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1 :tvllConstrn ion os
- - -·.. ...
~£..Y upto the start of construction_._·--·- __ ·-- - ·- - - - - -··· ...
c" 1111111111c;tlon _E.£riod As per the feasibility report . - --·--------·---··
J• pllMI C><pondituro Ai pPr G of concession
"nhndulu Agreement
4 Conifii~~ri!? 3% of Civil Consfr\JCtiOi1c ost
EPC Cost to be sum of Civil Construction
II r"C: Cosl
Cost and ContinQencies i.e. SI. 1 + SI. 4

• tO/f\re:opcratlve
lr1111rance___ --d
1% ofEPC
ti~-+-----------------t---------- -
1 ~onttructlon u ng 0.15% of EPC every year.
I. .r.1n11ndng 0-vo;;o;;t;;o:e;;b_t-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_:-_-_-_-_---·--·-
EscB1auon on balance EPC at the starl of an - - -- - --
FY: compounded 5% every FY

Escalation on actual EPC expend;ture in an

EY.;_ The expenditure in that FY is to be

• lao1l11t1on In EPC during

assumed to be incurred unironnly over the
complete 12 month period and thus such
expenditure Is to be further escalated by 5%
over 12 month period e.g . in case
expenditure in an FY is 100 er then th.e same
.is to be incurred as average of 100 and
100*(1 +5%) i.e. 102.5 er

'° '
llC•lo of Interest During Presently being taken as 11 .75%
Oonttruollon (IDC)
IDC lo be calculated on
the average of opening
and closing debt balance
for any FY
• - · · · · · - - ----r=r-=

amount and 15% Equity IRR.

Q1loulttlon or Total
ffru)1ot Co11t (TPC) In case assessed VGF amount is more than
the ceiling, TPC is to be calculated at ceiling

Methodology for Calculation of TPC

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