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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region X – Northern Mindanao
Brgy. Suarez, Iligan City 9200


Grade 12- TVL-HE

I. Objectives
 Discuss the different classification of soups;
 Identify the different classification and ingredients of soups;
 Appreciate the importance of soups in each menu items.

II. Content.
Prepare Soups required for menu items.

III. Procedures
A. Introduction
 Prayer
 Attendance

B. Activity
Arrange the scrambled words

Srcambled words Answers

Pous Soup
Crael osup Clear Soup
evgetabel oups Vegetable Sou
Monsoméc Consommé
khict posu Thick soup
Crame soup Cream soup
Reesup Purees
Siquesb bisques
Whodersc Chowders
Elutésvo Veloutés

C. Analysis
1. How did you find the activity?
2. Was it easy for you to identify the scrambled words?
3. So let’s have a recap on our previous topic which is all about soup.

D. Abstraction
Soups are based on stocks added with other ingredients for variety of flavor,
consistency, appearance, and aroma
A well-prepared soup always makes a memorable impression. Soups offer a full
array of flavouring ingredients and garnishing opportunities.
Soups also allow the use of trimmings and leftover creatively.

Classifications of Soups
1. Clear Soups
They are soups based on a clear, unthicken broth or stock. They may be served
plain or garnished with a variety of vegetables and meats. They are very similar to
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region X – Northern Mindanao
Brgy. Suarez, Iligan City 9200

stocks, except that broths are based on meats rather than bones so they are richer
and have a more defined flavor. Broths can be used as a liquid in preparing soups. A
good quality broth should be clear, aromatic, and rich-tasting with a very evident
flavor of the major ingredient. One strong and clear broth or stock is a consommé. It
is made by combining lean chopped meat, egg whites, mirepoix, herbs and spices
an acidic ingredient like tomatoes, wine, or lemon juice. The combination is called
“clarification” since the particles that make the broth appear cloudy are trapped as
it cooks. A good quality consommé is crystal – clear, has a good body, amber to
brown in color, and completely fat-free.

 Broth and bouillon simple clear soup without solid ingredients.

They are similar to stock in technique and in cooking time. The major distinction
between broth and stock is that broths can be served as is, whereas stocks are used
in production of other dishes.

 Vegetable soup – clear seasoned stock or broth with the addition of one or more
vegetable, meat, or poultry.

 Consommé’ – rich, flavorful stock or broth that has been clarified to make it
perfectly clear and transparent.

2. Thick Soups

Thick Soups are soups that are thickened to provide a heavier

consistency. Thick soup is a cream soup based on béchamel sauce and is finished
with a heavy cream. A béchamel sauce is milk thickened with roux.
But some thick soups are velouté sauce-based, stock thickened with roux. A velouté
sauce base is usually finished with a liaison of heavy cream egg yolk. A thick soup
should have a velvety smooth texture and the thickness of heavy cream. It is always
essential to strain out the solids and at times to puree and put back in the soup.
Cream soups may be served hot or cold. A kind of cream soup based on crustaceans
like shrimps and lobsters is bisque. It is made by simmering a crustacean in a stock
or a fish fumet. Another thick vegetable soup is the chowder made with broth, milk
or water as base, then thickened with roux. Cold, thick soups such as vichyssoise
are simply cream soups served cold. Others like gazpacho or a chilled cantaloupe
soup are based on a puree of cooked or raw ingredients
brought to the correct consistency by adding fruits or vegetable juice as a

 Cream soups – are soups thickened with roux, beurre Manie, liaison or other
thickening agents, plus milk, or cream.

 Purees – vegetable soup thickened with starch

 Bisques – are thickened soups made from shellfish.

 Chowders – are hearty soups made from fish, shellfish or

vegetables usually contain milk and potatoes.

 Veloutés – soup thickened with egg, butter and cream.

3. Other types of soup

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region X – Northern Mindanao
Brgy. Suarez, Iligan City 9200

a. Dessert soup

 Ginataan – a Filipino soup made from coconut milk, milk, fruit, and tapioca pearl
served hot or cold.

 Osheriku – a Japanese asuki bean soup.

 Tonge sui – a Chinese soup

b. Fruit Soup can be served hot or cold depending on the recipe

where dried fruits are used like raisins and prunes. Fruit soup may include milk,
sweet or savory dumplings, spices or alcoholic beverages like brandy
and champagne.

c. Cold soup is variations on the traditional soup wherein the

temperature when served is kept at or below temperature.
d. Asian soup is a traditional soup which is typical broth, clear
soup, or starch thickened soup.

Other thickening agents for soup

1. rice
2. flour
3. grain
4. corn starch

Ingredients of soup
• Meat (chicken, beef, pork, lamb, fish)
• Salt
• Pepper
• Vegetables (carrots, string beans, turnips, tomatoes,
mushrooms, celery, leak)
• Onion
• Garlic
• Water
• Eggs
• Cornstarch
• Seasoning (MSG, convenience products)
• Butter
• Cream
• Garnishes (slices of lemon, egg, shredded vegetables,
pimiento strips)

E. Application
The activity will be called “Carousel. There are four questions which will be
disseminated to each group.the group will have 5 mins. to answer each question
before it will be passed on to next group and so on. The activity will end when all the
groups will be able to answer all questions. Each group will share their answers to
the front.
1 What are the different classifications of soups and give examples each?
2 Elaborate the different thickening agents for soup.
3 Give at least 10 ingredients of soup.
4 Why is soup important in the Menu?
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region X – Northern Mindanao
Brgy. Suarez, Iligan City 9200

III. Assessment
Direction: Read each item below. On your test notebook, write the letter which
corresponds to the correct answer.

1. Which of the following examples is a thick soup?

a. bisques b. bouillon
c. consommé d. fruit

2. These are based on stocks added with other ingredients for

Variety of flavour, consistency, appearance, and aroma.

a. soup b. stock
c. broth d. consommé’

3. Thick soups may continue to thicken during cooking and

may need additional stock or water added to adjust the
consistency. What do we call this method?

a. adjusting consistency
c. adding flavour
b. degreasing
d. reconstituting

4. Broth-based soups maybe prepared in advance, cooled and

Refrigerated. This facilitates removing of congealed fat from
the surface. Skimming at the top layer of fat from a hot soup
with a ladle alternately is what do we call _________________?

a. adjusting consistency
c. adding flavour
b. degreasing
d. reconstituting

5. Which of the following is a clear soup?

a. bisque b. bouillon
c. cream d. puree

6. What substance is added that gives taste to the food?

a. Decoration b. flavouring
c. seasoning d. thickening

7. What type of soup can be served either hot or cold?

a. ancient soup b. cold soup

c. dessert soup d. fruit soup

8. What utensil is appropriate in serving hot soup?

a. bowl
b. basin
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region X – Northern Mindanao
Brgy. Suarez, Iligan City 9200

c. soup bowl
d. tray

9. What makes a soup appetizing?

a. garnish b. ingredients
c. taste d. all the above

10. Which of the following is not a thickening agent?

a. flour b. grain c. rice d. salt

IV. Assignment
Advance study on how to prepare sauce required for menu items.

Prepared by:

Lovy Mae R. Ragmac

Teacher II

Checked by:

Maricel P. Ortega
Master Teacher 1

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