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Boost Up 1_U1_L4

UNIT 1 Meeting Friends Lesson 4

Topic Meeting Friends

to read a short passage and understand the text
Objectives to identify the characters
to introduce yourself with different expressions
Sentence Who am I?

Pages Student Book p.16-17, Workbook p.10-11, PPT Slides, popsicle sticks, Worksheet #7-8


(Time: 45-60 min.)

Greeting & [Review & Warm-up: PPT Tool Slides 1-12]

Warm-up 1. Greet the class. Take attendance.
(5-10 min.)  Watch the Boost Up song and sing along.
2. Use the PPT slides to review the previous lesson.
3. Activity:
 Each jar has words inside. Tell the students to pick one word from each jar.
 Have the students put the words together.
 Have each student come to the front of the class and introduce themselves.

Main Lesson [CLIL Reading: PPT Tool Slides 13-24]

(35-45 min.) 1. Words
 Have the students listen to the words and repeat them.
4. Story Reading
 Have the students listen to the passage two times.
 Tell the students to listen and read line by line.
5. Activity: Fill in the blanks.
 Tell the students to close their books.
 Play the audio and ask them what word fits in each blank.
6. Activity: Read and answer the questions.
 Have the students read and answer the questions.
7. Activity: Read out.
 Divide the class into groups of three.
 Each student gets a role. Have the students choose either Ms. Bell, Ella, or Jacob. Then have
the students read their parts.
 Switch the roles and repeat.
8. Think & Say
 Have the students read and answer the Think & Say question.
9. Check Up
 Have the students read and answer the questions on page 16.
 Check the answers using the PPT Slide.
10. Game: Popsicle Sticks
 Prepare popsicle sticks with the students' names and your name written on one side.
 Put them in one container, with the names facing away from the students.
Boost Up 1_U1_L4
 One by one, each student comes to the front and picks one popsicle stick.
 Have the students pick a stick and practice the dialogue with the name written on the stick.
e.g. Hello. My name is Danny. I’m a student.

[Class Guess: PPT Tool Slides 25-30]

11. Class Guess
 Tell the students to look at the picture on page 17.
 Ask them if they can guess who it is.
 Check the answer using the PPT Slides.

[Game: PPT Tool Slides 31-34]

12. Game: Introducing Myself
 Watch the video together and learn how to play the game.
 Prepare the O/X cards using Worksheet #7-8 and pair up the class.
 Play the game as described in the video. Make note of the Top Tip when carrying out the game.

Wrap-up [Workbook: PPT Tool Slides 40-45]

(5-10 min.)  Have the students do pages 10-11 in the workbook.
 Use the PPT Slides to check the answers.

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