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4 Elements of Revival

Table of Contents
1   Introduc+on The  master  seducer  knows  
2   4  Elements  of  Revival that  we’re  always  training  our  
3   Assump+ons   partner,  always,  with  every  
4   Results
look,  with  every  frown,  with  
5   Polarity
8   Polarity  Recap every  smile,  with  every  
9   Overcoming  Resistance gesture.  
10   Recap  Overcoming  Resistance
11   Female  Psychology Secondly,  you  can  take  the  
14   Recap  Female  Psychology apprecia<on  to  an  
15   Female  Anatomy  and   explora<on  level,  where  you  
  Advanced  Sexual  Mastery set  up  focused  educa<onal  
19   Recap  Female  Anatomy  and  
sessions  to  open  her  up.  
  Advanced  Sexual  Mastery
20   Checklist
21   Acknowledgements The  third  key  of  the  master  
22   End  Notes trainer  is  to  incubate,  which  
is  working  with  fantasy.  
—  Dr.  Pa(  Taylor

Every  human  
glows  in  the  
light  of  
apprecia6on 2
Jen ratio refers to
a multilayered
mixture of
benevolence and

“A man wishing
to establish his
own character,
also establishes
the character of
others,” and
“brings the good
things of others
to completion
and does not
bring the bad
things of others
to completion.”

— Dacher

Discover that deeply satisfying

feeling that comes from bringing
your woman to sensual completion.
The  most  important   Thank  you  for  helping   experts  offered  in  the  
part  of  your  revival  plan   your  woman  get  to  her   Seduc4on  Summit  —12  
is  knowing  the  big   poten+al.                                         deep  dialogs  about  
picture  about  how  you   reviving  her  drive.  They  
are  going  to  reverse   There  are  four  over-­‐ are  dis+lled  here  for  
your  sex  life  and  help   arching  principles  that   you  to  understand  and  
her  go  from  frozen  to   affect  her  level  of  sexual   apply  the  solu+ons  to  
melty,  from  shut  down   interest  in  you.  These   your  situa+on  so  you  
to  turned-­‐on.   are  the  4  Elements  of   can  enjoy  the  pleasure  
Revival.  They  come   of  seeing  immediate  
from  the  culmina+on  of   posi+ve  change.
ALL  the  wisdom  all  the 3

With patience
and the right
set of tools
you can turn
her around.

Bring her sexy back! The four elements of

revive her drive dovetail to provide the
complete solution to reawaken her.
The  four  elements  of  revival  are: You  may  not  need  to  bolster  all  four  of  these  
in  your  rela)onship,  but  it  could  be  even  
1) Crea4ng  Polarity,  Trust  and  Surrender beXer  if  you  do.  
2) Overcoming  Resistance  and  Escala4on Let’s  work  with  the  assump+on  that  you  
want  to  “fire  on  all  cylinders”  and  that  you  
3) Female  Psychology  Strategies
are  interested  in  knowing  how  these  four  
4) Female  Anatomy  and  Advanced  Sexual   components  work  together  to  revitalize  her  
Mastery  Techniques sensuality  and  move  her  toward  being  a  very  
sexy  woman,  either  for  the  first  +me  or  once  
again. 4
4 Elements of Revival

No matter how long she’s been numb, she’ll

warm to you with these strategies
Throughout  this  eBook,  specific  expert   where  I  cannot  help  you  and  you  need  to  
dialogs  are  noted  where  applicable. seek  professional  advice.

This  plan  of  ac+on  is  based  on  the   If  you  have  a  history  of  some  acceptable  sex  
assump+ons  that: (when  you  first  got  together)  and  no  major  
health  issues  (we  do  address  aging)  then  you  
1)  You  want  a  beHer  sex  life  with  your   are  ready  to  revive  her  sex  drive.  
First,  do  what  ever  you  have  to  do  to  let  go  
2)  You  formerly  had  a  reasonable  enough   of  your  anger  and  frustra+on.  They  are  not  
connec+on  with  her  that  you  believe  she   ge_ng  what  you  want;  they  are  preven+ng  
has  the  poten4al  to  feel  good  sexually  and   you  from  success.
you’ve  seen  proof  of  her  ability  to  enjoy  
sex  (even  if  it’s  been  a  tremendously  long   Forgive  her.  Forgive  yourself.  Stay  focused  
+me  since  that  has  occurred.) on  bringing  pleasure  into  your  rela+onship.    
Think  long  and  hard  about  le_ng  anger  go  if  
3)  You  are  willing  to  learn  new  skills  and   you  are  struggling  with  any  residual  
put  in  some  effort  to  get  the  reward  of   nega+vity.  Cul+vate  compassion  for  yourself  
recrea+ng  in+macy  and  sensuality  with   and  for  her.  Neither  of  you  is  happy.  Let’s  get  
her,  including  le_ng  go  of  any  residual   you  back  on  track.
anger  or  rejec+on  you’ve  been  feeling
Secondly,  take  this  on  as  YOUR  project.  Don’t  
4)  You’d  love  nothing  more  than  to  not   expect  her  to  “do”  anything.  Just  let  her  “be”  
only  get  her  back  where  she  used  to  be   responsive  to  your  ac+ons  and  guidance.  
sexually-­‐speaking,  but  you’d  like  to  move   This  is  yours  to  win.  And  in  doing  so,  you  
her  toward  an  ever  increasing  hot,  juicy   both  win.
sex  life  with  you
Release  any  +meframe  you  are  holding.  This  
Before  you  get  started,  make  sure  that   turn-­‐around  is  going  to  take  as  much  +me  as  
there’s  nothing  emo+onally  or  physically   it  takes.  If  your  woman  is  responsive,  you  
wrong  with  her  health.  That’s  the  one  area   may  see  instantaneous  results.  If  she’s  a  
slow-­‐burner,  be  pa+ent. 5
Your masculinity and tenderness are an elixir

to her sensuality
The  effort  you  put  in  to  rekindling  your   Let’s  start  at  the  10,000  foot  view.  There  are  
sexual  connec+on  will  pay  off.  And   four  core  elements  to  seduc+on  as  it  applies  
everything  in  these  books  and  interviews   to  a  turn-­‐around  situa+on  like  yours.
integrates  the  power  of  posi+ve  psychology.  
The  first  is  understanding  that  no  maXer  
how  accomplished  a  woman  she  is  in  the  
There  is  nothing  in  here  that’s  manipula+ve,  
world,  unless  the  two  of  you  have  polarity  -­‐  
or  uses  subterfuge  in  any  way.  Even  if  you   a  feeling  of  you  being  masculine  and  her  
are  trying  things  and  not  telling  her  you  are   being  feminine  when  you  are  together  -­‐  she  
doing  them  (as  in  the  stealth  techniques  we   will  not  feel  very  sexy  toward  you.  (Xuma,  Alanis,  
share  with  you)  they  are  simply  done   Allman,  Hudson)

without  talking  about  them  because  it  

makes  it  more  pleasurable  for  you  and/or   Ohen  the  women  with  the  most  strength  in  
the  world  want  men  who  are  the  most  
for  her.
masculine  in  the  bedroom  to  balance  them  
Note: If she finds out you purchased this product, there’s out  and  make  them  feel  feminine  again.
nothing in here that you couldn’t feel comfortable sharing with
her, but it may make it that much more pleasurable an
experience for her to just feel you making these subtle shifts in You  may  need  to  cul+vate  more  of  this  core  
your relating. masculinity  for  her  so  she  can  flower  into  
her  full  femininity.
You  will  see  again  the  powerful  forces  of  
love  that  exist  in  your  connec+on  with  your  
Specific  expert  dialogs  are  
You  will  uncover  the  psychological  reasons  
she  resists  and  learn  how  tenderness  gets   noted  throughout  for  quick  
her  to  surrender  to  her  sensual  self  again. access  to  specifics.  The  Fast  
You’ll  free  yourself  (and  her)  from  your   Path  Guide  also  directs  you    
hungry  sex-­‐bunny  feeling.  And  you’ll  both   to  precise  content  within  
learn  how  to  share  in  a  mutual  turn-­‐on  that   the  program  so  you  can  
brings  pleasure  (and  relief!)  to  both  of  you.
apply  these  4  Elements  of  
Best  of  all,  these  “psycho-­‐emo4onal  tools”   Revival  to  your  situa6on.
quickly  and  easily  reawaken  the  passionate  
girl  you  first  dated.  They  are  logical  and  easy  
to  apply  too. 6
You now have the roadmap to her desire

A  woman  can  be  strong,  courageous  and   Chances  are,  if  there’s  a  lack  of  polarity,  
buX-­‐kicking  in  all  areas  of  her  life,  including   she’s  filling  in  the  gaps  where  she  wants  you  
in  her  sexuality.  AND  she  can  simultaneously   to  handle  things,  but  you  are  not.  So  she’s  
be  feminine,  soh,  sensual,  sexy,  sweet  and   doing  it.  It’s  making  her  masculine.  It’s  
womanly  too.   emascula+ng  you.  And  it’s  preven+ng  her  
from  le_ng  go  into  her  sensual  self.    
Being  smart  and  accomplished,  powerful  
and  strong  can  all  be  done  while  s+ll  being   In  your  defense,  she  may  have  never  “let”  
incredibly  feminine. you  take  control.  Now  you  must  wrest  it  
away  from  her  by  showing  that  you  can  and  
And  you,  by  being  masculine  for  her,  by   will  take  care  of  business.
being  her  man,  her  rock,  can  give  her  the  
plajorm  to  be  all  of  this  and  more. Polarity...  Masculine  feminine  balance...  In  
the  bedroom.  There  are  a  treasure  trove  of  
ideas  and  advice  inside  this  program  for  
The  cul4va4on  of  polarity  is   ge_ng  the  polarity  back  in  your  connec+on.
key  for  the  two  of  you  to   Once  you  have  re-­‐established  any  missing  
have  great  sex  together.   polarity,  she  will  begin  to  trust  in  your  
Since  you  are  not  yet  having   masculinity,  which  is  key  to  her  surrender.
the  quality  and  quan4ty  of  
When  she  feels  confident  that  you  are  
sex  you  crave,  scru4nizing   taking  charge,  she  can  let  go.  Then  she  can  
this  aspect  of  your   get  back  into  her  body  and  relax.  Which  is  
rela4onship  is  paramount. the  first  step  in  helping  her  surrender.

What  are  the  three  phases  to  this  part  of  the  
process  of  mel+ng  her  into  your  arms  again?  
Polarity.  Then  trust.  Then  surrender.
Ask  yourself,  “Am  I  being  all  of  the  man  I  can  
be  in  my  interac)ons  with  my  woman?”   And  there’s  another  one  of  the  four  
elements  that  is  +ed  in  with  Polarity/Trust/
“Have  I  allowed  her  to  dominate  decision-­‐ Surrender.  And  that’s  within  the  Female  
making?”   Anatomy  area.  She  has  to  TRUST  that  you  
will  give  her  pleasure.  (Winston)
“Did  I  cede  the  power  in  our  rela)onship?” 7
Support her completely in exploring

her full femininity

Ul+mately  you  want  her  to  let  go  and    trust   As  the  man,  your  behaviors  set  the  context  
her  sexual  poten+al.  For  her  to  turn  over  her   for  her  behaviors  in  your  rela+onship.  (Alanis)  
nervous  system  to  you,  so  you  can  take   And  every  ac+on  you  take  is  training  her  to  
control  of  the  sexual  scenario,  she  must  feel   be  one  way  or  another.    (Taylor)
confident  that  you  know  how  to  manage  her  
body  sensa+ons  and  emo+ons.  

Therefore,  even  if  you  have  polarity  

between  you,  if  she  doesn’t  trust  your  
sexual  technique,  she  will  not  be  able  to  

Men  ohen  have  a  higher  level  of  confidence  

about  their  own  sexual  capability.    A  guy  
might  think  he’s  an  8,  9  or  10  in  bed.  His  
woman  might  rate  him  a  5,  6  or  7.    There  
may  be  a  difference  between  her  and  his  
regard  for  his  sexual  prowess.     Thus,  whatever  you  have  now  is  a  direct  
result  of  the  behaviors  and  ac+ons  you’ve  
The  most  annoying  part  about  this  delta  is   taken  to  date.    To  change  her  behaviors,  you  
that  she  will  not  be  able  to  ar+culate  WHY.   must  change  yours  first,  because  as  a  
As  infuria+ng  as  this  is,  there  are  specific   woman,  she  naturally  responds  to  the  
things  you  can  learn,  do  and  know  that  will   standards  you,  the  man,  set.    (Hudson)
close  that  gap.  You  can  figure  out  what  she  
wants  without  her  telling  you!  (Van  Arrick,  Taylor)

Are  you  wondering  why  I  am  not  telling  YOU  

what  SHE  should  be  doing?  Why  am  I  
recommending  you  consider  YOUR  
masculinity  when  you  thought  this  was  
about  HER  LACK  of  drive? 8
Replace those missing “love chemicals” with

a dose of your irresistible testosterone

Ohen  a  man’s  perspec+ve  on  how  he   She  might  not  want  as  much  as  you  do  right  
expects  his  wife  to  behave  result  in  her   now...  But  once  you  employ  the  appropriate  
ac+ons.  If  you  don’t  think  “a  wife”  should  be   seduc+on  skills  to  your  rela+onship,  she  will  
a  highly  sexual  woman,  will  your  wife  be?     open  to  her  sensual  self  and  surrender  to  
your  polarity  and  sexual  mastery.
You  will  be  recrea+ng  chemistry  and  
aXrac+on  through  a  new  set  of  behaviors   The  other  limi4ng  belief  you  may  
that  use  seduc+on  techniques  and  posi+ve,   be  holding  is  hope  that  she  will  
female  psychology  to  replace  the  receding     someday  ini5ate  sex.
“love  chemicals.”
When  she’s  sexually  reinvigorated,  there’s  a  
Within  the  element  of  polarity,  which   likely  chance  she’ll  ask  you  to  make  love  to  
begets  trust,  which  begets  surrender,  is  a   her.  However,  you  must  look  at  this  as  a  
limi+ng  belief  you  may  need  to  release.  If   bluebird,  a  windfall,  a  gih.  Expec+ng  a  
you  believe  that  women  do  not  want  as   woman  to  ini+ate  sex,  ge_ng  frustrated  
much  sex  as  men,  or  that  YOUR  WOMAN that  she  doesn’t  ask,  will  only  keep  you  on  
the  nega+vity  spiral,  away  from  what  you  
doesn’t  want  as  much  sex  as  YOU,  this  is  the  
moment  to  free  yourself  from  that  fic+on.
Women  prefer  to  be  desired.  To  be  asked.    
Biologically  and  psychologically   Generali+es?  Certainly.  However,  if  when  
your  woman  has  the  same  or   she  ini+ates,  you  reward  her  behavior  
without  expec+ng  it  to  ever  happen  again,  it  
more  capacity  for  sexual  desire  as   will  take  the  pressure  off  both  of  you.  Part  of  
you  do.   polarity  is  that  you  are  the  aggressor.  

How  do  you  handle  the  situa+on  where  

you’ve  been  asking,  begging,  bargaining  for  
sex?  The  answers  to  that  are  in  the  
Seduc4on  Summit.  Use  your  Fast  Path  
Guide  to  find  specifics.

As  an  over-­‐arching  func+on,  just  “own”  all  

the  sexual  ini+a+on  so  that  you  will  end  
your  frustra+on  around  this  issue.  
You  must  believe  this  to  move  forward. 9
All you need is right within this program

#1  Concept  Crea4ng  Polarity,  Trust  and   Remember,  there’s  a  deep  level  of  further  
Surrender detail  on  every  aspect  of  this  eBook  within  
the  Seduc4on  Summit  audio  dialogs  and  
To  recap:   eBooks.  Experts  are  noted  throughout  and  
there’s  more  in  the  Fast  Path  Guide.  
•Reestablish  your  masculinity  within  your  
rela+onship  by  taking  charge
•Make  sure  she  trusts  that  you  are  taking  
care  of  her  and  she  feels  secure  so  she  can  
surrender  sexually  (is  your  house  in  order?)
•Your  behaviors  set  the  context  of  your  
•You  are  always  training  her  in  every  
•You  are  releasing  limi+ng  beliefs  and  now  
agree  that  women  are  as  sexual  as  men  in  
the  right  circumstances,  women  prefer  men  
to  ini4ate  and  it’s  not  a  problem  if  your  
woman  doesn’t  ini+ate,  wives  can  be  as  
sexual  as  any  woman,  given  a  safe  
environment  and  encouragement

All  you  need  is  within  this  

program. 10
Overcome Her Resistance

Pinpoint and deconstruct the issues

Concept  #2  Overcoming  Resistance   Body issues, shame, guilt, fear,
&  Escala4on ignorance... they are prime
contributors to her resistance
Once  you  have  begun  to  reestablish   to having sex.
polarity,  you  can  tackle  any  
Many women have more than
resistance  that  she’s  genera+ng.    
one issue.
This  is  a  thorny  area,  because  there  
are  usually  layers  of  issues.   You can help her overcome
nearly any and every blockage
Resistance  issues  are  ohen  used  as   and go on to have great sex
excuses  not  to  take  ac+on.  Men  tell   with you.
me  frequently  that  their  sex  life  isn’t  
good  because  their  woman  suffered   Your  woman  may  need  some  therapy  
sexual  abuse  in  her  past.   to  get  right  with  her  past  and  to  have  
compassion  for  her  abuser.    
This  is  so  incredibly  common  and  it  
does  not  have  to  prevent  her  from   Ohen  her  willingness  to  get  past  it,  
desiring  sex  with  you,  if  she  trusts   to  enjoy  the  fully  sexual  life  she  
you.  Which  she  can. deserves,  is  enough  mo+va+on.  

A  man  
onto  the  
what  he  
wants  done  
to  him,  
which  is  
exactly  the  
wrong  way  
to  get  a  
turned  on. 11
Once you root out her issues and focus on

solutions, the work-arounds will be obvious

First  you  must  iden+fy  her  issues  and   you  are  moving  upward  on  a  posi+ve  spiral  
blockages.  Are  they  physical?  Emo+onal?   toward  your  goal  of  increasing  pleasure  and  
Historic?  Recent  anger  at  you?  Is  she  +red,   connec+on.
stressed?    Iden+fy  the  root(s)  of  her  fric+on,  
then  use  posi+ve  feedback  loops  to  leverage  
what  IS  working.  

This  can  put  her  on  the  road  to  recovery  in  a  
maXer  of  weeks  or  months.  Especially  when  
Once you recreate
you  combine  your  aXen+on  on  helping  her   a platform of
through  her  own  issues  by  sharing  your  
vulnerabili+es  and  truths  about  your  needs.   intimacy, you can
When  you  begin  to  posi+vely  set  the  
move her gradually
expecta+on  and  standards  about  what  it’s   into her sexuality.
going  to  take  to  be  in  rela+onship  together  
for  you  to  be  happy,  you’ll  find  it  easier  to  
pursue  the  solu+on  with  a  determina+on  to  
solve  the  issues.

Other  key  components  of  overcoming  her   Overcoming  Resistance  &  Escala4on
resistance  to  the  idea  of  even  having  sex   To  recap:
include  concepts  such  as  running  a  menu  of  
Small  Offers,  filling  her  up  first,  opening  her   •You  will  lead  her  through  the  resolu4on  of  
to  her  sensual  self,  Zone  Theory  and  thinking   her  sexual  s4cking  points
of  her  as  a  rheostat,  rather  than  a  light  
switch.    All  of  these  concepts  are  within  the   •You  will  set  a  standard  for  your  sexual  
Seduc4on  Summit,  along  with  +ming   rela4onship  together
recommenda+ons  for  these  techniques.
•You  will  learn  to  manage  and  overcome  
her  resistance  issues  with  core  concepts  
You  are  going  to  be  surprised  at  how  fast   from  this  program  
she  no+ces  the  aXen+on  you  are  pu_ng  on  
this.  You  will  appreciate  her  posi+ve  
responses  and  she  will  appreciate  your  
aXen+on.  In  that  moment,  you  will  know 12
Female Psychology
How to work with the
way she responds to “One thing that’s very
have more sex important in opening a
woman up—and nearly
foolproof; I don’t know
Next  up  is  the  thorniest  area   any woman who doesn’t
love this—is kissing.
for  you  to  master,  because  
Kissing, kissing, kissing.
it’s  “how  chicks  think.”   Hot make-out sessions
will fuel her to the nth
#2  Concept  Female   degree. And the more
Psychology,  rooted  in  our   aroused she is, the less
biological  wiring  and  laced   inhibited and the more
with  cultural  programming,   open to surrendering
is  complex.   she’s going to be.”

—Tallulah Sulis
So  in  the  dialogs,  we  focused  
our  conversa+ons  on  exactly  
how  women  like  to  be   Seduc+on  is  not  the  art  of   You  become  a  master  
seduced,  even  when  they   laying  a  trap,  it’s  enrolling   seducer,  an  ero+c  genius.
can’t  ar+culate  themselves   your  woman  and  heading  in  
what  would  turn  them  on. the  direc+on  of  more   And  once  you  integrate  the  4  
pleasure  of  many  kinds,  
Keys  to  Seduc+on  into  your  
Use  Dr.  Pa_  Taylor’s  4  Keys   including  the  ero+c.
daily  life,  it  pays  dividends  
to  Seduc4on  (see  below)  as   for  the  rest  of  your  life  (and  
the  founda+on  for  you  to   Secondly,  luck  has  nothing  to  
understand  and  manage  her   do  with  seduc+on.  You  don’t  
feminine  psyche.   “get  lucky.”  You  have  skill.  

4 Keys to Seduction Vulnerability  —  are  a  

the core framework framework  on  which  you  can  
hang  nearly  every  single  
The  4  Keys  to  Seduc4on  
piece  of  advice  within  the  
from  Dr.  Pa_  Taylor  is  the  
Seduc4on  Summit.  
most  powerful  model  you  
can  ever  learn.  
These  4  keys,  plus  your  
sexual  skills,  are  all  you  
The  combina+on  of  the  four  
The spiritual journey is need.  Everything  else  lays  on  
where the magic happens. —  Ero4c  Vigilance,  Small  
top  of  the  4  keys.
Offers,  Vision  and 13
A woman is looking for an excuse to give in.

Just come sweep her off her feet!

Some  women  are  numb,  some  are  angry,   She  wants  to  be  seduced,  in  the  context  of  
some  overeat...  but  the  boXom  line enjoying  pleasure  with  you,  so  begin  to  lead  
is  that  all  that  ac+vity  is  arousal  energy  -­‐  just   her  into  pleasure.    When  you  put  your  
nega+ve  arousal.  By  using  the  4  keys  to   aXen+on  on  her  in  this  way,  you  come  
seduc+on  that  work  naturally  with  her   across  as  incredibly  sexy.    
female  psychology,  you  will  begin  to  move  
her  arousal  energy  from  nega+ve  to  neutral   Moreover,  if  you  begin  to  tease  her  and  play  
to  posi+ve. with  her  as  a  sexy  woman,  acknowledging  
her  “bad-­‐girl”  side,  she’ll  rise  up  to  that  fun  
In  addi+on  to  the  4  Keys  to  Seduc4on,  there   and  open  to  her  naughty  self.  And  when  she  
are  a  number  of  psycho-­‐emo+onal   does  let  her  bad  girl  out,  honor  it  and  love  it.  
techniques,  including  “mirroring,”  “future-­‐ Leave  your  weirdness,  your  disapproval,  out  
pacing”  and  using  the  “voice  of  authority”   of  the  equa+on  -­‐  support  her  in  her  opening.  
which  will  accelerate  a  woman’s  desire  for   You  can  work  with  your  “Cool  Guy”  or  “Big  
sex  (not  just  arousal,  but  sex). Daddy”  energy  to  make  it  even  more  fun.

Once  you  start  focusing  on  how  you  can  

create  pleasure  together,  you  become  a  
master  seducer.  How  you  conduct  yourself   A  woman  is  looking  for  
around  her  will  create  her  response  in  the  
posi+ve  or  nega+ve.  It’s  simple  female   an  excuse  to  give  in.  

If,  in  the  past,  you’ve  let  the  sexually-­‐ Just  come  sweep  her  
oriented  interac+ons  slip  over  to  your  
woman’s  responsibility,  it  biologically  kills   off  her  feet!  
the  chemistry.    When  you’ve  let  her  decide  
if  you  have  sex  or  not,  you  seldom  if  ever  
HAVE  sex.  Once  you  start  focusing  on   Please  note,  there  are  a  number  of  counter-­‐
crea+ng  pleasure  together,  leading  her   intui+ve  female  psychology  teachings  within  
toward  sensuality,  moving  her  from  shut   the  Seduc4on  Summit,  including  the  fact  
down  or  angry  to  posi+ve,  you  will  begin  to   that  your  focus  on  HER  PLEASURE  may  be  
make  her  offers  to  which  she’ll  finally  say,   backfiring  on  you  by  pu_ng  extra  
“yes!” performance  anxiety  on  her. 14
When you powerfully transform a woman

sexually, it spills over into her whole life.

In  addi+on  to  the  female  psychology   Find  your  pleasure  in  doing  this  for  her,  so  it  
strategies  for  warming  her  to  passionate   turns  you  on  too.
sensuality,  you’ll  put  focus  on  the  language  
of  love.   Talk  to  her  about  travel,  food  and  popular  
culture.  Ask  her  to  tell  you  the  best  and  
Crea+ng  aural  pleasure  for  her  will   worst  thing  that  happened  in  her  day.  Put  
accelerate  your  success  and  her  sensual   your  aXen+on  on  her  in  many  ways  during  
growth.  She  loves  roman+c  language  and   this  reconnec+on  process  to  accelerate  the  
words.  This  is  powerful  female  psychology   tenderness.
to  her.  (Talking  during  sex  overcomes  her  
nega+ve  self  talk  too.) The  women  who  have  the  highest  barriers  
ohen  have  the  sohest  core.  Those  barriers  
Where  you’d  like  nothing  beXer  than  for  her   are  high  because  she  is  tender.  Once  she  
to  touch  your  penis  to  show  you  she’s   feels  your  manly  aXen+on  and  desire  again,  
turned  on  for  you,  she’d  prefer  you  to   she  can  let  you  back  in.  
whisper  sweet,  sexy  things  about  how  
beau+ful  she  is  to  you  in  her  ear. There  may  be  some  emo+on  that  comes  up  
for  her  as  you  begin  your  revival  program.  
Sexy  text  her,  call  her  and  whisper  sweet  
nothings  in  her  ear,  leave  her  a  love  note,   Stand  firm  and  hear  her,  without  moving  to  
tell  her  how  beau+ful  she  looks,  use  sensual   “fix”  anything  she  discusses.  Learn  to  hold  
words  and  it  will  move  her  in  a  way  you   yourself  solid  in  the  gale  force  of  her  
cannot  imagine.   emo+ons.  She’s  tes+ng  you  again.  It’s  
female  psychology.

This  emo+on  is  a  good  sign  —  she  wants  to  

Take  yourself  out  of  your   see  if  she  really  lets  go,  can  you  handle  all  of  
her  reac+ons  and  feelings?  You  CAN  handle  
scarcity  mentality  —  fill   it.  And  you  must.  If  you  ever  want  to  
her  up  and  fill  yourself  up   luxuriate  in  her  deliciousness  at  the  level  you  
too  —  with  sensual  
pleasures  found  in  every   Start  with  her  brain  (through  her  ears)  and  
heart,  start  from  the  outside  (foot  rub)  in  
day  moments  together. toward  her  Yoni.    This  is  the  female  
psychology  that  governs  how  she  wants  to  
be  seduced. 15
The more like herself a woman perceives you

to be, the faster the barriers diminish.

Do  a  quick  self-­‐check  here...  Are  you  
smooth-­‐shaven  and  good-­‐smelling,  wearing  
touchable  clothing,  in  case? What  4  things  does  a  
As  you  are  opening  her  to  her  sensual  self,   woman  fundamentally  
make  sure  you  are  sensually  appealing  to  
her. need  from  her  man  to  
Female  Psychology
express  her  full  
To  Recap: sexuality?
• Focus  on  crea+ng  and  leading  her  to  

• Remember  that  your  behavior  creates  her   According  to  David  Shade,  one  of  the  dozen  
behavior amazing  experts  in  the  Seduc+on  Summit,  
these  are  the  4  things  a  woman  needs  to  
• Start  seduc+on  from  the  outside  in  -­‐  brain   express  her  full  sexuality:
and  heart  and  furthest  edges  of  her  body  
first  and  take  it  sloooooow,  cowboy “The  masterful  lover  first  understands  that  
female  sexuality  is  en)rely  mental.  A  woman  
• Memorize  the  4  Keys  to  Seduc4on  and  use   needs  four  things.  
it  as  your  plajorm  for  all  seduc+on  for  the  
rest  of  your  life:  Ero+c  Vigilance,  Small   Number  one  is  to  feel  special  and  
Offers,  Vulnerability  and  Vision appreciated.  

• Use  the  psycho-­‐emo+onal  techniques  of   Two  is  to  feel  a  deep,  emo)onal  connec)on  
mirroring  and  voice  of  authority  during  any   to  her  man.  
sex  you  do  have  to  magnify  her  desire
Three  is  to  feel  feminine,  beau)ful,  and  sexy
• Be  careful  not  to  put  too  much  goal-­‐ —  those  three  are  all  mental.  
oriented  pressure  on  her.  Don’t  over-­‐
emphasize  HER  pleasure,  let  her   Four  is  to  have  hot,  passionate  sex.  
experience  YOUR  pleasure  too
If  you  look  at  any  break-­‐up,  the  woman  leL  
because  she  was  not  geMng  one  or  more  of  
these  four  things.” 16
Sexual arousal is a trance state

Our tools are touch, breath, sound, movement and vision

Concept  #  4  Female  Anatomy  and  Advanced   Within  the  Female  Anatomy  and  Advanced  
Sexual  Mastery  Techniques Sexual  Mastery  Techniques  content  you  will  
discover  these  key  concepts:
You’ve  learned  the  three  most  significant  
components  to  seducing  your  woman  again. • Crea+ng  a  “conjoined  trance  state”

1) Polarity,  Trust  and  Surrender • The  4  kinds  of  touch

2) Overcoming  Resistance  and  Escala4on • Her  arousal  in  terms  of  a  “system”
3) Female  Psychology  
• Transpor+ng  her  on  ero+c  adventures
First  you  re-­‐establish  your  masculinity  in  the  
rela+onship  so  she  trusts  that  you  are  taking   • Your  orgasmic  “choice,”  male  mul+ple  
care  of  her  so  she  can  relax  and  surrender   orgasm
into  her  sensuality.

Secondly,  you’ve  pinpointed  the  real  reasons  

she’s  feeling  resistant  to  lay  down  with  you  
in  pleasure  and  you  are  doing  what  is  
necessary,  from  changing  her  job  to  helping  
her  get  therapy  to  simply  ge_ng  her  to  
realize  that  she  is  beau+ful  and  sexy  in  your  
eyes  and  you  adore  being  physical  with  her.

You  are  employing  the  four  keys  to  

seduc+on  and  truly  believe  that  she  has  the  
poten+al  to  want  to  make  love  and  be  
sensual  and  sexy  too.  

Finally,  you  are  a  lifelong  student  of  female  

anatomy  and  arousal  so  that  you  can  “bring  
it  on”  for  her  in  new  ways  to  her  constant  
delight. 17
Remove the friction from your sex life and it’s

no longer a drag
Reclaim your sex life and you BOTH win
Men  seem  infinitely  able  to  come  up  with   That  she  has  to  surrender  herself  to  the  
new  sexual  ideas.  You  can  feed  your  idea   trance  (by  trus+ng  you  and  knowing  you  will  
factory  with  the  Seduc4ve  Sexuality  eBook   make  her  feel  good).  
and  audio  sampler  that  combines  all  the  
best  sex-­‐related  advice  from  all  the   That  you  have  to  surrender  yourself  to  the  
interviews  in  the  Seduc4on  Summit. trance  by  being  fully  present  and  leading  
Have  you  experienced  that  feeling  of  being  
ONE  when  you  make  love?   And  it  really  helps  if  you  have  your  
ejacula+on  under  control.  If  you  choose  
That  +me  when  you  feel  her,  she  feels  you,   when  you  ejaculate,  and  can  keep  going  
you  feel  her  feeling  you,  she  feels  you  feeling   un+l  she’s  spent,  you  can  get  into  and  enjoy  
her...  when  your  nervous  system  is  a  single   this  state  for  significant  amounts  of  +me.  
en+ty  and  every  pleasure  she  feels,  you  feel,  
and  on  and  on?
Think  of  her  body  as  a  
You  can  call  that  a  “conjoined  trance  state.”  
It’s  that  +me  when  your  body,  mind,  spirit,   network  of  ero<c  
heart,  everything  becomes  one  while  you   “systems.”  First,  knowing  
make  love.
her  erec<le  <ssue  network  
It  is  one  of  the  things  we  humans  live  for.
-­‐  where  it’s  all  located  and  
And  it  gets  easier  the  more  you  prac+ce. how  you  engorge  it  -­‐  are  of  
Think  of  this  as  the  goal  you  want  to  give  
utmost  importance.
your  woman.  Sure,  you  are  reviving  her  drive  
(and  yours  along  with  it).  And  the  goal  is  to  
achieve  this  human  experience  together  and   Make  sure  you  are  stroking  all  of  her  erec+le  
to  escalate  it  over  +me  for  the  rest  of  your   +ssue  network,  from  her  ves+bular  bulbs  to  
life. her  fourcheXe  and  front  commissure,  to  her  
perineal  and  urethral  sponges  up  inside.  This  
So  what  do  you  need  to  know  to  achieve   informa+on  is  a  map  to  her  body!  Listen  to  
this?     the  Sheri  Winston  interview  and  buy  her  
amazing  book.  This  is  IMPORTANT.  Don’t  
That  it’s  possible.   think  you  know  this.  It’s  new  informa+on. 18
What will it be like when she’s “hot to trot?”

Your  seduc+ve  sexuality  focus: and  making  more  sounds  of  apprecia+on  
and  pleasure  when  you  do  make  love.  (Gerek)
• Touching  her  all  four  ways
There  are  four  kinds  of  touch:  nurturing,  
• Engorging  her  en+re  erec+le  +ssue   healing,  sensual  and  sexual.  During  this  re-­‐
network igni+on  phase,  focus  on  the  first  three,  
leaving  her  feeling  the  desire  for  the  sexual  
• Transpor+ng  her  on  ero+c  adventures touch  without  giving  it  to  her.  Let  her  WANT  
YOUR  TOUCH  by  giving  her  lots  of  nurturing,  
• Being  in  control  of  when  you  choose  to   healing  and  sensual  touch  during  the  first  
ejaculate,  so  you  can  be  ready  to  make   weeks  of  your  revitaliza+on  plan.
love  to  her  for  a  loooooooong  +me,  once  
she’s  ready  to  have  you  back  in  her  body Learn  Zone  Theory  too  -­‐  star+ng  from  Zone  
3  and  working  toward  Zone  1.  (Winston)
As  you  get  her  turned-­‐on  again,  you’re  going   Start  adding  in  the  idea  of  transpor+ng  her  
to  need  some  new  sexual  techniques  to   into  sensual  or  ero+c  (non-­‐sexual  at  first)  
delight  her  and  take  your  love  making  from   experiences.  (Sulis)
your  last  pinnacle  to  your  next  pinnacle.
Take  her  on  the  3  Day  Sensual  Pleasure  
It  takes  Vision  (one  of  the  4  Keys  to   Journey  (This  is  a  bonus  from  Rhonda  Cort  
Seduc+on)  to  enjoy  a  lifelong  escala+on  of   that  is  something  only  a  woman  could  create  
amazing  sex  that  just  keeps  ge_ng  beXer   for  a  man  to  woo  his  woman  -­‐  a  guy  
and  beXer.      (Taylor) wouldn’t  think  of  this  -­‐  and  she’s  going  to  
love  “your  spin”  on  it.).
You  have  to  know  what  she  might  enjoy  
next,  and  next  aher  that.  You  should  always  
have  a  few  new  tricks  in  your  back  pocket.   Remember,  you  are  s<ll  
warming  her  up.  You  
And  you  should  be  able  to  run  menus  for  her  
with  op+ons  that  include  the  “tried  and  
true”  with  the  “new  and  naughty.” want  her  to  ask  you  for  
As  you  ease  her  back  into  her  sexual  desire,   sex  if  possible.  
add  more  physical  touch  to  the  auditory  
signals  you’re  already  sending  with  the  sexy  
You  are  rekindling,  
tex+ng,  sweet  talk  and  lots  of  compliments...   reawakening  her.
making  growls  and  using  low-­‐voice  whispers 19
Moan, sigh and breathe with her

Fill her with orgasmic pleasure

As  you  start  using  your  voice  (and  sounds   We  are  so  deeply  wired  to  crave  
you  make)  and  your  hands  and  taking  her  on  
liXle  pleasure  journeys,  you’ll  soon  be  
affec4on,  aHen4on,  sensual  
whispering  in  her  ear,  “that’s  a  good  girl.”   pleasure  and  in4macy  yet  sadly,  
“Yeah,  baby,  c’mon  -­‐  let  yourself  go.  That’s  it.   most  people  go  to  their  graves  
Good  girl.”    “You  look  so  beau)ful  right   feeling  unfulfilled  by  their  
now.”  “God,  you  feel  so  good,  baby.”  “Ohhh,  I  
love  to  be  with  you.”  “ Thank  you,  baby.”   partners’  ability  to  open  them  
“Mmm....  darlin’,  how  does  this  feel?” fully  into  their  birthright,  into  
what  their  bodies  naturally  know  
But  you’re  not  there  yet!  
how  to  do.
Take  your  +me  with  these  processes  so  your  
woman  begins  to  get  excited  about  what   While  you  are  moving  her  into  this  new  level  
you  might  do  next. of  sensual  connec+on  with  you  through  your  
sound  and  touch  and  fun  adventures,  start  
Cul+vate  her  naughty  side  and  reward  her   working  on  your  ejaculatory  control.  Once  
good  behavior. she  knows  you  won’t  “pop”  too  early,  she’ll  
feel  more  confident  about  having  
While  you’re  running  menus  of  small  offers   intercourse  with  you.  (Gerek)
(4  Keys  to  Seduc6on  -­‐  PaL  Taylor)  you  can  start  to  
offer  her  strokes  and  massages  that  become   Moan,  sigh,  breathe  with  her  and  make  her  
more  sexual.   have  a  lot  of  orgasms,  by  taking  your  +me.  

Start  with  kissing.  Kiss  her  whole  body,   Let  her  know  that  you  just  want  to  turn  her  
especially  her  neck  and  breasts  and  if  she’ll   body  back  on  and  you’ll  spend  as  long  as  it  
let  you,  her  stomach  and  boXom  (without   takes,  with  no  feeling  of  quid  pro  quo  -­‐  that  
going  “in”).    Don’t  get  sexual,  stay  sensual   you  get  turned  on  just  ge_ng  her  turned  on.
when  you  focus  on  her  body.  
Be  fully  present,  pay  close  aXen+on  to  her,  
Spend  an  hour  loving  her  body  and  don’t   use  Ero+c  Vigilance,  flex  your  gra+tude  
expect  it  to  become  sexual.    Relax!  Enjoy  just   muscle  that  you  finally  have  your  woman  
feeling  her,  awakening  her  again  to  the   back  in  your  arms  again.  Treasure  her.  
delight  of  your  touch  and  aXen+on. Treasure  the  moment. 20
Her smile will light up when you walk in

Just like when you were first dating  

#4  Recap  Anatomy  and  Sexuality: done  to  pa+ently  repair  past  wounds,  
reawaken  her  sensual  self,  unearth  her  
You’ll  put  your  focus  on: naughty  girl  side  and  let  her  know  she  can  
rely  on  you  for  life  and  love.
• Touching  her  all  four  ways
The  work  you’ve  done  will  relax  her  and  
• Engorging  her  en+re  erec+le  +ssue   engender  her  trust  in  you  and  desire  for  you.    
Now  you  want  to  enjoy  mind-­‐blowing  sex  
• Transpor+ng  her  on  ero+c  adventures with  her  in  a  way  that  makes  you  feel  
connected  to  your  humanity,  that  feels  
• Being  in  control  of  when  you  choose  to   divine  on  your  genitals  and  all  over  your  
ejaculate,  so  you  can  be  ready  to  make   body.  
love  to  her  for  a  loooooooong  +me,  once  
she’s  ready  to  have  you  back  in  her  body   You  want  her  to  melt  into  orgasmic  bliss  and  
look  at  you  with  that  sa+sfac+on  of  a  
What’s  the  culmina+on  of  all  this  effort? woman  well  loved.

This  ONEness,  this  in+mate  connec+on  

comes  from  looking  at  and  feeling  each  
other  with  love  and  apprecia+on.

Set  the  stage  for  a  beau+ful  +me  together  

with  all  the  details  to  her  liking.

Start  with  eye  gazing.  (Allman)  And  move  into  

sensual  stroking.  Make  sure  the  loca+on  is  
suitable  for  her  comfort.  What  temperature  
is  the  room?  Are  there  towels?  Do  you  have  
water?  Music?  Is  your  phone  turned  off?  

Then  look  her  in  the  eyes.  Tell  her  how  much  
you  love  her,  how  beau+ful  she  is,  how  
The  feeling  of  ONEness  together... much  you  love  her  body  and  having  her  in  
your  life.
A  “conjoined  trance  state”  is  going  to  be  the  
crowning  moment  of  all  the  work  you’ve   Kiss  her.                  Welcome  home.  ♥ 21
Final Review

The Four Elements of Revival

This  is  the  final  recap: listen  to  every  one  of  the  dozen  interviews  in  
which  ever  order  you  prefer.
The  Four  Elements  of  Revival  are:
You  can  also  complete  the  Rela4onship  
1) Crea4ng  Polarity,  Trust  and  Surrender Values  Workbook  with  your  woman  when  
you  feel  the  +me  is  right.  She  will  LOVE  this  
2) Overcoming  Resistance  and  Escala4on
3) Female  Psychology  Strategies
And  when  you  have  reconnected  sexually  
4) Female  Anatomy  and  Advanced  Sexual   and  you’re  ready  to  approach  some  
Mastery  Techniques advanced  sexual  mastery  skills  together,  I  
recommend  you  start  with  Expand  Her  
Orgasm  Tonight:  21-­‐Day  Program  for  
On  which  of  these  do  YOU  need  to  focus?
Partners,  by  Dr.  Pad  Taylor.
 Masculinity  turbo  booster
If  she’s  not  yet  that  open,  and  you  need  
 Focus  on  crea+ng  pleasure  together more  seduc+on  skills,  or  a  deep  
understanding  of  the  4  Keys  to  Seduc4on,  
 Five  senses  firing  on  all  cylinders    
try  Dr.  Pa_’s  Seduc4on  Trilogy:
(especially  touch  and  auditory)
1. Seduce  Her  Tonight:  Sex  Life  Strategies  
 Ac+vely  working  through  her  resistance  
for  Gedng  to  Yes
issues  instead  of  allowing  them  to  be   2. Seduc4on  Accelerator:  The  Most  Turn-­‐
On  and  HoHest  Sex
3. Her  Sexual  Trainer:  Unlock  Her  Most  
 Taking  her  on  ero+c,  sensual  journeys Intense  Sensual  Responses
 Taking  it  oh,  so  slowly  with  her  body
 Managing  your  ejaculatory  choice If  you  need  any  help  naviga5ng  your  
situa5on,  please  send  an  email  to  us  at
And  remember,  you  are  always  training  her,  
with  every  ac+on  you  take! Sloane  Fox  and  Susan  BraEon  handle  all  
inbound,  private  and  personal  requests.
Now  you  can  either  review  the  Fast  Path  
Guide  to  go  directly  to  those  interviews  
within  the  Seduc4on  Summit  that  most  
pertain  to  your  needs,  or  you  can  simply 22
Gratitude and Appreciation

Giving thanks to all who supported you

I’d  like  to  acknowledge  the  many  contributors  to   Drive”  is  exactly  what  we  longed  for  in  a  product  
this  program.  There  are  so  many  people  suppor>ng   >tle.  And  Carlos  Xuma,  thank  you  for  not  le(ng  me  
me  in  suppor>ng  you. give  up  un>l  the  perfect  name  was  coined  and  for  
>relessly  teaching  me,  “how  dudes  think.”    
First,  my  husband  and  love  of  my  life,  Tim  BraDon.
To  the  whole  Seduc>on  Mastermind  -­‐  you  all  buoy  
Tim,  if  you  hadn’t  taken  the  maDers  of  our  sensual   me  daily  in  my  drive  to  bring  passion  into  the  lives  
life  into  your  strong  hands,  we  may  well  have  been   of  others.  I  love  your  nerdy  >ps  and  naughty  barbs.  
divorced  and  on  round  two  of  not  ge(ng  what  we   It’s  pure  pleasure  to  associate  with  you.    
truly  desired.
To  the  Personal  Life  Media  team.  I  feel  your  
I  love,  adore  and  respect  you  for  re-­‐igni>ng  my   embrace,  support  and  quest  for  perfec>on  in  all  
sensuality,  because  that  triggered  a  happiness  and   things  you  do  to  support  my  work.  Paddy  P.  -­‐  every  
crea>vity  explosion  in  my  life. day  you  figure  out  some  cool  new  feat  of  
programming  that  helps  us  help  others.  Erwin  Liu  -­‐  
It  just  keeps  ge(ng  beDer.  I  love  you. what  can’t  you  do,  dear?  Love  the  covers!  Neil  
Estrella  -­‐  appreciate  your  pa>ence  in  edi>ng  
And  thanks  to  David  Shade  for  being  the  place  to   perfec>on.  Angela  Corrice  -­‐  treasure  your  stretch  to  
which  Tim  turned  first  when  he  decided  to  fix,   grow  to  my  dreams  of  perfect  transcrip>ons.  
instead  of  replace,  our  roman>c  poten>al.
Thanks  also  to  friends  willing  not  only  to  proofread,  
To  all  dozen  experts  who  contributed  their  highest   but  to  copy  edit  the  sampler  eBooks.  Lisa  Abourezk,  
and  best  thinking  to  help  men  revive  her  drive   you  are  a  genius  at  edi>ng  my  wri>ng.  Thank  you.  
everywhere,  I  say  “thank  you,  I  am  honored  to  work  
with  you.”   David  Garfinkel,  you  gave  me  my  voice  and  pushed  
me  to  pitch-­‐perfect  posi>oning.  Mark  Joyner,  I  
Pa(  Taylor,  Sheri  Winston,  Carlos  Xuma  and  Alex   wrote  this  with  your  higher  mind,  your  noble  
Allman,  your  work  is  fundamental  and   approach,  locked  in  my  sights.  
The  only  outcome  as  sweet  as  one  man  
Adam  Gilad,  Tallulah  Sulis,  David  Shade  and  Des>n   reconnec>ng  with  his  woman  in  ONEness  by  using  
Gerek,  your  crea>vity  saturates  your  perspec>ve,   this  program,  is  the  way  my  friends  raise  my  bar  and  
making  it  refreshingly  unique  and  evolved.   I  raise  theirs  in  an  infinite  game  of  pleasure  and  
support  in  our  poten>al  together.  
David  Van  Arrick,  Karen  Brody,  John  Alanis  and  
Chris>an  Hudson,  you  speak  from  the  heart  and   I  love  you  all  from  my  heart.
represent  the  sexes  at  their  highest  point  of  
humanity.  It’s  beau>ful.     Susan Bratton
Zachary  Browman,  you  listened  so  intently  to  our  
desire  for  the  perfect  product  name.  “Revive  Her 23
© Personal Life Media, Inc. 2011

All Rights Reserved

By Susan Bratton

All  of  the  material  noted  can  be  found  within  the  
Revive  Her  Drive  program  in  full  detail  inside  the  
“Learn how have
dozen  Seduc<on  Summit  interviews  in  both  eBook   spontaneous,
and  audio  form:
• Sustaining  ADrac>on  -­‐  John  Alanis
• Lifelong  Passion  -­‐  Alex  Allman amazing, mind-
• Sexual  S>cking  Points  -­‐  David  Van  Arrick blowing, cosmic
• Ejaculatory  Choice  -­‐  Des>n  Gerek
• Ero>c  Communica>on  -­‐  Adam  Gilad sex on purpose.”
• Dance  of  Polarity  -­‐  Chris>an  Hudson
• Masterful  Lover  Manifesto  -­‐  David  Shade —Sheri Winston
• Ero>c  Adventures  -­‐  Tallulah  Sulis
• 4  Keys  to  Seduc>on  -­‐  Dr.  Pa(  Taylor
• Seduc>on  Integrity  -­‐  Karen  Brody Please  do  not  copy,  pirate,  reuse  or  in  any  way  
• Alpha  Masculinity  -­‐  Carlos  Xuma unscrupulously  handle  this  material.    Do  not  take  
por6ons  of  this  material  nor  the  whole  report,  for  
• Secret  Arousal  Maps  -­‐  Sheri  Winston reuse  in  any  way.  Our  experts  have  spent  years  
accumula6ng  this  informa6on  and  deserve  to  be  
aPributed.  Have  a  heart.  Thank  you.

Imagine  how  
she’s  going  to  
be,  laying  
wai<ng  for  
you  to  take  
her...  you  are  
ready  to  
harvest  the  
seeds  of  
you’ve  been  
plan<ng  in  
her  mind. 24

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