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Student Facing Worksheet: Expressing Likes

Understanding Likes:

Expressing likes is a common part of communication. It helps us share our preferences and interests
with others. In this worksheet, you will practice using language to talk about things you like.

Fill in the Blank: Fill in the blank with the correct words.
1. I ____ eating pizza on weekends.
2. My best friend ____ swimming in the ocean.
3. We ____ to watch movies every Friday night.
4. Sarah ____ reading books in her free time.
5. They ____ playing basketball after school.

Word Bank: swimming, love, enjoys, like, prefer

Multiple Choice Questions: Choose the correct answer from the choices for each question.
6. Maria _ to play the guitar in her free time.
A) liking
B) likes
C) liked
D) like
7. Which word best completes the sentence: "I _ spending time with my family."
A) liking
B) likes
C) liked
D) like
8. What is the correct verb to express like in the sentence: "She _ going to the park on
A) love
B) liking
C) likes
D) liked
9. They _ to bake cookies together.
A) prefers
B) prefers
C) prefer
D) prefering
10. Which word best fits in the blank: "My brother __ playing video games."
A) loves
B) liking
C) loved
D) like

Open-Ended Questions: Answer the following questions in complete sentences.

11. What activities do you enjoy doing in your free time?
12. Can you name a hobby that you really like? Why do you enjoy it?
13. Describe a movie or book that you love. What makes it special to you?

Answer Key:

Fill in the Blank:

1. enjoy
2. loves
3. like
4. enjoys
5. love

Multiple Choice Questions:

6. B) likes
7. D) like
8. C) likes
9. C) prefer
10. A) loves

Open-Ended Questions:
11. (Answers will vary)
12. (Answers will vary)
13. (Answers will vary)

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