It Is Object Level Command

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1. It is Object Level Command.

2. DDL commands are useful to create or modify or delete database

objects Like tables, views, indexes, sequences, synonyms, users,
functions, procedures, triggers, packages and so on.
1.1 Create Command
1. Create Table command is used to create a new table.
2. Create is part of Data Definition Language (DDL).
3. While creating a table we provide the basic information for each column
together with their data type and sizes.
4. Create a table ,you must have create table privilege.
Note: In oracle, in a table, Max we can maintain 1000 columns.



• Create Table with Select Statement

We can create a table using existing table [along with data].

• Creating table with your own column names.

create table emp2 (empno,ename,job) as select * from emp;
In the above query two tables no. of columns must be same.

• Creating table with specified columns.

create table emp3 as select empno,ename from emp;

• Creating table without table data.

create table emp4 as select * From emp where 1=2;
In all databases whenever we are copying a table from another table internally
constraints (Primary key, foreign key) are never copied.
1.2 Alter Command
This command is used to change or modify the structure of a
database object i.e.
1. Increase/decrease the length of a column.
2. Change the data type of a column.
3. Change Not Null to Null or Null to Not Null.
4. Used to add a new column to an existing table.
5. Used to drop an existing column.
6. Add a new constraint.
7. Used to drop an existing constraint on a table.
8. To change the column name of a table.

• add a column to table

alter table agent1 add email char(25);

• drop a column
alter table agent1 drop(country);

• change or drop default value of a column

alter table agent1 modify commission default .05;

• drop default value of a column

alter table agent1 modify commission number;

• add individual column constraint

alter table agent1 add constraint dup_che_con unique(agent_code);

• drop individual column constraint

alter table agent1 drop constraint dup_che_con;

• change size and data type of a column

alter table agent1 modify (country varchar2(35));

• add or drop primary key of a table

alter table agent1
add constraint pk_ag_code primary key(agent_code);

• drop existing primary key of a table

alter table agent1
drop constraint pk_ag_code;

• add or drop foreign key of a table

alter table customer1

add constraint fk_ag_code foreign key (agent_code)

references agents(agent_code);

• drop existing foreign key of a table

alter table customer1
drop constraint fk_ag_code;

• add check constraint

alter table customer1
add constraint du_che_con check(grade>=1 and grade<=3);

• drop check constraint

alter table customer1 drop constraint du_che_con;

• change primary key constraint

alter table agent1
drop constraint pk_ag_code;
alter table agent1
add constraint pk_ag_code primary key(agent_code);

• change foreign key constraint

alter table customer1 drop constraint fk_ag_code;
alter table customer1 add constraint fk_ag_code foreign key (agent_code)
references agents(agent_code);
• adding multiple columns
alter table orders add (customer_name varchar2(20),payment varchar2(20));

• modify columns
alter table orders modify customer_name varchar2(15);

• modify multiple columns

alter table orders
modify (customer_name varchar2(10),payment varchar2(10));

• rename a column
alter table orders rename column payment to payment_mode;

• rename table
alter table orders rename to shoppers;

• add a not null

alter table table_name modify column_name datatype not null;

• add unique constraint

alter table table_name add constraint myuniqueconstraint unique(column1,

1.3 Drop Table:

1. Drop command is used to remove the object from the database.

2. The DROP command not only removes the table but also

removes table-based indexes, privileges, and constraints.

3. At a later stage even if we wanted, we will not be able to get the
table or its data, as it is permanently removed.
Syntax : drop table <tablename>;
drop table emp;
1.4 Rename Table
1. Rename command is used to rename the object in database.
2. Rename command is part of DDL (Data Definition Language)
Syntax: rename <old table name> to <new table name>;
rename emp to na_emp;

1.5 Truncate Table

1. Truncate command is used to delete the data permanently from the database table.
2. Truncate command is part of DDL (Data Definition Language).
3. System does AUTO commit after the deletion and hence the data deleted cannot be
rolled back.
4. Using Truncate we cannot delete partial records from the database.
5. Once we run truncate command, system will delete all the records permanently from
the database.
syntax: truncate table <tablename>
truncate table emp;

select b.*,
sum (weight) over (order by weight
rows between 1 preceding and current row
) running_row_weight,
sum (weight) over (order by weight
range between 1 preceding and current row) running_value_weight
from bricks b
order by weight, brick_id;


---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ------------------ --------------------
1 blue cube 1 1 3
3 red cube 1 2 3
6 green pyramid 1 2 3
2 blue pyramid 2 3 7
4 red cube 2 4 7
5 red pyramid 3 5 7

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