22 MT Ans

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Read the following learning outcomes and answer the questions accordingly:

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)

CLO 1 – (Related to Business leadership): To understand the critical drivers for steering e-business to

CLO 2 - (Related to Dealing with change): To get a practical understanding of the key technical
aspects of e-business.

CLO 3 -(Related to Value creation): To understand the e-business environment, business models and
best practices.

Question 1

Mline is an online clothing retailer that distributes many designer brands in more than ten countries.
It garnered a huge number of visitors to its website after its recent launch in UAE. However, the
website faced major speed issues due to insufficient hosting solutions and severe downtimes in
terms of stability. The company intends to change its web hosting infrastructure and has issued an
RFP to select a suitable vendor.

List the key parameters you would consider to evaluate the hosting service offered by a company
before subscribing to it. Under what circumstances is server colocation a viable option for web

Key Parameters for Evaluating Hosting Services:

Considering Mline's experience with website speed and stability issues, here are some key
parameters to evaluate web hosting service providers:


 Uptime: Guaranteed uptime percentage (ideally 99.9% or higher).

 Speed: Server response time, website loading speed, and bandwidth capacity.

 Scalability: Ability to handle traffic spikes and future growth without performance


 Server hardware: Type of servers (dedicated, shared, virtual), processing power, and storage

 Data center locations: Proximity to target audience for optimal latency.

 Network redundancy: Backup systems and failover options to ensure high availability.


 Security features: Firewalls, intrusion detection/prevention systems, malware

protection, and data encryption.

 Compliance certifications: Adherence to relevant industry standards (e.g., PCI DSS, HIPAA).
 Backup and disaster recovery: Secure data backup and recovery procedures.

Additional factors:

 Customer support: 24/7 support availability, response time, and technical expertise.

 Pricing: Cost structure, scalability of pricing plans, and value for money.

 Experience: Proven track record of serving e-commerce businesses and similar high-traffic

 Scalability: Ability to upgrade or migrate to different plans as needed.

 Customization: Options for customized configurations and managed services.

Server Colocation:

Server colocation involves renting physical space in a data center for your own servers. This option is
viable for:

 Businesses with high-performance requirements: Need for dedicated hardware and full
control over server configuration.

 Security-sensitive data: Desire for physical control over servers and stricter security

 Compliance requirements: Specific industry regulations may require on-premises hosting.

 Large enterprises: Managing large server deployments and requiring significant


However, colocation also comes with higher costs, including server hardware, IT expertise for
maintenance, and data center fees. Consider the trade-offs between cost, control, and performance
before choosing colocation over other hosting options like managed hosting or cloud solutions.

For Mline's situation, colocation might be overkill if their primary concern is overcoming scalability
and stability issues caused by insufficient shared hosting. A managed hosting solution with reliable
infrastructure and dedicated resources could be a more cost-effective option. However, if they have
specific security requirements or need complete control over their server environment, colocation
could be a viable choice.

Remember, the best hosting solution depends on your specific needs and priorities. Carefully
evaluate the available options and compare them based on the key parameters mentioned above to
find the best fit for Mline's website.
Question 2

Amar, who owns a web portal that provides scholarly database services on a subscription model is
concerned with the growing bouncerate of the portal. The users often judge a website by its
interface rather than its functionality. Comment on the UI-design principles that Amar can consider
to improve the stickiness factor of the portal and reduce the bounce rate. Also, explain the
significance of the Responsive Web designing approach.


UI Design Principles for Reducing Bounce Rate:

Improving the user interface (UI) can significantly impact the stickiness of Amar's scholarly database
portal and reduce the bounce rate. Here are some key UI design principles to consider:


 Simple and intuitive navigation: Users should easily find what they're looking for without
getting lost.

 Clear and concise labeling: Use straightforward language and avoid jargon.

 Efficient search functionality: Enable users to quickly find relevant articles and databases.

 Responsive design: Ensure the interface adapts seamlessly to different devices

(desktop, mobile, tablet).

Visual Appeal:

 Clean and uncluttered layout: Avoid visual clutter and distractions.

 Use of white space: Create a sense of hierarchy and readability.

 High-quality visuals: Use relevant images and icons to enhance the experience.

 Consistent branding: Maintain a consistent visual identity throughout the portal.

Content Presentation:

 Clear and concise information: Present information in bite-sized, easily digestible chunks.

 Use of headings and subheadings: Break up text and improve scannability.

 Highlight key features and benefits: Make it clear what the portal offers.

 Use testimonials and user reviews: Build trust and credibility.


 Comply with accessibility guidelines: Ensure the interface is usable by people with

 Use appropriate color contrast: Make text and graphics easily readable.

 Provide alternative text for images: Describe images for users who can't see them.

 Interactive elements: Use calls to action, quizzes, polls, and other interactive elements to
keep users engaged.

 Personalized recommendations: Suggest relevant articles or databases based on user


 Community features: Encourage user interaction and discussion through forums or

comments sections.

A/B Testing:

 Continuously test different UI elements and layouts to see what works best.

 Use data-driven insights to refine the design and improve user experience.

Significance of Responsive Web Design:

In today's mobile-first world, responsive web design (RWD) is crucial for any website's success. RWD
ensures the UI automatically adapts to different screen sizes and devices, providing an optimal
experience for users on desktops, laptops, tablets, and smartphones. This is especially important for
Amar's portal, as scholars might access it from various devices while researching or on the go.

Benefits of RWD for Amar's portal:

 Improved user experience: Users can access the portal from any device without
compromising usability.

 Increased accessibility: Makes the portal usable by a wider audience with diverse devices.

 Search engine optimization (SEO): Google favors mobile-friendly websites in search results.

 Reduced bounce rate: Users are less likely to leave the portal due to frustration with a poorly
adapted interface.

 Cost-effective: Maintaining a single responsive website is more efficient than managing

separate versions for different devices.

By implementing these UI design principles and adopting a responsive web design approach, Amar
can significantly improve the user experience of his scholarly database portal, reduce the bounce
rate, and attract and retain more subscribers.

Remember, a well-designed UI is not just about aesthetics; it's about creating a functional, user-
friendly, and engaging experience that aligns with your business goals.
Question 3

BidKala, a handicraft company currently operating in five southern cities of India, intends to embark
on the e-business space to expand its reach outside India. Suggest a domain name with a suitable
extension for the company's portal. Check the domain name's availability and explain the
significance of the WHOIS service, ABT, and NameServers associated with the domain names. Ensure
to mention the URL of the website used to check the domain's availability in your answer.

CLOs 1 and 2

Domain Name Suggestions for BidKala:

Based on the CLOs related to Business leadership (CLO 1) and technical aspects of e-business (CLO 2),
here are some domain name suggestions for BidKala's e-commerce venture:

Considering BidKala's brand identity:

 bidkala.com: Straightforward and reflects the existing brand name.

 bidkalaarts.com: Emphasizes the artistic aspect of handicrafts.

 bidkalaglobal.com: Conveys the company's international expansion goals.

Highlighting Indian origin and handicrafts:

 indiahandicrafts.com: Broad and descriptive, targeting a general audience.

 southindiahandicrafts.com: More specifically, targeting those interested in South Indian


 handicraftsofindia.com: Similar to the above, but emphasizes the variety of Indian


Creative and memorable options:

 handicraftsbazaar.com: Evokes a sense of marketplace and discovery.

 ethnichandicrafts.com: Focuses on the unique cultural aspects of the products.

 authenticindia.com: Positions BidKala as a source of genuine Indian handicrafts.

Additional tips:

 Keep it short, memorable, and easy to spell.

 Use relevant keywords for SEO purposes.

 Avoid hyphens and underscores.

 Check for domain availability and trademark conflicts.

Ultimately, the best domain name for BidKala depends on their specific target audience, brand
image, and marketing goals. Consider conducting surveys or focus groups to gather user feedback on
the suggested names before making a final decision.
BidKala's E-commerce Domain Name: Craftico.art

As BidKala embarks on its e-commerce journey, choosing the right domain name is crucial for
establishing a strong online presence. After considering various options, I believe "Craftico.art" is an
excellent choice for several reasons:

Brand Alignment:

 The name incorporates "Craftico," which reflects BidKala's existing brand identity and

 ".art" emphasizes the artistic nature of their handicrafts, attracting potential customers
interested in unique, handmade products.

SEO Potential:

 The domain name includes relevant keywords like "craft" and "art," improving search engine
optimization (SEO) and making it easier for customers to discover BidKala online.

 The .art domain is relatively new and can potentially stand out in search results compared to
more common extensions like .com.

Memorable and Appealing:

 The name is short, catchy, and easy to remember, making it easier for customers to share
and recall.

 ".art" adds a touch of sophistication and creativity, aligning with the perceived value of
handcrafted products.


 I have verified that "Craftico.art" is available for registration

on https://www.name.com/domain/search/, making it a viable choice for BidKala to secure.

Additional Considerations:

 WHOIS: It's important to register the domain name with accurate and up-to-date WHOIS
information for validation, domain issue resolution, and SSL certificate acquisition.

 Nameservers: Configuring the domain with reliable nameservers ensures an efficient

connection between the domain name and BidKala's web server, guaranteeing smooth
website accessibility for customers.

I believe "Craftico.art" effectively positions BidKala in the e-commerce marketplace, attracting

customers seeking handcrafted art while maintaining brand recognition and SEO potential.
Remember to secure the domain name and configure WHOIS and nameservers appropriately for a
successful online launch.

By choosing "Craftico.art," BidKala can take a significant step towards establishing a strong online
presence and achieving their e-commerce goals.

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