Blog Post Questions 3

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Blog Post Questions #3

1) What are your Capstone goals between now and May 1st? Be specific and give details and how you
plan to accomplish it. The more specific your goals, the better the chances you will have of
accomplishing them.

Currently, my goals are to finish updating my evidence and progress page on the website as I have a few
more posts already planned before I'm fully caught up to my current work status. From there on, I will
be testing out Clip Studio for its animation capabilities, then briefly revise character designs to start
working on my final animation.

2) Which specific elements of your project will you accomplish before the end of the month? Create a
checklist of things you want to finish over the next 2 weeks.
Before the end of the month, I would like to have completed all of my planning stages as I feel like I
could be getting carried away from my main goal which Is completing the short animation. In order to
reach that point, again I would have to finish testing the other programs, and revise the character
designs, but after that, I could jump into the storyboarding right away.

3) What strategies will you implement to help you accomplish your goals and stay on task? List the
strategies you will use to keep yourself on track.
The strategies I use mainly follow using a checklist for reminders and completing one piece of it every
day. Whether that is updating the website or working on the art itself, or even other CLC tasks like the
transition plan.

4) Explain how well you have been doing at providing evidence of your progress and learning during
this time?
If you have been on top of posting your progress, what has helped you stay on task?
If you haven’t been keeping up with your posts, why and more importantly how will you
rectify this?
Remember, you should be posting to your Evidence and Progress Page at least 2 - 3 times per week. If
you haven't, then this is your chance to make that happen over the next few weeks.

Now I am getting caught up with all my evidence after being focused on my art exhibition last week, and
the updates have been making up for that lost time. So far, I have posted eight times on the evidence
and progress page, and I still have more that I'm planning on posting in the next couple of days.
Regardless of not posting before, I still recorded evidence and worked on the project itself which helped
me stay on task, it was just the posting aspect that I wasn't able to get to until now. Also, finding time
after school even when I had a sick day, helped me update most of my website then.
5) Post 5 photos of your progress to date, showing your work from the beginning and your progress to
date. Paste them in chronological order and provide a one or two sentence explanation of what the
photo represents.

Developing the overall story.

First versions of character designs.

Second versions of character designs, this time focusing on the robots as secondary/background
Practice storyboards to help learn more about the program.

Testing out Clip Studio for the animation software.

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