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On rolling friction

Article in Доклады Академии наук · May 2019

DOI: 10.31857/S0869-56524853295-299


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1 author:

Alexander Pavlovich Ivanov

Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology


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ISSN 1028-3358, Doklady Physics, 2019, Vol. 64, No. 3, pp. 129–133. © Pleiades Publishing, Ltd., 2019.
Original Russian Text © A.P. Ivanov, 2019, published in Doklady Akademii Nauk, 2019, Vol. 485, No. 3.


Rolling Friction
A. P. Ivanov
Presented by Academician V.V. Kozlov October 2, 2018

Received October 2, 2018

Abstract—The dependence of rolling friction on velocity for various contact conditions is discussed. The
principal difference between rolling and other types of relative motion (sliding and spinning) is that the points
of the body in contact with the support change over time. Due to deformations, there is a small contact area
and, entering into contact, the body points have a normal velocity proportional to the diameter of this area.
For describing the dependence of the friction coefficient on the angular velocity in the case of “pure” rolling,
a linear dependence is proposed that admits a logical explanation and experimental verification. Under the
combined motion, the rolling friction retains its properties, the sliding and spinning friction acquiring the
properties of viscous friction.

DOI: 10.1134/S1028335819030157

(1) INTRODUCTION where M is the rolling-friction moment, ω is the

The motion of a solid over a rough surface is angular velocity, and 0 is the friction coefficient,
accompanied by a number of physical processes uni- which has the dimension of length. Thus, the moment
fied by the concept of “friction.” Due to their diver- M is independent of the angular-velocity modulus.
sity, the creation of a general model of friction is not
possible, and the search for individual regularities In connection with the development of wheel
occurs as practical problems are solved. The first sys- transport, the dependence of the coefficient 0 on the
tematic experiments on sliding, spinning, and rolling angular velocity was investigated [1]. Since direct
friction were carried out by Coulomb in connection measurements are difficult due to the presence of sig-
with the problem of the launching of ships into water nificant aerodynamic forces, this dependence was
in 1789. For describing the sliding friction, nowadays determined on the basis of the following mathematical
one uses the simplified (without taking into account model:
the adhesive component) Coulomb’s law in the
form of 0  0  22, (3)
F  N v , (1) where 0, 2 , are constants.
where N is the normal reaction, F is the friction force, High-precision measurements were also carried
v is the relative velocity, and  is the friction coeffi- out in a more complex system: the Euler disk in the
cient. According to this formula, at a constant coeffi- final phase of motion [2]; however, here the model of
cient, the friction force is independent of the modulus the so-called contour friction dependent on the
of velocity. motion of the contact point around the disk circum-
Later, when investigating brake systems, a more ference was used. To describe it, the hypotheses of
complex dependence of rolling friction on velocity Coulomb and viscous friction were used, both of
(the so-called Stribeck effect) analogous to Cou- which turned out to be suitable at certain stages of
lomb’s law (1) was established: motion. At the same time, the hypothesis of classical
viscous rolling friction made it possible to explain the
M  0N ω , (2) backward motion of the disk [3].

The purpose of this study is to determine the nature
of the dependence of the rolling friction on the angular
Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (State velocity for simple solids (cylinder or ball) on the basis
University), Dolgoprudnyi, Moscow oblast, 141700 Russia of the model of contact deformations of the general
e-mail: type.



j 1
j j vj ,
The theorem of change in the kinetic energy of a
mechanical system is described by the formula where v j is the velocity of the contact point,  j are the
corresponding friction coefficients, and Nj are the
dT  dA  dA ,
e i
(4) normal reactions. This description is applicable only
provided that all Nj are set (independent of velocities).
where T is the kinetic energy and A e and Ai are the
works of external and internal forces, respectively. For The idea of describing the dissipation in the general
investigating the laws of friction, it is useful to include case of relative motion based on law (1) was proposed
the moving body and the support into the system: in [4, 5]. In this case, taking into account rolling was
then, the friction forces become internal. In accor- based on the asymmetry of normal stresses or on slip-
dance with the general scheme of composing the ping in the (nonplanar) contact area. For “pure” roll-
ing, these models lead to formula (2).
Lagrange equations in generalized coordinates q  R n , Since it is formula (1) that is at the basis of these
we present the friction-force work dA f at a virtual dis- models, they inherit the property of independence of
placement q in the form the friction coefficient on the velocity or angular
velocity. A hard wheel rolling along sand can serve as a
physical interpretation of this property. As shown
dA f
 Q q ,
j 1
j j (5) in [6], the hypothesis 0  const is not confirmed in
practice: in a simple experiment, a round pencil rolls
where Q j are the generalized forces and n is the num- down an inclined plane with a constant velocity, while
ber of generalized coordinates. Formulas (4) and (5) the aerodynamic drag is negligible. The only possible
can also be written using the powers stabilization mechanism is an increase in the coeffi-
cient with increasing angular velocity.
dT  W e  W i ,
  Q q .
j 1
j j (6)
2.1 Impact Rolling Resistance
It should be noted that, in the particular case of the In the rolling of gears or faceted bodies, shock
friction force proportional to velocity, the sum in for- interactions arise at the points of the body that come
mula (6) can be interpreted as the differential of the into contact with a support at a nonzero velocity [6, 7].
Rayleigh dissipative function quadratic in velocity. In Practical examples are a disc harrow−hoe or a
sprocket [7]. The motion consists of a supporting
the general case, Q j  A , Q j  W , and, for cal-
f f
(conservative) phase and the shocks with changing
q j q j “legs.” Dissipation arises at inelastic impacts. A sys-
culating the generalized forces, it is necessary to calcu- tem with similar dynamics—a six-sided pencil—was
late dA f directly. considered in [6].
It should be noted that, pointing to the impact
nature of dissipation and calculating the shock
2.1 Coulomb’s Law momenta, the authors of [6] did not use the results
We assume that the sliding friction is described by obtained for determining the dependence of rolling
formula (1); i.e., the coefficient of friction is indepen- friction on the angular velocity, proposing instead a
dent of the velocities of the points of the moving body. hypothesis for further investigation, according to
The physical meaning of this property at n = 1 is as
follows: the irreversible deformations and the dissipa- 0  k  p, (7)
tion in formula (5) increase proportionally with the
path traversed by the body, from which Q = const. In where k is an arbitrary coefficient and p  2 [7] or
other words, if the path segment is fixed, the deforma- p  [1,2] [6].
tion, the energy losses, and the friction force are inde- We analyze these assumptions on the basis of inves-
pendent of the velocity of motion. The dependence of tigation of the dynamics of a sprocket. In the contact
the sliding-friction coefficient on the relative velocity phase, the body moves like an inverted pendulum. In
observed in reality is explained by the change in the this case, the normal reaction and the support defor-
physical properties of the contact, as a result of which mation arise.
the resistance to the motion acquires hydrodynamic Let r be the distance from the support point to the
properties. center of mass, where m is the mass of the body,  is
It should be noted that the Coulomb friction can be the radius of inertia, g is the acceleration of gravity,
specified using the generalized Rayleigh function of and  is the angle between the supporting leg and the
the form vertical. The pendulum-motion equation

DOKLADY PHYSICS Vol. 64 No. 3 2019


  gr sin  (8) Further, we note that, according to the Kelvin the-
orem, the change in kinetic energy due to an inelastic
admits the first integral impact is
1 22  gr cos   C  1 22  gr,    , (9)
T  aI n  O(2 ). (16)
2 2
In addition, the deformations and the dissipation
where 0 is the angular velocity at the upper point. also accompany the supporting (shock-free) phase,
The normal and tangential components Rn and Rt of the losses consisting of a constant and the term O(2 )
the support reaction are found from the general theo- due to Eqs. (10). Therefore, formula (3) is valid for
rems of dynamics: rolling friction in the shock model.
Rn  P  r 2cos, Rt  mr (
 cos  2sin), (10) The consideration of (generalized) Rayleigh func-
tion (6) leads to a similar conclusion; in this case, W =
where the values  and  are determined from formu-
c1  c23 , since the fixed path (between two consec-
las (5) and (6). The simple analysis of expressions (10) utive impacts) is traversed in a time inversely propor-
shows that the value of Rn is lowest at the upper point tional to the velocity.
of the trajectory for  = 0. It imposes the following
restriction on the magnitude of the angular velocity, The following assertion is proved.
which guarantees the continuous motion: Statement 1. For the shock friction model, the depen-
dence of the rolling friction coefficient on the angular
r 20  P. (11) velocity in a certain interval is determined by formula
(3). The range of applicability of this formula is limited to
For reasons of symmetry, the total moment of the
support reaction with respect to the center of mass is the interval 0  (1, 2 ), where the value of 1 is deter-
zero during the motion at one leg. The nonzero mined by the equality 0 = 0 in formula (9), and the
moment arises at the impact change of legs. Consider- value of 2 is determined by formula (11). In other
ing that the impact is inelastic, we determine the com- words, the wheel should roll over the top point without
ponents I n and I t of the impact momentum and from loss of contact with the support.
the condition of the instantaneous stop of the new
point of contact. The Newton−Euler equations for 2.3 The Case of Continuous Contact
momentum motion take the form
The nature of rolling resistance of round solids
mvt  I t , mv n  I n, (ball or cylinder) substantially depends on the elastic
(12) properties of the body and the surface. In particular,
m2  r (I t cos   I n sin ),
when driving on a highway, this resistance is mainly
where  is the half-angle between the neighboring legs due to hysteresis during tire deformation [9]. For
and v n and vt are the normal and tangential velocity describing the dependence of the friction coefficient
components of the center of mass. The velocity un, ut  on the angular velocity, it is proposed to use an empir-
at the point of impact is determined from the Euler ical formula identical to Eq. (3). In addition, a stand-
formula: ing wave in the form of a tubercle in the front lower
part can occur in the tire at high velocities, which leads
un  v n  r sin , ut  vt  r cos . (13) to a significant increase in the rolling friction.
When a rink moves over sand, the dissipation is due
At the onset of impact, un  2r sin , ut  0 , and to the deformation of the surface, the total energy
at its end, un  ut  0 . Expressing the components of losses being proportional to the weight and the angle
the shock momentum from set (12), (13), we come to of rotation. Therefore, the coefficient of friction is
the expressions independent of the angular velocity.
The problem on rolling a viscoelastic cylinder over
1   cos 2 
I n  2mr  sin  , the base from the same material was considered in
1    2 sin  cos 
2 2 2
[10]. An exact expression was obtained for the rolling
 sin  cos  2 friction coefficient in terms of modified Bessel func-
It  I n,   r 2 . tions. Without writing a bulky formula, we note only
1   cos 
 that this coefficient is expressed at low rolling veloci-
As follows from formula (14), the moment propor- ties by the first-degree polynomial in the angular
tional to it is created not only by the normal, but also velocity. The case when the cylinder is rigid and the
by the tangential component of the impact momen- base is viscoelastic was investigated by a similar
tum: method in [11]; it is shown, in particular, that the fric-
tion coefficient tends to zero for both infinitely small
M  r (I t cos   I n sin ). (15) and infinitely large angular velocities.

DOKLADY PHYSICS Vol. 64 No. 3 2019


It should be noted that these conclusions are made deformations of the ball and the base were taken into
for highly deformable materials (for example, rubber). account and formula (1) was also used locally. The
When analyzing the rolling friction experiments of approaches listed lead to the conclusion that the fric-
steel balls in [12, 13], it was shown that the friction tion force and moment are invariable with a propor-
coefficient is proportional to the angular velocity. For tional increase in the velocity and angular velocity.
the nonuniform ball (Chaplygin) in [14], it was shown The principal difference of rolling from spinning
that taking into account only the sliding friction (dry and sliding is the presence of the normal component
or viscous) gives no satisfactory agreement with the of the velocity of body points, which come into con-
experiment; the rolling friction has a more significant tact with the support. It was proposed in [4, 15] to take
effect. into account the effect of rolling on the distribution of
Let us use the simplest Kelvin–Voigt model for the normal load n( A) in a circular contact spot (of
describing the local deformations of solids in the radius R ) using the formula
form of
  2b  c ,
(17)  R 
n( A)  n0( A) 1  k  r ( A)  , N  , r ( A)  OA, (19)
where  is the strain,  is the stress, and b and c are the where O is the center of the circle, A is one of the
coefficients of viscosity and rigidity. The initial condi- points of the contact spot, n0( A) is the symmetric dis-
tions for the contact point are 0  0,  0   , where  tribution in the statics,  is the vector of the angular
is the radius of the contact area. In correspondence velocity of rolling, and k is a certain dimensionless
with the general rule for finding the generalized forces coefficient. The latter was selected from the consider-
(in this case, the rolling-friction torque), we estimate ations of the correspondence of the experiment to the
the dissipation, when the angle of rotation of the cyl- data, the values of k  (0.5,1) being obtained for var-
inder changes by the value of d   R . The trajectory ious experimental data [15]. The properties of com-
of each point of the cylinder surface is a cycloid, the bined friction are considered for k  const  0 [4]. In
parameter of which is R. The loss of energy occurs only this case, the laws of rolling friction were not dis-
due to the viscous component in formula (17), since cussed.
no change in the total volume of the elastic deforma-
tions occurs. Consequently, we again come to the con- According to formula (19), the distribution of the
clusion that the friction coefficient is proportional to normal load at a constant value of the coefficient k is
the angular velocity. independent of the angular-velocity magnitude,
which leads to a singularity at the point  = 0. A more
Our reasoning can be combined with the following convenient and plausible model can be constructed on
statement. the basis of formula (18) for the normal stresses: due to
Statement 2. The rolling friction of solids is described the symmetry of the elastic component in this for-
by formula (2), where mula, the asymmetry is caused by a viscous part,
0  0  1, (18) which is proportional to the angular velocity of rolling.
Instead of formula (19), we obtain
and the coefficients 0 and 1 are subject to experimental
determination in every particular case. The presence of
the first term in this formula is induced, in particular, by  R 
n( A)  n0( A) 1  k  r ( A)  , N  , r ( A)  OA. (20)
adhesion, the role of which at small rolling velocities may It should be noted that formula (20) leads to admissi-
be noticeable.
ble values of n( A) provided that k ||  1.


The dynamics of the Fleurier top (sextant) is The principal difference between rolling and other
induced by the combination of its spinning and the types of relative motion—slip and spinning—is that the
support-point sliding. This device was used from the points of the body in contact with the support change
end of the nineteenth century, but the accompanying over time. Due to the deformations, there is a small
theory was developed only in the mid-twentieth cen- contact area, and when the point of the body comes
tury [8]. These types of relative motion unify the hor- into contact, these points have a normal velocity pro-
izontality of the relative velocity at the points of the portional to the diameter of this area. For describing
contact area, which makes it possible to use Cou- the friction coefficient under “pure” rolling, we pro-
lomb’s law locally on the basis of a certain hypothesis pose formula (18), which admits a logical explanation
about the distribution of normal stresses. and experimental verification.
For taking into account the rolling, it was proposed In the case of a combined motion, the rolling fric-
[4] to modify this theory, considering the distribution tion retains its properties and the sliding and spinning
as asymmetric. In the two-parameter model [5], the friction can be calculated on the basis of Coulomb’s

DOKLADY PHYSICS Vol. 64 No. 3 2019


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9. D. Ma, C. Liu, Z. Zhao, and H. Zhang, Proc. R. Soc.
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DOKLADY PHYSICS Vol. 64 No. 3 2019

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