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Store Integrator (SI)

Version 4 Release 2 Service Pack 1
Contents ........................................................................................................................................................ 1
About this document .................................................................................................................................... 2
Purpose ..................................................................................................................................................... 2
Getting Help .............................................................................................................................................. 2
Revision history ............................................................................................................................................. 3
Acronyms & terminology .............................................................................................................................. 3
About this release ......................................................................................................................................... 3
Pre-requisites ................................................................................................................................................ 4
Test environment .......................................................................................................................................... 5
Notable architectural, configuration, or user experience changes ............................................................ 11
Fixes ............................................................................................................................................................ 12
Features ...................................................................................................................................................... 18
Limitations .................................................................................................................................................. 21
Known issues............................................................................................................................................... 21
Additional considerations ........................................................................................................................... 22
Related documentation .......................................................................................................................... 22

About this document

This document describes the V4R2 Service Pack 1 of Store Integrator (SI). The content includes:

 an inventory of the delivered package including notable program files and supporting
documentation, when applicable;
 a list of pre-requisites for successful installation;
 a description of the environment, including hardware and software details, for which the release
was tested by Toshiba;
 a description of significant changes to solution architecture, established installation and
configuration steps, or user experience;
 a listing and description of new, notable fixes in this release;
 a listing and description of new, changed, or removed features in this release;
 a description of the “known issues” that may impact functionality;
 a summary of regulatory, security, and privacy considerations associated with this release; and,
 a reference to additional helpful documentation.

Getting Help
Support website:

The Toshiba Global Commerce Solutions Web site contains the latest information on Toshiba point-of-
sale hardware, the newest versions of Toshiba point-of-sale software, and a knowledgebase containing
hints, tips, and fixes for known issues/problems with Toshiba point of sale products.

The URL for the Toshiba Global Commerce Solutions web site is:

If you have general pre-sale or usage questions about Store Integrator that are not answered in the
publications and you are a Toshiba Business Partner, you can submit questions to the Partner line team
from our Knowledgebase page.

Reporting problems:

To report problems, visit the Toshiba Global Commerce Solutions support website:

Revision history
Changes to this document will be summarized in the following table in chronological sequence. The newest entry will
appear at the bottom.

Software release Date published Description of changes

V4R2 SP1 01/30/2018 Final Version
V4R2 SP1 01/29/2018 Initial Draft
V4R2 09/15/2017 Final Version
V4R2 08/25/2017 Initial Draft

Acronyms & terminology

Consult the following table to define terms or acronyms used within the body of this document.

Term / Acronym Definition

CSS Client Session Server
GSA General Sales Application
GUI Graphical User Interface
OS Operating System
POS Point of Sale
SA Supermarket Application
SI Store Integrator
RMA Remote Management Agent

About this release

This section describes the detailed content of this release, including:

 pre-requisites for successful installation and/or execution;

 the environment in which this release was successfully tested;
 the specific files included in the package, along with a description and checksum of each;
 if appropriate, any significant changes to solution architecture, established installation and configuration steps,
or user experience; and,
 Notable fixes, changed or new features, and known issues.

This release requires the following hardware and software pre-requisites.

Software Version Comments

4690 OS 6.5 0GL2
ACE 7.5
SA P001 or later
GSA P001
CSS Microsoft Windows 7 or For CSS
Microsoft Windows Embedded
POSReady 7
JavaPOS 1.14.1, or later For Windows Client
JRE 1.6, 1.7 or 1.8 For Windows Client
RxTx For CSS, see Store Integrator
User’s Guide, Windows Client
configuration steps.
RMA V2.6 build 24

Hardware Comments
Terminal (Processor/RAM) – 4690 V6R5 Classic Terminal Configuration – GUI only use
Single Display 500 MHz / 512
MB, Dual Display 850 MHz / 512 Note: These requirements assume a 200 MB terminal ram disk.

Controller (Processor/RAM) –
1.8 GHz / 256 MB

Terminal (Processor/RAM) – 2.0 4690 V6R5 Classic Terminal Configuration – Solution Use
GHz / 512 MB
Note: These requirements assume a 200 MB terminal ram disk.
Controller (Processor/RAM) –
1.8 GHz / 256 MB

Terminal (RAM) – Single Display: 4690 V6R5 Enhanced Terminal Configuration – GUI only use
Java 2, TDK 8, 1GB
Dual Display : Java 2, 1 GB, TDK
8, 2 GB Note: If you use the SI customer GUI with complex graphical
information, you might exceed the memory requirements for the
Controller (RAM) – 512 MB, 1 terminal and or controller.
GB - C84 and newer

4690 V6R5 Enhanced Terminal Configuration – Solution Use (No

Terminal (RAM) – 1GB GUI)

Controller (RAM) – 512 MB, 1 GB

- C84 and newer Note: If you use the SI customer GUI with complex graphical
information, you might exceed the memory requirements for the
terminal and or controller.
4610 POS Printer 4610 POS printer support is required.

Test environment
This release was tested using the following hardware and software configurations along with the pre-requisites listed in
the prior section.

Testbed 1

Software Version Comments

4690 OS V6R5 0HL0

ACE/EPS V7R5 Level 223

JRE Java2 / Java6 / TDK8

Store Integrator SI GUI V4R2 S001


Controller Mode Machine RAM Role OS

Node Type

CC Enhanced 4800-783 1GB Master/File Server 4690 OS Enhanced

DD Enhanced 4800-743 1GB Alternate Master/File Server 4690 OS Enhanced

SE Enhanced 4900-785 2GB Subordinate 4690 OS Enhanced

SF Enhanced 4900-785 2GB Subordinate 4690 OS Enhanced

Terminal Machine Type OS Application


404 4900-745 4690 OS AADM - ACE GUI AEM Dual Display in

Enhanced Java 6

604 4900-786 Windows 7 Remote operator GUI OpenJDK

64 bits
Silver theme

704 4800-783 Embedded POSBC OpenJDK

POSReady 7
Virtual Sessions

Testbed 2

Software Version Comments

4690 OS V6R5 0HL0

SA Supermarket Application Q001

JRE Java2 / Java6 / TDK8

Store Integrator SI GUI V4R2 S001


Controller Mode Machine RAM Role OS

Node Type

CC Enhanced 4900-745 1GB Master/File Server 4690 OS Enhanced

DD Enhanced 4800-781 1GB Alternate Master/File Server 4690 OS Enhanced

SE Enhanced 4900-786 2GB Subordinate 4690 OS Enhanced

SD Enhanced 4900-785 2GB Subordinate 4690 OS Enhanced

Terminal Number Machine Type OS Application

404 4800-723 4690 OS SADM – SA GUI AEM Dual

Enhanced Display

405 4800-781 4690 OS SAOM – SA GUI AEM

Enhanced Operator

650 Lenovo T410s Windows 7 Remote operator GUI

64 bits OpenJDK

Silver theme

Testbed 3

Software Version Comments

4690 OS V6R5 0HL0

GSA P001

JRE Java2 / Java6 / TDK8

Store Integrator SI GUI V4R2 S001


Controller Mode Machine RAM Role OS

Node Type

CC Enhanced 4900-785 1GB Master/File Server 4690 OS Enhanced

DD Enhanced 4800-783 1GB Alternate Master/File Server 4690 OS Enhanced

SC Enhanced 4900-775 1GB Subordinate 4690 OS Enhanced

SD Enhanced 4900-785 4GB Subordinate 4690 OS Enhanced

Terminal Machine Type OS Application


500 6140-100 4690 OS GADM – GSA GUI AEM Dual

Enhanced Display

501 4800-783 4690 OS GAOM – GSA GUI AEM

Enhanced Operator

502 4900-786 Windows 7 64 Remote operator GUI

bits OpenJDK

Silver theme

503 4900-786 Windows 7 32 Remote operator GUI

bits OpenJDK

Silver theme

Testbed Performance

Software Version Comments

4690 OS V6R5 0HL0

ACE/EPS V7R5 Level 223

JRE Java2 / Java6 / TDK8

Store Integrator SI GUI V4R2 S001


Controller Mode Machine RAM Role OS

Node Type

CC Enhanced 4800-C84 2GB Master/File Server 4690 OS Enhanced

DD Enhanced 4800-C84 2GB Alternate Master/File Server 4690 OS Enhanced

SE Enhanced 4900-785 4GB Subordinate 4690 OS Enhanced

SF Enhanced 4900-785 4GB Subordinate 4690 OS Enhanced

Terminal Machine Type OS Application


404 4900-743 4690 OS AADM - ACE GUI AEM DUAL

Enhanced DISPLAY

SERVICE PACK 1 Testbed 1

Software Version Comments

4690 OS V6R5 0HL0

ACE/EPS V8R1 Includes new features for Scale Sentry

functionality, ACE Reprint Receipt

JRE TDK8 1.0.8

Store Integrator SI GUI V4R2 S003

JavaPOS - UPOS 1.14.2 Toshiba Software


Controller Mode Machine RAM Role OS

Node Type

CC Enhanced 4800-783 4GB Master/File Server 4690 OS Enhanced

DD Enhanced 4800-743 1GB Alternate Master/File Server 4690 OS Enhanced

SE Enhanced 4900-785 4GB Subordinate 4690 OS Enhanced

Terminal Machine Type OS Application


404 4900-745 4690 OS Enhanced AADM - ACE GUI AEM Dual Display

Standalone Classic/ Silver Theme

405 4900-783 4690 OS Enhanced C/T - AAOM - ACE GUI AEM Operator

Silver Theme

704 6140-145 Embedded POSReady 7 64b POSBC OpenJDK , SI GUI Remote

Virtual Sessions

406 4900-783 4690 OS Enhanced POSBC AEM – POSBC for ACE

Enhancement AEM


Device Terminal

CashDrawer, LineDisplay, MSR, POSPrinter, 404, 405, 704, 406

POSKeyboard, Scanner, Scale

SERVICE PACK 1 Testbed 2

Software Version Comments

4690 OS V6R5 0HL0

ACE TCxPay V7 - 501

TCxPay V1R1 - 501

JRE TDK8 1.0.8

Store Integrator SI GUI V4R2 S003

JavaPOS - UPOS 1.14.2 Toshiba Software


Controller Mode Machine RAM Role OS

Node Type

MF Enhanced 4900-786 2GB Master/File Server 4690 OS Enhanced

MV Enhanced 4800-783 2GB Alternate Master/File Server 4690 OS Enhanced

VF Enhanced 4800-783 2GB Subordinate 4690 OS Enhanced

Terminal Machine Type OS Application

474 4800-723 4690 OS Enhanced AEF Full Screen


704 6140-155 Embedded SI GUI Remote- StandAlone / Silver theme

POSReady 7 64b

706 6140-155 Embedded POSBC- StandAlone / Silver theme

POSReady 7 64b


Device Terminal

Cash Drawer, LineDisplay, MSR, POSPrinter, 474

POSKeyboard, Aurus PinPad

CashDrawer, LineDisplay, MSR, POSPrinter, 704, 706

POSKeyboard, Scanner, Scale

Notable architectural, configuration, or user experience changes

This delivery is the first to contain the following notable changes, which may require additional action in a customer

Type of impact Description

Architectural N/A

Configuration Java IO Processor and CSS Java libraries are now shipped with Store Integrator.
JIOP library (JATTACH.JAR) is now shipped by Store Integrator with the name of
SIJIOP.JAR. Similarly, CSS library (TSS.JAR) is shipped with the name of CSS.JAR.

SI RMI Socket Factory was enhanced to generate sockets in a user supplied

range, specified by properties within the CONFIG bundle.

Store Integrator now ships 4690 Extension Archives to use with SI GUI for
Supermarket Application and for General Sales Application. This presents the
user with an alternative to preload bundling to deploy SI libraries to the

*See the Features Table on this document for more information.

User Experience N/A


The following issues have been addressed in this release

SR # AR # Description Usage – Special Notes Recreate Guidance

201082 7127 The screensaver for the To turn off the screen saver on the Using the user extension jar:
Customer GUI display customer GUI add in a custom Create/edit file
cannot be disabled in a extension archive (e.g. svuser.jar, which is
dual display system while svcomp.jar, etc.) in in svuser.jar, and add the
keeping it enabled in the the property: line:
Operator's. CGUIScreenSaver.timer=0 CGUIScreenSaver.timer=0.
Update or append the file to
Copy the file to 4690OS,
distribute and rebuild
preload bundles.
Reload Dual Display
terminal and wait for the
179080 7049 Value passed through XML The PointsEvent message, which is
message exceeds the the one causing the failure, is sent
Integer size causing SCO by a SelfCheckout Extension running
lane to freeze. as a service over AEF. If the PointsID
element value, which is also used
for the RequestID, exceeds the
integer limit, there will be
formatting problems while parsing
it, hanging the application.
The solution was to default
RequestID to 999999999 for
numbers greater than the maximum
allowed integer.
178254 7012 Tabs are not showing the This problem only occurs on
full name on TDK8 systems configured notebooks. SI GUI
Configurable Notebooks were not
rendering the text properly on the
173816 7023 SI POS Adapter ends when Problem reported with a POS
an error is encountered Adapter (running on a Pharmacy
because AEF does not Server) that uses SI code to connect
refresh the current state to an AEF session on the POS
after transaction cleanup. Controllers. This does not happen
on all transactions. It has been seen
with large negative transactions as
well as small positive transactions.
167910 6930 Not able to void item from 1. Try to void an item during
enhanced receipt due a transaction from the
enhanced receipt.
insufficient time to insert 2. Sales application will
document. request to insert a
document at the station.
Wait for more than 10
seconds. This creates a
delay which makes AEF time
167390 6881 Receipts are printing very Only occurs with self-checkout 1. Ring up your order.
long extra spacing - Non- using embedded JavaPOS. 2. Hit Pay Now.
Epson Printers 3. Complete payment of
4. Receipt will print, but
with many extra spaces.
122954 6949 Provide configurable ability To avoid sign on during POSBC pre-
to avoid sign on during initialization the user can set the
POSBC session pre- property
initialization. preinit.posbc.nosignon=true in Default value is
120478 6736 Transaction number is Recovery for failover is dependent
resetting on POSBC lanes on the OS return code that AEF
during recovery for failover received. The format of the 4690 OS
due an incorrect return return code had changed during
code handling. implementation of OS enhanced
environment and therefore SI was
not properly detecting the issue and
would not recover successfully from
the issue which was a remote file
handle exception(0x80604007).
93658 6702 Terminal cashier GUI It occurs when touch-enabled 1. Turn on the touch-
screen flash "Check Logs" receipt feature is turned on by enabled receipt feature by
message due a adding the property adding the property
NullPointerException "enhanced.receipt.enabled=true" to enhanced.receipt.enabled=t
caused by a Mouse event the SV properties bundle. rue to the SV properties
incorrectly handled. With touch enabled receipt feature bundle.
enabled, cashier GUI screen's lower 2. Reload terminal SI GUI. It
right corner, was flashing the will flash "Check Logs"
message "Check Logs". message.

88592 6539 Lane freeze after hitting It only occurs on self-checkout.

pay now due an improperly
formatted XML caused by
an incorrect parsing of
character '>'.
81086 6467 Suspended transaction is It occurs only with a codepage 1. Start a new transaction
not displayed in the list on file.encoding=Cp864, with the and press TOTAL
SI since data is not specific data that cannot be read 2. Go to Miscellaneous and
readable with code page from decoding String java objects. select the Suspend option.
Cp864. 3. Once the transaction was
suspended go to

Miscellaneous and select
the Retrieve option. The
suspended transaction is
not displayed.
62005 6017 Excessive number of PML It only occurs on self-checkout.
Print Job Thread" instances
since old ones are not
61588 5890 Operator screen freeze due Scroll events are needed remotely
a memory leak because for Dual Display Java6/TDK8 to
RMI does not dispose the allow synchronization between
scroll events. operator and customer. However,
they are not classes that are called
remotely and just need to be
serialized across an RMI bridge.
54474 5563 Cannot hide mouse pointer It Only Occurs on Dual Display 1. Configure Dual Display
cursor on Customer Display application with
on Java6/TDK8 Java6/TDK8.
The Customer display
window has a cursor that
cannot be disabled nor
made invisible.
36089 5961 Mobile sale transfers to the This issue requires the use of the 1. Shop with the mobile
lane are slower than they TCx Amplify solution, is needed to phone.
were previously. check-in the removal of the 2. Scan the bar code at the
throttling from the AEF mobile lane to transfer the sale to
properties. the Checkout lane. The
The throttling was delaying the transfer of the sale takes
completion of the total sequence in more and more time.
AEF suspend.
30392 6205 SI GUI creates a Custom ACE added the flag (available in 1. Configure a transaction
Discount entry that rejects V7R5 A186) discountAllowed that is discount group in ACE
any keyed in values even set to false when all discount rate Personalization -> Options -
when a transaction limits (overrides) are 0. SI will > Transaction Discounts ->
discount group is process this flag and will not add Groups.
configured in ACE with all Custom Discount entry to the list of 2. During a transaction the
keyed discount rate limits available Transaction Discounts. If GUI still will create a Custom
set to 0. the flag is set to true or is not Discount entry that will
present (for compatibility with reject any keyed in values.
previous ACE levels), SI should
continue to create a Custom
Discount entry as always.
SR # AR # Description Usage – Special Notes Recreate Guidance
122954 6950 Provide configurable ability To avoid sign on during preinit must
to avoid sign on during apply posbc property:
preinit. preinit.posbc.nosignon=true default
value is false which was the pre-
existing case.

182892 7282 PrinterHandler is not able The DI station document flip is only 1. Sell an item and pressed
to "read from"/"write to" supported with DirectIO by setting TOTAL.
the DI station when Java property SendRawEnabled=true. 2. Select CHECK button and
redirection is enabled. Document franking has to be type the tender amount.
enabled for Check tender. ENTER ACCOUNT NUMBER
prompt is displayed.
3. Insert Document at the DI
station. Printer continuously
moves the document up
and down in the DI
station.station. Printer
continuously moves the
document up and down in
the DI station.
192568 7140 Prompt data isn't displayed The prompt data is getting filtered
in the popup dialog for by a label property filter and will
operator override for case now be permitted via 1007
when prompt matches the substate.
%%%M (where "%" is a
wildcard char)
203454 7362 A customs SI GUI notebook SI GUI was unable to find the
interface is not displayed updated node definition of the
on the touch screen notebook when doing a XML parse
reload for a component that
had changed. The issue revolved
around the fact that the screen
definition contained an actual
definition of the notebook
and not a reference. A reference
would have resolved to the
new definition that was loaded
during the refresh.
203470 7271 Information displayed at Internally SI GUI appends a special
the 2x20 area of the UI is command character to designate
incorrect orientation ("Left to Right") to all
text messages displayed in the
2x20, in some scenarios this caused
the text length to be incorrect and
the text split algorithm to fail thus
presenting a mal-formed text
210574 7437 An AEF Conditionlock EXPECTING_COUPON will now be a 1. Scan item that has a
Timeout is raised when a valid good condition for a total store coupon
total is taken that yields an sequence. No special configuration attached to it.
EXPECTING_COUPON is required. 2. Scan loyalty card.
substate(1005). This is a 3. Press Finish and Pay
valid outcome for a total quickly, before the

and should be accepted by discount is
the tender sequence. triggered.
4. Wait 2 minutes
while the lane is
locked up on the

Result: The ConditionLock

timeout are recorded to SI
211122 7332 In some cases the Allow a configurable property to 1. Configure an
hostname resolution takes retry additional times. The property incorrect DNS
over 30 seconds due to is server.query.retries and default is address (or remove
issues with the domain 6 which yields 30 second wait(6 x 5 it from the
name server. This seconds). This property will allow network). Refer to
elongates time needed for additional time to query the session 4690 configuration
the session server to setup server and is specified within the guide.
the RMI registry. And for a config properties bundle. 2. Start an SI GUI dual
dual display/dual JVM GUI display terminal.
environment causes the
customer display JVM to
timeout querying the
Session Server and the GUI
does not complete
219078 7289 Text box being minimize TDK8 dialogs are not observing
doesn't permit application setResizable(false) and therefore
to continue will show icon to
minimize/maximize/... the dialog
frame. Applying proper title
decorations for tdk8.
254046 7326 The italian plums have an Changed to correct plum 4436. 1. Open the produce
incorrect plu code, 4036, screen
for the data entry in the 2. Look for italian
produce screens. plums and select it,
the resulting price
added to the
transaction will be
of a Tangerine.

262568 7446 Mobile POS Giving Error of When customer is using session
Condition lock - wait for roles to allow specific config and
retrieve transaction - time automation properties to be
assigned to specific groups of
terminals. The specific property of
It is being both configured via config
and automation as being 120000
ms. However, when a retrieve
transaction is done it is timing out

at 50 seconds (25000ms x 2). The
25000 is the general config timeout
for the general set of sessions. This
timeout should not have applied to
the sessionrole sessions.
This happened because a static
variable was being used that only
allowed one value to be set across
all sessions. Now, an instance
variable will be used so that the
timeout lookup will be done
uniquely for every action and will
allow the sessionrole value to apply.
This change has been applied to
three Action variables for:

268743 7655 The ProcessFactoryBeacon The empty list issue will now be
thread was ending due to recovered from and additional
attempting to remove an tracking, that will allow to do better
element from the list when problem determination, will be
there wasn't one available. done to capture the error that
caused the original issue.
268982 7595 Check printing format issue Extra line feeds were getting sent
on DI Face Check printing. The Sales
Application does not send the line
feed character (0x0A) when it sends
the AMOUNT WORDS field for
printing. SI had added a linefeed to
avoid the issue where a non-line
feed command being sent.
However, some print requests are
all on the same line, such as on the
line that have AMOUNT WORDS
and the DATE.


The following features have been added, changed, or removed in this release.

New features

AR Description / External Documentation Usage – Special Notes

# or Change
Request #
6020 Addressed deserialization RMI compatibility issues Remote (RMI) classes’ serialVersionUID
caused by having different, yet compatible, versions attribute is initialized to a constant value in
of Store Integrator installed in 4690OS and order to minimize unmarshalling RMI
Windows clients. compatibility issues between 4690OS CSS and
Windows clients.
6292 Store Integrator RMI components can be configured SI RMI Socket Factory was enhanced to
to communicate over a user specified range of ports generate sockets in a user supplied range,
(sockets), enabling retailers to reinforce firewall specified by properties within the CONFIG
security rules. bundle. By default, it will continue to
communicate using ephemeral ports.
For configuration and usage information refer
to Store Integrator User’s Guide, Chapter 4.
Planning for Store Integrator, section Setting a
range for Store Integrator RMI Ports.
6431 Store Integrator can now be installed using an Store Integrator Installation Wizard will now
OpenJDK-based JRE version 8, in a Windows system. search for an OpenJDK JRE to use first, and fall
back to search and use other supported
vendor JREs, if an OpenJDK one is not found.
This feature is enabled by default and doesn’t
require any user configuration.
6469 Store Integrator installation CD includes white lists For configuration and usage information refer
and exclusion sample rules to use with 4690 to Store Integrator User’s Guide Chapter 4.
whitelisting report and protect mode. Planning for Store Integrator, section Securing
Store Integrator with 4690 Whitelist feature.
6579 Store Integrator now ships 4690 Extension Archives For configuration and usage information refer
to use with SI GUI, AEF-only and POSBC configured to Store Integrator User’s Guide, Chapter 6.
terminals for ACE. This presents the user with an Configuring Store Integrator on 4690 OS,
alternative to preload bundling to deploy SI libraries section Using 4690OS Extensions instead of
to the terminal. Bundling for GUI, AEF and POSBC.
6598 New SI GUI property controls if ACE should update New property scale.event.signal with
the GUI scale frame component for improved supported values of NEVER, AUTO and
performance. ALWAYS (default) was added to SI GUI’s SV
bundle, e.g.,
When set to NEVER it will prevent ACE from
updating the GUI scale frame, when set to
AUTO, ACE will update the scale frame if a
scale device is present. A value of ALWAYS will
signal ACE to always update the scale frame.

6643 Store Integrator now ships 4690 Extension Archives For configuration and usage information refer
to use with SI GUI for Supermarket Application. This to Store Integrator User’s Guide, Chapter 6.
presents the user with an alternative to preload Configuring Store Integrator on 4690 OS,
bundling to deploy SI libraries to the terminal. section Using 4690OS Extensions instead of
Bundling for GUI, AEF and POSBC.
6696 Java IOProcessor and CSS Java libraries are now JIOP library (JATTACH.JAR) is now shipped by
shipped with Store Integrator. Decoupling these Store Integrator with the name of SIJIOP.JAR.
modules from 4690 provides greater flexibility for Similarly, CSS library (TSS.JAR) is shipped with
migrating 4690OS and Store Integrator the name of CSS.JAR.
Store Integrator Java Applications classpath
have been updated to point to the new jar
files and stop using the ones supplied by
For more information refer to Store Integrator
User’s Guide, Chapter 6. Configuring Store
Integrator on 4690 OS, topic Migrating to SI
V4R2 and above.
6726 Store Integrator now ships 4690 Extension Archives For configuration and usage information refer
to use with SI GUI for General Sales Application. to Store Integrator User’s Guide, Chapter 6.
This presents the user with an alternative to preload Configuring Store Integrator on 4690 OS,
bundling to deploy SI libraries to the terminal. section Using 4690OS Extensions instead of
Bundling for GUI, AEF and POSBC.
6802 Store Integrator installation Java utilities for Store Integrator 4690 installation procedure
4690OS, will now run using TDK 8 as the preferred was modified to launch its Java utilities using
JRE. TDK 8 when available in the system. If TDK 8 is
not available, it will fall back to try using Java
This feature is enabled by default and doesn’t
require any user configuration.
6911 It is possible to get to ACE version by An “invisible” button was added on top of SI
touching/clicking on the GUI Scale frame for GUI scale frame. When clicked, it will open up
Weights & Measures compliance. a dialog displaying the version of ACE. This
option has been historically available through
the Miscellaneous tab (Other Misc. Product
Version), however this tab is sometimes
removed by SI GUI customizations, making it
inaccessible to W&M auditors.
For more information refer to Store Integrator
User’s Guide, Chapter 5. Installing Store
Integrator components, topic Alternate way
to check ACE Version and fulfill Weights and
Measures certification.
6912 New option Switch to Terminal Screen is available in For usage information refer to Store
SI GUI Operator’s dialog menu to allow users to Integrator User’s Guide, Appendix B.
switch to the 4690 native terminal screen, enabling Optimizing Store Integrator Performance,
them to open the pseudo keypad to access S1-S2 section Switch to terminal screen to use the
functions. Pseudo keyboard (S1/S2).
7036 POSBC XML Schema Definition has been versioned POSBC’s main XML schema definition file
by including the new attribute version in the root (POSBC.xsd) includes the attribute version in
element. A new request and its corresponding its root element. This attribute will be
response were added to the POSBC API to allow updated to reflect changes to the schema to
client applications to retrieve the schema currently aid on compatibility issue tracking.
used by the POSBC server (JIFServer).
GetSchemaDefinition request and response
were added to the POSBC API model to allow
POSBC client applications to query and
retrieve the schema currently being used by
the POSBC server. For specific details refer to
POBC’s XML Schema Definition, new elements
are self-documented in the schema.
SP 1
AR Description / External Documentation Usage – Special Notes
# or Change
Request #
7484 Single Tender Key support through POSBC API for The AddTenderRequest POSBC message now
TCxPay accepts the special tender identifier type
SingleTenderKeyIdentifier, which a POSBC
client application can use to signal ACE the
initiation of an electronic tender using the
Single Tender Key function code. This feature
is supported for TCxPay only and operations
supported are: tendering, partial tendering
and tender void.
For more details about changes to the POSBC
API model refer to POSBC XML Schema
Definition files.
7601 POSBC Failover will provide redundancy at the This feature is activated through properties
JIFServer level when running within a 4690 CSS within the failover properties bundle (e.g.
execution environment. This way when one
JIFServer becomes unavailable the POSBC client will For more information contact your TGCS
be able to resume operations on alternate backup representative.
server running in another 4690 subordinate
7620 Add support for ACE V8 scale sentry feature for POSBC AddItemResponse includes an
Datalogic 9800i through POSBC API ExceptionResult element with an extended
error code of
whenever a POBC client application tries to
add a weighted item for which scale sentry
has been configured in ACE.
This will signal the POSBC client application
using a Datalogic 9800i scale, to query the
scale sentry sensor status. The item can be
added to the transaction by providing a
weight value directly in the AddItemRequest
or via POSBC callbacks.
7647 SI GUI support for ACE V8 reprinting of sales SI GUI added support for ACE V8 sales
transaction receipts. transaction reprinting feature.

This new feature is accessed through Non-
Sales -> Other Non-Sales -> Reprint
Transaction Receipts button, which is visible
only if this feature has been enabled in ACE
and if the operator has been granted the
appropriate access rights. When selected, an
input form is presented to the operator to
capture the search criteria to be used.
Currently all fields are numerical and the
operator is required to key in the data (no
support for scanner). Results are presented in
a table that allows the selection of a single
entry for reprinting.
No specific configuration is required in SI GUI.
For more information on how to configure
this feature refer to the Application
Client/Server Environment documentation.

V4R2 SP1 Limitations

Please be aware of the following limitations or reduced functionality in this release:

 Tender cashing, exchange and balance inquiry operations aren’t supported through POSBC Single Tender Key.
 Scale Sentry support for Datalogic 9800i is for scenarios in which the scale device is handled by the POSBC client
(for example, Toshiba’s Self-Checkout solution).

V4R2 SP1 Known issues

This release contains known issues as described below. These issues will be resolved in a future release.

AR Issue Description Workaround


7740 The scanner isn’t supported when capturing Operator needs to key-in this information.
the customer loyalty number or alternate ID
on the input form for the search receipt

Additional considerations

Related documentation
Please see the following materials for additional support.

Publication Availability
Store Integrator User’s Guide (TC62-0017-01)
Store Integrator Programming Guide(TC62-
0016) /en/home/support/publications
Store Integrator Graphical User Interface
Programming Guide (TC62-0018) /en/home/support/publications
Store Integration (G581-0262)
General Sales Application Planning and
Installation Guide (GC30-3690) /en/home/support/publications
Remote Management Agent and Viewer
User's Guide (GC30-4106) /en/home/support/publications
4690 OS Programming Guide (G362-0574)
SurePOS Application Client/Server
Environment for 4690 OS Planning and /en/home/support/publications
Installation Guide
TCx™Pay User's Guide
(TC62-0024-00) /en/home/support/publications


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