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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Nueva Ecija


I. Objectives
Upon completion of this lesson, the learners must able to:
a. Identify the given set of data;
b. Construct a pie graph based on a given set of data; and
c. Value the importance of budgeting time.

II. Subject Matter

A. Topic: Constructs a pie graph based on a given set of data
B. Reference: Mathematics VI (K to 12 Curriculum Guide MATHEMATICS page
21st Century Mathletes Teacher’s Guide page 127 (M6SP-IVe-2.6)
C. Materials: PowerPoint presentation, activity sheets, pentel pen, protractor
D. Values Integration: Accuracy and Orderliness

III. Procedure


A. Routinary Activities

a. Prayer
Let’s bow our head, close our eyes and feel the
presence of the Lord!
(playing a prayer video)
(All the pupils bowed their head for an
opening prayer) – Amen!

b. Greetings
A pleasant morning pupils!
— Good Morning Teacher,
Good Morning classmates.

c. Checking of Attendance
Who is absent today?
— No one is absent today, Ma’am.
Very Good! Give yourself five claps.
(pupils’ clap their hands five times.)

d. Energizer
To be energized, let us all stand and follow the (all the students are following the energizer
energizer. video)
(showing an energizer video)

Class, you may now all sit! —Thank you ma’am

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Nueva Ecija

e. Drill
Class, let’s have a drill first. I have here
mathematical equation.

Direction: Give the value of mathematical

1. 50% of 70 4. 1/2 of 200
2. 1/4 of 120 5. 75% of 120 (pupils will answer the equation)
3. 25 % of 100

(the teacher will show the equation on the


How do we get the percentage of each frequency?

(pupils are raising their hands)

Yes? —By calculating a percentage based on the

formula: Percentage = (Value / Total value) ×

Good job!

B. Review

Okay class, so before we begin our next

lesson, what was our topic last time?

Anyone from the class? (pupils are raising their hands)

—Our topic last time is all about how reads

Yes? and interprets electric and water meter
readings, ma’am.

Good job!

How about to interprets electric and water meter

readings, what tools are we going to used?

Yes? (pupils are raising their hands)

Very good!

C. Motivation

And now class, I have here a basket of

cupcake. What are you going to do is, each of (the teacher will post the materials used in the
you will get a fake money and put that fake activity.)
money on your most favorite flavor. Each student
will get the cupcake that they will choose.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Nueva Ecija

D. Lesson Proper

And now class, let’s moved forward to our next

lesson that will be how to constructs a pie graph
based on a given set of data.

Who among you class have an idea constructs a (pupils are raising their hands)
pie graph?

(teacher will discuss the lesson using the


Okay, so let us know first what Pie graphs is.

Who wants to read? (one pupil reads the meaning of pie graph)


Pie graphs or circle graphs shows the

relationship of the whole. We used this graph if
we want to compare the quantity with the whole

Very good!

Now, we have four parts to construct a pie graph.

Category Frequency Percent Degrees

Again, what is the four parts to construct a pie

graph? (pupils are raising their hands)

Yes? — Category, prequench, percent and


Very good!

Now, I have here an example scenario can

someone read please?

(The members of the math club elected their

officers. There are 4 candidates for president and
100 members voted.)

Remember: To construct a pie graph.

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Nueva Ecija

1. Organize the data.

2. Compute frequency from given data.
3. Translate frequency to percent.
4. Construct a circle.
5. Divide the circle into sectors according to the
number of degrees.
6. Plot the data and write the title.

First step, input the elected students. Write on the

category the given data.

Elected Frequency Percent Degrees


Second step, compute frequency or number of

votes to each elected from given data.

Elected Frequency Percent Degrees

Joy 35
Ronald 28
Carol 22
Miguel 15
Total 100

Third step, frequency to percent. Multiply the

frequency to percent. Divide each value
frequency to total frequency and multiply to 100.


Joy -– 35 x 100 = 0.35 or 35%

Ronald –– 28 x 100 = 0.28 or 28%
Carol -– 22 x 100 = 0.28 or 22%
Miguel -– 15 x 100 = 0.15 or 15%

Elected Frequency Percent Degrees

Joy 35 35%
Ronald 28 28%
Carol 22 22%
Miguel 15 15%
Total 100 100%

Fourth step, to determine how many degrees

correspond to each percent. The whole circle
measures 360 º. Multiply each value of percent to

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Nueva Ecija

Joy -– 35% of 360 = 0.35 x 360 = 126º

Ronald –– 28% of 360 = 0.28 x 360 = 101º
Carol -– 22% of 360 = 0.22 x 360 = 79 º
Miguel -– 15% of 360 = 0.15 x 360 = 54 º

Elected Frequency Percent Degrees

Joy 35 35% 126º
Ronald 28 28% 101º
Carol 22 22% 79 º
Miguel 15 15% 54 º
Total 100 100% 360 º

Last step, for distribution of votes draw a circle

use a protractor with center of a vertex and radius
to label the sector and put the title to your pie

E. Enrichment Activities

A while ago I ask you to choose what is your

favorite flavor of cupcake right? — Yes, ma’am!

So now, let’s find out the corresponding data

each cupcake.

(teacher will ask the students to count how many

correspond to the every fruits and will answer (pupils answer the set data )
each data.)

F. Application

What is your favorite subject? Why do you like

it? (pupils will answer what is their favorite
As an our activity, I will group you into 4 groups.
Group 1 will be callled “Pie 1” group 3 will be
called “Pie 3” group 3 will be called as “Pie 3”
and the last group will called “Pie 4”. Each group
will be given a different activities based on the
surveys that will given to each group.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Nueva Ecija

Now, I will show you the random surveys was

conducted on the major subjects that the pupils
like most in different schools.


For Pie 1, students find the percent on the given

data for Matias Elementary School.

In Matias Elementary School, total of 150 pupils

participated in the survey. The frequency table
shows the result.

Subject Frequency Percent

English 35
Filipino 20
Mathematics 65
Science 30
Total 150 100%

Direction: (each group will answer the given set data)

For Pie 2, students will find the degrees on the

given data for Poblacion Elementary School.

In Poblacion Elementary School, total of 150

pupils participated in the survey. The frequency
table shows the result.

Subject Frequency Percen Degrees

English 30 30%
Filipino 15 15%
Mathematics 35 35%
Science 20 20%
Total 100 100% 360 º


For Pie 3, students will find the frequency on the

given data in Esguerra Elementary School.

In Esguerra Elementary School, total of 100

pupils participated in the survey. The frequency
table shows the result.

Subject Frequency Percen Degrees

English 30% 108 º
Filipino 15% 54 º
Mathematics 35% 126 º
Science 20% 72 º
Total 120 100% 360 º

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Nueva Ecija

For Pie 4, divide the circle into sectors according

to the number of degrees. Plot the data and write
the title.

Subject Frequency Percen Degrees

English 28 28% 108 º
Filipino 15 15% 54 º
Mathematics 35 35% 126 º
Science 22 22% 72 º
Total 100 100% 360 º

G. Generalization

(pupils raises their hands)

What is the pie graph?
— Pie graphs or circle graphs shows the
relationship of the whole. We used this
Yes? graph if we want to compare the
quantity with the whole data.

Very good!

(pupils will answer steps how to construct a

What are the steps in constructing a data? data)

Very good!
(pupils raises their hands)
How do we get the percentage of each frequency?

— We will multiply each value to the total

Yes? frequency and multiply by 100.

Very good!

(pupils raises their hands)

How about for getting the degrees?

— We will multiply each value of percent

Yes? by 360.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Nueva Ecija

Very good!

Direction: Fill out the missing data and construct a pie graph.

Mode of Frequency Percent Degrees

Bus 12
Taxi 25 º
Tricycle 23% 83 º
Jeep 40
Motorcycle 18%
Total 100 100% 360 º


Direction: Construct a pie graph to show your family’s monthly budget and determine how
many degrees correspond to each percent.
Category Frequency Percent Degrees
Utility Expenses
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Nueva Ecija

Prepared by:


Teacher I Applicant

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