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2 PROCESS DATA(PD) Index Sub index Name R/W Back up target Format Data length Default data Description

ub index Name R/W Back up target Format Data length Default data Description of settings
0 : Red when ON,Green when OFF
Display Color Setting of Main-
R/W ż UInteger 1byte 0
1 : Green when ON,Red when OFF
display Selection 2 : Always red
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
3 : Always green
DP-100L Series INDEX LIST PD0 Upper byte of pressure data 0 : Std (Displays threshold)
1 : OFF (Displays nothing)
PD1 Lower byte of pressure data
2 : Unit (Presently selected pressure unit is
Display Setting of Sub-Display
Scale 2 R/W ż UInteger 1byte 0 displayed)
IMJE-DPLINDEX No.0094-18V 82 Selection
ࠉDP-101ZL3-M-P-Ƒ N3D 3 : No** (Desired No. can be shown)
ࠉDP-102ZL3-M-P-Ƒ: -3 (0.001MPa㸧 4 : Cust (Desired numbers, alphabets and signs
IO-Link setting file (IODD) can be downloaded from 0 (1kPa) can be shown)
our website ( 0 : 250ms
PD3 3 Display Speed Set R/W ż UInteger 1byte 0 1 : 500ms
en/downloads/?tab=manual ). Assignment Remarks 2 : 1000ms
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 : OFF
Control Output 0 : OFF 4 Peak / Bottom Hold Set R/W UInteger 1byte 0
1 : ON
1 : MPa (This cannot be selected in the case of
Fixed 0 DP-101Ƒ
83 0 Pressure Unit Set R/W ż UInteger 1byte DP-101Ƒ
Model No. DP-101ZL3-M-P-Ƒ DP-102ZL3-M-P-Ƒ DP-102Ƒ
Fixed 0 2 : kPa
Baud rate COM3(230.4kbps)
Fixed 0 1 No** Display Set R/W ż String 2byte 01 Two half-width numeric characters : 01 to 99
Minimum cycle time 1ms
Fixed 0 Four half-width alphanumeric characters
Process data length 4byte 84 * Error is generated if any of the following characters
2 Custom Display Set R/W ż String 4byte AAAA
Vendor ID 834 Information 0 : OFF is entered.
Device ID 0x060000 0x060001 1RWL¿FDWLRQ 1 : ON T,j,k,m,p,s,x
0 : Not executed
0 : Normal 85 0 Zero-Adjust R UInteger 1byte
1 : In execution
Error Level 1 : Caution
2 : Fault 163 0 Operating Time R UInteger 4byte 0 Cumulative operating period (Units: h) (Note)
Number of times data is saved to non-volatile
164 0 Number of Data Save Operations R UInteger 4byte 0
0 : Notify
168 0 1RWL¿FDWLRQ)ODJ6HWWLQJ R/W ż UInteger 1byte 0
3 SERVICE DATA(SD) 1 : Do not notify
169 0 1RWL¿FDWLRQ(YHQW&RGH R UInteger 2byte Newest event code readout
Index Sub index Name R/W Back up target Format Data length Default data Description of settings Note: This is not added to the cumulative operating period if the operating time is less than 1 hour.
0x82 : Reset setting
0xA0 : Zero-adjustment setting
2 0 SystemCommand W UInteger 1byte 0xA1 : Remote zero-adjustment setting
0xA2 : Zero-adjust setting unset
0xA3 : Auto-reference setting

12 0 Device Access Locks R/W Record 2byte 0

Local user interface lock
0 : Unlock , 8 : Lock
Main unit : Linked with key lock
Error indication Event code Error level State
16 0 Vendor Name R String 63byte
0x7710 Fault Detection of output wire short-circuit / overcurrent
17 0 Vendor Text R String 63byte
Display of measured value 0x8D00 Caution Operating time exceeded
18 0 Product Name R String 63byte
Display of measured value 0x8D01 Caution Max. number of the nonvolatile memory save operations exceeded
19 0 Product ID R String 63byte
0x8CB0 Normal Pressure applied during zero-adjustment
20 0 Product Text R String 63byte
21 0 Serial Number R String 15byte 0x8CB1 Normal Outside the rated pressure range ,QIRUPDWLRQQRWL¿FDWLRQ
0x8CA1 Normal The applied pressure exceeds the upper limit (Note)
22 0 Hardware Version R String 3byte
23 0 Firmware Version R String 4byte 0x8CA2 Normal The applied pressure exceeds the lower limit
37 0 Detailed Device Status R UInteger 12byte
40 0 ProcessDataInput R UInteger 4byte
DP-101Ƒ Threshold value of EASY mode
-500 (-50.0) Low-side threshold value of window comparator
1 Threshold Value Setting 1 R/W ż Integer 2byte mode / hysteresis mode
DP-102Ƒ DP101ƑWR[)&(WR[)
0500 (0.500) DP102ƑWR[))%WR[)
DP-101Ƒ High-side threshold value of window comparator
-495 (-49.5) mode / hysteresis mode
2 Threshold Value Setting 2 R/W ż Integer 2byte
DP-102Ƒ DP101ƑWR[)&(WR[)
0505 (0.505) DP102ƑWR[))%WR[)
Output Operation Setting of C/Q '3Ƒ:1
1 R/W ż UInteger 1byte 0 : N.O. 1 : N.C.
Output '3Ƒ:0
0x01 : EASY mode
61 Sensing Output Setting of C/Q
2 R/W ż UInteger 1byte 0x01 0x02 : Hysteresis mode
Output 0x03 : Window comparator mode
3 Hysteresis Setting of C/Q Output R/W ż Integer 2byte 3 Hysteresis value 8-step setting : 1 to 8
Output Operation Setting of DO
1 R ż UInteger 1byte Linkage with Index61_1
63 Sensing Output Setting of DO
2 R ż UInteger 1byte Linkage with Index61_2
3 Hysteresis Setting of DO Output R ż Integer 2byte Linkage with Index61_3
1 : 2.5ms 6 : 100ms

66 0 Response Time R/W ż UInteger 1byte 1

2 : 5ms
3 : 10ms
7 : 250ms
8 : 500ms
Panasonic Industry Co., Ltd.
4 : 25ms 9 : 1,000ms 1006, Oaza Kadoma, Kadoma-shi, Osaka 571-8506, Japan
5 : 50ms A : 5,000ms
0 : OFF
80 0 ECO Setting R/W ż UInteger 1byte 0 1 : STD Please visit our website for inquiries and about our sales network.
3 : FULL
Panasonic Industry Co., Ltd. 2024
2 ȗȭǻǹȇȸǿ(PD) ࢖ࣥࢹࢵࢡࢫ ࢧࣈ࢖ࣥࢹࢵࢡࢫ 㡯ࠉ┠ R/W ࣂࢵࢡ࢔ࢵࣉᑐ㇟ ࣇ࢛࣮࣐ࢵࢺ ࢹ࣮ࢱ㛗 ึᮇ್ タᐃෆᐜ
ӕৢᛟଢ୿ bit 80 0 ࢚ࢥタᐃ R/W ‫ۑ‬ UInteger 1byte 0 1㸸STD
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
DP-100Lࢩ࣮ࣜࢬ PD0 ᅽຊ್ࡢୖ఩ࣂ࢖ࢺ
1 ࣓࢖ࣥ⾲♧㒊ࡢⰍタᐃ R/W ࠐ UInteger 1byte 0
࢖ࣥࢹࢵࢡࢫࣜࢫࢺ PD1 ᅽຊ್ࡢୗ఩ࣂ࢖ࢺ 3㸸ᖖ᫬⥳Ⰽ
ࢫࢣ࣮ࣝ 0㸸Std ࡋࡁ࠸್ࢆ⾲♧㸧
ࠉDP-101ZL3-M-P-‫ ڧ‬㸸 -1 0.1kPa 1㸸OFF ⾲♧OFF
ࠉDP-102ZL3-M-P-‫ ڧ‬㸸 -3 0.001MPa㸧 2 ࢧࣈ⾲♧㒊ࡢ⾲♧タᐃ R/W ࠐ UInteger 1byte 0 2㸸Unit ⌧ᅾࡢ༢఩ࢆ⾲♧
ࠉࠉࠉࠉࠉࠉࠉࠉࠉࠉ ࠉ 0 1kPa 82 3㸸No** ௵ពࡢᩘᏐࢆ⾲♧
4㸸Cust ௵ពࡢᩥᏐࢆ⾲♧
IO-Linkタᐃࣇ࢓࢖ࣝ IODD ࡟ࡘ࠸࡚ࡣࠊ㺀ᘢ♫
PD3 0㸸250ms
Webࢧ࢖ࢺ㸸 ๭ࡾᙜ࡚ ഛࠉ⪃ 3 ⾲♧㏿ᗘタᐃ R/W ࠐ UInteger 1byte 0 1㸸500ms
downloads/?tab=manual 㺁࠿ࡽࢲ࣮࢘ࣥࣟࢻࡋ࡚ࡃࡔ 2㸸1,000ms
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0㸸OFF
ࡉ࠸ࠋ ไᚚฟຊ DO 4 ࣆ࣮ࢡ㺃࣎ࢺ࣒࣮࣍ࣝࢻタᐃ R/W UInteger 1byte 0
1㸸ON 1㸸ON
ᅛᐃ 0 DP-101‫ڧ‬㸸2 1㸸MPa DP-101‫ࡣڧ‬㑅ᢥ୙ྍ
1 ᡫ̮ˁಮ ᅛᐃ 0
83 0 ᅽຊ༢఩タᐃ R/W ‫ۑ‬ UInteger 1byte
DP-102‫ڧ‬㸸1 2㸸kPa
1 No**⾲♧タᐃ R/W ‫ۑ‬ String 2byte 01 ༙ゅᩘᏐ2ᩥᏐ㸸01㹼99
ᆺ ᘧ ྡ DP-101ZL3-M-P-‫ڧ‬ DP-102ZL3-M-P-‫ڧ‬ ᅛᐃ 0
84 ༙ゅⱥᩘ4ᩥᏐ
ఏ ㏦ ㏿ ᗘ COM3 230.4kbps ᅛᐃ 0 2 ࢝ࢫࢱ࣒⾲♧タᐃ R/W ‫ۑ‬ String 4byte AAAA ͤ௨ୗࡢᩥᏐࡀタᐃࡉࢀࡓሙྜࡣ࢚࣮ࣛ࡜࡞ࡾࡲࡍ
᭱ᑠࢧ࢖ࢡࣝࢱ࢖࣒ 1ms 0㸸OFF ࠉT , j , k , m , p , s , x
ࣉࣟࢭࢫࢹ࣮ࢱ㛗 4byte 1㸸ON 0㸸ᮍᐇ᪋
85 0 ࢮࣟ࢔ࢪࣕࢫࢺ R UInteger 1byte
࣋ ࣥ ࢲ I D 834 1㸸ᐇ᪋୰
ࢹ ࣂ ࢖ ࢫ I D 0x060000 0x060001 ࢚࣮ࣛࣞ࣋ࣝ 1㸸ὀព 163 0 ✌ാ᫬㛫 R UInteger 4byte 0 ⣼✚✌ാ᫬㛫 ༢఩㸸h ὀ1
2㸸␗ᖖ 164 0 ࣓ࣔࣜಖᏑᅇᩘ R UInteger 4byte 0 ୙᥹Ⓨᛶ࣓ࣔࣜ࡬ࡢタᐃࢹ࣮ࢱಖᏑᅇᩘ
168 0 ㏻▱ࣇࣛࢢタᐃ R/W ‫ۑ‬ UInteger 1byte 0
169 0 ㏻▱࢖࣋ࣥࢺࢥ࣮ࢻ R UInteger 2byte ᭱᪂ࡢ࢖࣋ࣥࢺࢥ࣮ࢻࢆㄞฟࡋ
3 ǵȸȓǹȇȸǿ(SD)
ὀ1 : ✌ാ᫬㛫ࡀ1᫬㛫ᮍ‶ࡢሙྜࠊ⣼✚✌ാ᫬㛫࡟ຍ⟬ࡉࢀࡲࡏࢇࠋ
࢖ࣥࢹࢵࢡࢫ ࢧࣈ࢖ࣥࢹࢵࢡࢫ 㡯ࠉ┠ R/W ࣂࢵࢡ࢔ࢵࣉᑐ㇟ ࣇ࢛࣮࣐ࢵࢺ ࢹ࣮ࢱ㛗 ึᮇ್ タᐃෆᐜ
0x82 㸸 ࣜࢭࢵࢺタᐃ
0xA0 㸸 ࢮࣟ࢔ࢪࣕࢫࢺタᐃ
2 0 ࢩࢫࢸ࣒ࢥ࣐ࣥࢻ W UInteger 1byte 0xA1 㸸 ࣮ࣜࣔࢺࢮࣟ࢔ࢪࣕࢫࢺタᐃ
0xA2 㸸 ࢮࣟ࢔ࢪࣕࢫࢺゎ㝖
0xA3 㸸 ࣮࢜ࢺࣜࣇ࢓ࣞࣥࢫタᐃ 4 ǤșȳȈೞᏡ
Local User InterFace Lock
12 0 ࢹࣂ࢖ࢫ࢔ࢡࢭࢫࣟࢵࢡ R/W Record 2byte 0 0㸸࢔ࣥࣟࢵࢡࠉࠉࠉࠉࠉ8㸸ࣟࢵࢡ ࢚࣮ࣛ⾲♧ ࢖࣋ࣥࢺࢥ࣮ࢻ ࢚࣮ࣛࣞ࣋ࣝ ≧ࠉࠉែ
ᮏయ㸸࣮࢟ࣟࢵࢡ࡜㐃ື 0x7710 ␗ᖖ ฟຊ⥺▷⤡㐣㟁ὶ᳨▱
16 0 ࣋ࣥࢲྡ R String 63byte ᐃ್⾲♧ 0x8D00 ὀព ✌ാ᫬㛫࣮࢜ࣂ࣮
17 0 ࣋ࣥࢲࢸ࢟ࢫࢺ R String 63byte ᐃ್⾲♧ 0x8D01 ὀព ୙᥹Ⓨᛶ࣓ࣔࣜಖᏑᅇᩘ࣮࢜ࣂ࣮
18 0 ࣉࣟࢲࢡࢺྡ R String 63byte 0x8CB0 ṇᖖ 0ㄪᩚ᫬ ༳ྍᅽ
19 0 ࣉࣟࢲࢡࢺID R String 63byte
0x8CB1 ṇᖖ ᐃ᱁ᅽຊ⠊ᅖእ
20 0 ࣉࣟࢲࢡࢺࢸ࢟ࢫࢺ R String 63byte ㏻▱᝟ሗ ὀ1
0x8CA1 ṇᖖ ᅽຊୖ㝈࣮࢜ࣂ࣮
21 0 ࢩࣜ࢔ࣝNo. R String 15byte
0x8CA2 ṇᖖ ᅽຊୗ㝈࣮࢜ࣂ࣮
22 0 ࣁ࣮ࢻ࢙࢘࢔ࣂ࣮ࢪࣙࣥ R String 3byte
23 0 ࣇ࢓࣮࣒࢙࢘࢔ࣂ࣮ࢪࣙࣥ R String 4byte ὀ1 : ୖ఩࣐ࢫࢱഃ࠿ࡽ㏻▱࢖࣋ࣥࢺࢥ࣮ࢻࢆ㐃⥆ⓗ࡟ㄞࡳฟࡍ࡜ࠊ࢖࣋ࣥࢺ≧ែࡀ⥅⥆ࡋ࡚࠸࡚ࡶ͇0x0000͇ࡀㄞࡳฟࡉࢀࡲࡍ
24 0 ࢔ࣉࣜࢣ࣮ࢩࣙࣥࢱࢢ R/W ‫ۑ‬ String 32byte
37 0 ࢹࣂ࢖ࢫࢫࢸ࣮ࢱࢫヲ⣽ R UInteger 12byte
40 0 ࣉࣟࢭࢫࢹ࣮ࢱධຊ R UInteger 4byte
DP-101‫ڧ‬: EASY࣮ࣔࢻࡢࡋࡁ࠸್
-500 -50.0
1 ࡋࡁ࠸್タᐃ1 R/W ‫ۑ‬ Integer 2byte ࣮ࣔࢻࡢLowഃࡋࡁ࠸್
DP-102‫ڧ‬: DP101‫ڧ‬㸸-1010㹼1010ࠉ㸸0xFC0E 㹼 0x03F2
0500 0.500 DP102‫ڧ‬㸸-101㹼1010ࠉ㸸0xFF9B 㹼 0x03F2
DP-101‫ڧ‬: ࢘࢕ࣥࢻ࢘ࢥࣥࣃ࣮ࣞࢱ࣮ࣔࢻ/ࣄࢫࢸࣜࢩࢫ
-495 -49.5 ࣮ࣔࢻࡢHiഃࡋࡁ࠸್
2 ࡋࡁ࠸್タᐃ2 R/W ‫ۑ‬ Integer 2byte
DP-102‫ڧ‬: DP101‫ڧ‬㸸-1010㹼1010ࠉ㸸0xFC0E 㹼 0x03F2
0505 0.505 DP102‫ڧ‬㸸-101㹼1010ࠉ㸸0xFF9B 㹼 0x03F2
1 C/Qฟຊࡢฟຊືసタᐃ R/W ‫ۑ‬ UInteger 1byte 0㸸N.O. 1㸸N.C.
0x01 㸸 EASY࣮ࣔࢻ
2 C/Qฟຊࡢ᳨ฟฟຊタᐃ R/W ‫ۑ‬ UInteger 1byte 0x01 0x02 㸸 ࣄࢫࢸࣜࢩࢫ࣮ࣔࢻ
0x03 : ࢘࢕ࣥࢻ࢘ࢥࣥࣃ࣮ࣞࢱ࣮ࣔࢻ
3 C/Qฟຊࡢࣄࢫࢸࣜࢩࢫタᐃ R/W ‫ۑ‬ Integer 2byte 3 ࣄࢫࢸࣜࢩࢫ್ࠉ8ẁ㝵タᐃ : 1㹼8
1 DOฟຊࡢฟຊືసタᐃ R ‫ۑ‬ UInteger 1byte ࢖ࣥࢹࢵࢡࢫ_61ࠊࢧࣈ࢖ࣥࢹࢵࢡࢫ_1࡟㐃ື
63 2 DOฟຊࡢ᳨ฟฟຊタᐃ R ‫ۑ‬ UInteger 1byte ࢖ࣥࢹࢵࢡࢫ_61ࠊࢧࣈ࢖ࣥࢹࢵࢡࢫ_2࡟㐃ື
3 DOฟຊࡢࣄࢫࢸࣜࢩࢫタᐃ R ‫ۑ‬ Integer 2byte ࢖ࣥࢹࢵࢡࢫ_61ࠊࢧࣈ࢖ࣥࢹࢵࢡࢫ_3࡟㐃ື
1㸸2.5ms 6㸸100ms
2㸸5ms 7㸸250ms əɒɅɓɋȷチȬɻɈɁɐɲʀጋ೙Ή᰷
66 0 ᛂ⟅᫬㛫 R/W ‫ۑ‬ UInteger 1byte 1 3㸸10ms 8㸸500ms ljブヘヒノベブパプƷগ⬰ಊ⫨᭙లগઆ⫨᭙ヒパパプᨯࢄ
4㸸25ms 9㸸1,000ms
5㸸50ms A㸸5,000ms
Panasonic Industry Co., Ltd. 2024
ビパビフ౫フሰ᫘⒅ ヱンリワヵユュチリワチルモヱモワ

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