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A Research Presented to the Faculty and Staff of

Regional Science High School for Region VI

Senior High School Department

Old Buswang, Kalibo, Aklan

In Partial Fulfillment

of the Requirements in the Subject

Practical Research 1







RT18, 12 - STEM 2



This chapter encompassed six parts: 1) Background of the Study, 2) Conceptual

Framework of the Study, 3) Statement of the Problem, 4) Significance of the Study, 5)
Definition of Terms, and 6) Delimitation of the Study.

Background of the Study

Amidst the persistent and escalating threat of oil spills, which continue to
inflict devastating consequences on our environment and people's means of living, a
pressing issue arises that demands immediate attention and innovative solutions. As an
archipelago, the Philippines is heavily engaged in domestic and foreign shipping
activities, which makes it highly vulnerable to oil pollution (Alea et al., 2022)

Oil spill disasters affect various components of human ecological systems.

Lingering oil can cause adverse impacts on the environment and natural resources,
particularly in sheltered areas like estuaries, deltas, fine-grained wetlands, and coastal
ecosystems (Little et al., 2021). Oil from accidental discharges during transportation, tank
ruptures, offshore exploration, and leakage from underwater pipelines are known to
adversely affect the marine habitat and community. When spilled oil is stranded on the
shoreline, some oil can penetrate the lower layer due to the diverse substrate formation
(Asif et al., 2022).

Results of the study of Barnuevo and Resurreccion (2014) on the 2006 oil spill
showed the immediate effects involving death of marine fauna and massive mortality of
mangroves which accounted to almost one hectare and two years after the incident some
albino propagules of Rhizophora stylosa were observed, with the harvesting of dead trees
creating a forest gap, it exposed the area to surging waves and thus increased the

Furthermore, according to the findings of the study by Sacramento and Geges

((2019),the oil spill disaster in the island-province has led to a new normal for the fishing
community that has affected the social and economic dimensions. Based on the
information gathered by the Department of Tourism (DOT), the oil spill has affected
several marine protected areas. Further implying that scuba diving, beach tourism, and
cruise tourism depend on the region’s coastal resources and are also its major tourism

Moreover, efforts have been made to remediate oil spills, including the use of
synthetic sorbents such as polypropylene, which is non-biodegradable and poses a threat
to the environment. As a result, researchers have investigated the use of organic materials
as alternative sorbents to remediate oil spills, with plant fibers showing potential as a
sustainable option (Socolofksy et al., 2020). Wiloso et al. (2020) studied the effectiveness
of Imperata cylindrica (cogon grass) as an oil sorbent, using agricultural waste or weeds'
lignocellulosic fibers, yielding highly effective results for cleaning up land and water oil

Many efforts have been made to remediate oil spills, including the use of
synthetic sorbents such as polypropylene, which is non-biodegradable and poses a threat
to the environment. As a result, researchers have investigated the use of organic materials
as alternative sorbents to remediate oil spills, with plant fibers showing potential as a
sustainable option.

With a focus on addressing challenges and environmental concerns, this

investigation aims to provide an environmentally sustainable solution to combat the
adverse impacts of oil spills on the environment, aquatic ecosystems, and affected
communities through the evaluation of Geron grass (Themeda gigantea) as an organic oil
sorbent, ultimately fostering a more harmonious relationship between human activities
and the environment.

In the context of this study, the primary goal involves the assessment of Geron
grass (Themeda gigantea) as a potential organic oil sorbent. The study encompasses the
exploration of its oil-absorbing capabilities across diverse spill conditions. The
anticipated outcome of this research is to provide valuable insights into the practicality
and effectiveness of barnyard grass as an eco-friendly solution for mitigating the adverse
impacts of oil spills on the environment and livelihoods.
Conceptual Framework

Figure 1. Presents the Geron grass as the independent variable and the oil spill
classified as crude oil and distilled oil as the dependent variable.


Figure 1 shows the conceptual framework of the study. The paradigm presents the
variables that are involved in the study.

Statement of the Problem

The primary purpose of this study was to assess Themeda gigantea's

capability as an organic absorbent for oil spill remediation.

Specifically, the study aimed to answer the following questions:

1. What is the amount of oil absorbency of Geron Grass (Themeda gigantea) in

Crude Oil using Treatment A [50g Themeda gigantea samples], Treatment B [37.5g
Themeda gigantea samples & 12.5g Polypropylene fibers], Treatment C [25g Themeda
gigantea samples & 25g Polypropylene fibers], Treatment D [12.5g Themeda gigantea
samples & 37.5g Polypropylene fibers], and Treatment E [50g Polypropylene fibers]?

2. What is the amount of oil absorbency of Geron Grass (Themeda gigantea) in

Distilled Oil Treatment A [50g Themeda gigantea samples], Treatment B [37.5g
Themeda gigantea samples & 12.5g Polypropylene fibers], Treatment C [25g Themeda
gigantea samples & 25g Polypropylene fibers], Treatment D [12.5g Themeda gigantea
samples & 37.5g Polypropylene fibers], and Treatment E [50g Polypropylene fibers]?

3. Is there a significant difference in the amount of oil absorbency of Geron Grass

(Themeda gigantea) in Crude Oil Treatment A [50g Themeda gigantea samples],
Treatment B [37.5g Themeda gigantea samples & 12.5g Polypropylene fibers],
Treatment C [25g Themeda gigantea samples & 25g Polypropylene fibers], Treatment D
[12.5g Themeda gigantea samples & 37.5g Polypropylene fibers], and Treatment E [50g
Polypropylene fibers]?

Based on the questions above, the following hypothesis was made

1. There is no significant difference in the amount of oil absorbency of Geron
grass in crude oil using treatments A, B, C, D, and E.
2. There is no significant difference in the amount of oil absorbency of Geron
grass in distilled oil using treatments A, B, C, D, and E

Significance of the Study

The main purpose of this study is to develop and test the oil-sorbent
potential of the invasive plant Themeda gigantea (Geron) fibers to be used in oil spill
remediation. Moreover, the results of this research was very significant for the following
beneficiaries: Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR), the Department of
Environment and Natural Resources (DENR), the Department of Science and Technology
(DOST), aquaculturists, and future researchers.

Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR): The study is crucial for
BFAR as it provides valuable insights into the effectiveness of Geron grass in
remediating oil spills. This knowledge can assist BFAR in developing more efficient
strategies for mitigating the impact of oil spills on aquatic ecosystems, thereby
safeguarding fisheries and aquatic resources.

Department of Environmental and Natural Resources (DENR): The study aligns

with DENR's mission by addressing the bioremediation potential of Geron grass in the
context of oil spills. The findings contributed to DENR's efforts in formulating
environmentally sustainable practices and responses to oil spill incidents, supporting the
preservation of natural resources.

Department of Science and Technology (DOST): The Department of Science and

Technology plays a pivotal role in leveraging the study's outcomes. It facilitates
technology transfer, ensuring the widespread adoption of Geron grass-based
bioremediation across various industries, including aquaculture. The study can guide
ongoing and future research initiatives, fostering innovation and improvements in the
technology's effectiveness. Positioned as a key contributor, DOST provides a
science-based policy recommendations, advocating for the integration of Geron grass
bioremediation into national guidelines for robust oil spill management and
comprehensive environmental protection.

Aquaculturists: The study on the bioremediation potential of Geron grass against

oil spills can revolutionize aquaculture practices, providing a natural and cost-effective
solution to preemptively address and respond to potential environmental risks.
Aquaculturists can gain a sustainable tool that not only safeguards aquatic ecosystems
and biodiversity but also enhances the overall resilience and sustainability of their

Future Researchers: The study establishes a foundation for future research on the
bioremediation of oil spills using Geron grass. It paves the way for subsequent studies to
build upon these findings, fostering ongoing scientific exploration and the development
of sustainable solutions for oil spill remediation.

Definition of Terms

For the purpose of the study and to ensure clarity in the interpretation of the study,
the following terms were conceptually and operationally defined:
Oil Spill - Oil spill Can be defined as the release of liquid raw or natural
petroleum into the environment, especially into the sea (Encyclopedia of Toxicology
(Third Edition), 2014)

In this study, the oil spill is replicated by a mix of seawater, crude oil, and distilled
oil, which are the common oils found in oil spills.

Geron Grass - Themeda gigantea is a perennial grass native to China. It is used as

an ornamental grass in gardens and landscapes. It is also used for erosion control and to
provide habitat for wildlife. (Plants &Raquo; Selina Wamucii, n.d.)

In this study, this plant is tested on its capacity to absorb oil pollutants in the

Polypropylene - Polypropylene (PP) is a thermoplastic “addition polymer” made

from the combination of propylene monomers. It is used in a variety of applications,
including packaging for consumer products, plastic parts for various industries, including
the automotive industry, special devices like living hinges, and textiles. (Creative
Mechanisms Staff, 2016)

In this study, our aim is to find an eco-friendly substitute for this polymer.

Scope and Delimitations

This study assessed the effectiveness and advantages of using plant extract from
Geron grass as an absorbent for oil spill remediation.

The research focused on the absorption of different types of oil, such as crude oil
and distilled oil. It had the potential use of Geron grass, including its potential
applications in oil spill cleanup and water pollution control.

The independent variable in this study was identified as the diverse types of oils,
namely crude and distilled, procured from a local gasoline station in Kalibo, Aklan.
These oils served as controlled factors to gauge the efficacy of the Geron grass plant
extract in adsorbing and remediating different oil types. On the other hand, the dependent
variable was represented by the plant extract derived from Geron grass, collected
specifically from Baluga Hills, Tangalan, Aklan. This variable served as the focus of
observation, with its adsorption performance being evaluated based on the distinct oil
types introduced as independent variables.

Oil absorbency and pH levels were monitored for data collection. Frequency
count was used to identify recurring values under the treatments or replicates. Sum was
used to attain the totality of values, while mean was essential in identifying the average
values from the data of parameters. Furthermore, the standard deviation was used in this
study to determine the variability of measurements. One-way ANOVA (Analysis of
Variance) was used to analyze the data in the experimental study.


Chapter 3 consists of three (3) parts: 1) Experimental Research Design and

Layout, 2) Methods, and 3) Statistical Data Analysis.

Experimental Research Design and Layout

Completely Randomized Design was used as the research design in this study,
where treatments were assigned to experimental units or plots using a completely random
approach. It incorporates only two basic principles of experimental design: randomization
and replication, making it the simplest research methodology for comparison trials
(Salkind, 2010).

The independent variable for this study is the various compositions of treatments
involving Themeda gigantea (Geron grass) samples. The focus of investigation, as the
dependent variable, was assessed on the oil spill remediation properties of Geron grass in
terms of both effectiveness and absorbent capacity.

The experimental design detailed how samples were randomly assigned to their
respective treatments which is outlined in the table on the following page. All sampling
procedures were conducted under controlled conditions at the container temperature.


50g Themeda gigantea X X X X


37.5g Themeda gigantea X X X X

samples & 12.5g Polypropylene

25g Themeda gigantea X X X X

samples & 25g Polypropylene

12.5g Themeda gigantea X X X X

samples & 37.5g Polypropylene

50g Polypropylene fibers X X X X


The methods consist of three (3) sections namely: Data Collecting Tools/
Technique, Ethical Considerations, and Data Gathering Procedure which is divided into
(1) Pre-Experimental Phase, (2) Experimental Phase, and (3) Post-Experimental Phase.

Data Collecting Tool/Technique

The researchers utilized a systematic data collection methodology involving

various parameters to evaluate the effectiveness of Geron grass (Themeda gigantea) in
remediating oil spills. Water samples were collected from designated areas to simulate oil
spills systematically. Geron grass samples were harvested at specific intervals from the
experimental sites. The analysis involved measuring the oil content absorbed by the plant
material and the remnants of the oil and water mixtures. Water samples from the affected
areas were collected using standard water sampling techniques. Parameters such as
turbidity, and oil content were measured using appropriate equipment and methods.

Ethical Considerations

This research did not involve any animal or human testing; therefore, it adheres to
the highest ethical standards. The only ethical considerations for this research are the
safety of the researchers and the integrity of the study. The following were administered
to ensure that ethical considerations are followed accordingly:

Biosafety Level. This study was conducted in a Biosafety Level 1 (BSL 1) work
space in one of the researcher’s residences. BSL 1 workspaces are used to study
infectious agents or toxins that are not known to consistently cause disease in healthy
adults. They follow basic safety procedures called Standard Microbiological Practices
and require no special equipment (Public Health Emergency, 2015)
Laboratory Protocols. The laboratory procedure to be followed in a BSL 1 setting
is called Standard Microbial Practices. According to the University of Texas Rio Grande
Valley, it usually consists of rules such as: mechanical pipetting only; safe sharps
handling; avoidance of splashes or aerosols; daily decontamination of all work surfaces
when work is complete; hand washing; prohibition of food, drink, and smoking materials
in lab settings; personal protective equipment (gloves, eye protection, lab coats, or
gowns); and biohazard signs.

Data Gathering Procedures

Locale of the study

The study was conducted at the Regional Science High School for Region VI
Chemical Laboratory. This is where the accumulated natural fibers were prepared and
made for the production process and the observation for the parameters of the natural
sorbent from January to May of the academic year of 2023-2024

a. Pre-experimental Phase

Materials needed

For the purpose of this study, we employed a set of essential materials and
equipment, including 5 kilograms of Themeda giganteaea (Geron grass), 3 kilograms of
polypropylene, 1 liter each of distilled and crude oil, 2 beakers, an iron stand, protective
gloves, and a total of six containers.

b. Experimental Phase

Preparation Stage

The preparation, collection, and production of Geron grass (Themeda gigantea)

extract, as well as the acquisition of crude and distilled oil, followed a specific set of
procedures. The Geron grass was locally harvested from an identified area, and the
collected grass underwent a drying process, which was subsequently tested on various
oils. To ensure both consistency and purity of the crude and distilled oils, they were
sourced from reputable suppliers. These oils were stored in well-labeled containers to
prevent any contamination or mix-up during the experimentation process. Special
containers filled with water were placed to replicate realistic conditions.

The Geron grass was harvested from the fields surrounding the Baluga Hills area
in Tangalan, Aklan. This process involved not only the harvesting but also a
comprehensive cleaning and precise chopping to ensure the optimal condition of the
barnyard grass for subsequent experimentation. In addition to this, the essential materials
critical to our investigation, such as crude oil and distilled oil, were directly procured
from local gas stations.

Production of Grass Sample

The Geron grass underwent a sequential preparation phase. The grass was finely
chopped to enhance its surface area for optimal effectiveness. Subsequently, the prepared
grass was subjected to an air-drying procedure, ensuring the removal of excess moisture
and facilitating a consistent texture. This pre-dried material was then carefully placed in
an oven set at 65 degrees Celsius, where it underwent a controlled heating process. This
temperature is chosen deliberately to solidify the grass without compromising its inherent
properties. Following the controlled heating process, the solidified and homogenized
Geron grass was assembled into a compact bale-like structure to create a dense and
uniform mass.

Sorbent Experimentation

The sorbent (Geron grass) was secured in an upright position using an iron stand.
A beaker is placed at the bottom of the stand to capture any unabsorbed oil. To initiate
each trial, 50 ml of water and 50 ml of oil were added to a beaker. Subsequently, the
solution was gently poured onto the Geron grass, creating an oil-water mixture that
simulates an oil spill scenario.

After five minutes, the Geron grass was carefully examined for oil absorption.
The grass was then removed from the iron stand, and any excess liquid was allowed to
drain off for an additional 30 seconds. The beaker at the bottom of the stand was
examined to quantify the amount of unabsorbed oil.

c. Post-experimental Phase

The process of evaluating Themeda gigantea (Geron grass) for oil spill
remediation started in late January and concluded in March 2024. The research involved
multiple phases, including the preparation of test environments, the application of Geron
grass in simulated oil spill scenarios, and the monitoring of water quality throughout the
study period.

Sampling and analysis occurred at regular intervals to assess the efficacy of Geron
grass in absorbing and remediating oil contaminants. Parameters such as oil absorbancy
levels and pH properties were carefully recorded and analyzed.

Proper waste disposal was applied after conducting the experiment to ensure
safety, especially when using crude oil, and to avoid other conflicts that could affect the
experimentation. Raw materials were disposed of properly under Republic Act 9003 or
the Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000, where the researchers made sure to
practice waste segregation and carefully dispose of the materials, especially the crude and
distilled oil, to maintain cleanliness in the environment.

Statistical Data Analysis

Statistical analysis in this study involved key tools such as sum, mean, and
standard deviation. These tools were crucial for analyzing data on the oil absorbency of
Themeda gigantea (Geron grass) extract in crude and distilled oil.

Sum (Ʃ) in this study was used to determine the total values necessary for
tracking the oil absorbency in terms of finding the mean, the total amount of oil absorbed
by the plant extract, and the oil content left in each sample.

Mean (μ) was used for identifying the average values from the data in measuring
the oil absorbency of Barnyard Grass extract.
Standard deviation (σ) was used in this study to determine the variability in the
amounts of oil content left in each sample that were not absorbed by the plant extract.

One-way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was used to determine whether there

were any statistically significant differences between the means of two or more
independent variables. In this study, the data analysis tool was utilized to determine if
there was a significant difference among treatments.

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