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Energy- and climate efficient construction, 4.5p 1302
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2022-11-03 14:00-19:00 Stenladan_V

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2022-11-03 Energy- and climate efficient construction 2 (9)
1. Apart from fossil fuels combustion and use, list 4 other sources of anthropogenic
greenhouse gases (GHGs) emission. [2p]

2. You are asked to suggest solutions to improve the environmental performance of a new
concrete frame building to be constructed. Suggest 4 measures to reduce the environmental
impact of concrete as a key material to be used in the construction. [2p]

3. Refrigerators and freezers are among the most energy consuming appliances in residential
buildings. List 4 factors that influence the energy use of refrigerators and freezers. [2p]

4. Explain the following concepts regarding lighting

i. Colour Rendering Index (CRI). [1p]
ii. Lighting (luminous) efficacy. [1p]

5. List 4 measures that can be implemented to reduce energy for domestic hot water use in a
building. [2p]

6. Give 2 reasons why improved airtightness of the thermal envelope is important for
improved building energy efficiency. [2p]

7. An architect wants to choose new energy efficient windows that maximise solar heat gains
in a building. How would you advise the architect regarding the choice of the windows
using the concepts of g-value and U-value? [2p]

8. With examples, explain the differences between U-value and Psi-value in building energy
simulation. [2p]

9. Efficient management of construction and demolition waste is a major sustainable

development issue. List 4 major benefits of efficient management of construction and
demolition waste. [2p]

10. With the help of a diagram, describe the waste management hierarchy and explain how this
can be used for sustainable management of construction and demolition waste. [2p]

2022-11-03 Energy- and climate efficient construction 3 (9)


1. A single-family house with yearly heating demand of 15 MWh is heated by an existing air-
to-air heat pump with a COP (Coefficient of Performance) of 3.5. The owner of the house
is thinking of replacing the existing heat pump with a new air-to-air heat pump of the same
capacity but of COP of 4.5. Assuming that electricity for operation of the heat pump is
from a coal-based power plant with a conversion efficiency of 45% and transmission and
distribution losses of 6%, and coal has fuel cycle energy input of 10% and carbon intensity
of 0.35 t CO2/MWh, determine:
a) How much primary energy could be saved if the existing air-to-air heat pump in the
building is replaced with the new air-to-air heat pump. [2p]

b) How much CO2 emissions could be saved if the existing air-to-air heat pump in the
building is replaced with the new air-to-air heat pump. [1p]

c) The pay-back period for the new air-to-air heat pump if it costs 95000 SEK, and the price
of electricity is 2.93 SEK/kWh. [1p]

2. A shopping area has a total heated floor area of 1100 m2 and an annual specific final heat
demand of 85 kWh/m2. It is heated by district heating, and 75% of the district heat is
produced by cogeneration (CHP) plant and the remaining 25% is produced by heat-only
boiler (HOB). The cogeneration plant is based on biomass-based steam turbine technology
and has a total efficiency of 0.77 (ηelect + ηheat=0.77) and ηheat = 0.51. The HOB is based on
fuel coal and has efficiency of 92%. Assume that: heat exchanger losses = 6%, district
heating distribution losses= 10%, electricity distribution losses = 3 %. Coal has fuel cycle energy
input of 10% and carbon intensity of 0.35 tCO2/MWh, while biomass has fuel cycle energy input of
3% and carbon intensity of 0 tCO2/MWh. Based on the above,

a) Calculate the primary energy use and CO2 emissions resulting from supplying heat to the
shopping area. [2p]

b) The total electricity use in the shopping area amounts to 50 MWh. Is the amount of
electricity cogenerated together with the produced heat in the above enough to meet the
electricity demand of the area? If not, how much more primary energy and CO2
emissions will result from supplying the missing electricity? Electricity not produced in
cogeneration plants is assumed to be produced in coal power plant with 40% conversion
efficiency and 7% transmission and distribution losses. [2p]

2022-11-03 Energy- and climate efficient construction 4 (9)

Questions 3 and 4 are based on Fig. 1 below showing a simple concrete building that has
been designed by an architect to be used as a storage facility in Växjö. The building has a
flat roof, and a floor to ceiling height of 3 m. Additional details of the building are given in
Table 1. Follow the instructions below and answer the following questions.

Fig. 1: Illustrations of the concrete building (left) and its floor plan (right). Dimensions in
floor plan are from wall to wall. (B) represents wooden door with overall dimension 0.9 m
x 2 m while (C) represents double glaze window with overall dimension 1.5 m x 1.5 m.

3. Given the information in Fig.1 and Table 1 (below) and the material densities and specific
end-use final energy to produce the materials in Table 2 (below), you are asked to

i. Mass of the materials in the building (Foundation/ slab-on-ground + walls + roof),

excluding the window and door [2p]

2022-11-03 Energy- and climate efficient construction 5 (9)

ii. Primary energy use for material production of the building (Foundation/ slab-on-
ground + walls + roof), excluding the window and door. Assume that the fuel cycle
energy inputs are 10% for coal, 5% for oil, 5% for natural gas and 3% for biofuel, and
also that electricity is produced from a coal power plant with 35% conversion
efficiency, and transmission & distribution loss of 3%. [6p]

2022-11-03 Energy- and climate efficient construction 6 (9)

Table 1: Details of the elements of the building and construction materials.
Element Description/ material details

1. Foundation / slab on
a. 15 mm laminated veneer lumber (LVL) flooring
b. 300 mm expanded polystyrene (EPS)
c. 120 mm concrete
d. 150 mm crushed stones (makadam)

2. Walls

a. 15 mm gypsum plasterboard
b. 200 mm glass wool
c. 150 mm concrete

3. Flat roof

a. 10 mm bitumen felt
b. 200 mm expanded polystyrene (EPS)
c. 120 mm concrete

Table 2: Material densities and specific end-use final energy for material production.
Material Density Specific end-use final energy (MJ/kg)
(kg/m3) Coal Oil Natural gas Biofuel Electricity
Bitumen felt 1010 - 0.3 - - -
Concrete 2300 0.3 0.4 - - 0.1
Crushed stones 1500 - 0.1 - - -
Expanded polystyrene (EPS) 25 1.0 14 13.4 - 2.3
Glass wool 50 10.3 1.9 0.1 - 7.2
Laminated veneer lumber (LVL) 440 - 0.9 0.3 3.6 1.1
Gypsum plasterboard 880 - 2.9 - - 0.6

4. Table 3 shows thermal properties of the components of the building (as shown in Fig.1),
which is designed to have a heating temperature set point of 21oC, and ventilation airflows

2022-11-03 Energy- and climate efficient construction 7 (9)

(supply and exhaust) of 0.35 l/s m2. The building is to be heated with district heating and
ventilated with mechanical ventilation system with heat recovery (FTX). Energy balance
simulation of the complete building performed by VIP-Energy software is shown in Fig. 2.
The simulated yearly emitted energy values are transmission = 2991 kWh, infiltration =
1048 kWh, and ventilation = 3291, while yearly supplied energy values are solar energy
through window = 535 kWh, heat recovery ventilation = 2421 kWh, process energy indoor
= 508 kWh, and person heat = 1047 kWh.

Table 3: Thermal properties of the building’s components.

Building U-value (W/m2K) Air leakage
component Ground floor Walls Windows Doors Roof (l /s m2) at 50 Pa
Value 0.096 0.148 1.10 1.10 0.145 0.8

Fig. 2: Weekly energy balance calculation of the designed concrete building.

Using the information provided in Table 1 and 3 and Fig. 1 and 2, answer the following

a) Heat supply in Fig. 2 is the yearly space heating demand of the building. How much
space heating demand does the building need, considering a functional unit of heated
floor area of the building? [2p]

2022-11-03 Energy- and climate efficient construction 8 (9)

b) The architect needs tips to improve the building’s design to reduce the simulated energy
performance. Suggest 2 measures that could be implemented to reduce the building’s
space heating demand, based on the information given. [1p]

c) The simulation (in Fig. 2) assumes that standard lighting and appliances are used in the
building. In one or two sentences, describe how you would expect the energy balance
simulation to change if the existing standard lighting and appliances are changed to
energy-efficient lighting appliances in a parametric analysis. [1p]

2022-11-03 Energy- and climate efficient construction 9 (9)

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