be with Him 3. We shall have glory 4. We will be fed and feasted 5. We shall have some sort of official position in the universe ruling cities, judging angels. C.S. Lewis asks, why any of them except the first reason?... For it must be true, as an old writer says, that he who had God and everything else, has no more than he who has God only. Then he goes on to explain, how no one can enter heaven except as a child. A child when they please whom they love with a pure heart, not for any reward. To love for no other reward other than God Himselfthe joy that I could be the ingredient in the divine happiness. Jesus Christ made that true reward possible And that is possible only because of Jesus Christ the good and the faithful, who took on what we deserved so that we get what He deserved, that is to hear good and faithful servant. Jesus received the verdict our performance deserved, so that we can hear the applause He deserved. Our boast is in that we know Christ, and are known of Him. Our boast is therefore in the cross; it is the basis through which we have an entrance to the presence of God. The very reason we are assured that we will not hear depart from me for I never knew you. Our boasting is in our inadequacy, and His Sufficiency. In that, though it is totally beyond our comprehension, we should bring joy and pleasure to our God, and in nothing else. So let us live our lives that we can feel His pleasure on our face (Eric Liddel. Chariots of fire). That is our true glory.

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