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2A GRAMMAR present perfect and simple past

Mike So, where should we go for our honeymoon?
Gina I don’t know. Maybe somewhere in North Africa. Have you
ever 1been / gone to Morocco?
Mike Yes, *WFCFFO/*XFOU there.
Gina I didn’t know that. When 3have you been / did you go there?
Mike The year after I have graduated / graduated from college.
Gina What about Egypt?
Mike *WFCFFO/*XFOU there, too.

Gina Who have you been / did you go with?

Mike With an ex-girlfriend. But we only have been /XFOUto Cairo.
Let’s go there.
Gina No, let’s go somewhere else.

b $
1 A How long have you been (you / be) married, Glenn?
B Twenty-two years! Maxine and I  (have)
our wedding anniversary three weeks ago.
A Where 3 (you / meet)? In college?
B No, it  (be) long before that. Actually,
we  (go) to the same elementary
school. We  (know) each other for a long
time. What about you?
A I’m divorced. I  (get) divorced a year ago.
B How long  (you / be) married?
A Just a couple of years.
B So, you’re on your own now?
A Yes, but I  (just / meet) someone new
and I really like her.

2 A 
(you / teach) English abroad before,
Ms. Jenkins?
B Yes, I  (teach) from 2009-2011 in
Bolivia, and I 3 (just / come) back from
a four-month job in Columbia.
A How long  (you / be) a language
B Exactly six years. Before that I  (be)
an elementary school teacher.
A Do you have any post-graduate qualifications?
B I (start) an MA in Linguistics with the
Open University last year, but I  (not
finish) it yet.


146 American English File 2nd edition Teacher’s Book 3 Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2014

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Have you ever

1. cut you finger? (How/it happen?)

2. eat Indian food? ( with who? /enjoy it? )

3. wear fancy dresses? (what/ the celebration? /enjoy it?)

4. do anything brave? (what/it? Why/do it?)

5. sleep in a tent? ( when? /enjoy it?)

6. sail a boat? (where/you sail? /enjoy it?)

7. sing in a public? (what/you/ sing?)

8. go fishing? (where? /enjoy it?)

9. climb mountain? (where? /enjoy it?)

10. drink beer? (when?/ like it?)

Vocabulary lesson: Money

1) Have you ever lost any money?

2) How much money would you like to earn a year?

3) Which company would you like to invest in now?

4) Have you ever borrowed money and not paid it back?

5) Is there anyone you don’t like lending money to?

6) Have you ever found any money? Did you keep it?

7) What did you last waste money on?

8) Do you owe anybody money now?

9) When did you last withdraw money from the bank?

10) Has anybody ever stolen money from you?

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