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Centre for IT Services


Basic Information

Name: Father Name:

Designation: CNIC:

Department: Contact No:

Department Contact:

Event Details

Title: Type (Online/ Offline):

From Date: From Time:

To Date: To Time:

No. of Participants:

Hall Charges Details

Amount Deposited Rs. __________________ in National Bank of Pakistan (Univ. Campus)

Account Number: ______________________________ Dated: ___________________
Note: Original copy of Bank Deposit Slip must be attached with the Hall Reservation Proforma otherwise the
form/ reservation will not be processed.

Terms & Conditions

1. Video Conference Hall facility is provided to the Scholar/ Department subject to the
availability of time slot requested.
2. If there is an emergency online meeting of Vice Chancellor/ Higher Education
Commission, the hall will be vacated on priority.
3. If there is any damage to Video Conference hall equipment i.e. Mic, Multimedia
Projector, Screen, Wires, Computer and Video Conferencing equipment, the Scholar/
Department will be liable to replace it.
4. Edibles are strictly prohibited in the hall in any case.
5. The session should be completed in due time and hall will be vacated if there is
another planned event afterward.

I hereby submit that I am liable to follow the above Terms and Conditions in true spirit.

___________________________ ________________________
Applicant Name & Signature HoD Signature & Stamp

For office use only

Available/ Not Available: Remarks:

VCS Hall Supervisor: Director IT:

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