STS Konecranes Model ENG Trainee Manual

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TCS 5000 TechSim

STS Konecranes Crane Model

ver. 1.5

Trainee Manual
Issue Date: May, 2015
Copyright: © Transas MIP Ltd. 1991–2015. All rights reserved.
The information contained herein is proprietary to Transas MIP Ltd. and shall not be duplicated in whole or in part. The technical details
contained in this manual are accurate at the date of issue but are subject to change without notice.
Transas MIP Ltd. pursues a policy of continuous development. This may mean that the product delivered has additional enhancements
not yet covered by the latest version of this manual.
The names of actual companies and products mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners.
TCS 5000 TechSim. STS Konecranes Crane Model. Trainee Manual

1. Printing House Conventions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
2. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
2.1. Purpose of the Simulator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
3. Crane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
3.1. General Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
3.2. Crane Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
4. Crane Control in the Simulator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
4.1. Left Control Console . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
4.1.1. Flippers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
4.1.2. Twin Spreader Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
4.1.3. Tandem Spreader Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
4.2. Right Control Console . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
4.3. Cargo Console . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
4.4. 3D Visualization Console . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
4.5. CCTV Console . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
4.6. Diag Console . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
5. Standard Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
5.1. Preparing the Crane for Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
5.2. End of Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
6. Alarm System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
7. Instructor’s Page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

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TCS 5000 TechSim. STS Konecranes Crane Model. Trainee Manual
Printing House Conventions
Purpose of the Simulator

1. Printing House Conventions 3. Crane Main Technical Parameters of the Crane

Parameter Min/Max Prototype

of notation
Comments on use
3.1. General Description value value
A ship-to-shore (STS) crane is modelled in the simulator. Lifting capacity (tons) 35/60 50
<F10> To highlight names of keyboard keys Gantry track (m) 20/35 23.4
Cranes of this type usually have a lifting sea and a fixed
Start To highlight names of windows, pages, buttons etc. Gantry base (m) 10/30 26.5
rear consoles long outreaches, big values of lifting height
User To highlight a path to a file, a folder Span (m) 15/20 16.75
and lowering depth, high working speed, big weight with a
Seaside console outreach (m) 30/60 38.5
relatively small span.
Quay-side console outreach (m) 8/30 16
The STS Crane – a container ship-to-shore loading crane,
2. Introduction model ‘KONECRANE’ is used as a prototype for modelling.
Spreader lifting over railhead (m)
Spreader’s own mass (kg)
This crane model is basic and can be easily modified in /10000
2.1. Purpose of the Simulator any crane model of this type. Distance between twistlocks axes
The crane simulator is used for developing practical skills (mm): Lengthwise 5893/11985 5893
at controlling contemporary cranes. The simulator is a 3.2. Crane Model Crosswise 2259/2259 2259
universal tool for training operators to develop skills and The crane model is based on real physical properties of Crane working movement speeds:
reflex motor activities during the control of the selected the respective equipment. The model considers dynamic Max. hoisting speed with load, (m/sec) 0.66/2.5 1.0
crane model in daily and critical situations under various and kinematic features of mechanisms and loads and pro- Max. hoisting speed with empty -/3.0 2.0
visibility conditions and hurdles in loading operations in vides tracking possible physical contacts (collisions, im- spreader (m/sec)
order to: pacts, blocking, shaking, friction etc.) for displaying these Trolley traverse speed (m/sec) 2.0/3.0 3.0
Gantry travel speed (m/sec) 0.5/1.0 0.75
• Provide safe movement of load in containers of dif- factors while simulating real loading operations.
Max. hoisting speed with load (m/sec) 0.13/0.5 0.42
ferent types; Physical collisions and subsequent accidents are tracked, Max. hoisting speed with empty 0.1/0.5
• Provide the safety of containers and shore objects; but not simulated. The simulator models real environ- spreader (m/sec)
ment if operator’s actions are correct, but does not model Trolley traverse speed (m/sec) 0.3/2.0 1.0
• Develop the optimal movement path and efficient
consequences of operator’s incorrect actions. Gantry travel speed (m/sec) 0.5/1.5 1.5
methods and sequences of operations on moving
containers; Besides main features of the equipment construction and
• Minimize load on the construction, a number of the response to movements of controls, movement pa-
controlling impacts and provide the permitted dy- rameters of the equipment are influenced by the factors:
namics of load movement. • The wind direction and speed (set by the Instructor);
• Resistance while lifting heavy loads (can be set by the
• The dynamics of load behavior during abrupt move-
ment of controls;
• Collisions with other objects, including friction;
• The dynamics of travel mechanisms. STS Konecranes Crane

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TCS 5000 TechSim. STS Konecranes Crane Model. Trainee Manual
Crane Control in the Simulator
Left Control Console

4. Crane Control in the Simulator

4.1. Left Control Console
The left control console is located on the left armrest of the 5
chair of the Trainee workstation on a mobile platform or on
the left touchscreen of the Trainee workstation in the class.
The console contains:
• Crane state monitor – displays a list of events such as
alarm signals and the current state of mechanisms; in
case of an alarm the information is highlighted on the
display and the Trainee needs to click the Error button on 4
the right console in order to acknowledge the alarm;
• Cargo weight– gauge with an arrow and digital indication
of the container weight in tons; when the arrow is in the 1
scale red area, the load weight exceeds the permitted
one (Overload indicator lights up on the right console);
• Wind speed – gauge with an arrow and digital indication of
wind speed in m/sec (wind rushes are set by the Instruc- 6
tor for training in complicated ambient conditions);
• 1 Twin control – joystick and buttons to operate the twin
spreader (see the paragraph 4.1.2 on page 7);
• 2 Tilt and rotate spreader – joystick for changing the posi- 2 7
tion of the whole spreader frame; the functions of the
joystick handle movement:
-- Raise – the handle is up (push);
-- Lower – the handle is down (pull);
-- To the left – turn to left (counterclockwise);
-- To the right – turn to right (clockwise).
• 3 Tandem control – joystick and switch to operate the tan-
dem spreader (see the paragraph 4.1.3 on page 7);
• 4 Flippers down – joystick for switching on/off the
spreader flippers:

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TCS 5000 TechSim. STS Konecranes Crane Model. Trainee Manual
Crane Control in the Simulator
Left Control Console

Tilting the joystick to the position, different from the cen- • 7 Spreader panel – a set of indicators to light up when:
tral one, lowers the flippers indicated on the nameplates
-- Above beam – the spreader is above the crane beam;
around (for example, the down position lowers flippers
-- Spreader in center – the spreader is in the central
1 and 4, the position to the right up lowers flipper 3);
the position of flippers on the spreader corresponds
to the position indicated around the joystick (see the -- Telescoping fix – the spreader is in ready-to-work po-
paragraph 4.1.1 on page 7). In the simulator, to lift the sition and blinks when the spreader is in the process
flippers, set the joystick back to the central position. of changing the dimensions from 20 ft to 40 ft and
vice versa;
The buttons below the joystick handle simulate the ped-
als for lifting/lowering all flippers at once. Click the left -- Locks open – the spreader locks are open; a green
button to lower all flippers. Click the right button to lift lamp lights up on the spreader;
all flippers. -- Locks closed – the spreader locks are closed, and the
• 5 Crane/Trolley movement – joystick for controlling run- spreader grabs the container; a red lamp lights up
ning mechanisms of the crane and the trolley; digital on the spreader;
indicators H (horizontally) and V (vertically) show a devia- -- Lock twist allowed – the spreader is correctly landed
tion from the central position; the values change in the on the container (after triggering all four end
range of -100...+100: the higher the values are, the higher switches of the flippers); the lamp lights down when
motion speed is. The functions of the joystick handle the spreader lifts the container from the support.
movement: When two lamps: white and green (Locks open on the
-- Trolley to sea – the handle is up (push); panel) – light up on the spreader, grabbing is al-
lowed; after closing locks, the red lamp (Locks closed
-- Trolley to shore – the handle is down (pull);
on the panel) lights up on the spreader.
-- Crane to the left – the handle to the left;
-- Crane to the right – the handle to the right.
• 6 Stoppers – buttons and light indicators:
-- Stopper On trolley – indicator automatically lights up
when the trolley stops;
-- Stopper Off trolley – indicator automatically lights up
when the trolley is traversing;
-- Stopper On crane – button for switching on the crane
stopper – lights up when the stopper is on;
-- Stopper Off crane – button for switching off the crane
stopper – lights up when the stopper is off.

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TCS 5000 TechSim. STS Konecranes Crane Model. Trainee Manual
Crane Control in the Simulator
Left Control Console

4.1.1. Flippers
The numbering of flippers is shown on the figure. Notations:
• LH side – left side;
• RH side – right side;
• Front side – the side facing the sea;
• Rear side – the side facing the cabin.
Respectively, flippers 1 and 4 are located close to the cabin on the left/
right, flippers 2 and 3 – farther from the cabin on the left/right.

4.1.2. Twin Spreader Control

The twin spreader is capable of operating one 40-ft or 45-ft container,
and two 20-ft containers positioned in a line simultaneously. The
spreader has an additional set of flippers in the center to grab 20-ft
The joystick is used for telescoping the spreader: 20<=>40, 40<=>45..
Click Single button to operate one container. Use the joystick to set the
container size.
Click Twin button to activate the central flippers. If there is some gap be-
tween 20-ft containers, use the joystick to adjust the spreader. Click Left
or Right button to activate respective side of the flippers on the frame.

4.1.3. Tandem Spreader Control

The tandem spreader appears to be two spreaders on one frame. Twin
spreaders in tandem modeled in the simulator are capable of operat-
ing 20-ft, 40-ft and 45-ft containers in various combinations.
Use the switch Sea/Shore to define, which twin spreader is operated by
the Twin control buttons and joystick.
The joystick handle allows to change the distance (Dist+, Dist-) be-
tween twin spreaders and rotate them CCW (counterclockwise) and CW
(clockwise) against each other in a certain range.
Note: Use the Tilt and rotate spreader joystick to control the whole frame.

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TCS 5000 TechSim. STS Konecranes Crane Model. Trainee Manual
Crane Control in the Simulator
Right Control Console

4.2. Right Control Console

The right control console is located on the right armrest of 1
the chair of the Trainee workstation on a mobile platform or
on the right touchscreen of the Trainee workstation in the
class. The console contains:
• Raise/Lower spreader. Open/Close locks – joystick for control-
ling the movement of the spreader and the locks. The 2
digital indicators H and V above show deviation from the
central position: H – horizontally and V – vertically. The
values change in the range of -100...+100: the higher the
values are, the higher the movement speed is. The con-
trol of locks is duplicated by the Locks Open joystick 2 .
The functions of the joystick handle movement:
-- Lower the spreader – the handle up (push);
-- Lift the spreader – the handle down (pull);
-- Close locks – press the right button or pull the handle
to the right;
-- Open locks – press the right button again or pull the
handle to the left;
-- Tilt the spreader to right – press and hold the left
• 1 Spreader in center – button. Pressing the button auto-
matically places the spreader parallel to the ground and
to the railway track (all tilt and turn angles are reset); the
Spreader in center lamp lights up on the Spreader panel;
• Wind alarm – indicator lights up when the wind speed ex-
ceeds the values, at which conditions of loading/unload-
• CCTV monitor – to display the view from an external
ing operations are safe; the wind speed is displayed on
camera located on the rear part of the crane cabin
the Wind speed gauge on the left console;
for overview of the working area;
• Overload – indicator lights up when the weight of load ex-
• 2 Locks Open – joystick for controlling the locks and -- Spreader for a 20-ft container – the handle to the left;
ceed the permitted one;
the spreader dimensions; the handle functions: -- Spreader for a 40-ft container – the handle to the right.
• Emergency Stop – mushroom-shaped button; pressing the
-- Open locks – the handle up (push); Note: The locks are closed only when the spreader is
button in case of a danger switches off all working move-
ments of the crane without time delay; -- Close locks – the handle down (pull); landed properly on the container.

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TCS 5000 TechSim. STS Konecranes Crane Model. Trainee Manual
Crane Control in the Simulator
Right Control Console

• 3 CONTAINER ADDRESSES ON DOCK – eight buttons are de-

signed for programming an automatic positioning of the
crane on numbered loading points; the programmed points
are located under the gantry and the shore console; pro-
gramming is executed by the Address input button;
• Address input – illuminated button is used for setting loading
points on the moorage;
The crane operator places the crane and the trolley to the
required point on the moorage and clicks the Address input
button, at that it highlights; now clicking one of the address
buttons instructs the crane automatics to remember the
loading point under the set number; further, while mov- 8
ing over the set points, the crane would automatically stop
when reaching them; 6 7
• Height input – button; clicking the button makes the crane 3
automatics remember the current height of the spreader;
• 4 Parking – illuminated button; clicking the button makes
the crane automatics stop the gantry movement in the
parking position; before pressing this button the spreader
should be set to the position above the beam; the button 4
lights up when the trolley is in the parking position:
Attention! Starting Boom operations is possible in the park-
ing position only!
• Bypass – button is used for ignoring a signal on approaching
a barrier of any kind;
• 5 Siren – button; click for switching on the signal;
• Error – illuminated button lights up when an alarm occurs,
which is displayed on the Crane state monitor; click the but-
ton to acknowledge the alarm; the lamp lights down when
the failure is physically eliminated;
• 6 Anti-sway system switch – for switching on/off the
load sway stabilizer system; when the system is off, the
spreader behaves as a pendulum; when the system is on,
load swaying is automatically damped (the swaying period

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TCS 5000 TechSim. STS Konecranes Crane Model. Trainee Manual
Crane Control in the Simulator
Right Control Console

realized in the simulator is 1.5 periods, in the prototype

– 0.5 periods)
• 7 Crane speed – two-position switch allows setting the
speed of the gantry travel mechanisms:
-- norm. position corresponds to the usual speed;
-- slow position halves the speed.
• 8 Light switches for turning off/on lights:
-- Console lights – on the sea console of the crane;
-- Bridge lights – on the crane under the gantry covering
also the place under the quay-side console; The Boom operations panel contains the controls:
-- Trolley lights – on the trolley. • Boom > 45 indicator lights up when the boom angle exceeds 45 degrees.
• 9 Crane On – illuminated button for switching on crane • Boom Up illuminated button is used to raise the boom. Press the button
mechanisms; when pressed, the button lights up, show- to start raising. Raising cycle normally lasts 3 min. The lamp slowly
ing the crane state; flashes during the cycle. Some seconds before the end of cycle the
• Crane Stop – illuminated button for switching off crane lamp starts flashing fast. To continue raising press the Boom Up button
mechanisms; when pressed, the button lights up, show- once again. Otherwise raising will automatically stop.
ing the crane state; • Boom Stop illuminated button is used to stop boom operations.
• 10 Pump On – illuminated button for switching on the • Boom Down illuminated button is used to lower the boom. Press the but-
spreader pump; when pressed, the button lights up, ton to start lowering. Lowering cycle normally lasts 3 min. The lamp
showing the state of the pump; slowly flashes during the cycle. Some seconds before the end of cycle
• Pump Off – illuminated button for switching off the the lamp starts flashing fast. To continue lowering press the Boom Down
spreader pump; when pressed, the button flashes once. button once again. Otherwise lowering will automatically stop.
• Hoist Ready indicator is always highlighted in the simulator.
With the raised boom the crane can travel as required, and the trolley can
traverse within the bridge.
Attention! Starting Boom operations is possible in the parking position only!

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TCS 5000 TechSim. STS Konecranes Crane Model. Trainee Manual
Crane Control in the Simulator
Cargo Console

4.3. Cargo Console

A monitoring system for crane operators is modelled on the
Cargo console screen. Monitoring systems are supplied by
third party developers and therefore can be different in dif-
ferent ports or unavailable on a certain crane model.
A modelled monitoring system allows the Trainee to see the
plan of the ship holds and loads in the holds.
The console displays:
• A diagram of the ship with numbering of hold bays; 1
the selected bay 1 is indicated by the red highlighted
• Buttons 2 for controlling the selection of the bay and
movement inside the hold:
-- Enter – for confirming the selection;
-- Arrows to the left and right – for moving the bay se-
lection position;
-- Arrows up and down – for moving the tier selection
position inside the bay; 2

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TCS 5000 TechSim. STS Konecranes Crane Model. Trainee Manual
Crane Control in the Simulator
Cargo Console

After selecting the bay and pressing the Enter button, a detailed diagram If there is a task to load a container from the moorage to the
of the cargo plan (the contents of the bay) appears on the console: hold, the loading bay is selected (highlighted) on the detailed
cargo plan. The container to be loaded appears in the right up-
per corner of the window 6 :
The container 6 available for loading and the set place in the
hold are highlighted in the same color.
The containers in the hold for unloading are indicated in grey.
The places in the hold for loading the containers, which are not
ready for loading yet, are indicated in grey with the respective
number of the container.

3 6

The numbering of tiers 3 is displayed in the left part,

the numbering of bays 4 – in the upper part of the diagram.
The numbering of tiers in the hold is as follows: 02, 04, 06, 08, 10
etc.; the numbering of tiers on the deck is as follows: 82, 84, 86 etc.
The numbering of rows 5 in one tier: odd numbers – the starboard,
even numbers – the portside.
The containers in the hold are shown with their respective numbers, 6
empty places are hatched.

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TCS 5000 TechSim. STS Konecranes Crane Model. Trainee Manual
Crane Control in the Simulator
3D Visualization Console

4.4. 3D Visualization Console

The 3D visualization console in the centre of the Trainee’s workstation in the class and five visu-
alization consoles in the cabin on a mobile platform provide a realistic view of the working area
when performing exercises.

Examples of the view from the cabin on the 3D console

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TCS 5000 TechSim. STS Konecranes Crane Model. Trainee Manual
Standard Procedures
CCTV Console

4.5. CCTV Console 5. Standard Procedures 5.2. End of Work

The Trainee workstation is equipped with a separate con- 1. On the right console, press the Spreader in center
sole of the rear-view camera monitor (closed circuit tele- 5.1. Preparing the Crane for Work button; make sure that the Spreader in center indicator
vision: CCTV) located on the rear part of the crane cabin 1. Press the Crane On illuminated button on the right lights up in the Spreader panel on the left console.
for the improvement of the view in the working area. An console; make sure that the button lights up. 2. Place the spreader in the position above the beam.
image from the camera is simulated on the right console
2. On the right console, set the Crane speed switch 3. Press the Pump Off illuminated button on the right
in the CCTV window on the workstation in the class.
to the necessary position (by default – norm.). console; make sure that the button lights up.
3. If necessary, switch on Anti-sway 4. On the right console, place the crane cabin
system on the right console. in the parking position – press the Park
4. If necessary, switch on the projectors illuminated button; move the cabin towards
on the right console. the parking position until its automatic stop;
make sure that the Park button lights up.
5. Press the Stopper Off illuminated button on the left
console; make sure that the button lights up. 5. Make sure that the Stopper On trolley
button lights up on the left console.
6. Press the Pump On illuminated button on the right
console; make sure that the button lights up. 6. Block the crane on the left console –
press the Stopper On illuminated button;
7. Using the right joystick (or its simulation on the
make sure that the button lights up.
right console Raise/Lower spreader. Open/Close
locks) lower the spreader (by pulling) until it 7. On the right console, set the Anti-sway
can be seen form the cabin on the 3D panel. system switch in the Off position.

The crane is ready for work. Perform the exercise, 8. Turn off the external lighting if it was on –
watching the position of the crane, trolley, spreader and on the right console, switch the respective
load on the 3D image of the working area, devices and switches to the Off position.
An example of an image on the CCTV console
the monitoring camera screen on the right console and 9. Press the Crane Stop button on the right console;
4.6. Diag Console the crane state monitor on the left console. make sure that the button lights up.

The Trainee workstation in the cabin on the mobile plat- The crane is switched off; the cabin is in the parking
form is equipped with a separate console with a diag- position.
nostics screen of the crane and mechanisms state. The
screen is modelled on the left console in the Crane state
monitor window of the workstation in the class. The con-
sole can be set up on one of the screens or unavailable in
the configuration of the Trainee workstation in the class.

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Alarm System
End of Work

6. Alarm System 7. Instructor’s Page

The alarm system indicates to the Trainee an emergency Instructor program for the simulator TCS 5000 TechSim
situation. The respective message is displayed on the is enhanced to allow training on the specific crane opera-
crane state monitor, a sound signal is produced. tions. Additional page Ins Kit is displayed on the Instruc-
tor’s Slave monitor (or on a separate monitor, if defined in
The Buzzer button is flashing on the top tool bar. the workplace configuration). Trainees do not have access
To switch off the alarm signal, click the button. to this page, where Instructor can select the crane work-
ing area, set weather, transport, loading parameters, etc.
Click the button to open the help file for the Ins Kit page in
a new window.

InsKit Help

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