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Module 1
1. Explain various financial services offered in India
2. What are the different types of financial instrumant then explain
3. What are that func ons of SEBI
Module 2
1. Explain the various intermediaries in primary market
2. Explain the various intermediaries in secondary market
3. Deferent between primary and secondary market
4. What are the different methods of floo ng new issue of shares.
Module 3
1. Explain objec ves, characteris cs and impoFINANCIAL MARKETS AND
SERVICErtants of money market

2. Write in detail about various money market instrument

Module 4
1. Explain the concept of mutual fund
2. Discuss the legal structure of mutual fund on India
3. What are the different types mutual fund
Module 5
1. What are the different types of leases
2. What is factoring ? Explain the func ons of factors
Module 6
1. Explain the func ons of merchant banking
2 . Explain the characteris cs and importants of merchant capital

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