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Dierence in dierences

Regression Discontinuity Design

Correction of the Stata exercise


Dierence in dierences and Regression Discontinuity Design

Clment de Chaisemartin
Majeure Economie

November 2010

Clment de Chaisemartin


Dierence in dierences

Regression Discontinuity Design

Correction of the Stata exercise


Dierence in dierences Intuition Identication of a causal eect Discussion of the assumption Examples Regression Discontinuity Design Two policy questions Intuition Formal Analysis Discussion of the assumptions Applications Correction of the Stata exercise Conclusion

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Clment de Chaisemartin


Dierence in dierences

Regression Discontinuity Design

Correction of the Stata exercise


Two new impact evaluation techniques

Gold standard in impact evaluation = randomized experiments (session 6). When it is not possible to run a randomized experiment, three alternative possibilities:
instrumental variable (session 7) Dierence in dierences (today) Regression discontinuity (today)

Contrary to randomized experiments, these methods are not assumption free. Rely on assumptions which cannot be tested => should be carefully discussed.

Clment de Chaisemartin


Dierence in dierences Intuition

Regression Discontinuity Design

Correction of the Stata exercise


Before-After analysis
Assume you want to measure the impact of the minimum wage on employment. Not possible to run a randomized experiment. Tough to nd out an instrumental variable. You have a data set of 200 american fast-food (FF) located in New Jersey (NJ), with the number of people employed during year N and year N+1. FF highly relevant for this type analysis: they indeed pay the minimum wage to their employees. We assume that the minimum wage in NJ changed between N and N+1. You could say that impact of the change of the minimum wage = average number of employees in N+1 - average number of employees in N. Issue = not only the minimum wage changed from the before to the after period (business cycle...)
Clment de Chaisemartin DID and RDD

Dierence in dierences Intuition

Regression Discontinuity Design

Correction of the Stata exercise


Cross-sectional analysis

Assume that on top of this data set, you have another with the same data but for FF located in Pennsylvania (Penn) where there was no change in the minimum wage from N to N+1 and where the minimum wage in N and N+1 was similar to that of NJ in N. => you could say that impact of the change of the minimum wage = average number of employees in NJ rms in N+1 - average number of employees in Penn rms in N+1. Issue = NJ and Penn dier on more aspects than just minimum wage. => your estimate might capture more than just the minimum wage eect (maybe fast-food are just bigger in one state than in the other : larger population, larger cities...) => any idea to circumvent these two issues ?

Clment de Chaisemartin


Dierence in dierences Intuition

Regression Discontinuity Design

Correction of the Stata exercise


Dierence in dierences
impact of the change of the minimum wage = average number of employees in NJ FF in N+1 - average number of employees in NJ FF in N-(average number of employees in Penn FF in N+1 - average number of employees in Penn FF in N). Dierence in dierences or double dierences. Intuition: you observe a change in FF size from N to N+1 in NJ.
Some of it is due to the change in the minimum wage, some of it would have happened anyway. To measure the change that would have happened anyway, you do the same computation but in a State where there has been no change in the minimum wage. => eect of the minimum wage = total change - change that would have happened anyway.

Clment de Chaisemartin


Dierence in dierences Identication of a causal eect

Regression Discontinuity Design

Correction of the Stata exercise


Framework and notations (1/2)

Two groups (NJ and Penn, Test and Control group) represented by a dummy G . Two periods of time (before and after) represented by a dummy T . One treatment, represented by a dummy D. D = T G . Only observations from the treatment group in period 1 are treated. Potential outcomes: Y (1): what happens to someone if he receives the treatment. Y (0): what happens to someone if he does not receive receives the treatment. Y = observed outcome

Clment de Chaisemartin


Dierence in dierences Identication of a causal eect

Regression Discontinuity Design

Correction of the Stata exercise


Framework and notations (2/2)

For the test group in period 1, is Y equal to Y (1) or to Y (0) ? For the control group in period 0 ? What we want to identify is E (Y (1) Y (0)|T = 1, G = 1) = E (Y (1)|T = 1, G = 1) E (Y (0)|T = 1, G = 1). Which of these two expectations can we easily estimate from the sample ? Which one is missing ? FF example: average number of employees in NJ FF after the minimum wage increase minus the the average number of employees in NJ FF after the minimum wage increase if actually the minimum wage had not increased.

Clment de Chaisemartin


Dierence in dierences Identication of a causal eect

Regression Discontinuity Design

Correction of the Stata exercise



T=0 G=0 0% treated

T=1 0% treated


0% treated

100% treated

In the minimum wage example, are we indeed facing this situation ?

Clment de Chaisemartin


Dierence in dierences Identication of a causal eect

Regression Discontinuity Design

Correction of the Stata exercise


Common trend assumption

Assumption: E (Y (0)|T = 1, G = 1) E (Y (0)|T = 0, G = 1) = E (Y (0)|T = 1, G = 0) E (Y (0)|T = 0, G = 0). Interpretation of the assumption in the minimum wage example: without the rise of the minimum wage, average number of employees in NJ FF would have followed the same evolution from period 0 to 1 than the evolution observed in Pennsylvania. Under this assumption:
E (Y (0)|T = 1, G = 1) = E (Y (0)|T = 0, G = 1) + E (Y (0)|T = 1, G = 0) E (Y (0)|T = 0, G = 0)

E (Y (1) Y (0)|T = 1, G = 1) = E (Y (1)|T = 1, G = 1) E (Y (0)|T = 0, G = 1) [E (Y (0)|T = 1, G = 0) E (Y (0)|T = 0, G = 0)]

and therefore

Double dierence or dierence in dierences (DID).

Clment de Chaisemartin


Dierence in dierences Identication of a causal eect

Regression Discontinuity Design

Correction of the Stata exercise


Regression analysis

If you run the following regression: Y = + 1{G =1} + 1{T =1} + 1{G =1} 1{T =1} + , = DID. Indeed, E (Y |T = 0, G = 0) = , E (Y |T = 1, G = 0) = + , E (Y |T = 0, G = 1) = + , E (Y |T = 1, G = 1) = + + + . => you can easily get the dierence in dierences estimator and its t-statistic from this regression.

Clment de Chaisemartin


Dierence in dierences Discussion of the assumption

Regression Discontinuity Design

Correction of the Stata exercise


Interpretation of the common trend assumption

Di in di is clearly not assumption free: the very strong assumption is the common trend assumption. What it means = without the reform, the trend in fast food employment would have been the same in NJ and Penn. Might not be true: assume for instance that business cycles are not at all the same in NJ and Penn. Maybe the dierential trend in FF employment is not due to the reform but just to the fact that the economic conjecture in NJ and Penn did not follow the same trend at all from year N to N+1. The smaller the time periods you look at, the more likely it is that the assumption is veried. If instead of years your units of time are months. Any idea on how one could test the common trend assumption ?

Clment de Chaisemartin


Dierence in dierences Discussion of the assumption

Regression Discontinuity Design

Correction of the Stata exercise


Test of the assumption

Not testable by a formal test. Graphical test: if you have several years of data, you can test whether the outcome variable followed parallel trends over the period except in the year of the reform. Assume that the minimum wage reform was implemented on 01/01/1993. If you also have data on the same FF in 1991 and 1992, you can compute the same DID but from 1991 to 1992, that is to say over two years when there was no change in the minimum wage. This is what we call a placebo dierence in dierence. If your common trend assumption is true, do you expect to nd that this placebo dierence is large or small ?

Clment de Chaisemartin


Dierence in dierences Examples

Regression Discontinuity Design

Correction of the Stata exercise


Impact of the minimum wage on employment (1/3)

Paper by Krueger and Card, 1994. Increase of the minimum wage in April 1992 in New Jersey, from 4.25$ to 5.05$ per hour. 19% increase. In the meanwhile, minimum wage in the neighboring state of Pennsylvania remained unchanged. Totally changes the wage distribution in restaurants:

Clment de Chaisemartin


Dierence in dierences Examples

Regression Discontinuity Design

Correction of the Stata exercise


Impact of the minimum wage on employment (2/3)

Conduct two waves of surveys: one before and one after the increase, and ask to the managers of 200 FF in each state how many employees they have. Increase in minimum wage => increase in employment (+2.76 employees).

Clment de Chaisemartin


Dierence in dierences Examples

Regression Discontinuity Design

Correction of the Stata exercise


Impact of the minimum wage on employment (3/3)

Issues with the paper: they do not have several years of data => can not run the placebo tests described above. However, they have employment data on high standards restaurants => compute the di in di estimator on them and this is 0 as expected (a rise in the minimum wage should not have any impact on them).

Clment de Chaisemartin


Dierence in dierences Examples

Regression Discontinuity Design

Correction of the Stata exercise


Impact of the 2007 smoking ban in workplaces in France

In February 2007, smoking was banned from workplaces in France. Did it give more motivation to working smokers to quit ? Data: network of tobacco cessation centers. Comparison of the quitting rate among employed and not employed patients.

Clment de Chaisemartin


Dierence in dierences Two policy questions

Regression Discontinuity Design

Correction of the Stata exercise


Do unemployment benets increase unemployment duration ?

Unemployment benets: Pros:

safety net for those who loose their jobs. Insurance system. no benets might be counter-productive: forces unemployed to accept whatever type of jobs, even if do not correspond to their qualications.

unemployment benets = an incentive for unemployed not to look for a job.

Clment de Chaisemartin


Dierence in dierences Two policy questions

Regression Discontinuity Design

Correction of the Stata exercise


Do students learn better in small classrooms ?

Important question: if the answer = class size has no impact on students performance, you can save a lot of public money setting up classrooms of 50 students => less teachers. Much debated, but in the public debate, analysts tend to compare apples and oranges: rst type of analysis = international comparisons. Korean students do better than German ones whereas classroom size is much larger in Korea and in Germany. Makes sense ? second type of analysis: univariate regressions in a given country. Among French students, regress their score in a national exam on the number of students in their class. Makes sense ? third type of analysis: multivariate regressions. Among French students, regress their score in a national exam on the number of students in their class + control variables (income of their parents...). Makes sense ? => need to nd an empirical strategy which allows comparing apples and apples.

Clment de Chaisemartin


Dierence in dierences Intuition

Regression Discontinuity Design

Correction of the Stata exercise


Using thresholds to identify the eect of a policy

In Isral schools, there cannot be a class with more than 40 students. => if you have a school with 40 children enrolled in grade 1: only one grade 1 class. If 41 students => 2 grade 1 classes (one has 21 students, the other one has 20 students). => to measure the impact of class size on students achievement, maybe you can compare schools with 40 grade 1 students to schools with 41 grade 1 students. Intuition: for sure, big schools and small schools are not similar (urban / rural etc...) => school size is not independant from students performance. However, passing from 40 to 41 students is something which can be regarded as random: schools with 40 grade 1 students should be similar to those with 41, but very strong dierence in class size. => to identify the eect of class size on students performance, compare achievement of students in schools with 40 students to achievement of students in schools with 41 students.
Clment de Chaisemartin DID and RDD

Dierence in dierences Intuition

Regression Discontinuity Design

Correction of the Stata exercise


Sharp or fuzzy design ?

Sharp design: the rule is deterministic. If you are more than 50 years old then you get larger unemployment benets. Fuzzy design: the rule is not deterministic. some headmasters will decide to open a new class from 35 students onwards (parents pressure, size of the classroom). However, the rule has some impact on the actual class size.

Clment de Chaisemartin


Dierence in dierences Formal Analysis

Regression Discontinuity Design

Correction of the Stata exercise


Identication of the treatment eect (1/2)

To simplify, we assume that the treatment is binary (receive unemployment benets over a long period or over a short period according to your age. In Austria, in some areas, if you are unemployed and more than 50, you get unemployment benets for a long time (2 years) whereas you get them for only 6 months if you are below 50: T = 1 iif A 50. We are in the sharp design situation. Outcome of interest: whether those unemployed nd a job in less than months. Each individual has once more two binary outcomes: Y1 and Y0 . For individuals strictly below 50 which outcome do we observe ? For individuals above 50 which outcome do we observe ? We observe Y = Y0 + 1{A50} (Y1 Y0 ) What we assume is that E (Y1 |A) and E (Y0 |A) are continuous functions of A. We acknowledge the fact that the probability to nd a job is a function of age (not the same for old than young unemployed). But we are just assuming that it changes continuously with age. => how to estimate a causal impact of the treatment with these assumptions ?

Clment de Chaisemartin


Dierence in dierences Formal Analysis

Regression Discontinuity Design

Correction of the Stata exercise


Identication of the treatment eect (sharp design) (2/2)

By comparing the probability of nding a job of individuals slightly below 50 to the same probability but for individuals slightly above 50. limA50,A50 E (Y |A) limA50,A<50 E (Y |A) = limA50,A50 E (Y1 |A) limA50,A<50 E (Y0 |A) = E (Y1 |A = 50) E (Y0 |A = 50) = E (Y1 Y0 |A = 50), thanks to the continuity assumption.

Clment de Chaisemartin


Dierence in dierences Formal Analysis

Regression Discontinuity Design

Correction of the Stata exercise


Estimation of the treatment eect in the sharp design case

An interesting quantity (E (Y1 Y0 |A = 50)) is equal to something we can estimate from the sample: limA50,A50 E (Y |A) limA50,A<50 E (Y |A). to estimate limA50,A50 E (Y |A) limA50,A<50 E (Y |A), run the following regression: Y = + 1 (A 50) + 2 (A 50)2 + ... + k (A 50)k +1 (A 50)1{A50} + 2 (A 50)2 1{A50} + ... + k (A 50)k 1{A50} + 1{A50} + You can check that under this model, = limA50,A50 E (Y |A) limA50,A<50 E (Y |A).

Clment de Chaisemartin


Dierence in dierences Formal Analysis

Regression Discontinuity Design

Correction of the Stata exercise


Estimate Y as a continuous (polynomial) function in the left hand side of the threshold, and in the right hand side, and see whether these two functions connect at the threshold.

Clment de Chaisemartin


Dierence in dierences Formal Analysis

Regression Discontinuity Design

Correction of the Stata exercise


Estimation of the treatment eect in the fuzzy design case (1/2)

Back to the class size example If you run the regression: Y = + 1 (SS 40) + 2 (SS 40)2 + ... + k (SS 40)k 1 (SS 40)1{SS40} + 2 (SS 40)2 1{SS40} + ... + k (SS 40)k 1{SS40} + CS + where SS denotes the size of the school, CS is the size of the class and Y is for instance the results of students in a nation-wide examination, you will not get a good estimate of the impact of class size on achievement at school. CS is indeed likely to be correlated with . We are in the fuzzy design case => there are some variations that we observe in CS which are not caused by S (classes that open before the 40th student due to parents pressure etc...). Which schools will choose to open a new classroom even if they have less than 40 students ?
Clment de Chaisemartin DID and RDD

Dierence in dierences Formal Analysis

Regression Discontinuity Design

Correction of the Stata exercise


Estimation of the treatment eect in the fuzzy design case (2/2)

=> you instrument CS by the threshold variable. Then you run the regression: Y = + 1 (SS 40) + 2 (SS 40)2 + ... + k (SS 40)k +1 (SS 40)1{SS40} + 2 (SS 40)2 1{SS40} + ... + k (SS 40)k 1{SS40} + CS + 2SLS procedure. CS = variation in class size only due to the size of the school. What will be the value of ?

Clment de Chaisemartin


Dierence in dierences Discussion of the assumptions

Regression Discontinuity Design

Correction of the Stata exercise


Informal tests
No formal test of the continuity assumption. In the class size example, you can plot for instance some students characteristics (X =parents income...) as a function of the size of the school. What you expect = no big jump at the 40 students threshold. Intuition: Y jumps at the threshold, and so does CS. If those things = the two only things which jump, then we can attribute the jump in Y to the jump in CS (people comparable with every respect in the left and in the right of the threshold except with respect to CS). But if other things jump at the threshold, such as parents income, then we do not know whether jump in Y due to jump in CS or to jump in parents income. Example of micro-credit program in Mexico: eligibility rule = having a land smaller than 1 ha (10 000 m2 ). => some people temporarily sold part of their land to benet from the program. => now, people in the left and in the right of the threshold no longer comparable. In the left: people whose land = really below 1 ha + dishonest people with land above 1ha. In the right, only honest people whose land is above 1ha. => you are comparing apples and bananas again !
Clment de Chaisemartin DID and RDD

Dierence in dierences Applications

Regression Discontinuity Design

Correction of the Stata exercise


Graphical analysis in the class size example

Clment de Chaisemartin


Dierence in dierences Applications

Regression Discontinuity Design

Correction of the Stata exercise


OLS results

Clment de Chaisemartin


Dierence in dierences Applications

Regression Discontinuity Design

Correction of the Stata exercise


Instrumental variable results

Clment de Chaisemartin


Dierence in dierences

Regression Discontinuity Design

Correction of the Stata exercise


Stata exercise

Clment de Chaisemartin


Dierence in dierences

Regression Discontinuity Design

Correction of the Stata exercise


Exam (1/2)
List of the proofs exigible for the exam (5% of nal grade): Session 2:
deriving and from the OLS minimization model proof of the fact that under the univariate linear model assumptions = cov (X ,Y ) V (X ) consistency of

Session 3:
proof of the fact that in the multivariate regression model, 1 = covee((rr11,Y ) where r1 is the estimated residual in the regression of V ) X1 on all the other explanatory variables. 1 proof that if cove (X1 , X2 ) = 0, then 1 , the coecient of X1 when 2 Y is regressed on X1 only is the same than 1 , the coecient of X1 when Y is regressed on X1 and X2 .

Clment de Chaisemartin


Dierence in dierences

Regression Discontinuity Design

Correction of the Stata exercise


Exam (2/2)

Session 6:
proof of the fact that when you run a randomized experiment, E (Y1 ) E (Y0 ) = E (Y1 |T = 1) E (Y0 |T = 0) (assuming Y1 and Y0 are discrete)

Session 7:
proof of the fact that under the 2 IV assumption, =
cov (y ,z) . cov (x,z)

value of 1 when there is an omitted variable bias. Interpretation in the change in regression coecients induced by this result.

10% of nal grade: questions related to the course. 35% of nal grade: questions on a paper.

Clment de Chaisemartin


Dierence in dierences

Regression Discontinuity Design

Correction of the Stata exercise


Your evaluation (1/3)

Start indicating: How many sessions of the course you attended. Whether your initial background in maths was strong or weak. This will help me interpreting your comments. Please indicate whether you think the following objectives of the course were reached: Give you some basic knowledge about econometric theory (OLS) Show you how these tools can be used by learning how to use an econometric software and practicing on real data Make you realize that measuring causality is both important and dicult through the reading of empirical research articles

Clment de Chaisemartin


Dierence in dierences

Regression Discontinuity Design

Correction of the Stata exercise


Your evaluation (2/3)

Issue of highly heterogenous initial background of students. Do you think that: The course should be kept as it is The course should be kept as it is but should become an elective so that only students who think their initial background is sucient will choose to follow it The course should remain a compulsory course, but to allow students with little initial background in maths to follow it, it should become a fully applied econometrics course, that is to say a course in which all sessions take place in the PC lab and consist of Stata exercises. There should not be an econometrics course in the program

Clment de Chaisemartin


Dierence in dierences

Regression Discontinuity Design

Correction of the Stata exercise


Your evaluation (3/3)

Stata projects were (to some extent) business oriented. But empirical articles we discussed in class were mostly policy oriented. You are business school students => those papers might be of little interest to you. => last question = do you think that the empirical papers we studied in class were interesting ? Very interesting Somewhat interesting Not very interesting Not interesting at all

Clment de Chaisemartin


Dierence in dierences

Regression Discontinuity Design

Correction of the Stata exercise


Useful quantitative methods for your professional life

Methods to help you to forecast future outcomes based on information available today: regressions.
time series model to predict future sales... logistic regression to predict whether a customer will default or not...

Method to assess the ecacy of a marketing, sales policy:

randomized experiment.

You learnt how to use a new useful software.

Clment de Chaisemartin


Dierence in dierences

Regression Discontinuity Design

Correction of the Stata exercise


Useful tools to get a clearer vision on some policy issues (1/2)

Impact evaluation = very important question, very dicult to answer: what would have happened if people had not beneted from the program ? Hundreds of studies try to answer this question on all kinds of policies. Results often contradictory. Quality of the results = very unequal according to the methodology of the study => all of them should not deserve the same degree of attention. Important to draw a hierarchy. One key principle to assess the value of the study in assessing the impact of a policy: in trying to reconstruct the hypothetical scenario of what would have happened to people if they had not received the program, do they compare apples to apples or apples to bananas ?

Clment de Chaisemartin


Dierence in dierences

Regression Discontinuity Design

Correction of the Stata exercise


Useful tools to get a clearer vision on some policy issues (2/2)

International comparisons: average class size is lower in the US or in France than in Eastern Europe, however results of students in standardized scores lower => small class size = detrimental. But this kind of study compare things that can not be compared. France and Eastern Europe educational system dier in much more aspects than class size (% of a cohort enrolled, role of education in society etc...). Intra-country comparisons with OLS regression. Can be misleading if you forget the right controls: you are not yet comparing comparable things. Can yield better results when many controls added (the things you are comparing are now comparable with respect to some dimensions). Quasi-experimental (IV, RDD, di-in-di) methods are already better. Gold standard = randomized experiments.
Clment de Chaisemartin DID and RDD

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