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The main character of the commercial is a Thai man who is poor but he always goes around

helping others throughout his daily life. The supporting characters are the woman struggling with
her food cart, the homeless woman and her child, his elderly neighbor, and a lady on the bus.
The story happened along the road, in his neighborhood, on the bus, and it happened during
day time. The story starts with a man who sees water falling from a rooftop and moves a dying
plant to the water stream. He then sees a woman who needs help getting her flowchart up the
curb and he helps her. After that, he gives food to a dog begging at his table and he gives
money to the homeless woman and her daughter. He leaves bananas for his elderly neighbor
and also gives a seat to a lady on the bus. The most climactic part of the story is when one day,
he arrives at the curb where he would regularly sees the woman and her child and he notices
that the girl is no longer around, perhaps not surviving the hunger. But then, he sees her
running down the sidewalk. It seems that the money he gave helped the girl go to school and
buy the uniform.

It evaluates the goodness of a person in different categories even if it paid nothing but one true
love to all the people he helped around. The genres that were featured are sad, happy, and
contentment. The lesson that we can derive from this is to always be kind, even if others are
not, even if others do not, and even if others will not. Money can't buy happiness and love.

The actors and actresses images and personalities matched the characters they are portraying
because it can be seen that they are good at their roles and you will be captivated by how they
act in different scenes. The main actor is amazing. He did his part well, it's as if everything was
real. He portrayed well. I still believe that such a person still exists in this world, we just don't
see them on normal days since they are not famous for doing something good for others but
still, they exist. In my own opinion, the storyline of the ad did not match the concept of the
product it advertises because the product is all about life insurance.

The ad pierced my heart and it taught me to always be kind for whatever I do and wherever I go.
Everyone is a friend that sticks together and helps each other. I saw myself as the main
character in the ad, I am a kind person and I always helped as long as I could. I like the whole
part of the story since it shows kindness and love to people and even animals without gaining
anything but true emotions. If I were to change the story, I would make the main character a rich
person so that he can help more people and because he also deserves to have a good and
stable life since he has a pure heart. The ads in the Philippines are more on beauty products. I
think they should also try this kind of ad which can capture the hearts of many, can arouse
emotions, and has moral lessons.

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