Python Microproject

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Government Polytechnic Pune

A Micro-project Report On

Hangman Game Using Python

Semester- V
Diploma in electronics & Telecommunication

Prepared By:

SR.No Name Enrollment No.

1. Triveni Shleke 2103110
2. Pratiksha Shinde 2103112

Under The Guidance of:

Mrs. Chandarani Pohphale


This is to certify that the microproject work entitled “HANGMAN

GAME USING PYTHON” is bonafide work carried out in the fifth
semester by…………………………………….in partial fulfillment
for the award of diploma in Electronics and Telecommunication
Engineering from Government Polytechnic Pune, during the
academic year 2023-2024.

Mrs.Chandarani Pophale Mr.S.S.Prabhune Dr.V.S.Bandal

(Course Teacher) (Head of Department) (Principal)

 Aim - Hangman Game Using Python

 Rationale :–

In the hangman game, one player thinks of a word and the other players
have to guess the word letter by letter. Whenever the guessed letter is
correct, the player who decides on the word will indicate the position of
the letter.

To build the Hangman hame with the Python programming language,

you need to use basic Python concepts like the random module,
integers, strings, characters, input and output operations, and Boolean

The logic of creating the Hangman game with Python is that we will have
users who will guess a letter and all users will have a very limited
number of guesses.

So, to code this game with Python, you can create a wordlist from which
users can think of the words. In the process, we will also need some
helper functions to check if the user entered a single letter or if the letter
entered by the user is in the hidden word.

 Aims/Benefits of this microproject: -

One player thinks of a word and the other tries to guess it by guessing
letters. Each incorrect guess brings you closer to being "hanged." This
game helps to sharpen children's spelling and word-decoding skills.
The hangman game is a great help in stimulating in the learning of
foreign particularly in the teaching of vocabulary.

 Course Outcomes Achieved: -

• CO1: Acquire Python programming basics and paradigm

• CO2: Acquire programming skills in Python using looping, control
statements, and string manipulations.
• CO3: Determine the methods to create and manipulate Python

programs by utilizing data structures like lists, dictionaries, tuples,

and sets.

• CO6: Acquire concepts of GUI controls and design GUI applications.

Actual Methodology Followed: -

 For the making of microproject, the following procedure was followed: -

• After a brief discussion, we finalized our micro project topic a Hangman

game Coding

• First, we did research on the topic.

• Then we designed code for the same.
• Report was prepared simultaneously
Actual Code: -

Actual Resources Used: -

 Hardware Requirement

Sr. No. Hardware Specifications

1. Laptop or PC 32 bit or 64-bit CPU 1.9+

3.0+ GB ROM
 Software Requirement
Sr. No. Software Specifications

1 Operating System: Version 20.0


2 IDE: IDLE Version 1.74

3 Python Intepreter Version 3.11.1

 Output Of the Microproject

 Conclusion
• Hence, we have successfully completed microproject of Hangman
Game using python.

• Course: Python Programming

 Course Code: ET5106

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