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Trends in Food Science & Technology 133 (2023) 99–113

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Aqueous extraction processing: An innovative and sustainable approach for

recovery of unconventional oils
Guilherme Dallarmi Sorita a, b, Simone Palma Favaro b, Alan Ambrosi a, Marco Di Luccio a, *
Laboratory of Membrane Processes (LABSEM), Department of Chemical and Food Engineering, Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC), Trindade, 88040-900,
Florianópolis, Santa Catarina, Brazil
Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária, Embrapa, PqEB, W3 Norte - Asa Norte, Brasília, DF, Brazil


Handling Editor: Dr I Oey Background: Unconventional crops (e.g., tiger nut, macaw, babassu, sesame, and others) are promising edible oil
sources. However, the traditional oil extraction methods, mechanical pressing, and solvent extraction show low
Keywords: efficiency or use environmentally unfriendly solvents (hexane). Aqueous extraction processing (AEP) has
Aqueous oil extraction recently emerged as a significant opportunity for achieving the sustainable development goal (SDG) to produce
Emulsion break
edible oils. This technology usually requires a pre-treatment step, e. g., milling, followed by a demulsification
Physical demulsification
step, which traditionally involves enzyme addition for free oil recovery. Optimizing the demulsification methods
Membrane separation can lead to high oil yields (>95%), which is comparable to the use of hexane.
Biorefinery Scope and approach: This review discusses the scientific data and trends related to demulsification steps on AEP
for oil recovery, focusing on unconventional oil crops. New physical demulsification possibilities, such as filter
coalescers and membrane technology, are outlined as alternatives to traditional demulsification methods, which
present some drawbacks regarding process scalability and oil quality. Additionally, a complete route, with a
biorefinery approach, is suggested for the industrial application of oil and high-added-value compounds from the
by-products of AEP (liquid and solid fractions) as an opportunity to update the traditional oil production sector.
Key findings and conclusions: With the increased demand for conventional oils for biofuel purposes, exploring
unconventional crops is a viable and suitable alternative to obtain food-grade oil. Integrating AEP with physical
demulsification methods is an eco-friendly and promising strategy for producing high-quality oil from uncon­
ventional and minor crop sources since water is used as the solvent instead of hexane. Moreover, applying
biorefinery concepts is an opportunity to stimulate the circular economy and produce valuable compounds
(proteins, carbohydrates, fibers, and others) with beneficial health properties and wide application in food

1. Introduction prices.
Alternative edible vegetable oils have drawn attention due to several
The world population will significantly increase in the next few factors, for instance, increased awareness of health problems related to
years; therefore, the pressure on natural resources to respond to food trans fatty acids, increasing use of vegetable oil for biofuel feedstock
needs is also growing, leading to global challenges regarding affordable supply as an alternative for fossil fuels, and rising international concerns
food supply and sustainability (Caldeira et al., 2020). The dietary de­ over the environmental impacts of deforestation through palm logging
mand for edible oils has increased by 44% in the last decade with the and conversion of rainforest to cropland for soybean production
rapid expansion of the world’s population and economy (Altendorf (Rodrigues et al., 2017). Therefore, extensive research is required to find
et al., 2019; Zhang et al., 2019). Thus, the challenges correlated to food new sustainable oil sources and extraction processes.
safety and production have been proportionally expanding. Moreover, Unconventional edible oil sources or minor crops, such as tiger nut
conventional oil crops have been extensively used for biofuel production (Hu et al., 2020), camelina seeds (Anderson et al., 2019), macaw
(Rodrigues et al., 2017), competing with food uses and affecting market mesocarp and kernel (Lieb et al., 2019; Vargas-Carpintero et al., 2021),

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (M. Di Luccio).
Received 2 May 2022; Received in revised form 16 January 2023; Accepted 27 January 2023
Available online 30 January 2023
0924-2244/© 2023 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
G.D. Sorita et al. Trends in Food Science & Technology 133 (2023) 99–113

cardoon (Mandim et al., 2020), babassu fruits (Santos et al., 2020) and into food and high added-value products, with a lower generation of
others emerge as alternatives to traditional oil sources. A considerable waste and pollutants (Bonan et al., 2022).
oil recovery (23.1–85.2%) can be obtained from these unexplored or This review aims to discuss the current state of the art of new un­
underexplored sources, which are economically viable for human con­ conventional oil sources, focusing on the successful possibility of AEP
sumption (frying and salad oils, mayonnaise, confectionery fats, ice application for industrial edible oil recovery. The review also assesses
cream, functional foods, and others). the application of physical demulsification as an alternative to con­
Mechanical (expellers) and solvent extraction are the most used ventional demulsification methods (biological, chemical, and thermal).
processes for edible oil extraction. In the mechanical method (also called The use of the AEP by-products as promising food ingredients was also
cold pressing extraction), the raw material is placed between two bar­ compiled in this review, suggesting a process upgrade through the bio­
riers where the volume available to the raw material is reduced by refinery concept (combining physical demulsification methods and
pressing and expelling the oil. This well-established method has a low obtaining several products, such as pectin, phospholipids, carbohy­
yield because the oil is physically forced out of the vegetable matrix, drates, proteins, and fibers).
leaving a cake (by-product) with significant oil content (15–20%). In
this method, a subsequent step is necessary for better oil yield, in which 2. Unconventional and minor vegetable oil sources and their
the cake is submitted to solvent extraction (Yang, Wen, et al., 2021). benefits for edible oil production
The solvent extraction typically uses hexane due to its high oil sol­
ubility, leading to a high oil yield and easy recovery. Solvent extraction Diversifying oilseed sources is essential for all countries to meet the
is more efficient than mechanical pressing because solvent (in this case, growing demand and guarantee less dependence on imports. The so-
hexane) can penetrate the raw material through the vegetable matrix called unconventional oil sources, here referred as the sources that are
pores and walls and solubilizes the oil. Nevertheless, organic solvents not part of the traditional commodities, are being used to supply the
are environmentally unfriendly, flammable, and can evaporate, causing demand and keep in line with sustainability criteria. Edible oils and fats
dizziness, nausea, and headache to operators (Nde & Foncha, 2020; can come from by-products or minor and neglected crops and insects
Punia et al., 2021). Post-treatment steps for solvent removal and oil (Mariod et al., 2017; Tzompa-Sosa et al., 2019). It is worth pointing out
refining (degumming, neutralization, bleaching, and deodorization) are that the term conventional or unconventional also relies on cultural
required. Extensive research has been undertaken to find alternative aspects beyond their share in the global market. For instance, cottonseed
extraction methods for industrial oil recovery, focusing on quality, high oil is considered a conventional vegetable oil in many countries except
extraction yield, and using environmentally friendly solvents to replace India (Choudhary et al., 2014). Several reports describe the oil recovery
hexane. (23.1–85.2%) from unconventional sources such as tiger nut (Hu et al.,
Aqueous extraction processing (AEP) emerges as a friendly alterna­ 2020), macaw kernel and pulp (Lieb et al., 2019), babassu fruits (Santos
tive since it offers advantages like eliminating organic solvent con­ et al., 2020), sesame (Morris et al., 2021) and others. The diversity of
sumption and requiring lower investment costs and energy demand. vegetable oil sources with potential uses for edible oil production, such
Additionally, AEP does not require equipment for drying, solvent re­ as the oil content and the fatty acid composition, is presented in Table 1.
covery, and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) emission monitoring The high demand for food-grade oil and the competition with the bio­
and control. In addition, this process enables the simultaneous recovery fuels industry motivate food industries to exploit plants with significant
of other compounds, such as proteins, carbohydrates, and fibers (Cater oil content and yield (up to 85.2% recovery was reported in the litera­
et al., 1974; Geng et al., 2020; Li et al., 2014; Rosenthal et al., 1996). ture) and green and environmentally friendly extraction strategies.
AEP has been applied to unconventional edible oil sources such as There are numerous species of promising vegetables for oil produc­
moringa seeds (Yusoff et al., 2016), sesame seeds (Tirgarian et al., tion. Buritirana, the Macaw palm fruit, and other palm fruits have
2019), and castor seeds (Díaz-suárez et al., 2021). Despite the potential, attracted scientific interest because they achieve high oil yields and are
earlier AEP studies showed low oil yield (~60%) due to the formation of good sources of bioactive compounds (Souza et al., 2021; Var­
a stable cream emulsion (formed by oil, water, and emulsifiers naturally gas-Carpintero et al., 2021). Buritirana (Mauritiella armata Mart.), a
present in the vegetable matrix: proteins, carbohydrates, fibers, and Brazilian fruit species (Amazon and Cerrado region) belonging to the
phospholipids from the milling raw material). The total destabilization Arecaceae family, has high nutritional and functional potential yet is
of the cream to release the oil is required to improve the oil recovery, little explored. A study by Souza et al. (2021) shows that Buritirana
which is a relevant challenge to the commercial viability of any aqueous fruits comprise 41.57% of oil (mainly composed of oleic acid) with
extraction procedure (Liu et al., 2020; Souza et al., 2020). A robust antioxidant potential. Twenty bioactive compounds were identified in
demulsification method can lead to higher yields and renew the op­ the oil fraction by ESI-LTQ-XL-MS/MS, such as five organic acids, seven
portunities of this value chain. phenolic acids, and eight flavonoids that can be used in food, cosmetic
Recently published studies are focused on biological, chemical, and and pharmaceutical industries. The buriti (fruit from Buritirana) pulp is
thermal demulsification (Liu et al., 2020; Xu et al., 2021; Yusoff et al., currently consumed in several ways (e.g., as raw fruit, juices, candies,
2015). However, to date no study has addressed the physical demulsi­ ice cream, wines, and fermented beverages). However, policies to
fication (such as the use of coalescers and membranes) on AEP for oil encourage cultivation, production, and commercial uses should be
recovery and vegetable oil demulsification. Since physical demulsifica­ adopted.
tion has been successfully applied in separating oil and water in Macaw (Acrocomia spp) is another example of high oil content fruit
wastewater treatment and petroleum industries (Abed et al., 2019; and yield per area, found in Brazil, spread in the Southeastern and
Ajogbeje et al., 2021; Guan et al., 2021), those processes could be Central regions and other countries of Tropical America (Cardoso et al.,
adapted to AEP processing, improving the oil recovery. Additionally, 2017; Vargas-Carpintero et al., 2021). Studies performed by Oliveira
several studies suggest the possibility of using solid by-products to et al. (2021) show that the oil content of macaw mesocarp ranged from
produce functional ingredients due to their high content of valuable 29.5 to 74.5% in 630 fruits collected in Minas Gerais State. Mono­
compounds, including protein, polysaccharides, fibers, and other com­ saturated fatty acids represent about 71.5% of total oil (with oleic acid
pounds (Harith et al., 2019; Li, Sun, et al., 2020; Sánchez-Zapata et al., representing 70% of total oil), while polyunsaturated fatty acids corre­
2010; Sorita et al., 2020). In this context, an efficient AEP optimized for spond to only 2.6%. Around 19.22% of total fatty acids are composed of
various oil sources can produce numerous distinct products and conse­ saturated fatty acids, being 17% (of the total oil content) of palmitic acid
quently promote valorization strategies based on sustainable technolo­ (C16:0). It is important to note that the range in oil content and
gies endorsed in a biorefinery concept, which is the framework where composition are related to the plants’ genetic variability, maturity, and
renewable raw materials and their residues (biomass) are transformed growing region. Genetic breeding and complete domestication will

G.D. Sorita et al. Trends in Food Science & Technology 133 (2023) 99–113

Table 1
Unconventional vegetable oil sources with potential uses for edible oil production.
Unconventional sources Oil yield Extraction/ Fatty acids composition of the oil References
quantification method

Tiger nut (Cyperus 29.9% Soxhlet Palmitic, palmitoleic, cydonic, stearic, oleic, α-linolenic, arachidic, and Hu et al. (2020)
esculentus L.) eicosenoic acids
Camelina (Camelina sativa) 32.3% Soxhlet Palmitic, stearic, oleic, linoleic, linolenic, arachidic, eicosenoic, Anderson et al. (2019)
seeds eicosadienoic, arachidonic, behenic, erucic, docosahexaenoic, and
nervonic acid s
Macaw (Acrocomia Kernel: 56.1% Soxhlet Caprylic, capric, lauric, myristic, palmitic, palmitoleic, stearic, oleic, Lieb et al. (2019)
aculeata) mesocarp and Mesocarp: 23.4% vaccenic, linoleic, and α-linolenic acids
Buritirana (Mauritiella 41.6% Supercritical Palmitic, stearic, oleic, oleic, and linolenic acids Souza et al. (2021)
armata Mart.) pulp
Cardoon (Cynara 23.1% Soxhlet Caproic, caprylic, capric, lauric, myristic, pentadecanoic, palmitic, Mandim et al. (2020)
cardunculus L.) palmitoleic, heptadecanoic, stearic, oleic, linoleic, arachidic, gadoleic,
eicosadienoic, behenic, eicosenoic, eicosapentaenoic, tricosanoic, and
lignoceric acids
Babassu (Attalea speciosa) 34.0% Mechanical pressing Caprylic, capric, lauric, myristic, palmitic, oleic, linoleic, and stearic Santos et al. (2020)
fruits acids
Pennycress (Thlaspi 28.7% Pulse nuclear magnetic Nervonic, palmitic, stearic, oleic, linoleic, linolenic, eicosenoic, Altendorf et al. (2019)
arvense) resonance (pNMR) eicosadienoic, erucic, and docosadienoic acids
Sesame (Sesamum indicum) 47.3% Nuclear magnetic Palmitoleic, heptadecanoic, margaric, α-linolenic, eicosanoic, Morris et al. (2021)
resonance (NMR) eicosenoic, behenic, lignoceric, palmitic, stearic, oleic, and linoleic
Pistacho (Pistacia vera L.) 58.5% Maceration Palmitic, palmitoleic, stearic, oleic, linoleic and linolenic acids Yahyavi et al. (2020)
Pequi (Caryocar brasiliensis 46.5% Soxhlet Myristic, palmitic, palmitoleic, stearic, oleic, linoleic and linolenic Cornelio-Santiago
Camb.) fruits acids et al. (2022)
Macadamia (Macadamia 74.16% Maceration Myristic, palmitic, palmitoleic, stearic, oleic, linoleic, linolenic, Shuai et al. (2022)
integrifolia) nuts arachidic, gondoic, behenic, erucic and lignoceric acids
Avocado (Persea americana 62.66% Soxhlet Palmitic, palmitoleic, stearic, oleic, linoleic and linolenic acids Tan et al. (2017)
Mill.) pulp
[mass of extracted oil (g)/mass of dry raw material(g)] * 100.

increase productivity of this promising species. biometric and agricultural aspects, genetic studies, green extraction
Another unconventional oil source is Moringa oleifera kernels. This techniques, and biorefinery approaches may be a viable upgrade for oil
source is native to the sub-Himalayan region and found in Northern industries.
India, the Middle East, and African and Asian countries. The kernels
contain approximately 40% of oil (more than 70% is oleic acid), 31.4% 3. Aqueous extraction process (AEP)
protein, 18.4 carbohydrates, 7.3% fiber, and many nutrients (such as
β-carotene, antioxidants, and minerals). They can be a substitute for The extraction process is the foremost step for oil recovery and for
olive oil due to the similar monounsaturated fatty acid content. Moringa producing new ingredients from raw materials (Mitra & Mishra, 2019).
oil has bioactive compounds (alkaloids, flavonoids, phenolic acids, and Besides, the optimization steps of the extraction parameters are also
tocopherols) with many reported human health benefits and may act to crucial for an efficient oil recovery process (Molino et al., 2020). In
reduce cardiovascular diseases, strokes, ulcers, joint pain, and stom­ addition, the process optimization depends on (i) the oil deposition in
achache, as reported in vitro and in vivo studies (Leone et al., 2016). the vegetable parts (kernel, seed, or pulp), (ii) the physical-chemical
Cultivated in tropical and sub-tropical areas, sesame (Sesamum properties of the oil, and (iii) possible applications (pharmaceutical,
indicum L.) seeds also emerge as a potential high yield (29.43–54.69%) cosmetic, or food industry). Moreover, AEP procedures must be robust
and quality oil (Morris et al., 2021). Besides the rich unsaturated fatty enough to ensure oil quality following current laws and regulations
acids (palmitoleic, oleic, linoleic, linolenic, and gadoleic acids), this seed (volatile compounds, insoluble impurities, soap content, iron, copper,
contains several bioactive compounds (protein, lignans, tocopherol, and acidity, and peroxide value).
others). In addition, its consumption is related to several health benefits, Maximizing oil yields and minimizing oil degradation and alterations
including high antioxidant activity, obesity prevention, and protection in the quality of the product is the key to extraction techniques (Kumar
against metabolism disorder (Dossou et al., 2022). They are also effec­ et al., 2017). The recovery process must be as green and sustainable as
tively used in traditional medicine for inflammation, toothache, burns, possible, with minimal waste generation, fitting to Green Chemistry
headaches, ulcers, and others (Morris et al., 2021). principles (Herrero & Ibañez, 2018). Those attributes are achieved when
Pistachio (Pistacia vera L.), a peculiar organoleptic nut, is another AEP is used to produce edible oil. This section discusses the advantages
unconventional oil source in food manufacturing. This nut is widely and drawbacks, the extraction mechanism, the oil body structure and its
consumed raw or toasted and salted and used as a food ingredient influence on emulsion formation, and the very stable emulsion systems
worldwide. Pistachio kernel presents a high oil yield (49.9–58.5%) with formed in AEP.
considerable amounts of oleic, linoleic, and linolenic acids, which are
linked to several health benefits, as mentioned previously. Additionally, 3.1. Advantages and drawbacks of AEP
this source is rich in bioactive and health-promoting compounds that
can be extracted with the oil, such as tocopherols, sterols, and phenolic As Rosenthal et al. (1996) reported, AEP has numerous advantages,
compounds (Yahyavi et al., 2020), enhancing oil oxidative stability. such as being environmentally clean and safer since the emission of
Therefore, AEP emerges as an innovative process for oil and other flammable and volatile organic compounds is eliminated. This process
valuable compounds (proteins, carbohydrates, fibers, and others) for can produce edible oil, protein, and other valuable compounds.
those interesting underused raw materials. In this sense, government Furthermore, the proteins’ structure is well preserved, contributing to
engagement for the diversification of crops for oil production allied with their functional properties as a food ingredient, adding value to this

G.D. Sorita et al. Trends in Food Science & Technology 133 (2023) 99–113

co-product. Regarding cost-effectiveness, AEP could be worthy because stored in embryos and endosperm during seed development. Those
there is no need for some unit operations, such as desolventization. The special cell organelles are named oil bodies (OBs) or oleosomes and are
AEP-extracted oil has better quality (in terms of physicochemical pa­ covered with a monolayer of phospholipids embedded with structural
rameters) than the press or solvent-extracted oils and could be directly proteins, such as oleosin, caleosins, and steroleosins. Oil bodies are
used as edible oil without refining (Tirgarian et al., 2019). Another located inside the plant cell. Plant cell membranes are composed of
critical aspect of the AEP is processing high moisture content raw ma­ phospholipid bilayer and responsible for selective permeability to ions
terials, with no need for drying to be feasible for hexane or pressing and molecules between the cell and the environment (Lan et al.,
extractions. Thus, since no drying pre-step is required, less energy is 2020). Proteins bodies (PBs) are also structures present in the vegetable
demanded by employing an aqueous process. cell, and these organelles are widely distributed between the cell wall
Cheng et al. (2018) compared the environmental impact of AEP of and the OBs. Fig. 1 illustrates a generic plant cell structure.
soybean oil with mechanical pressing and solvent extraction, using mass In aqueous oil extractions, the proteins act as strong emulsifiers due
flows, energy consumption, and the global warming potential of each to molecular organization, which is formed by long hydrophobic regions
process. The three processes are similar in the vegetable matrix pre­ (deeply inserted in the oil body) and an umbrella-like hydrophilic
treatment steps (cleaning, cracking, hull removal, conditioning, and moiety that connects with the water phase (Sun, Zhang, et al., 2021), as
flaking), and those steps can directly influence energy consumption. For presented in Fig. 1. In addition, along with oleosin, phospholipids
example, solvent extraction requires comminution of the raw material to (monolayer) are the major components of the biological membrane.
improve solvent diffusion inside the matrix, leading to higher energy They are also formed by a hydrophilic region (which is composed of
consumption. In the mechanical pressing route, the extrusion and glycerol, two fatty acids, and a phosphate group) and a hydrophobic
pressing are also energy intensive. Of these three processes, solvent head group (Zhao et al., 2020). Oleosin and phospholipids (Fig. 1) can
extraction has the highest power consumption since desolventization is improve the emulsion stability during the AEP, forming a very stable
a critical step to remove residual hexane from the oil and by-products cream (Cassen et al., 2022). This cellular arrangement to store oil in the
(meal). On the other hand, AEP was considered a greener process due plant tissue should be disrupted to release the oil. The tissue could be
to lower environmental impacts and reduced total energy consumption broken by a mechanical process such as milling. Enzymatic treatment is
compared with hexane extraction, leading to lower greenhouse gas a valuable tool to boost this disruption. Proteases, phospholipases, cel­
(GHG) emissions than mechanical pressing. lulases, and amylases can be associated with or even substituted for the
There could be some constraints of AEP in large-scale applications: milling step (Díaz-Suárez et al., 2021). Zhang et al. (2020) successfully
(i) low efficiency in free oil content, (ii) demulsification to separate the applied acidic moisture-conditioning plus low-temperature drying as
oil, and (iii) treatment of the resulting aqueous waste (Rosenthal et al., pre-treatment on flaxseed kernel before AEP to prevent the emulsion
1996). It is worth mentioning that non-fat compounds are simulta­ cream formation and to increase the recovery of the free oil, achieving
neously extracted with the oil, and the oil purity may decrease. The 83% yield. This effect was attributed to the more efficient comminution
importance of those issues depends on the raw material characteristics of the flaxseed grains.
and the availability of suitable processing machinery. Alternatives to The oily fraction resulting from the water extraction can be a very
overcome those hurdles are addressed in this review. stable emulsion. The formation of this emulsion could impair the process
scaling up because the recovery efficiency can be lower than the non-
3.2. Extraction mechanism polar solvent procedure and require additional operations to obtain
most of the free oil (Campbell et al., 2011). Emulsion breaking (or
AEP is an environmentally friendly processing method that can also destabilizing the molecules that act as emulsifiers to separate the oil
be used for oil, protein, and phospholipid simultaneous extraction from from water) can be the key to increasing the oil recovery, allowing
different biomasses and may be a viable alternative to hexane oil further application in oil industries. Also, to be competitive with the
extraction. The AEP mechanism is based on the insolubility of the oil conventional hexane process currently used to produce vegetable oil
within the water. The emulsions formed during AEP have three main around the world, AEP oil extraction yields need to be close to that
constituents: (i) oil, (ii) water, and (iii) emulsifiers. The water solubilizes obtained with organic solvent extraction (~95%). The AEP yield can
the compounds that act as emulsifiers (vegetable cell components: vary according to the demulsification method applied from 23 to 85%,
phospholipids, proteins, carbohydrates, and others) instead of the oil, as indicated in Section 2.
facilitating the oil-water and water-soluble compounds separation
(Díaz-Suárez et al., 2021). The traditional process mainly includes a 3.4. Emulsion’s systems: A very stable product from AEP
mechanical pre-treatment for grinding the plant tissue structures,
extraction, and physical treatments (e.g., centrifugation) for product AEP has several advantages, but the emulsification of the extracted
separation (Favaro et al., 2022). After centrifugation, AEP generates oil during the process can occur. Structurally, emulsions are dispersion
four fractions: (i) free oil, (ii) cream (oil-rich fraction), (iii) solid systems constituted by two or more immiscible phases where one liquid
by-products (protein/fiber-rich fraction), and (iv) aqueous fraction is dispersed as droplets (with different sizes) in another liquid. Emul­
(soluble proteins and sugars and minor compounds). The proportions of sions can be divided according to the dispersed phase into water-in-oil
each fraction can vary according to the raw material and with extraction (W/O), in which the water droplets are dispersed in the oil phase, and
parameters (such as solid/liquid ratio, extraction time, agitation, tem­ oil-in-water (O/W), in which oil is dispersed into the water phase (Ma &
perature, and others). Fraction (ii) follows a demulsification step to in­ Chatterton, 2021). The aqueous oil extraction can yield a cream emul­
crease the free oil recovery and to produce hydrolyzed compounds (such sion of oil bodies dispersed in water, characterizing an oil-in-water
as phospholipids, amino acids, and sugars) to be converted into com­ emulsion (O/W) (Cassen et al., 2022).
mercial emulsifiers. The solid by-product composition depends on the In AEP emulsions, the oil droplets are emulsified by proteins, car­
raw material but is usually rich in protein or fibers (Souza et al., 2020) bohydrates (pectin), and phospholipids (the main constituent of the cell
and follows the drying process. The next section addresses how the oil is membrane). A good understanding of microstructural characteristics
stored in the plant tissue and how it directly influences the emulsion and the composition of the major compounds of the selected vegetable
formation on AEP. raw material is crucial for understanding AEP limitations. For example,
soybean seeds (a conventional oil source) comprise approximately
3.3. Plant cell structure and its influence on AEP emulsion formation 18–20% of oil, 40% of proteins (located inside the protein bodies), and
25–30% carbohydrates. The soybean cell wall is constructed of pectin,
Triacylglycerol and fatty acids present in oilseeds are developed and hemicelluloses, and cellulose microfibrils (as a primary layer) cross-

G.D. Sorita et al. Trends in Food Science & Technology 133 (2023) 99–113

Fig. 1. Plant cell structure (Adapted from Nikiforidis et al. (2014)).

linked with proteins (major compound, 40%). As a first stage, breaking and water settles at the bottom of the continuous oil phase
the protein bodies (PBs, with sizes ranging from 2 to 10 μm) is necessary (sedimentation).
for the subsequent oil body (OBs, with sizes ranging from 0.2 to 0.5 μm) (ii) Flocculation: unstable oil droplets or particles in the solution
breaking. The phospholipid membrane covering the OBs (Fig. 1) hinders form aggregates or flocs. This mechanism depends on several
the recovery of free oil (Loman et al., 2018). factors, such as water content in emulsions, temperature, oil
It is also important to note that the oil can be found in distinct parts viscosity, density, and electrostatic field.
of the fruits, for example, in the mesocarp and endosperm. A better (iii) Ostwald ripening: droplets increase in size due to the diffusion of
understanding of the fruit composition, the microstructure of OBs, and smaller oil droplets to large droplets across the aqueous phase.
the compounds that act as emulsifiers in AEP can help choose the The process happens as soon as the dispersed phase (oil phase, O/
emulsion breaking method and consequently assist in a high oil yield W emulsion) reaches finite solubility in the continuous phase
(Moura et al., 2010). For instance, macaw palm (Acrocomia aculeata) (water phase, O/W emulsion). Droplets of different sizes migrate
fruits contain oil in the mesocarp (pulp) and kernel (nut). Macaw toward the surface and form the oil top layer.
mesocarp and kernel are mainly composed of 38 and 3.5% water, 3 and (iv) Coalescence of the droplets: in this irreversible process, water/oil
28% protein, 29 and 28% oil, 10 and 1% carbohydrates, and 20 and 36% droplets fuse or coalesce to form a larger droplet. Factors like
fibers, respectively (Andrade et al., 2020). In the pulp, OBs (size range flocculation rate, interfacial tension, interfacial velocity, and
from 0.2 to 2 μm) are scattered and surrounded by fibers (20%). The temperature can influence the outcome.
kernel also has a large concentration of proteins (28%, stored in indi­
vidualized structures) in the middle of OBs (~20 μm) and inside the cell To achieve an effective and robust demulsification process, the
wall (Moura et al., 2010; Rosenthal et al., 1996). separation of the oil and water phases must occur faster and with a low
Several studies have investigated cream emulsion demulsification content of crude oil in the residual water stream (Saad et al., 2019).
methods such as enzymatic (Hu et al., 2020; Li et al., 2017; Souza et al.,
2020), sonication (Luo et al., 2019), microwave (Hu et al., 2020), 4.2. Common demulsification methods in AEP
membrane (Moreira et al., 2020), among others. However, the specific
technique to be adopted depends on the vegetable raw material and, Biological, chemical, and thermal treatments have been studied for
consequently, on the composition of the cream emulsion, which is cream demulsification from many raw materials (i.e., coconut, soybean,
strongly affected by the distinction in chemical composition and phys­ peanut, moringa and cherry seed, and others) in the AEP process. Some
ical structure of the oilseeds, and the processing parameters (such as examples include sonication (Li et al., 2014), microwave (Liu et al.,
grinding types and extraction parameters) (Li et al., 2016). A discussion 2020), heat treatment (Khoei & Chekin, 2016; Zhao et al., 2020),
regarding the main demulsification techniques, advantages, and draw­ ethanol adding (Ni et al., 2016), phase inversion (Fang et al., 2016),
backs is presented as follows. freezing-thawing (Zhao et al., 2020), surfactants adding (Geng et al.,
2020), and enzymatic treatment (Hu et al., 2020; Xu et al., 2021). A list
4. Demulsification in AEP: The key step to obtain high oil yields of the most relevant studies regarding demulsification techniques for
conventional and unconventional oil sources is presented in Table 2.
4.1. Demulsification mechanisms
4.2.1. Enzymatic demulsification
Several mechanisms have been proposed to describe the demulsifi­ Enzymatic treatments were widely applied to break the emulsion
cation process (Kang et al., 2012; Park et al., 2020; Saad et al., 2019). (stabilized by proteins, carbohydrates, and fibers) formed in AEP of
different oil sources, such as palm pulp (Teixeira et al., 2013), rice bran
(i) Creaming and sedimentation: refer to the migration of the phases (Xu et al., 2021), moringa (Yusoff et al., 2016), and bayberry kernels
due to density differences between water and oil. Since oil is less (Zhang et al., 2012). When AEP uses enzymes, it is called aqueous
dense than water, the oil droplets rise to the surface (creaming), enzymatic extraction (AEE). The hydrolytic enzymes are responsible for

G.D. Sorita et al. Trends in Food Science & Technology 133 (2023) 99–113

Table 2
Demulsification methods applied in AEP of conventional and unconventional oil sources.
Demulsification Biomass source Treatment conditions Enzyme action Oil Yield References
Enzymatic treatment Moringa Neutrase/Celluclast (3:1 w/w) Neutrase: protease 70% Yusoff et al.
(Moringa oleifera) Celluclast: cellulase (2016)
Enzymatic treatment Bayberry (Myrica Cellulose/neutral protease (1:2 w/w) Cellulose: cellalose 31.15% Zhang et al.
rubra) kernels Neutral: protease (2012)
Enzymatic treatment Oil palm (Elaeis Pectinase/cellulase/tannase (1:1:1 w/w/ Pectinase: pectinase 90–93% Teixeira et al.
guineensis) pulp w) Cellulase: cellulase (2013)
Tannase: gallotannins and
Enzymatic treatment Sesame Protex, Alcalase, Viscozyme L, Kemzyme, Protex: protease 57.4% (Alcalase 2.4L) Latif and Anwar
(Sesamum and Natuzyme (2.0%) 45 ◦ C, 120 min Alcalase: protease (2011)
indicum L.) seed 120 rpm Raw material/water ratio: 1:6 Viscozyme L: beta-glucanases,
(w/v) pectinases, hemicellulases and
Kemzyme: multi-protease
Natuzyme: phytase, α-amylase,
xylanase, β-mannanase, β–glucanase,
cellulase, protease, lipase and
Enzymatic treatment Sesame Pectinex and Neutrase (separately, 2% w/ Pectinex: pectinase Neutrase: 89% (1% Pectinex + Tirgarian,
(Sesamum v) and Pectinex (1%) + Neutrase (1%); protease 1% Neutrase) Farmani, &
indicum L.) seed 50 ◦ C for 6 h; Milani (2019)
Raw material/water ratio: 1:1, 2:1, 3:1,
4:1, 5:1 and 6:1 (w/v)
Enzymatic treatment Castor (Ricinus Viscozyme L (2% w/w) Viscozyme L: beta-glucanases, 80% Díaz-suárez et al.
communis) seeds Raw material/water ratio 1:5 (w/v) pectinases, hemicellulases and (2021)
Enzymatic and Yellow mustard Carbohydrase: Viscozyme, Celluclast, and Viscozyme: beta-glucanases, 91% (Protex) Tabtabaei and
chemical treatment (brassica hirta) Pectinex Ultra SP-L (3% w/w), pectinases, hemicellulases and Diosady (2013)
flour xylanases
Proteases: Alcalase, Protex, Protex 51FP, Celluclast: cellulase
and Protex (2.5% w/w)
Chemical treatment: alkaline emulsion Pectinex Ultra SP-L: pectinase
Enzymatic treatment Peanut (Arachis Phospholipase A1 (PLA1), Phospholipase Phospholipase A1, A2 and D: PLA1: 45.6% Niu et al. (2021)
hypogea) seeds A2 (PLA2), Phospholipase D (PLD), phospholipase PLD: 30.7%
Papain and Alcalase (1.25%) Papain: protease Alcalase: 84.3%
Alcalase: endopeptidase Papain: 93.8%
PLA1/PLA2: 85.3%
Enzymatic and Peanut (Arachis Salts: CaCl2, MgCl2, NaCl Alcalase Alcalase: endopeptidase 92.0% (Alcalase + 5 Zhou et al. (2020)
chemical treatment hypogaea) seeds (0.25–2%, v/v) mM CaCl2)
Thermal, chemical Peanut (Arachis Protex 6L, Protex 7L, Protex 50FP, Protex 6L, 7L and 50 FP: protease 92.2% (Protex 50FP) Li et al. (2017)
and enzymatic hypogea) seeds Alcalase 2.4L, Papain, phospholipase, and
treatments Amylase at 1.5% (w/w).
Raw material/water: 1:5 (w/v); Alcalase: endopeptidase Papain:
NaOH (2 mol L− 1) Phospholipase: phospholipase
50–60 ◦ C Amylase: amylase
Enzymatic and Camellia Neutral protease/Cellulose (6:5 w/w), 40 Neutral: protease Cellulose: cellulase Microwave: 83.05% Yang et al. (2019)
thermal treatment (Camellia oleifera min; Freezing/thawing:
Abel.) seeds − 20 ◦ C/50 ◦ C (2 cycles) 89.37%
Microwave: water/raw material ratio of
1:4 at 50 ◦ C, pH of 6.5, 0.9% (w/w)
Chemical treatment Camellia Surfactant: Tea saponin 1:5 (w/w) – 89.62–93.58% Zhang et al.
(Camellia oleifera (2019)
Abel.) seeds
Chemical and Almond (Prunus Neutral Protease Neutral: protease 65% (by both Dias et al. (2020)
Enzymatic dulcis L.) flour Solids/liquid ratio of 1:10 (w/v), 120 rpm treatment)
treatments at 50 ◦ C.
Chemical demulsification: at pH 5.0
(almond protein isoelectric point)
Chemical treatment: Walnut (Juglans Sodium chloride solution (0.6–1.4 mol – 91.2% (Chloride Geng et al. (2020)
Surfactant and salt regia L.) kernels L− 1); solution)
adding Span 20, Span 80,Tween 20, and Tween
[mass of extracted oil (g)/mass of dry raw material (g)] * 100.
[mass of extracted oil (g)/mass of oil in dry raw material by solvent extraction (g)] * 100.
[free oil from emulsion (g)/mass of oil in the emulsion (g)] * 100.
Mass of free oil (g)/[mass of cream (g) * oil content by solvent extraction (%)].

G.D. Sorita et al. Trends in Food Science & Technology 133 (2023) 99–113

breaking the natural surfactants (proteins, phospholipids, and carbo­ (2021). Briefly, when the oil-in-water emulsion (O/W) is gradually
hydrates present in the raw material) that stabilize the cream emulsion frozen, the oil crystals move to the oil droplets’ interfaces, inducing their
into small molecules (peptides, mono or disaccharide, and others), dis­ partial coalescence and forming oil aggregates that decrease the stability
placing and coalescing the emulsion droplets (Li et al., 2017). of the emulsion. Simultaneously, the volume expansion caused by the
Enzyme-assisted processes usually are considered more expensive due to phase transition of water moves the oil droplets to get closer, thus
the cost of enzymes. However, it is worth noting that the AEP assisted making them more prone to coalescence while they are thawed. The
with phospholipases, could eliminate the degumming steps in oil freezing-thawing treatment effectiveness has been reported in a study
refining since this enzyme converts nonhydratable phospholipids into conducted by Yang et al. (2019) that evaluated the demulsification of
lysophospholipids, which are insoluble in oil and removed in the the cream emulsion obtained by AEP from camellia (Camellia oleifera
aqueous fraction after centrifugation steps (Gharby, 2022). Abel.) seeds using frozen (− 20 ◦ C) and thawing (50 ◦ C) treatments,
AEE can reach high yields and produce high-quality oil (considering reaching 89.37% of oil extraction yield.
sensorial and technological parameters) suitable for human consump­ Microwave applies non-uniform heating near the droplet surface,
tion. The use of enzymes in demulsification steps positively influenced forming an electromagnetic field with a high-frequency variation. The
the sensory and technological aspects of different oils, which can droplet, at high-speed rotation, destroys the interface film (due to their
favorably affect the final product in terms of taste, smell, and color collision), causing emulsion breaking and droplet coalescence, allowing
(Yusoff et al., 2015). The camellia seed oil extracted with AEP and AEE the oil separation. Usually, microwave demulsification is assisted by
was less colored and brighter when compared to oils extracted through other techniques, such as enzyme or salt addition (Kovaleva et al., 2018;
mechanical pressing (Yang, Zhao, Fan, Deng, & Xiong, 2012). Sensory Liu et al., 2020). The integration of more than one demulsification
analyses (taste, odor, and color) of sesame seed oil extracted by AEE and method is described in Section 4.2.4.
SE showed high acceptability of AEE oil compared to SE. Besides, The thermal demulsification method has also been used by an
Najafian et al. (2009) reported that olive oil turbidity decreased with increasing number of researchers in wastewater treatment and petro­
pectinase use, which may be due to the enzymatic effect in reducing the leum industries, owing to its simplicity and efficiency. The main draw­
number of colloidal particles in olive oil. Other benefits can be achieved back of thermal demulsification in food applications is the high
when enzymes are applied to the demulsification step in AEP, including temperatures (50–60 ◦ C) needed, which can degrade unsaturated fatty
low chemical pollution, low energy consumption, and good retention of acids and bioactive compounds. However, the temperature increase can
protein, polysaccharides, fibers, and phytochemicals, which can further influence the oil’s oxidative stability (reducing its quality) and cause
be used in a biorefinery concept in food or pharmaceutical industries protein denaturation, hindering further use of the protein fraction.
(Yusoff et al., 2015). Optimizing the right temperature and time is essential for minimizing
Commercial enzymes such as Alcalase (Latif & Anwar, 2011; Niu losses (Saad et al., 2019).
et al., 2021; Xu et al., 2021), Protex, Viscozyme, Kemzyme, and
Naturazyme (Latif & Anwar, 2011), Celluclast (Tabtabaei & Diosady, 4.2.3. Chemical demulsification
2013), Phospholipase A1, A2, and D types, papain (Niu et al., 2021), Chemical demulsification has been extensively applied in the AEP,
amylase (Li et al., 2017), and others have been widely applied in blends petroleum industries, and wastewater treatment with good effectiveness
or separately for distinct vegetable sources, as shown in Table 2. The and cost-efficiency for breaking emulsions (Dias et al., 2020; Wang et al.,
applicability of Viscozyme L (an enzyme cocktail containing xylanase, 2021). Chemical demulsification uses chemical additives to accelerate
arabanase, β-glucanase, hemicellulose, and cellulase activities) by Día­ the emulsion-breaking process (Dias et al., 2020). The chemical addition
z-Suárez et al. (2021) shows a successful cream demulsification formed (salts and surfactants) is designed to neutralize the effect of the mole­
in the AEP process using castor seed, reaching high oil yield (80%) with cules that act as emulsifiers stabilizing the emulsion (proteins, carbo­
the same fatty acid composition and with better oxidative stability than hydrates, fibers in AEP). The added compound displaces the emulsifier
organic solvent extraction. from the interfacial film surrounding the emulsion droplets to enhance
AEP emulsion is stabilized by more than one type of surfactant destabilization, resulting in droplet coalescence (Yonguep et al., 2022).
(usually proteins, phospholipids, fibers, and carbohydrates). Therefore, For an efficient chemical separation, a chemical additive (sodium
according to the plant cell composition, one or more enzymes must be chloride solution, span 20, span 80, tween 20, tween 80, tea saponin,
applied to achieve complete demulsification and, consequently, high oil and others) in an adequate amount must have the capacity to demulsify
yield. For example, papain (a proteolytic enzyme) applied in peanut emulsions within an optimized residence time (Wang et al., 2021). The
cream can lead to an oil recovery of 93.8% (Niu et al., 2021). In this case, mechanism behind thermal and chemical demulsification integration is
the high protein content with remarkable emulsifying properties in the presented in the next section (section 4.2.4). In addition, the oil fatty
seed is responsible for stabilizing the emulsions formed in the process. acid composition, viscosity, emulsion size, and the presence of solids can
On the other hand, for Moringa oleifera seeds (also with high protein influence the efficiency of the process (Abed et al., 2019). This demul­
content but with low emulsifying ability), the high oil recovery (70%) sification method is usually applied along with a thermal demulsifica­
was achieved using a blend of cellulase and protease (3:1 w/w) since the tion step and can achieve high (>85%) or moderate (60–85%) oil
cellulose is the most compound responsible for emulsifying the oil recoveries. Dias et al. (2020) reached an oil recovery of 69.3% from AEP
(Yusoff et al., 2015). of ground almonds by applying chemical demulsification on the cream
emulsion obtained after the centrifugation step by adding 2 mol L− 1
4.2.2. Thermal demulsification NaOH (pH at 5) under 57.5 ◦ C for 37.5 min. High oil recovery
This technique involves changing the emulsion’s temperature to (89.62–93.58%) from Camellia seeds was obtained by Zhang et al.
separate the oil and water phases. In this method, a high temperature (2019) by recirculating tea saponin (an abundant natural nonionic
(50–60 ◦ C) is applied to reduce the rigidity of the emulsion interface, surfactant presented in Camellia seeds) accumulated in the aqueous
decreasing the emulsion stability, and increasing the collision between phase in the cream emulsion fraction, reducing the products costs and
the droplets, making it easier for droplets to coalesce (Abed et al., 2019). wastewater output. Geng et al. (2020) obtained a reasonable oil recov­
Freezing-thawing and microwave integrated with other methods (such ery (91.2%) from walnut seed using sodium chloride solution (1.2 mol
as enzymatic and salt addition) are the thermal techniques most applied L− 1) and Span 20 (1.7 g 100 g− 1) in the extraction steps (before
in AEP, and camellia seeds (Yang et al., 2019), peanut seeds (Liu et al., centrifugation) under 85 ◦ C for 60 min.
2020) and rapeseed (Tian et al., 2019) are some examples. This method
consists in freezing and subsequently thawing the cream emulsion. The 4.2.4. Integration of traditional demulsification methods
fundamental freezing-thawing mechanism is explained by Yuan et al. Integrating two or more traditional demulsification methods is

G.D. Sorita et al. Trends in Food Science & Technology 133 (2023) 99–113

essential for improving the emulsion breaking. The applicability of the consequently, they resist the oil droplet’s passing. As a result, oil and
integrated demulsification processes can be seen in the study by Liu et al. water separate from the emulsion. The opposite effect occurs if the
(2020). These authors tested microwave demulsification (thermal equipment (filter-coalescer/membrane) has a hydrophobic layer (Yadav
treatment) with salt addition (chemical treatment) for peanut oil et al., 2022).
extraction. The microwave heating with CaCl2 addition presented a high The considerable interest in physical demulsification can be justified
oil recovery (92.30%) compared to conventional microwave heating by its flexibility since the composition of unconventional oil matrices
(46.86%). worldwide varies significantly. Moreover, the filter-coalescer and
Using inorganic salts in small quantities can increase the water membrane surface characteristics can be adjusted for treating oil from
conductivity and thereby increase the microwave radiation in the diverse sources. Positive impacts in extraction oil processing and pres­
demulsification process. This effect occurs mainly at low microwave ervation can be achieved, such as higher oil yields and relatively shorter
frequency, where the contribution of the conduction mechanism pre­ processing times (since the solvent does not dissolve the oil, and the
dominates in dielectric heating. The inorganic salts can neutralize the process does not require solvent removal post-steps). Additionally, no
surfactants, which stabilize the emulsion and displace them from the thermal or chemical treatment is required, helping to keep the initial oil
interfacial film surrounding the emulsion droplets to promote destabi­ quality (quality similar to the in-nature pulp). However, it is worth
lization and, consequently, the oil separation (Wang et al., 2021). noting that the porous beds need to be food-grade to ensure food safety,
Salt addition can also be integrated with enzyme demulsification which may increase production costs.
(biological treatment). In AEE, the proteolytic enzyme can hydrolyze To the best of our knowledge, literature data does not report
proteins into small peptides, which release the oil fraction from the oil demulsification methods by membranes and coalescers in AEP for edible
bodies. Although peptides act as emulsifiers in the cream fraction, oil extraction. Thus, it is important to briefly discuss this method and the
adding salt (NaCl, MgCl2, CaCl2) at a low concentration induces to reach technologies used in other areas to advance studies in the food industry
the isoelectric point; the peptides start to aggregate, releasing the oil and field. Table 3 lists studies on physical demulsification applied in
yielding the oil-free fraction (Zhou et al., 2020). Similar oil yield in AEE wastewater treatment and petroleum industries.
can be achieved by reducing the enzyme quantity 62.5 times and adding
CaCl2 (5 mM) in peanut oil extraction (Zhou et al., 2020). 5.1. Filter-coalescers

5. Upgrading demulsification methods in AEP: The possibilities Filter-coalescers use physical means to induce oil coalescence and
of physical demulsification methods produce a continuous separation of oil and water in distinct phases. Five
conventional mechanical coalescence separator categories can be found
Physical demulsification methods have been studied for wastewater in the literature: gravitational, plate, packing type coalescing separators,
treatment and in the petroleum industry (Ajogbeje et al., 2021; Naga­ coalescing filter separators, and fibrous separators (Almeida, Esquerre,
sawa et al., 2020; Yang et al., 2020) and could be applied in the food Soletti, & Silva, 2019; Lu et al., 2019). The filters are arranged inside
industry. The methods are recognized for their high efficiency, fast compact equipment (mechanical coalescer) and have a high separation
separation time, environmental friendliness, and for being performed efficiency. This technique can efficiently separate emulsions with
with no addition of enzymes and chemicals. Physical methods can be droplet sizes smaller than 10 μm, achieving high yields at a low capital
divided into two major groups (Fajun et al., 2020): (i) governed by an expenditure in continuous operation and allowing a large-scale appli­
external force – centrifugation, gravity sedimentation, membrane (Del cation (Kumar et al., 2021). In addition, the equipment is easy to install,
Colle et al., 2007), vibration, and coalescer separator (Ajogbeje et al., automatize, self-clean, and operate with simple maintenance (Ajogbeje
2021); and (ii) governed by energy application (waveform) – ultrasonic et al., 2021).
(Luo et al., 2019) and electric (Lu et al., 2021). Filter coalescers have been successfully applied in the petroleum
The olive and avocado oil extraction industries have used centrifugal industry and wastewater treatment in the food industries. They are
decanters to improve the oil separation in aqueous extractions. How­ mostly applied for emulsions with droplet sizes smaller than 10 μm. For
ever, the olive or avocado paste must be diluted with warm water to instance, Ajogbeje et al. (2021) studied the application of a fibrous
reduce the viscosity of the solid phase and improve oil separation. The filter-coalescer to promote the coalescence and separation of
amount of contaminated wastewater produced by this process is corre­ water-in-bitumen (water-in-oil) emulsion (>10 μm), achieving a
spondingly increased and could be as high as 50% of the mass of the raw reduction of water content in the emulsions from 2 vol% to 0.1 vol%. Lu
material processed, posing an ecological problem. A large amount of et al. (2019) proposed and applied (in an offshore platform) a system
water added to the process leads to a considerable reduction in the composed of a fibrous filter-coalescer for the demulsification of petro­
natural antioxidant in the resulting oil (Permal et al., 2020; Tamborrino leum wastewater (with emulsion size >10 μm), obtaining efficiency
et al., 2015). In this sense, the proposed new physical demulsification higher than 98%. The authors also presented the microscopic mecha­
methods (such as filter-coalescers and membranes) may be an attractive nism and a theoretical model for calculating the separation performance
alternative to traditional equipment such as the horizontal decanter that may improve industrial applications. A proposed mechanism of
centrifuge. horizontal bed coalescers for AEP can be seen in Fig. 2 (A), in which the
The mechanism involved in the innovative physical methods pro­ emulsions formed during AEP (oil, water, protein, phospholipids, car­
posed is simple and adjusted to the required needs of each process. The bohydrates, and fibers) are fed in the top left side and are induced to pass
filter-coalescer and membrane can be produced by changing the through one or more porous beds that retain and coalesce the small
porosity, pore diameter, and charge according to emulsion size and the droplets.
composition of the raw material used in the process, increasing the The large droplets are then pushed outside the bed by dynamic forces
equipment’s functionality. Considering a hydrophilic layer (filter-coa­ and gravity. The oil phase remains in the top (upper part) of the mixture,
lescer and membrane) and an oil-in-water (O/W) emulsion, water and the water phase (in the AEP case, with the surfactants – proteins,
molecules can adhere to the filter or membrane pore surfaces, increasing phospholipids, carbohydrates, and fibers) is further separated (Almeida
permeability. The entrapped water (and soluble hydrophilic compounds et al., 2019; Lu et al., 2019). It is important to note that the water phase
that act as emulsifiers, such as sugars, amino acids, and others) acts as a (bottom of the coalescer) contains valuable compounds such as soluble
repulsive phase for the oil droplets contacting the membrane. The sugar, amino acids, and pectin that can be further separated and used in
increased contact of small oil droplets caused by the water flow through food applications, fitting a biorefinery concept.
the membrane pores leads to the coalescence of the oil phase. Filter- Applications of filter coalescers in AEP were not reported in the
coalescers and membrane pores allow water permeation; literature data so far. The size of the emulsion droplets in AEP changes

G.D. Sorita et al. Trends in Food Science & Technology 133 (2023) 99–113

Table 3
Most relevant works related to physical demulsification applied in wastewater treatment and petroleum industries.
Physical type Application/ Filter-coalescer/membrane type Emulsion Results Reference

Filter-coalescer Water/bitumen Fibrous Filter-coalescer Water/bitumen emulsion Reduction of water content Ajogbeje et al.
emulsion (W/O) in emulsion: 2 vol % to 0.1 (2021)
vol %.
Wastewater (O/ Fibrous Filter-coalescer Diesel oil droplets, methyl silicone oil Efficiency: >98% Lu et al. (2019)
W) droplets, dibutyl phthalate droplets
Filter-coalescer Wastewater (O/ Coalescer bed: cationic exchange resins Effluent of the petroleum industry Efficiency: >93% Motta et al.
integrated W) Membrane: a polyetherimide hollow fiber (2014)
with submerged module (hydrophilic
membrane membrane)
Membrane Wastewater (O/ Aramid nanofibers membrane modified Lubricating oil or diesel or N- Efficiency: 99.73% Guan et al.
separation W) with β-cyclodextrin (hydrophilic hexadecane or soybean oil + Tween Permeate Flux: 126.59 L (2021)
membrane) 60 and Sudan III + deionized water m− 2 h− 1
Biodiesel Aluminum titanium oxide powder tubular Biodiesel Efficiency: >99.73% Moreira et al.
purification (O/ ceramic membranes (pore size/Molecular (2020)
W) weight cut-off: 0.05 μm/20 kDa)
(hydrophilic membrane)
Wastewater (O/ Polydopamine microspheres integrated Sodium lauryl sulfonate + deionized Efficiency: >99.9% He et al. (2019)
W) with polyacrylonitrile nanofibers water + toluene Permeability: 11666 L m−
membrane (pore size: 300 nm) h− 1 bar− 1
(hydrophilic membrane)
Wastewater (O/ Poly (vinylidene difluoride) modified with Canola oil + tween + water Efficiency: ~98% Zin et al. (2019)
W) dopamine and polyethyleneimine
(pore size: 0.1 μm) (hydrophilic
Wastewater (O/ Gutta-percha (natural polymer)/silylated Petroleum ether, dichloromethane or Highly effective oil-water Yang et al. (2020)
W) nanofibers membranes (hydrophilic toluene, or cyclohexane + deionized emulsions separation with
membrane) water permeate fluxes of:
Petroleum ether: 3624 L
m − 2 h − 1 W− 1
Dicholomethane: 3308 m− 2
h − 1 W− 1
Toluene: 3186 m− 2 h− 1 W− 1
Cyclohexane: 2866 m− 2 h− 1
W− 1
Oil spill (O/W) Electrospun fibers of polycaprolactone Hexadecane + span 80 and Tween 80 Efficiency: >99.0% Panatdasirisuk
Membranes with Anisotropic Pores + deionized water Permeate flux: 70 L m− 2 h− 1 et al. (2017)
(porosity: 88% and pore size: 359–272 bar− 1
nm) (hydrophilic membrane)
Wastewater O/ Poly (vinylidene fluoride) modified with Sodium lauryl sulfonate + soybean oil Efficiency: >85% Xiong et al.
W polydopamine/polyethyleneimine and + sodium lauryl sulfonate or stearyl (2020)
Fe2+(hydrophilic membrane) trimethyl ammonium or tween 40 +
deionized water
Wastewater (O/ Attapulgite − graphene oxide composites Heavy crude oil + ultrapure water Efficiency: >95% Liu et al. (2021)
W) (hydrophilic membrane)
Efficiency: relation between oil content in the aqueous phase before emulsion separation and the oil content in filtrate after emulsion separation.

according to the raw material and the process parameters, and it usually the membrane pores and on the surface), which affects the process
is in the range of 2–10 μm (Zhang et al., 2013). Thus, a filter-coalescer performance in terms of permeate flux and quality (Xiong et al., 2020;
efficiently separates emulsions from AEP with a droplet size smaller Yang, Wen, et al., 2021).
than 10 μm. The literature has constantly addressed membrane processes’
demulsification of O/W and W/O emulsions. Most studies focus on O/W
5.2. Membrane emulsion for biodiesel, wastewater treatment, and the petroleum in­
dustry (Table 3). For instance, Moreira et al. (2020) applied a tubular
Membrane-based processes such as microfiltration and ultrafiltration ceramic membrane to improve biodiesel quality (improving glycerol
are an alternative for oil/water separation since selective barriers are separation). A study by Nagasawa et al. (2020) evaluated the filtration
used to separate feed species into two phases, driven by a hydraulic performance of porous ceramic membranes to treat O/W emulsions and
pressure application (Xiong et al., 2020; Yang, Wen, et al., 2021). Both concluded that surface charge and pore size were the two most impor­
O/W and W/O emulsions can be separated, and the use of specific tant parameters influencing fouling during O/W demulsification.
membranes for each case (Fig. 2 (B)) is recommended: (i) membranes The droplet size of AEP emulsions (2–10 μm) is similar to the droplet
with (super)hydrophobic surfaces (surfaces with oil affinity) and (ii) sizes of the emulsions from the studies in other areas (Zhang et al.,
membranes with (super)hydrophilic surfaces (surfaces with water 2013), thus membrane technologies can be adapted for breaking the
affinity). emulsions formed in AEP. A pre-treatment can also be an alternative for
Advantages of membrane technology include environmentally emulsions with larger droplet sizes. For example, since filter coalescers
friendly (chemicals are used only in cleaning procedures); operation at can efficiently separate emulsions with droplet sizes up to 10 μm (Kumar
mild temperature (protecting oil characteristics); energy-efficient (no et al., 2021), they could be used as the first step for treating a coarse
phase change); continuous or batch process; low maintenance, and easy emulsion. Then, membrane separation could be used for treating the
operation (Panatdasirisuk et al., 2017). The main limitation of mem­ aqueous stream containing smaller oil droplets, enhancing the process
brane separation is the fouling (accumulation of particles or solutes in efficiency.

G.D. Sorita et al. Trends in Food Science & Technology 133 (2023) 99–113

The vegetable oils for human consumption are standardized by

composition and quality. According to Codex Alimentarius (1999),
several physical and chemical parameters are used to monitor the
identity and quality of a specific crude or refined vegetable oil. In terms
of composition, the fatty acid determines the identity, i.e., the species
from which a given oil is derived. For quality assessment, several
physicochemical parameters are evaluated, such as moisture and vola­
tile matter at 105 ◦ C, iodine index, insoluble impurities, soap content,
relative density, refractive index, saponification value, peroxide value,
and free fatty acids. Other minor compounds are also assessed, such as
sterols and tocopherols.
Interestingly, the oil obtained in AEP from different raw materials
presents higher quality than those obtained by pressing and solvent
extractions (Niu et al., 2021; Santos et al., 2022; Zhou et al., 2020).
Consequently, some studies suggest that the refining process may be
unnecessary or less intense (Hadi et al., 2021; Yang et al., 2019). The
high oil quality obtained in AEP was observed by Tirgarian et al. (2019),
who compared the oil quality obtained from sesame seed by AEE and by
solvent-extraction (Soxhlet with hexane) without the refining process.
The AEE oil presented better physicochemical properties (such as iodine
and saponification value, free fatty acid, moisture, unsaponifiable con­
tent, color, phenol content, peroxide, and anisidine value) than the oil
obtained with solvent extraction. The same result was observed by
Díaz-Suárez et al. (2021), which used enzymes for the cream demulsi­
fication of AEP from castor seeds. They justified the higher oil quality
(compared with solvent extraction) by the simultaneous extraction of
phenolic compounds and tocopherols, which can act as antioxidant
compounds and improve the oil’s oxidative stability.
AEP and solvent extraction (n-hexane) for rice bran oil were
Fig. 2. Suggestion of a physical demulsification mechanism of the cream from
AEP and its products in (A) filter-coalescer and (B) membrane separation.
compared by Xu et al. (2021). The acid value (7.97 and 8.29 mg KOH
g− 1, for AEP and solvent extraction, respectively) presented no signifi­
cant difference between the extraction methods. AEP oil presented a
Another relevant parameter to consider is the emulsion viscosity,
significantly higher saponification value (184.87 and 178.66 mg KOH
which influences the membrane flux (high for oils with low viscosity)
g− 1 for AEP and solvent extraction, respectively) and iodine value
(Tao et al., 2014). For example, using a hydrophilic membrane, an O/W
(106.31 and 102.22 mg I2 g− 1 for AEP and solvent extraction, respec­
emulsion formed with soybean presented high viscosity (8.5 mPa s) and
tively) than solvent extraction. Conversely, AEP presented a signifi­
a low permeate flux (8338 L m− 2 h− 1). This effect is explained by the
cantly lower peroxide value (8.15 mmol kg− 1) than solvent extractions
accumulation of the oil (as a barrier layer) hindering water permeation
(8.80 mmol kg− 1). AEP has also been shown to be better than solvent
(Tao et al., 2014). Considering that the product formed in AEP may
extraction for macaw oil in terms of acidity, leading to 10 times lower
present high viscosity (differing from the vegetal raw material used),
acidity (0.4 oleic acid %) than solvent extraction (4.2 oleic acid %)
some studies have proposed developing special membranes to separate
(Favaro et al., 2022).
high-viscosity emulsions. For instance, Sun, Zhang, et al. (2021) pre­
Zhang et al. (2019) and Geng et al. (2020) also studied the quality of
pared attapulgite-coated polyacrylonitrile nanofiber membranes that
the oil obtained with AEP using chemical demulsification to enhance oil
showed anti-fouling properties and efficient separation (higher than
yields for Camellia seeds and walnut. Both studies showed that the oil
99.4%) of high-viscosity O/W emulsion (kerosene or crude oil or
quality from AEP was better than solvent extraction without refining
n-hexane or petroleum ether or n-heptane, deionized water, and Tween
post-treatment. In addition, Zhang et al. (2019) submitted the oil ob­
tained in AEP to a refining process and observed that the refined oil did
Therefore, a complete study of the emulsion systems obtained in AEP
not present significant changes compared to non-refined oil. Also, the
can provide essential information for selecting the appropriate mem­
unsaturated fatty acid contents were higher in non-refined oil.
brane for each oil source since its composition (protein, fibers, carbo­
A recent study by Hou et al. (2020) demonstrated that membrane
hydrates) differ according to the raw material applied, facilitating
degumming of crude rapeseed oil efficiently removed the phospholipids
process optimization and, consequently, an efficient separation with
and water and was beneficial for decreasing free fatty acids and peroxide
higher oil yields (>95%). Moreover, information regarding the mem­
value. Similar results were found by Azmi et al. (2015), that applied a
brane pore size has been neglected in several papers related to the
polyvinylidene fluoride membrane modified by polyvinyl alcohol to
physical demulsification of oils, indicating the need for further studies.
enhance the interaction between the membrane and the free fatty acid
molecules. The membrane exhibited the highest free fatty acid rejection
6. Refining process and quality parameters
(5.93%) and, at the same time, reduced its color intensity with no
chemical additives. This promising result shows that physical demulsi­
A robust refining process is required to guarantee the safety of the oil
fication (such as filter-coalescers and membrane) can improve the oil
obtained by conventional methods. The refining process comprises: (i)
quality from AEP and, at the same time, remove phospholipids with the
degumming: which removes gums and phosphatides insoluble in the oil;
water, without the need of a refining processes.
(ii) neutralization: which removes free fatty acids, color bodies, and
In summary, AEP with no chemical or thermal treatment may pro­
metallic pro-oxidants; (iii) bleaching: which removes pigments and
vide a higher oil quality in terms of phenolic compounds and unsatu­
traces of residual soaps; (iv) deodorization: removes free fatty acids and
rated fatty acids without needing refining since conventional thermal
oxidative products, such as aldehydes and ketone and undesirable flavor
and chemical oil exposure can degrade the phenolic compounds and
components (Cervantes-Paz & Yahia, 2021).
unsaturated fatty acids, increasing the rate of oil oxidation.

G.D. Sorita et al. Trends in Food Science & Technology 133 (2023) 99–113

7. Upgrading the aqueous oil recovery process (AEP) and the one physical demulsification process (filter-coalescers and membrane
possibility of by-products uses in a biorefinery approach separation) in continuous operation should be performed to assess the
capital and operational expenditures to support the industrial process
A generic industrial process for oil production from conventional or feasibility.
unconventional oil sources was suggested, considering the aspects Multiple products can be obtained from the solid phase, as shown in
related to enhancing the oil recovery by aqueous oil extraction pro­ Fig. 3. This phase is composed mainly of proteins, fibers, and carbohy­
cessing, the demulsification techniques, and the by-products generated drates with biological properties that can be used as ingredients in
in the process. It is important to emphasize that the process can be numerous formulations in the food industry, such as protein based-
adapted according to the oil source. The proposed generic design for product, emulsifiers, and prebiotics. The by-products can be used
industrial oil production by aqueous oil extraction is presented in Fig. 3, (separated or in the crude form) for food formulations, for example,
which shows the possibilities for enhancing oil recovery by integrating enriching cookies (Li, Sun, et al., 2020), production of astaxanthin for
physical demulsification techniques (coalescer and membranes). antioxidant uses (Harith et al., 2019), developing healthier fiber-rich
Furthermore, this process also suggests the possibility of complete uti­ meat products (Sánchez-Zapata et al., 2010) and others. The water
lization of the by-products generated in the process, reaching a “zero phase (at the final of membrane separation) can be a source of proteins,
waste production” and a biorefinery approach. carbohydrates, and hydrolyzed fibers (by the milling pre-treatment) that
For instance, to enhance the oil separation and overcome the oper­ can be further used as a functional and nutritional ingredient in acidic
ational limitation of coalescer beds and microfiltration membranes beverages, cereal products, food emulsions (as emulsifier) and micro­
(when applied separately), Motta et al. (2014) integrated both processes biological agents (Tirgarian et al., 2019). Additionally, depending on the
for higher oil removal from wastewater. They proposed two stages: (i) raw material composition and particle size, the water phase can be used
the emulsions (with oil droplets ranging from 3 to 8 μm) were submitted without pre-treatment to produce bioproducts by fermentation pro­
to a coalescer bed (formed by a cationic exchanging resins), and then the cesses (Favaro et al., 2022), minimizing the effluent treatment drawback
water phase (still with a significant amount of oil droplets) was directed as Rosenthal et al. (1996) reported, as mentioned in section 5. This
to the second stage, (ii) using microfiltration. The latter was carried out important tool can add value to those industries and consequently fit
with a polyetherimide hollow fiber with a permeation area of 0.5 m2. into a global biorefinery market (Ajogbeje et al., 2021; Almeida et al.,
The coalescer bed (applied separately) efficiency did not achieve the 2019; Kumar et al., 2021; Panatdasirisuk et al., 2017; Xiong et al., 2020).
best efficiency, ranging from 35 to 52%. However, the integrated pro­ Besides, the non-edible parts from the vegetable oil sources (husk
cess shows to be promising, achieving high efficiency of oil separation, and endocarp) can contribute to this chain by producing other high-
ranging from 93 to 100%. These sequential demulsification processes added value products, such as bio-energy, bio-ethanol, adsorbent ma­
effectively demulsified wastewater (with similar behavior to the cream terial, bio-compounds (phenolic compounds), antibiotic, bio-fertilizer,
obtained in AEP), suggesting they could be applied to the demulsifica­ bio-polymer, enzymes, and other products (Barbosa et al., 2022; Sar­
tion of other emulsion types, such as those obtained in AEP. In­ kar et al., 2021; Sorita et al., 2020; Ye et al., 2020).
vestigations about techno-economic aspects of integrating more than This system could be a suitable approach for conventional oil

Fig. 3. Generic biorefinery design for industrial oil production by aqueous oil extraction based on physical demulsification methods.

G.D. Sorita et al. Trends in Food Science & Technology 133 (2023) 99–113

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