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Full name: FRANCIS SCOTT FITZGERALD Date of birth/death: 1896-1940 National AMERICAN (MINNESOTA) Literary movement: LOST GENERATION Related authors (if any}: GERTRUDE STEIN / HEMINGWAY ‘Main writing features/characteristics: SHORT STORIES / NOVELLAS // Themes: work ambitions/social aspirations and idealism in american character Main works (chronologically arranged): i ‘This Side of Paradise /Flappers and Philosophers-1920 The Reautiful and the Darined-1927 SixTales of the lazz Age and Other Stories: 1922 ‘The Great Gatsby 1924 “The Rich Boy / Babylon Revisited Tender is the Night-1934 Some curiosities/peculiarities (if any): Obsessed with money tluxury life. Wife, Zelda wv Full name: JOHN STEINBECK Date of birth/death: 1902- 1968 Nationality: AMERICAN (CALIFORNIA) Literary movement: LOST GENERATION Related authors (if any): ‘Main writing features/characteristics: SOCIAL NOVELS: rural California conditions ‘Style: naturalistic and socially-committed Main works (chronologically arranged): Tortilla Flat-1935; series of short stories Of Mice and Men -1937 A film anda play adaptation ‘The Grapes of Wrath-1539 ‘The Moon is Dawn-1942 The Pearl East of Eden-1952 A film adaptation by James Dean The Winter of our Discontent- 1961 Major novel ‘The Travels with Charley: in Search of America-1962 vv VV ¥Y Y ‘Some curiosities/peeuliarities (if any): Travel with dog. Nobel Prize

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