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BPO 全国轮论文学习材料推荐

Nature vs Nurture
⚫ Bouchard Jr, T. J., & McGue, M. (2003). Genetic and environmental influences on human
psychological differences. Journal of neurobiology, 54(1), 4-45.
⚫ Haworth, C. M., Davis, O. S., & Plomin, R. (2013). Twins Early Development Study (TEDS):
a genetically sensitive investigation of cognitive and behavioral development from
childhood to young adulthood. Twin Research and Human Genetics, 16(1), 117-125.
⚫ Francis, D., Diorio, J., Liu, D., & Meaney, M. J. (1999). Nongenomic transmission across
generations of maternal behavior and stress responses in the rat. Science, 286(5442),
⚫ Bandura, A. (1965). Influence of models” reinforcement contingencies on the acquisition
of imitative responses. Journal of personality and social psychology, 1(6), 589.
⚫ Flynn, J. R. (1987). Massive IQ gains in 14 nations: What IQ tests really measure.
Psychological Bulletin, 101(2), 171.

⚫ Kang, E. (2023). Easily accessible but easily forgettable: How ease of access to information
online affects cognitive miserliness. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, 29(3),
⚫ Musa, N., & Bakkara, V. F. (2023). The Effects of Digital Amnesia on Knowledge
Construction and Memory Retention. Khizanah al-Hikmah: Jurnal Ilmu Perpustakaan,
Informasi, dan Kearsipan, 11(2).
⚫ Sparrow, B. (2011). Study Finds That Memory Works Differently in the Age of Google.
Columbia News at.
⚫ Camerer, C. F., Dreber, A., Holzmeister, F., Ho, T. H., Huber, J., Johannesson, M., ... & Wu, H.
(2018). Evaluating the replicability of social science experiments in Nature and Science
between 2010 and 2015. Nature human behaviour, 2(9), 637-644.

⚫ 意识理论的 overview:https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/consciousness/#HisIss
⚫ 意识的理论:Dualism (Descartes, 1644), Physicalism (Wilkes, 1988), cognitive theories,
neural theories
⚫ 意识领域研究追溯
⚫ 意识与无意识
⚫ 量化研究对意识的论证
⚫ The Science of Consciousness (TSC) conferences https://consciousness.arizona.edu/
⚫ Critical Thinking!

⚫ 实验范式 sample 及制作网站—Gorilla 网站:https://app.gorilla.sc/login
⚫ 问卷制作:问卷星网站
⚫ 心理学常用范式:Stroop 实验,N-back 实验,Go/Nogo 实验,IAT 内隐联想实验等等
⚫ 神经科学常用仪器:EEG,fMRI,fNIRS,TMS,PSG 等等

⚫ 学习网站推荐:https://don.libguides.com/HarvardReferencing
⚫ 好用的网站:
⚫ Cite this for me:https://www.citethisforme.com/
⚫ My bib
⚫ Google scholar
⚫ 文献管理软件:
⚫ Endnote
⚫ Zotero
⚫ Sciwheel

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