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PARIS TO BERLIN (1885-1887) a flutist and made his own compositions.

J. Rizal went to Paris and Germany to Some of his compositions are:
specialize in ophthalmology after he a. Alin Mang Lahi (Any Race), a patriotic
completed his studies in Madrid. He had song which asserts that any race
chosen ophthalmology because he wanted to aspires for freedom
cure his mother’s eye ailment. b. La Deportacion (Deportation), a sad
danza he composed when he was
IN GAY PARIS (1885-1886) exiled in Dapitan
J. Rizal went to Paris shortly after he finished
his degree in Central University of Madrid. He IN HISTORIC HEIDELBERG
stopped at Barcelona to visit his friend After acquiring enough experience and
Maximo Viola who was a medical student and knowledge under the guidance of Dr.
a member of a rich family of San Miguel, Weckert, he left Gay Paris for Germany on
Bulacan. He befriended Señor Eusebio February 1, 1886. He arrived in Heidelberg (a
Corominas, the editor of La Publicidad. He historic city in Germany that was famous for
gave Editor Corominas an article on the its old university and romantics surroundings)
Carolines Question. He also made a crayon on February 3, 1886. He became popular
sketch of Don Miguel Morayta, the owner of among the Germans because they found out
La Publicidad and a statesman. that he was a good chess player. They made
him a member of the Chess Player’s Club.
He lived in Paris in November 1885 to which After a few days, he worked at the University
he stayed for four months. He worked as an Eye Hospital under the direction of Dr. Otto
assistant to Dr. Louis de Weckert, a leading Becker, a distinguished German
French ophthalmologist. And during his free ophthalmologist.
time, he visits his friends (Parde de Taveraz
family, Juan Luna and Felix Resurreccion “TO THE FLOWERS OF HEIDELBERG”
Hidalgo. In the spring of 1886, J. Rizal wrote a fine
poem on April 22, 1886 entitled “A Las Flores
He spent most of his time in Juan Luna’s de Heidelberg” (To the Flowers of
studio to improve his painting techniques. Heidelberg) because he was fascinated by the
With this, he was able to help Juan Luna, the blooming flowers along the Neckar River,
great master of the brush by being Luna’s including his favorite, the light blue flower
model in his paintings. He posed as an called “forget-me-not”.
Egyptian priest in “The Death of Cleopatra”
and posed as Sikatuna in “The Blood WITH PASTOR ULLMER AT WILHELMSFELD
Compact”. After he wrote “To The Flowers of
Heidelberg”, J. Rizal spent a three-month
RIZAL AS MUSICIAN summer vacation at Wilhelmsfeld
J. Rizal had no natural aptitude for music to (mountainous village near Heidelberg) and
which he also admitted. He studied music stayed at the place of a Protestant pastor, Dr.
only because many of his schoolmates in Karl Ullmer. He enjoyed his stay there to
Ateneo were taking music lessons. He told which he had great memories of friendship
Enrique Lete that he “learned the solfeggio, and hospitality.
piano, and voice culture in one month and a
On July 31, 1886, J. Rizal wrote his first
With determination and constant practice, he letter in German to Professor Ferdinand
was able to play the flute very well. He was Blumentritt who was the Director of the

Ateneo of Leitmeritz, Austria. Blumentritt Ethnological Museum. He stayed in the city
was an Austrian ethnologist that has an for two days. He left in the morning of
interest in the Philippine language. On Rizal’s November 1 by train, reaching Berlin in the
letter, he said that he will send a book that evening.
could help Blumentritt in his study of the
Philippine Language. Rizal sent Aritmetica RIZAL WELCOMED IN BERLIN’S SCIENTIFIC
(Arithmetic) book that was published in 2 CIRCLES
languages, Spanish and Tagalog by the J. Rizal was enchanted by Berlin because of
University of Santo Tomas Press in 1868. The its scientific atmosphere and the absence of
author of the book was Rufino Baltazar race prejudice. He was able to meet some
Hernandez, a native of Santa Cruz, Laguna. great scientists namely Dr. Feodor Jagor
(German scientist-traveler and author of
Blumentritt was impressed by Rizal’s letter Travels in the Philippines), Dr. Rudolf
and he sent Rizal two books as a gift. It was Virchow (famous German anthropologist),
also the beginning of their friendship. They Dr. W. Joest (German geographer), and Dr.
became the best of friends. Karl Ernest Schweigger (famous German
UNIVERSITY He became a member of the Anthropological
The famous University of Heidelberg held its Society, Enthnological Society, and the
fifth centenary celebration on August 6, 1886 Geographical Society of Berlin upon the
wherein J. Rizal had witnessed the said recommendation of Dr. Jagor and Dr. Meyer.
celebration three days his departure. His membership with the mentioned
scientific societies proved that his scientific
IN LEIPZIG AND DRESDEN knowledge was recognized by European
J. Rizal left Heidelberg on August 9, 1886, scientists. He was also the first Asian to be
three days after the fifth centenary of accorded such honors.
Heidelberg University. He boarded on a train
and visited various cities of Germany and He was invited by Dr. Virchow to give a
arrived in Leipzig on August 14, 1886. He lecture before the Ethnographic Society of
attended some lectures at the University of Berlin. In response to the invitation, he wrote
Leipzig on history and psychology. He a scholarly paper in German entitled
befriended Prof. Friedrich Ratzel, a famous Tagalische Verkunst (Tagalog Metrical Art) to
historian, and Dr. Hans Meyer, a German which he read before the society in April
anthropologist. 1887. The paper was published by the society
in the same year and elicited favorable
Rizal found out that the cost of living in comments from all scientific quarters.
Leipzig was the cheapest in Europe so he
decided to stay there for 2 months and a half. RIZAL’S LIFE IN BERLIN
He translated Schiller’s William Tell into Five reasons why J. Rizal stayed in Berlin:
Tagalog so that Filipinos might read the story  to gain further knowledge of
of the champion of Swiss independence. He ophthalmology;
also translated Hans Christian Andersen’s  to further his studies of science and
Fairy Tale for his nieces and nephews. languages;
 to observe the economic and political
On October 29, he left Leipzig for Dresden, conditions of the German nation;
wherein he met Dr. Adolph B. Meyer, the
Director of the Anthropological and

 to associate with famous German
scientists and scholars;
 to publish his novel, Noli Me Tangere;

J. Rizal led a methodical and frugal life in

Berlin. He worked as an assistant in the clinic
of Dr. Scweigger during the day and attended
lectures at the University of Berlin at night.

During his free time, he did his daily physical

exercises and practiced speaking in German,
French and Italian. He took private lessons in
French under Madame Lucie Cerdole to
master the idiomatic intricacies of the French


J. Rizal sent a letter to his sister Trinidad,
dated March 11, 1886. In his letter, Rizal
expressed his high regard and admiration for
German womanhood. He said that German
woman is serious, diligent, educated and
friendly compared to Spanish woman.

Aside from the German women, J. Rizal also
admired the German customs especially
during Christmas. On Yuletide season, people
will select a pine tree with bushes and
adorned it with lanterns, papers, lights, dolls,
candies, fruits, etc. And the self-introduction
to strangers in a social gathering.


The winter of 1886 in Berlin was J. Rizal’s
darkest winter. He lived in poverty because
no money arrived from Calamba and he was
flat broke. He could not pay his landlord and
he was eating only one meal a day. His
clothes were old and threadbare. His health
broke down due to lack of proper

NOLI ME TANGERE During the middle of December, J. Rizal
The bleak winter of 1886 was memorable to received a telegram from Barcelona. It was
J. Rizal for two reasons: sent by Dr. Maximo Viola, informing him of his
a. painful episode of hunger, sickness coming visit to Berlin. When he arrived in
and despondent in a strange city Berlin, he was shocked that Rizal was living in
b. brought him great joy because his poverty and sickness. Dr. Maximo Viola,
first novel Noli Me Tangere came off being a scion of a rich family of San Miguel
the press in March 1887. Bulacan, lend him the money for the
publication of the novel and loaned Rizal
IDEA OF WRITING ON PHILIPPINES: money for his living. Viola saved “Noli”.
The reading of Harriet Beecher Stowes “Uncle
Tom’s Cabin” that portrays the brutalities of On February 21, 1887, Noli was finally
American slave-owners and the pathetic finished and ready for printing. Viola and
conditions of the unfortunate Negro, Slaves, Rizal went to different printing shops in
inspired J. Rizal to prepare a novel on the Berlin to canvass. After several inquiries,
Philippines. He was a student in the Central they were able to found a printing shop,
University of Madrid during that time. He Berliner Buchdruckrei-Action-Gesselschaft
proposed writing a novel about the that charged them the lowest rate, P300.00
Philippines during the reunion of Filipinos in for 2,000 copies of the novel.
the house of the Paternos in Madrid on
January 2, 1884. His proposal was RIZAL SUSPECTED AS A FRENCH SPY
unanimously approved by the Paternos During the printing of Noli, a rare incident
(Pedro, Maximo and Antonio), Graciano Lopez happened. The chief of police of Berlin
Jaena, Evaristo Aguirre, Julio Llorente, visited J. Rizal’s boarding house and
Valentin Ventura and Eduardo De Lete. requested to show his passport. Rizal has no
Unfortunately, it did not materialize because passport during that time that’s why he was
his companions preferred to write about told to secure the passport within four days,
women rather than the Philippine life. He otherwise he would be deported. He
decided to write the novel alone. immediately sought for help to the Spanish
ambassador and promised to attend to this
Toward the end of 1884, he began writing the matter. Unfortunately, he failed to keep his
novel in Madrid and he finished one half of it. promise because he didn’t have the power to
He continued writing the novel when he went issue the required passport. After the
to Paris after completing his studies in the
expiration of the four-day ultimatum, he
Universidad Central De Madrid. He was able went to see the German police chief and
to finish one half of the second half. He
apologized for the failure in obtaining the
finished the last fourth of the novel in passport. He asked why he suddenly became
Germany and wrote the last chapters in
a person of interest and he was informed that
Wilhemsfeld in April-June 1886. due to his frequent visits to villages and small
During the winter days of February 1886 in town, it aroused the government’s suspicion
Berlin, he made the final revisions on the that he was a French spy. He explained his
manuscript of Noli Me Tangere. He was sick side in German saying that he was a Filipino
and penniless and saw no hope of having it physician, scientist and ethnologist. The
published. He almost threw the manuscript German police chief was impressed to his
into the fire because of desperation. He explanation and his mastery of German
shared these sentiments years later to his language including his personal charisma. He
friend, Fernando Canon. was satisfied that’s why he was allowed to
stay freely in Germany.

Noli Me Tangere came off the press on March Since, as thy son I am conscious that I also
21, 1887. J. Rizal immediately sent the first suffer from thy defects and weaknesses.
copies of the printed novel to his intimate
friends including Blumentritt, Dr. Antonio Ma. Synopsis of Noli Me Tangere
Regidor, G. Lopez Jaena, Mariano Ponce, and It contains 63 chapters and an epilogue. It
Felix R. Hidalgo. And on March 29,1887, he begins in the reception given by Capitan
gave Maximo Viola the Galley Proofs of the Tiago (Santiago De Los Santos) at his house in
Noli carefully rolled around the pen that he Calle Anloague (now Juan Luna Street) on the
used in writing it and a complimentary copy. last day of October. This reception or dinner
was given in honor of Crisostomo Ibarra, a
Noli Me Tangere is a Latin phrase which young and rich Filipino who had just returned
means “Touch Me Not”, from the bible. On after seven years of study in Europe. He was
March 5, 1887, he wrote to Felix R. Hidalgo the only son of Don Rafael Ibarra, friend of
in French. He explained that “Noli Me Capitan Tiago and fiancé of the beautiful
Tangere” were taken from the gospel of St. Maria Clara, supposed daughter of Capitan
Luke. But he was mistaken. It should be the Tiago.
gospel of St. John (chapter 20:13-17), on the
first Easter Sunday when St. Mary Magdalene Among the guest during the reception were
visited the Holy Sepulcher, and to her our Padre Damaso (fat Franciscan friar, a priest
Lord Jesus, just arisen from the dead. for 20 years of San Diego), Padre Sybila
(young Dominican parish priest of Binondo),
THE AUTHOR’S DEDICATION Señor Guevara (elderly and kind lieutenant of
Rizal dedicated the Noli Me Tangere to the the Guardia Civil), Don Tiburcio de Espadaña
Philippines “to my country”. And his (bogus Spanish physician, lame, and
dedication runs as follows: henpecked husband of Doña Victorina); and
“Recorded in the history of human several ladies.
sufferings is a cancer so malignant a
character that the least touch irritates it Upon the arrival of Ibarra, produced a
and awakens in it the sharpest pains. favorable impression among the guests
Thus, how many times, when in the midst except for Padre Damaso who was rude to
of modern civilization, I have wished to him. In accordance with the German custom,
call thee before me, now to accompany he introduced himself to the ladies. During
me in memories. Now to compare thee the dinner, the conversation centered on
with other countries, hath thy dear image Ibarra’s studies and travels abroad. Padre
presented itself showing a social cancer Damaso was in a bad mood because he got a
like to that other! Desiring thy welfare bony neck and hard wing of the chicken
which our own, and seeking the best Tinola. He tried to discredit Ibarra’s remarks.
treatments, I will do with thee what the
ancient did with their seek, exposing After dinner, Ibarra left Capitan Tiago’s
them on the steps of the temple so that house to return to his hotel. On the way, the
everyone who came to invoke the Divinity kind Lieutenant Guevarra told him the sad
might offer them a remedy. And to this story of his father’s death in San Diego. Don
end, I will strive to reproduce thy Rafael, his father, was a rich and brave man.
condition faithfully, without He defended a helpless boy from the brutality
discrimination, I will raise a part of the of an illiterate Spanish tax collector, pushing
veil that covers the evil, sacrificing to the latter and accidentally killing him. Don
truth everything, even vanity itself. Rafael was thrown in prison, where he died
unhappily. He was buried in consecrated

ground but his enemies, accusing him of being pedagogy. The spineless gobernadorcillo that
a heretic, had his body removed from the catered to the wishes of the Spanish priest,
cemetery. Don Filipo Lino (teniente mayor and leader of
the liberal function in the town), Don
On hearing his father’s sad story, Ibarra Melchor (captain of the cuadrilleros - town
thanked the kind Spanish lieutenant and police), and the former gobernadorcillos who
vowed to find out the truth about his father’s were prominent citizens - Don Basilio and
death. Don Valentin.

The following morning, Ibarra visited Maria Most tragic story in the novel is the tale of
Clara, his childhood sweetheart. Maria Clara Sisa, who was formerly a rich girl but became
teasingly said, that he had forgotten her poor because she married a gambler. She
because the girls in Germany were beautiful, became crazy because she lost her two boys,
then Ibarra replied that he had never Basilio and Crispin, the joys of her wretched
forgotten her. After the romantic reunion life. These boys were sacristans (sextons) in
with Maria Clara, Ibarra went to San Diego to the church, working for a small wage to
visit his father’s grave. It was All Saint’s Day. support their poor mother. Crispin, the
At the cemetery, the grave–digger told Ibarra younger of the two brothers, was accused by
that the corpse of Don Rafael was removed by the brutal sacristan mayor of stealing the
the order of the parish priest to be buried in money of the priest. He was tortured in the
the Chinese cemetery. But the corpse was convent and died. Basilio, with his brother’s
heavy and it was a dark rainy night, so the dying cries ringing in his ears, escaped. When
grave-digger simply threw the corpse into the the two boys did not return home, Sisa looked
lake. Ibarra was angered by the grave-diggers for them everywhere and in her great sorrow,
story. He left the cemetery. she became insane.

On the way, he met Padre Salvi, a Franciscan Capitan Tiago, Maria Clara and Aunt Isabel,
parish priest of San Diego. In a flash, Ibarra (Capitan Tiago’s cousin who took care of
pounced on the priest, demanding redress for Maria Clara after her mother’s death) arrived
desecrating his father’s mortal remains. in San Diego. Ibarra and his friends gave a
Padre Salvi told him that he had nothing to do picnic. Among those who were present were
with it, for he was not the parish priest at the Maria Clara and her four girlfriends (Merry
time of Don Rafael’s death. It was Padre Siñang, Grave Victoria, Beautiful Iday and
Damaso, his predecessor, who was Thoughtful Neneng), Aunt Isabel (chaperone
responsible for it. Convinced of Padre Salvi’s of Maria Clara), Capitana Tika (mother of
innocence, Ibarra went away. Siñang, Andeng (foster-sister of Maria Clara),
Albino (ex-theological student who was in
In his town, Ibarra met several interesting love with Siñang) and Ibarra and his friends.
people, such as the wise old man, Tasio the One of the boatmen was a strong silent,
Sage, whose ideas were too advanced for his peasant youth named Elias.
times so that the people, who could not
understand him, called him “Tasio the An accident of the picnic was the saving of
Lunatic”. The progressive school teacher Elias life by Ibarra. Elias bravely grappled
complained to Ibarra that the children were with the crocodile which was caught in the
losing interest in their studies because of the fish corral, but the crocodile struggled
lack of a proper schoolhouse and discouraging furiously so that Elias could not subdue it.
attitude of the parish priest towards teaching Ibarra jumped into the water and killed the
Spanish and the use of modern method of crocodile, thereby saving Elias.

Another accident, which preceded the above- The next day Ibarra visited old Tasio to
mentioned neat-tragic crocodile incident, consult him on his pet project about the
was the rendering of a beautiful song by Maria schoolhouse. He saw the old man’s writings
Clara who had a sweet voice. Upon the were written in hieroglyphics. Tasio
insistent request of her friends, she played explained to him that he wrote hieroglyphics
the harp and sang. because he was writing for the future
generations who would understand them and
The Song of Maria Clara say: NOT ALL WERE ASLEEP IN THE NIGHT OF
“Sweet are the hours in one’s native land, OUR ANCESTORS.
Where all is dear the sunbeams bless;
Life-giving breezes sweep he strand. Tasio was pessimistic of the project of Ibarra
And death is softened by Love’s cares to build a schoolhouse at his own expense.
“Warm kisses play on mother Lip’s, However, the construction of the schoolhouse
On her fond, tender breast awakening; continued under the supervision of the
When round her neck the soft arm slips. architect called Ñor Juan. Meanwhile, San
And bright eyes smile, all love partaking Diego was preparing for its annual fiesta, in
“Sweet is death for one’s native land, Honor of its patron saint San Diego de Alcala
Where all is dear the sun beans bless: whose feast day is the 11th of November.

After Maria Clara’s song and the crocodile On the eve of the fiesta, hundreds of visitors
incident, they went ashore. They made merry arrived from nearby towns, and there was
in the cool, wooded meadows. Padre Salvi, laughter, music, exploding bombs, feasting
Capitan Basilio (former gobernadorcillo and and moro-moro. The music was furnished by
Sinang’s father), the Alferez (lieutenant of 5 brass bands (including the famous
the Guardia Civil) and the town officials were Pagsanjan Band owned by escribano Miguel
present. The luncheon was served, and Guevarra) and 3 orchestras.
everybody enjoyed eating.
In the morning of the fiesta, there was a high
The meal over, Ibarra and Capitan Basilio mass in the church officiated by Padre Salvi.
played chess, while Maria Clara and friends Padre Damaso gave the long sermon, in which
played the “Wheel of Chance” (game based he expatiated on the evils of the times that
on a fortune telling book). As the girls were were caused by certain men who having
enjoying the fortune telling game, Padre Salvi tested the same education, spread pernicious
came and tore the book into pieces, saying ideas among the people. After Padre
that it was a sin to play such a game. Damaso’s sermon, the mass was continued by
Padre Salvi. Elias quietly moved Ibarra, who
Shortly thereafter, a sergeant and four was kneeling and praying by Maria Clara’s
soldiers of the Guardia Civil suddenly arrived side, and warned him to be careful during the
looking for Elias, who was hunted for ceremony of the lying of the cornerstone of
assaulting Padre Damaso and throwing the the schoolhouse because there is a plot to kill
Alferez into the mud hole. Fortunately, Elias him.
has disappeared and the Guardia Civil went
away empty handed. During the picnic, Ibarra Elias suspected that the yellowish man who
received a telegram from the Spanish built the derrick, was a paid stooge Ibarra’s
authorities notifying him of the approval of enemies. True to his suspicion, later in the
his donation of a schoolhouse for the children day when Ibarra in the presence of a big
of San Diego. crowd, went down into trench to cement the
cornerstone, the derrick collapse.

Elias quick as a flash pushed him aside, A touch of comedy in the novel was the fight
thereby, saving his life. The yellowish man between two ludicrous señoras - Doña
was the one crushed to death by the Consolacion (vulgar mistress of the Spanish
shattered derrick. Alferez) and Doña Victorina (flamboyantly
dressed wife of a henpecked Spanish quack
At the sumptuous dinner that night, under the doctor). Both insulted each other in gutter
decorated kiosk, a sad incident occurred. The language, and not satisfied with their verbal
arrogant Padre Damaso, speaking in the warfare, they squared off to come to blows.
presence of many guest, insulted the memory The timely arrival of Padre Salvi stopped the
of Ibarra’s father. Ibarra jumped from his fight, much to regret of the curious
seat, knocked down the fat friar with his fist onlookers.
and then seized with sharp knife. He would
kill the friar, were it not for the timely The story of Elias, like that of Sisa, was a tale
intervention of Maria Clara. of pathos and tragedy. He related it to Ibarra.
Some 60 years ago his grandfather who was
Ibarra’s attack on Padre Damaso produced 2 then a young bookkeeper in a Spanish
results. First, his engagement to Maria Clara commercial firm in Manila, was wrongly
was broken and he was excommunicated. accused of burning the firm’s warehouse. He
Fortunately, the liberal minded governor was flogged in public and was left in the
general visited the town and befriended street, crippled and almost dead. His wife
Ibarra. He told the young man not to worry who was pregnant, begged for alms and
and persuaded Capitan Tiago to accept Ibarra became a prostitute in order to support his
as a son-in-law and promised to see the sick husband and son. After giving birth to her
archbishop of Manila to lift the ban of second son and the death of her husband, she
excommunication. fled with her two sons to the mountain.

The fiesta over, Maria Clara became ill. She Years later, the first boy became a dreaded
was treated by the quack Spanish physician, tulisan named Balat. He terrorized the
“Tiborcio de Espadaña”, whose wife, a vain provinces. One day he was caught by the
and vulgar native woman, was a frequent authorities. His head was cut off and was
visitor in Capitan Tiago’s house. This woman hung from the tree branch in the forest. On
has hallucination of being superior Castillan, seeing this gory object, the poor mother,
and, although a native herself, she looked Elias grandmother died.
down in her own people as inferior beings.
She added another “de” to her husband’s Balat’s younger brother, who was by nature
surname in order to become more Spanish. kind-hearted, fled and became a trusted
Thus, she wanted to be called Doctora Doña laborer in the house of a rich man in Tayabas.
Victorina De Las Reyes De Espadaña. She He fell in love with the master’s daughter.
introduced to Capitan Tigo a young Spaniard, The girl’s father, enraged by the romance,
Don Alfonso Linares de Espadaña, cousin of investigated his past and found out the truth.
Don Tiburcio de Espadaña and Godson of The unfortunate lover (Elias Father) was sent
Padre Damaso’s brother in law. Linares was a to jail while the girl gave birth to twins, a boy
penniless and jobless, fortune hunter who (Elias) and a girl. The rich grandfather took
came to the Philippines in search of a rich care of them, keeping secret of their
Filipino heiress. Both Doña Victorina and scandalous origin, and reared them as rich
Padre Damaso sponsored his wooing of Maria children. Elias was educated in the Jesuit
Clara, but the latter did not respond because College in Manila while his sister studied in La
she loved Ibarra. Concordia College. They lived happily until

one day, owing to certain dispute over money zacate. As the police boat was overtaking the
matters, a distant relative exposed their banca, Elias jumped into the water and swam
shame full birth. They were disgraced. An old swiftly toward the shore. In this way, he
male servant, whom they used to abuse, was diverted the attention of the soldiers on his
forced to testify in court and the truth came person, thereby, giving Ibarra a chance to
out that he was their real father. escape.

Elias and his sister left Tayabas to hide their The soldiers fired at the swimming Elias, who
shame in another place. One day his sister was hit and sank. The water turned red
disappeared. Elias roamed from place to because of his blood. The soldiers, thinking
place looking for her. He heard later that a that they had killed the fleeing Ibarra,
girl answering to his sister’s description was returned to Manila. Thus, Ibarra was able to
found on the beach of San Diego. Since then, escape. Elias seriously wounded, reached he
Elias lived a vagabond life, wandering from shore and staggered into the forest. He met a
province to province until he met Ibarra. boy Basilio, weeping over his mother’s body.
He told Basilio to make a pyre on which their
Ibarra’s enemies left no stone unturned to bodies were to burn to ashes. It was
bring about his ruin. They engineered an Christmas Eve and the moon gleamed softly
attack on the barracks of the Guardia Civil, in the sky. Basilio prepared the funeral pyre.
at the same time warning the alferez to alert As life’s breath slowly left his body. Elias
his men that night. They deceived the looked toward the east and murmured “I die
attackers by telling them that the without seeing the dawn brighten over my
mastermind was Ibarra. So that the attack native land. You, who have it to see,
failed and the surviving attackers caught, welcome it and forget not those who have
Ibarra was blamed for the catastrophe. Elias, fallen during the night.”
learning of Ibarra’s arrest, burned all the
papers that might incriminate his friend and The novel was an epilogue which recounts
set Ibarra’s house on fire. Then he went to what happened to the other characters. Maria
prison and helped Ibarra escape. He and Clara, out of her loyalty to the memory of
Ibarra jumped into a banca loaded with Ibarra, the man she truly love, entered the
zacate (grass). Ibarra stopped to Capitan Santa Clara nunnery. Padre Salvi left the
Tiago to say goodbye to Maria Clara. In the parish San Diego and became a chaplain of
tearful last scene between the two lovers, the nunnery. Padre Damaso transferred to a
Ibarra forgave Maria Clara for giving up his remote province, but the next morning, he
letters to her to the Spanish authorities who was found dead in his bedroom. Capitan
utilized them as evidence against him. On her Tiago, the former genial host and generous
part, Maria Clara revealed that those letters patron of the church, became an opium
were changed with a letter from her late addict and a human wreck. Doña Victorina
mother, Pia Alba, which Padre Salvi gave her. was still henpecking poor Don Tiburcio; had
From this letter, she learned that her real taken to wearing eye glasses because of
father was Padre Damaso. weakening eyesight. Linares, who failed to
win Maria Clara’s affection, died of dysentery
After bidding Maria Clara farewell, Ibarra and was buried in Paco cemetery. The
returned to the banca. He and Elias paddled alferez, who successfully repulsed the
up the Pasig River toward Laguna de Bay. A abortive attack on the barracks, was
police boat with the Guardia Civil on board promoted major. He returned to Spain,
pursued them as their banca reached the leaving behind his shabby mistress Doña
lake. Elias told Ibarra to hide under the Consolacion.

The novel ends with Maria Clara, an unhappy He deleted one whole chapter without
nun in Sta. Clara nunnery - forever lost in the destroying the story of the novel and this
world. chapter was “Elias and Salome”. Economic
was the only reason why this particular
THE NOLI BASED ON TRUTH chapter was deleted. Elias was adversely
The Noli Me Tangere was a true story of affected. It seems that Rizal considered
Philippine conditions during the last decades Ibarra a more important character although
of Spanish rule. The places, characters and Elias was nobler. He even killed Elias in the
situations really existed. novel and let Ibarra live. Later, he repented
having killed Elias. He wrote “I’m sorry, I
The characters were drawn from persons who have killed Elias instead of Crisostomo
actually existed during Rizal’s times. Ibarra.” But when Rizal wrote Noli, his health
was very bad and he never believes that he
a) Maria Clara –Leonor Rivera could wrIte the continuation and talk about
b) Ibarra and Elias – represented Rizal revolution.
c) Tasio the Sage – elder brother He has preserved the life of Elias a nobler
(Paciano) character, a patriot, unselfish and self-
d) Padre Salvi – was identified by Rizalist sacrificing, the necessary qualities for a man
as Padre Antonio Piernavieja (hated to lead a revolution. Crisostomo Ibarra was an
Augustinian friar in Cavite who was egoist who decided to provoke a rebellion
killed by the patriots dueing the only when he was injured through his
revolution) property, his person, his love and all that he
e) Capitan Tiago – Capitan Hilario Sunico held sacred. Success cannot be expected for
of San Nicholas. the enterprise of a man like that.
f) Doña Victorina – Doña Agustina Medel
g) Basilio and Crispin – Crisostomo SYNOPSIS OF THE MISSING CHAPTER “ELIAS
brother of Hogonoy AND SALOME”
h) Padre Damaso – typical domineering
friar during the days of Rizal, who was In a nipa hut by the placid lake, Salome a
arrogant, immoral and Anti-Filipino. winsome girl in her early teens sat on the
bamboo batalan sewing a camesa of bright
MISSING CHAPTER OF NOLI colors. She was waiting for Elias to arrive. She
The original manuscript of Noli Me Tangere was beautiful “like the flowerets that grow
has a chapter entitled “Elias and Salome” wild not attracting attention at first glance
which follows Chapter XXIV “In The Woods”. but whose beauty is revealed when we
However, it was crossed out in blue pencil so examined them carefully”. When she heard
that it was deleted from the printed novel. footsteps, she laid aside her sewing, went to
the bamboo stair way where Elias stood
WHY RIZAL DELETED THE CHAPTER? carrying a bundle of firewood and a bunch of
It should be recalled that Rizal was in dire bananas which he placed on the floor, while
financial situation in Berlin during the days he handed a wiggling dalag to the girl.
when he was putting the finishing touches to
Noli. He knew that the cost of printing is in Salome noticed her lover was sad and
proportion with the number of pages of the pensive. She tried to console him asking
manuscript. Accordingly, he rewrote several about the girls at the picnic which the
chapters making them more compact so that Guardia Civil soldiers disturbed looking for
he could economize on the number of pages. him. He told her in a gay mood that there

were many beautiful girls, among whom was the eyes of God. But for the sake of this very
Maria Clara, the sweetheart of the rich young love, for the sake of this future family, I have
man who had just returned from Europe. sworn to end with myself the misfortune that
we have been inheriting from father to son,
Afterwards, the young man rose preparing to and it is better that it should be so, for
leave, speaking in a soft voice, he said “Good- neither you nor I would wish to hear our
bye, Salome. The sun is setting and it won’t children lament our love, which would onky
appear good for the people to know that night bequeath them misery. You do well to go to
over took me here.” He paused for a moment, the house of your relatives. Forget me, forget
then continued, “But you’ve crying. Don’t a love so mad and futile. Perhaps you’ll meet
deny it with your smile. You’ve been crying.” there one who is not like me”

Salome was crying, for soon she would leave “Elias,” exclaimed the girl reproachfully.
this house where she grew up. She explained:
“It is not right for me to live alone. I’ll go to “You have misunderstood me. In my words,
live with my relatives in Mindoro. Soon I’ll be there is no complaint against you. Take my
able to pay the debt my mother left me when advice; go home to your relatives. Here you
she give up this house in which one have no one but me, and the day when I fall
was born and had grown up is something more into the hands with my pursuers, you will be
than giving up one’s being. A typhoon will left alone for the rest of your life. Improve
come; a freshet and everything will go to the your youth and beauty to get a good husband,
lake”. such as you deserve for you don’t know what
it is to live among men.”
Elias remained silent for a moment, then he
held her hands, and asked her: “Have you “I was thinking that you might go with me.”
heard anyone speak ill of you? Have I Salome said softly.
sometimes worried you? Not that either? Then
you are tired with my friendship and want to “Alas,” rejoined Elias shaking his head.
drive me away.” “Impossible, and more so than ever. . . I
haven’t yet found what I came here to seek –
Salome answered: “No, don’t talk like that. I it’s impossible. Today I forfeited my liberty.”
am not tired of your friendship. God knows
that I am satisfied with my lot. I only desire Elias then narrated what happened earlier at
health that I may work. I don’t envy the rich, the picnic that morning; how he was saved by
the wealthy, but...” Ibarra from the jaws of a crocodile. To show
his gratitude, he vowed to repay the good
“But what?” deed done by Ibarra to extend with sacrificing
his life. He explained that anywhere he would
“Nothing. I don’t envy them as long as I have go, even to Mindoro, the past would still be
your friendship” discovered, sooner or later.

Salome replied the youth with better sorrow. “Well then”, Salome said, looking at him
“You know my cruel past and that my tenderly. “At least when I’m gone, live here,
misfortune us not my own making. If not for stay in the house. It will make you remember
the fatality that at times keeps me thinking, me; and I will not think in that distant land
with bitterness, if it were not that, I don’t that the hurricane had carried my hunt to the
want my children to suffer what my sister and lake. When my thoughts turn to these shores,
I suffered, you would have been my wife in the memory of you and of my house will

appear to me together. Sleep where I have
slept and dream it will be as though I were
beside you.”

“Oh” exclaimed Elias, waving his hand in

desperation, “Woman, you’ll make me

After disengaging himself from her tender

embrace, he left with a heavy heart,
following the lonely path line with the
shadows of somber tree in the twilight. She
followed him with her gazed, listening sadly
to the fading footsteps in the gathering


The friends of Rizal hailed the novel, praising
it in glowing colors. Rizal, as he anticipated
the vitriolic attacks of his enemies, who were
sore to be told the truth of the evil ways. In
his letter to Blumentritt he said, “The
government and the friars will probably
attack the work, refuting my statements, but
I trust in the God of Truth and in the person
who have actually seen our sufferings.”

GRAND TOUR OF EUROPE WITH VIOLA They stopped here for a short time for
(1887) the famous Munich beer, reputed to be
the best in Germany
After the Noli was printed in Berlin, J. Rizal Munich  Nuremberg (one of the
planned to visit the important places in oldest cities in Germany)
Europe. He was accompanied by Dr. Maximo Nuremberg  Ulm (the cathedral of
Viola. He also received Paciano’s remittance this city and the largest and tallest in
of P1,000 and paid Viola P300 for the loaned Gemany)
amount for Noli to be printed. Having paid his Stuttgart  Baden  Rheinfall (saw
debt and with enough funds in his pocket, he the waterfall, the most beautiful
was now ready to see Europe before returning waterfall in Europe)
home to Calamba.
10. Crossing the Frontier to Switzerland
They visited the following: Scaffhausen, Switzerland  Bassel 
1. Potsdam, a city near Berlin which Bern  Lausanne  Lemon Lake
Frederick the Great made famous 11. Geneva, the Swiss city, one of the most
2. Dresden, one of the best cities in beautiful cities in Europe with
Germany languages: French, German and Italian
3. Teschen (now Decin, Czechoslovakia)
4. Leitmeritz (Litomerice), Bohemia On June 23, 1887, they parted ways - Viola
returned to Barcelona and J. Rizal continued
J. Rizal was able to meet his friend the tour to Italy.
Blumentritt for the first time. Blumentritt
was an old Austrian professor. Blumentritt RIZAL IN ITALY
invited them to his home and introduced Turin  Milan  Venice  Florence
them to Rosa, his wife, Dolores, Conrad and He reached Rome, the “Eternal City” or the
Fritz, his children. “City of Caesars” in June 27, 1887. He visited
Vatican, the City of the Popes, the capital of
5. Prague, here they visited: Christendom on June 29, 1887 during the
a) The tomb of Copernicus (the famous feast of St. Peter and St. Paul.
b) The museum of natural history After a week of wonderful tour in Rome, he
c) The bacteriological laboratories prepared to return to the Philippines.
d) The famous cave where San Juan
Nepomuceno, (the Catholic saint) was
imprisoned and the bridge where the
saint was hurled into the river.

6. Brunn, according to Viola, nothing

happened in this city.
7. Vienna (capital of Austria-Hungary),
known as the “Queen of Danube”,
famous in songs and stories
8. Danubian Voyage to Lintz
9. Lintz to Rheinfall
Lintz  Salzburg
Salzburg  Munich

1887 – 1888” J. Rizal left Rome by train for Marseilles, a
French port on July 3, 1887. He boarded the
J. Rizal was a true Filipino regardless of his steamer Djemnah. On August 6th he arrived
stay on different countries. All the alluring in Manila. He found Manila the same as when
beauties of foreign countries and all the he left it five years ago.
beautiful memories of his sojourn in alien
lands could not make him forget his home HAPPY HOMECOMING
nor turn his back to his own nationality. True On August 8th, the two days after his arrival
that he studied abroad, acquired the lore and in Manila, he reached Calamba. His family
languages of foreign nations, and enjoyed the welcomed him affectionately with plentiful
friendship of many great men of the Western tears of joy. Paciano did not leave him during
world; but he remained at heart a true the first days after his arrival to protect him
Filipino with an unquenchable love for the from enemy assault. Rizal was called as
Philippines and an unshakeable “Doctor Uliman” because he came from
determination to die in the land of his birth. Germany. He was able to earn P900 as a
physician and Rizal opened a gymnasium for
Thus, after five years of memorable sojourn the young folks and introduced European
in Europe, he returned to the Philippines in sports.
August, 1887. He practiced medicine in
Calamba. He operated successfully on his STORM OVER THE “NOLI”
mother’s eyes and lived the quiet life of a J. Rizal received a letter from Governor
country doctor. Unfortunately, his enemies General Emilio Terero to come to Malacañang
who resented Noli, persecuted him, even Palace. He went there and explained his side
menacing his life. because of his controversial book Noli Me
Tangere. The governor general was pleased
DECISION TO RETURN HOME by his explanation and requested for a copy.
After the publication of the Noli Me Tangere,
Rizal was warned not to return home by: He visited Fr. Francisco Sanchez, Fr. Jose
 Paciano (his brother) Bech, and Fr. Federico Faura. Father Faura
 Silvestre Ubaldo (his brother-in-law) ventured an opinion on his controversial book
 Chengoy (Jose M. Cecilio) Noli, that “everything in it was the truth,”
 Other Friends but added: “You may lose your head for it.”

But the following are his reasons why he was When he was able to secure a copy for the
determined to return to the Philippines: governor general, he was given a body guard
 to operate on his mother’s eyes; to secure his safety. Don Jose Taviel de
 to serve his people who had long been Andrade became his bodyguard who belonged
oppressed by Spanish tyrants; to a noble family.
 to find out for himself how the Noli
and his other writings were affecting Despite of the motive behind the creation of
Filipinos and Spaniards in the Noli, his enemies were more powerful. A copy
Philippines; and was sent by the Archbishop of Manila Msgr.
Pedro Payo (a Dominican) to Father Rector
 to find out why Leonor Rivera had
Gregorio Echavarria of the University of Santo
remained silent.
Tomas for examination by a committee of the
faculty. The result of the report stated that
Noli was “heretical, impious and scandalous

in the religious order, and anti-patriotic, RIZAL AND ANDRADE
subversive of public order, inurious to the Lt. Jose Taviel de Andrade, his Spanish
government of Spain and its function in the bodyguard, had a beautiful friendship.
Philippine Islands in the political order.”
The governor general was dissatisfied with Governor-General Terrero, influenced by the
the report that’s why he sent the novel to the certain facts in Noli Me Tangere, ordered a
Permanent Commission of Censorship for government investigation of the friar’s
examination. The novel was found containing estates to remedy whatever iniquities might
with subversive ideas against the church and have been presents in connection with land
Spain. Prohibition on the reproduction, taxes and with tenant relations.
importation and circulation of the novel were
recommended. The oppressed people FAREWELL TO CALAMBA
supported the novel that let them to be J. Rizal’s safety was compromised in
imprisoned or executed. Thankfully, because Calamba. He was advised by his friends and
of the governor general, there was no mass family to leave Calamba for his safety. He was
imprisonment or mass execution of Filipinos. also ordered by Governor General Terrero to
He refused to be intimidated by the friars leave so he complied not because he was
who clamored for positive repressive coward but because of the following reasons:
measures against people caught reading the a) his presence in Calamba was
novel and vindictive action against its author jeopardizing the safety and happiness
because of Gov. Gen. Terero. of his family and friends; and
b) he could fight better his enemies
DEFENDERS OF NOLI and serve his country with greater
a) Marcelo H. Del Pilar, the editor of La efficacy by writing in foreign
Solidaridad published a pamphlet countries.
entitled “Caiigat Cayo” which means
“Be slippery as an Eel.” A POEM FOR LIPA
b) Father Francisco Sanchez, Rizal’s Before Rizal left Calamba in 1888, his friend
beloved Jesuit professor who publicly from Lipa requested him to write a poem in
praised the novel commemoration of the town’s elevation to a
c) Don Segismundo Moret, the former villa (city), by virtue of the Becerra Law of
President of the Council of Minister 1888. He wrote a poem entitled Himno Al
said that he read and liked the book Trabajo (Hymn to Labor). He finished it and
very much sent to Lipa before his departure from
d) Rev. Vicente Garcia, a Filipino Calamba.
Catholic priest-scholar, a theologian
of the Manila Cathedral and a Tagalog
translator of the famous Imitation of
Christ by Thomas A Kempis. He wrote
under the pen name Justo Desiderio
Magalang. He even wrote a defense on
Noli which was published in Singapore
as an appendix to a pamphlet dated on
July 18, 1888.


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