Written Assignment Unit 1

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Written Assignment Unit 1: My Daily Routine

As a housewife, my daily routine revolves around a rhythm of domestic duties and

caring for my family. I always start my day with the first light of dawn, around five
o’clock. After taking a quick shower, I, without fail, dedicate about an hour to my
spiritual nourishment, which includes my prayer rituals and supplications to almighty
God; doing this gives me a feeling of inner peace and the strength to face the difficulties
in my life. Afterward, I head straight to the kitchen to look for another kind of nutrition;
which is a delicious breakfast. The aroma of the hot brew of coffee wakes up the
members of my family. Then, I make sure that my husband and my children get my help
whenever they need it, and that’s my part to help them set a positive tone for the day
ahead. After they go to their destinations, whether to school or work, I usually take
some time to make a to-do list, ensuring that I stay organized and productive. I often
include some physical activities like walking or jogging in my daily routine. Besides,
dedicating some time to any kind of personal development during the day is a priority.
Generally, I spend most of the day doing chores around the house unless I have work to
do outside. In the evening, my family gathers around a big meal and takes this time as
an opportunity to chat and learn about each other's day. Finally, I go to bed. But before
falling asleep, I reflect on the whole day and kind of assess my achievements during the
day. Most of the time, I feel content whenever I try my best to lead a fulfilling day,
preparing myself to happily welcome the following one.

Written Assignment Unit 1: My Friend’s Daily Routine

The daily routine of my friend starts by getting up around 6 AM. She always dedicates
thirteen minutes to going for a run. Then, after taking a quick shower, she often eats a
healthy and nutritious breakfast; She usually has a juice of fresh fruit to get energy. She
goes to work at 8 o’clock. She tackles her work tasks with determination and focus,
making sure to meet deadlines and attend meetings. But she also takes breaks to do
things she enjoys. For instance, In between work, she finds time to unwind by practicing
yoga. In the afternoon, she sometimes reads books or does hobbies she likes. In the
evening, she relaxes with a bath or a walk outside. Dinner is an occasion for her to
connect with loved ones, sharing stories and laughter around the table. Before bedtime,
she reflects on the day's events and feels grateful for the moments of joy and
accomplishment. Finally, she settles into bed, ready to rest and recharge for another
fulfilling day ahead.

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