TLE Notes 4

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Lesson 4: Principles And Elements Of Design

Principles of Design
Emphasis Or Center Of Interest - place that draws attention.
Balance - equality of visual attraction or equilibrium.
Harmony - the consistent unity of components or elements that fit together.
Rhythm Or Repetition - repetitive movement of elements.
Proportion Or Scale - It denotes the relationship of the size of the object.
Contrast - the modification/alteration in value that creates an element of discord in an artwork.

Elements of Design
Line - It is an element of art used to describe a shape or an outline.
Shape - It is a two-dimensional line with no form and thickness.
Color - This is a phenomenon of light.
dimensions or properties of color:
Value - refers to the lightness or darkness of color.
Chroma - it is the brightness or dullness of color.

3 Ways Of Altering The Color

Tinting - lightening
Shading - darkening
Toning - graying

White, gray and black are considered as neutrals

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