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NS Category Use Interactions/Guidelines Examples

ALLERGIE Anti- Histamine To relive or prevent FOOD: Take Diphenhydramine/BE NAD

S the symptoms of preacription on the an FexoFenadine/Allegra
colds, hay fever and empty stomach to
allergies increase its Cetrizine/ZYRTEC

alcohol because it
increases the sedative
effects of the medication
ARTHRITIS Analgesic/ To treat Mild To FOOD: For Rapid Acetaminophen/ TYLENO
AND PAIN Antipyretic Moderate Pain and Relief, Taken on Empty
Fever Stomach. Alcohol: Avoid
Or Limit The Use of
Alcohol because Chronic
Alcohol use can Increase
the Risk Of Liver
Damage or Stomach
ARTHRITIS Non- Steriodal To reduce Pain, FOOD: Take with Food Aspirin/ BAYER,ECOTRI
AND PAIN Antilnflamma Fever, and or Milk and Because MOTRIN, Naproxen/ ANA
tory Drugs Inflammation Medications can irritate ALEVE, NAPROSYN
(NSAIDS) the Stomach. Alcohol:
Avoid or Limit the Use
of Alcohol because
Chronic Alcohol Use can
Increase The Risk of
Liver Damage or
Stomach Bleeding
ARTHRITIS Corticosteroids To relive inflamed FOOD: Take with food Methyprednisolory/medre
AND PAIN areas of the body. milk to decrease stomach prednisone/deltasone
To reduse swelling upset. /prednisolone/PEDIA PRE
and itching to help cortisone acetate/CORTE
relive allergies
arthrilis, and orther
ARTHRITIS Narcotic To provide relife ALCOHOL: Avoid Codeine combined with
AND PAIN analgesic for moderate to alcohol to because it acotaminophen/TYLE NO
severe pain increases the sedative Morphine/ROXANOL
effects of the medication. MSCONTIN
ASTHMA Bronchodilators To treat the The FOOD: High-fat Theophyllin/SLOBid, The
symptoms brochial meals may increase the DURUNIPHYL/ALBUTE
asthama,chronical amount of theophyline in LIN, COMBIVEN /Epune
bronchitis and the body while high PRIMATENE MIST
emphysema carbohydrate meals may
decrease it. It is
important to check with
pharmacist about which
form you are tain
because food can have
different effects
depending on the dose
eating or dirking large
amount of foods and
beverages that contain
alcohol because it can
increase the risk of side
effects such as nausea,
vomiting headache and

CARDIO Diuretics To help eliminate FOOD:Some diuretics Furosemide/LAXID

VASCULAR and chloride form causes loss of pottasium, Triamterene/hydrochl
DISORDER the body calcium and magnesium. orothiazide/DYAZIDE,
S Triamterene known is as MAXZIDE
a “pottasium sparing” Hydrochlorothiazide/H YD
diuretic. When taking triamterene/DRYENIU M
triamterene avoid eating Bumetamide/BUMEX
large amounts of Metolazone/ZORAXOLYN
pottasium rich foods
such as bananas, oranges
and green leafy
vegetables or salt
Sulfonamide To treat infections FOOD. Tаkе on empty Sulfamethoxazolo+
caused by bacteria stomach one hour before trimethprim/BACTRIM ,S
and fungi or two hours after meals
if your stomach gets
upset, take with food

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