PPL Ground Briefing Questions

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PPL Ground briefing questions

1.What documents are required on board for every flight?

Certificate of registration (DEADS)

1. What does the certificate of registration tell you?

2. How long is the certificate of registration valid and what invalidates it?
3. How long does the owner of an aircraft have to notify the Minister of change of address?
4. What is the procedure for certificate of Registration when the aircraft is sold?

Certificate of Airworthiness (GLEAMS)

1. How long is the certificate of airworthiness valid?

2. What invalidates the certificate of airworthiness?
3. How often must the certificate of airworthiness be re-validated?
4. How is it revalidated?
5. Is a certificate of airworthiness issued for amature built aircraft?

Weight and balance report

1. Define basic empty weight

2. Define maximum takeoff weight
3. How does max takeoff weight differ from max ramp weight?
4. Who prepares the weight and balance report that must be carried on board?
5. Show the basic empty weight and the gross weight of the test aircraft
6. What is the difference between the normal and utility categories?
7. Where can the pilot learn of the categories for which the aircraft is approved and any
related limitations?
8. Is an aircraft considered airworthy if overloaded? Why?
9. How often does an aircraft have to be re-weighed?
10. What important information will be found on the aircraft weight and balance report which
cannot be found elsewhere?

Journey Log

1. Does the journey log have to be carried on board for every flight?
2. What is the difference between air time and flight time?
3. Are inspections based on airtime or flight time?
4. What type of inspection schedule is the test aircraft on?
5. When was it last inspected and what one was it?
6. When is the next inspection due?
7. If the inspection was due at 1050hrs, can the aircraft be flown beyond that time? If yes,
under what circumstances?
8. How do you know that the annual inspection has been carried out?
9. If a snag is reported in the remarks section of the journey log, can you fly the aircraft? Is
it airworthy?
10. How do you correct an error in the journey logbook?
11. How often must the compass be swung?
12. How do you verify that the compass has been swung?
13. When do you require an ELT?
14. How often and by whom must the ELT be certified? Is an entry required in the journey
15. How long is an ELT battery good for?
16. When can you test the ELT?
17. With respect to the journey logbook, what should you check prior to departing on a cross
country flight?
18. When was the last inspection of the pitot static system performed? How often should it
be done?
19. Once a journey logbook has been filled, how should it be retained?
20. Using the journey logbook, demonstrate that the aircraft is airworthy.


1. What type of information can be found in the POH? Why is it important to have on
2. How does the weight and balance report found in the POH differ from the weight and
balance report for the test aircraft?

Licences and Medicals

1. List the documents a crew member must have on board an aircraft

2. What document tells you that a pilot licence is valid?
3. What class of licence is required for a private pilot and what is it’s validity?
4. What class of licence is required for a commercial pilot and what is it’s validity?
5. When does your medical expire?
6. How long is a radio telephone licence valid for?

Intercept Procedures

1. What are intercept procedures and where would you find them?


1. Does proof of insurance need to be onboard the aircraft in flight?

2. Which document lists the owner and purpose of the aircraft?
3. A fireproof plate identifying the aircraft must be attached to the aircraft. Where would you
find this?
4. Where would you find the aircraft serial number attached to the aircraft?
5. What are the four sections of the technical logbook
6. May the technical logbooks be carried onboard the aircraft?
7. How long must the technical logbooks be retained for once full?
8. Should a radio station licence be carried on board the aircraft?
9. What is the minimum equipment for day VFR flight?
10. How many minutes does 0.1 equal?

Aircraft Performance

1. What are the following speeds and values

a. Vx
b. Vy
c. Va
2. Explain the significance of Va, Vno, Vne, Vfe
3. Where would you find other important speeds referenced?
4. Know how to calculate the takeoff and landing distances over a 50’ obstacle
5. How do you determine the maximum cross wind component?
6. Describe the aircraft fuel system
7. Describe the aircraft pitot static system
8. Describe the aircraft electrical system
9. What is the fuel and oil capacity of the test aircraft? (Usable and unusable)
10. What type of engine does your aircraft have?
11. What type of fuel and oil does it require?
12. How would you identify what fuel is in the tank?
13. Does the aircraft have a fuel pump?
14. Describe load factor and how it affects the aircraft
15. What is the maximum cross wind component for the test aircraft?
16. How will a total electrical system failure affect the engine?

Pitot-Static system

1. Name the pitot static instruments

2. Which instruments use the pitot tube?
3. If the pitot tube is blocked, what will happen to the instruments?
4. If the static source is blocked how will the instruments be affected?

Gyro instruments

1. Name the gyroscopic instruments

2. How are they powered?
3. How do you know the information given by the gyro instruments is reliable?
4. What are the major sources of error on the heading indicator?
5. How often must you reset the heading indicator?
6. How do you set it?
7. Does the turn coordinator indicate the amount of bank?
8. What is the inclinometer? How does it work?


1. How do you lean the mixture for best economy?

2. How do you lean the mixture for best power?
3. What is the danger of running the engine too lean?
4. When carb heat is applied, why is there decreased performance?
5. How do you know if there is carb ice present?
6. In flight you notice a rise in oil temperature and a drop in oil pressure. What can you
reasonably expect?
7. During runup you notice the oil pressure gauge is unserviceable. Can you still depart?

Airspeed and Limitations

1. Quote from memory the following speeds - Vx,Vy,Va,Vs,Vso,Vglide

2. In relation to Vx and Vx, what is ‘Normal’ climb speed?
3. Define Vs
4. What is the indication on the ASI for the stalling speed in clean configuration?
5. How does weight affect the stalling speed?
6. How does angle of bank affect the stalling speed?
7. What is Va and how does it relate to flight?
8. What is the significance of the Yellow arc on the ASI
9. How is Vno indicated on the ASI
10. What is Vne
11. What speed provides the best lift to drag ratio?

Performance Charts

1. How do you calculate the takeoff distance required to clear a 50’ obstacle?
2. How would a decrease in temperature and/or altitude affect take off performance?

Maneuvers and Emergency Procedures

1. What is the difference between a slip and a skid?

2. What is the difference between a side slip and a forward slip?
3. When executing a short field landing, why do you retract flaps during the ground roll?
4. In a climbing turn, which wing stalls first?
5. In a descending turn which wing stalls first?
6. In a level turn which wing would stall first?
7. Describe why aileron is not used to control wing drop in a stall?
8. What is the recovery procedure for a spin?
9. Can you intentionally spin an aircraft in a normal category? Why?
10. Why is it dangerous to have flaps extended during a spin?
11. During training, what altitude must a spin recovery be completed by?
12. What is the spiral Dive recovery procedure?
13. What is the main difference between a spiral dive and a spin?
14. What would you do if you had an engine fire during start up?
15. What would you do if you had an engine fire during flight?
16. What would you do if you had an electrical fire during flight?
17. What would you do if you had a cabin fire during flight?
18. What would you do if you had a wing fire during flight?
19. What would you do if you experienced an engine failure on the take off roll?
20. What would you do if you had an engine failure just after takeoff?
21. What would you do if you had a flap failure?
22. What would you do if a door opened in flight?
23. What would you do if you had a brake failure?
24. What would you do if you had a loss of oil pressure?
25. What would you do if you had a rough running or overheating engine?
26. What would you do if you had a partial power loss?
27. What would you do if you had fuel starvation?
28. What would you do if you had carb icing?
29. What is an emergency descent?


1. What would you do if you had a total communication failure in flight?

2. In Controlled airspace?
3. In a Control Zone?
4. In uncontrolled airspace?


1. What would you do if you flew into icing conditions?

Weight and Balance

1. Where do you find the standard weights of people?

2. Where do you find the weight of fuel and oil under various temperatures?
3. What is useful load?
4. What is the capacity of the baggage compartment on the test aircraft?
5. What is the Maximum gross weight for take off and landing for the test aircraft?
6. What is the Datum line?
7. How do you determine Moment?
8. Explain what Centre of Gravity means to you
9. How do you calculate the centre of gravity?
10. Determine the centre of gravity for take off and landing for each leg of your planned
11. Which way will the centre of gravity move as fuel is consumed?
12. Can you change the position of the centre of gravity by shifting your body weight?
13. How will an Aft C of G affect the flight characteristics of the airplane?
14. How would a forward C of G affect the flight characteristics of the airplane?
15. With an Aft centre of gravity will the stalling speed be higher or lower? Why?
16. How is TAS affected by centre of gravity location?

Flight Planning

1. What are VFR cruising altitudes? Are they governed by Magnetic or True track?
2. What are the regulations for flying over open water?
3. What is the difference between controlled and uncontrolled airspace?
4. What is the weather minima for Controlled airspace? Uncontrolled?
5. Describe the 7 classes of airspace
6. Do VFR flights require permission to enter Class E airspace?
7. What are the major differences between class E and class G airspace?
8. What is the Maximum Elevation Figure?
9. How do you know if your VNC/VTA are valid?
10. What are the three techniques used to get back on course?
11. What is Special VFR?
12. What are the different ‘set heading point’ departure procedures?
13. What are the requirements for Special VFR?
14. What is the difference between a MF and ATF?
15. How do you enter an uncontrolled airport?
16. If you are unsure of the runway condition at your arrival airport, what could you do?
17. How would you find out what services are available at your destination airport?
18. What is the difference between a flight plan and a flight itinerary?
19. When are you required to file a flight plan?
20. What is ADIZ?
21. Why is it important to note take off time?

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