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Dear Student

The long summer break is a great opportunity to spend quality time together as a
family, but it can also lead to you children being intellectually under stimulated. In an
age of social media, it’s easier than ever for youngsters like you to spend your down
time frying your brains in front of screens. We agree that children should be allowed
their own time to relax and recover from the stresses of school, it’s important not to
let that behavior dictate their entire summer break. Holiday homework provides the
perfect opportunity to keep your “school brain” ticking over, and keeps you
challenged and stimulated.

The key thing to remember when it comes to holiday homework is balance. You
deserve a break during which you can enjoy your selves and have some freedom, so
opt for a fair working schedule that is flexible around your needs. So enjoy your
summer holidays with your family, friends and relatives and complete your home
work with new spirit. Spend your time in doing things you love. Go out with your
family, order your favourite cuisine and spend time in play zone area Create a SCRAP
BOOK or PHOTO ALBUM with pictures and caption capturing the special moments
with your family during holidays.


The goal of art integrated project is to encourage creativity and self expression while
also reinforcing the skills we have been developing together in class. We want you to

1. Do the given assignment in A-3 size project file/sheets ,beautiful handmade folders
or as instructed by the subject teacher.

2. The project of each subject needs to be developed and presented in the following order:

Cover page showing project title along with school logo.

Name and Class of the student and academic year.

Content of the project work.

3. Parents can be facilitators at home but the work should be done independently by
the child in his/ her own handwriting.

4. Holiday home work will be assessed on certain parameters i.e.







5. Worksheets should be done and submitted along with the project work.
1. Make use of eco-friendly materials for preparing the projects.

2. Submit the homework once the school reopens.


Try to take up a summer activity. Spend some time doing yoga, exercise, meditation etc.

Perform weekly cleanliness tasks like – arranging the cupboard,

sweeping the kitchen counter, watering plants, making your own bed diligently.

Go for walks with your family. You will realize you have two of the greatest gifts of

Read the newspaper daily.

Try to converse in English with your parents, siblings, friends and relatives, as
it will enhance your proficiency in this language.

Read at least two books of your interest during the vacation. Maintain a self-
made dictionary of the new words you come across while reading.

‘Care and Concern’ this is your chance to look after your parents,
grandparents, elders and even your younger brothers and sisters. You can surely be of
some help to your family members. Ask your family members if they need some help
and then do the needful.

Enjoy your holidays

Howard convent sr sec school kanth. Holiday home work

class 6.
Subject Hindi. Hindi 1 मे chapter 4 को पढ़कर
उसके शब्दार्थ लिखिए और अभ्यास कायथ book मे ही findout कीजिए पेि नंबर 21 पर दी गई एजटिवििी को चािथ
पेपर पर बनाइए। हहंदी 2 में पेड़ िगाओ ,धरती बचाओ विषय पर एक ननबंध लिखिए
मैने ग्रीष्मािकाश कैसे मनाया विषय पर एक अनुच्छे द लिखिए। अपने क्षेत्र में बबििी संकि से उत्पन्न कहिनाईयों
का िर्थन करते हुए बबििी अधधकारी को पत्र लिखिए।
पेि नंबर 138 पर हदए गए धचत्र को दे िकर उस पर 10िाटय लिखिए।पेि नंबर 124 और127पर दी गई exercise को
book में ही findout कीजिए।chapter 17,18,,19read कीजिए और उनसे कुछ प्रश्न बनाइए।
Art integration project- आप सभी बच्चे एक फाइल बनाइए उसमे भारत का नक्शा लगा कर अरूणाचल प्रदे श का
नक्शा लगा कर अरूणाचल प्रदे श की भाषा, पहनावा, रहन सहन,कलाकृततयों, संस्कृतत, नत्ृ य आदद के बारे में साफ
और स्पष्ट संदर लेख में ललखखए।




List out the 10 major tribes of Andhra Pradesh. Find out the approximate population of those
tribes. Round off the population to the highest place.


Table 2 to 20.
Learn the definition of Natural number, whole number, integer and rational number.
Make a Rangoli design with the help of different geometrical shapes you know (2D only)

Q1. Find the sum suitable rearrangement.
a) 736+280+356 = b) 1538+453+647=

Q2. Make the greatest number and the smallest number oF-
a) 7,0,5 b) 2,0,8. c) 9,4,0

Q3. Find the product by suitable arrangement.

a) 2 x 1768 x 50 b) 285 x 5 x 60

Q3. Write first five multiples of 7

Q4. How many whole numbers are there between 32 and 53

Q5. Find all the multiples of 9 up to 100?

Q6. Write the next three natural numbers after 10999?

Q7. Write the successor for the following numbers:

(a) 32891210
(b) 98752122

Q8. Write the following in roman numerals:

(a) 329
(b) 98
(c) 121

Q9. Write the following in Hindu - Arabic system of numeration:

(d) XCIX

Q10. The canteen charge Rs. 50 for lunch and Rs. 20 for milk for each day. How much money
do you spend in 4 days on these things?

Howard Convent Sr. Sec. School

Summer Vacation Holiday Homework

Subject - Science
Class - 6th

Reading & learning :-

1. Read chapter 3, 4 & 5 . Learn scientific terminology of these chapters.

2. Learn Question / Answer and exercise of chapter 1,2 & 3 .

Activity: -
1. Collect specimens of spices that are used by your mother in law the kitchen . Put them in
small transparent plastic pouches. Staple them on a drawing sheet and write the name
of the spice below each pouch in English , Hindi and your mother tongue.
2. Prepare a healthy salad by using sprouts.
3. Prepare a chart of your diet for one week.

Art integration project:-

1. Make a project on food and their ingredients of regions of Arunachal Pradesh. ( It's
2. Collect pictures of some plants that are a source of food . Group them according to their
edible parts. Make a colorful and informative chart using them.

1. Make a balanced diet working model .

Worksheet ( Writing )

Q1. Tick (✓) the correct answer-

1. Which of the following is an animal product?
(a) Cheese
(b) Egg
(c) Curd
(d) All of these

2. Animals that feed on both plants and animals are called

(a) Herbivores
(b) Carnivores
(c) Omnivores
(d) Scavengers

3. Sugar and starch are types of

(a) Fats
(b) Proteins
(c) carbohydrates
(d) Vitamins

4. Which of the following are called body building foods?

(a) Fats
(b) Vitamins
(c) Proteins
(d) Minerals

5. An example of a herbivore is
(a) Cow
(b) Lion
(c) Tiger
(d) Fox

6. Rahul has bow shaped legs , he could be suffering from

(a) Beriberi
(b) Scurvy
(c) Night blindness
(d) Rickets

Q2. Fill in the blanks-

1.Pulses are rich in __________.

2. Vitamin B and C are called __________

3. Bacteria and fungi are called ________.
4. Rearing of honeybees is called _____.
5. Hens and ducks provide us with ______.
6. We eat the __________ of potato and ginger.
7. Deficiency of fluoride causes ________.
8. __________is caused by the deficiency of vitamin B.

Q3. Write true or false-

1.Food is required only by animals and not by plants.

2. Decomposers help to keep the earth clean.

3. Oil is rich in proteins.
4. Carnivores eat flesh.
5. Herbivores have sharp front teeth called incisors.

Q4. Write one word for each of the following-

1. Materials or substances used in preparing a dish ____________.
2. Green plants that can prepare their own food______________.
3. The part of a plant that can be eaten____________.
4. Animals that feed on dead animals.____________.

Q5. Match the following-

Column A Column B
1. Water (I) Source of energy

2. Carbohydrate (II) Essential for bones

3. Vitamin K (III) Body growth

4. Calcium (IV) Keep the body cool

5. Protein (V) Clotting of blood

Q 6. Answer the following questions-

1.Name two roots that you eat?

2.Name the process by which plants prepare their food.
3. Name a spice that adds color to your food.
4. Name any one use of water.
5. Which is the simplest carbohydrate?
6. Define producers?
7. What are the ingredients?
8. Why are animals called consumers?
9. List the importance of food for your body?
10. What are the diseases caused due to excess fats in your daily diet?


● Read Chapter - 4 and 5.
● Learn All Hard Words of these Chapters (4,5)

● Learn all work of Chapter 1 to 3 (Questions Answers and Book Exercises)
● Learn all States and Capital.
● Do Page No. 2,3,4,5 in your Activity Book.

● Do Chapter 1-8 in your Map Book.
● Practice these Chapters also.


● Find out the Culture of Arunachal Pradesh and represent them with the help of Map and
their Location.
● List Out all the famous River of Arunachal Pradesh and represent them on Map.

Howard convent At. Sec. School Kanth

Summer Holidays Homework (2023-24)
Class 6 Computer
1. Read ch1 and Ch2 also do book excerise
2. Prepare a Power point presentation insert an Audio file from your PC
3. Create a Power point presentation on the topic of Historical monument in India also
write the unique features of monument
4. Create an Excel Worksheet Having a list of months and expenditure in each month use
Auto fill to fill the name of month
5. Lean UT 1 test paper.
6. Create a marksheet of 5 students and follow these instructions
● insert a row above the third row
● insert a column to the right of third column
● using Auto fill feature fill roll number of students

Holiday Homework
Class 6. 2023-24
Subject - English
1. 4 pages writing from chapter 5 and 6 from English reader book (1)
2. Learn question answer with MCQ from chapter 2 and 3 from English reader book.
3. Do complete worksheet first in your English grammar book at page number 148
question .( Q.
No. 1 to 10) in book.
4. Make a list of punctuation marks on a chart paper writing bold with colour pens.
Write a letter to your friend in U K describing the festival of Holi.
Subject - urdu
Subject - drawing

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