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What is a megacity?

A megacity is any city that surpasses the population of 10 million people.

Advantages and disadvantages of living in a megacity?

As expected from a megacity, a place where millions of people live, the

advantages in living in a place like that are such as, for example, escaping boredom.
Advantages of living in a megacity are:
● More job opportunities;
● Meet new people more easily;
● Live near airports;
● Living in a place with a change for financial growth;
● Having more entertainment opportunities;

However there are still plenty of disadvantages, such as:

● Problems with noise;
● Limited space;
● More crime;
● Higher cost of living;

What are some of the challenges that city/people have to

deal with?

There are plenty of challenges that megacities face, mostly also common with
normal cities but aggravated by the megacity’s overpopulation. Some of those
problems are, for example:
● Problems managing pollution, more buildings, more people, more cars,
more business, more pollution!
● More crime;
● Problems managing infrastructure due to the lack of space;
● Problems managing transport.
● Traffic congestion;
● Problems with sanitation;
Being such important and relevant challenges of the city, of course those will impact
and soon enough become a challenge to its citizens as well.

Would you like to live in a megacity?

No, we wouldn’t like to live in a megacity, of course it would depend on which

megacity since some are clearly more welcoming than others, either for economic or
social reasons, but, in general, most of them face the same problems which would
make us not like to live in such a place, for example, and perhaps the most relevant
one, the overcrowdedness of the whole place! Who would like to get up in the
morning, getting ready for school or work, come out of their apartment, and be
instantly met with loud sounds, a wave of people walking left and right, the amount of
cars and pollution, for all of those reasons, we’d like to stay away from a megacity as
much as possible.

In the future, do you think the tendency is to have more or

less megacities?

No, I do not think the tendency is to have more megacities at all, if anything it
is to keep the amount of megacities we have at the moment, or maybe, start losing
some. After the boom in human population, for a few decades, we’ve seen our
numbers rising rapidly, however, each year, the increment in the amount of people is
smaller, which means, eventually we will find ourselves at a peek, from which point
our numbers will only continue to lower.
On top of that, the reason why a megacity exists in the first place, is because
it is a place that carries a lot of relevancy, and invites people from outside to get in,
maybe for business reasons, or just because the living conditions in that city look
pleasing to the outsiders, which means, there probably won’t be any new megacities
unless some city gains sudden importance in the global scene.

Tokyo - One of the largest megacities in the world

Due to its difficult to achieve conditions, the amount of megacities in the world
is barely comparable to the amount of actual cities that exist in the world: only 33 out
of the more than 10000 cities all over the world.
One of them is Tokyo, the capital of Japan, a country situated to the east of
the Asian continent, a country with a booming economy and beautiful culture, but
also a very overpopulated country. However, surprisingly so, Japan’s overall
population has met its peek a few years ago, and started going down due to the
social-economic circumstances that exist there.

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