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06 April 2024 13:04

1) Share of sector in GDP by production approach

a. Primary sector = 68%
b. Secondary sector = 6%
c. Tertiary sector = 26%
d. Reported in units of 100 million yuan
e. Latest data = Q4 of 2023
2) Labour market
a. The claimed employed number of people is 73351x1000 = 73,351,000
b. Unemployment rate = 5.3%
c. They report average wage both in private and non-private enterprises to distinguish
between public and private sector enterprises as a significant proportion of people are
employed in the public sector in China
3) Price Indices
a. CPI = 104.2
b. PPI = 107.9
c. CPI indicates less inflation for end consumers than for producers in the industrial sector -
This could reflect the higher labour costs faced by producers. This also means that
producer profits are being eroded given that they face higher costs which they aren't
able to recoup through higher prices as CPI is less than PPI
4) Fiscal sector
a. Deficit as a % of expenditure = (37835.8-29989.4)/37835.8 x 100 = 20.738%
b. Debt to GDP = 30032.5/347890 = 0.0863 x 100 = 8.63 %
5) Financial sector
a. Forex = 222180 x 100m yuan
b. Reserve forex = 32258 x 100 million USD
6) 1.20%

PRC Statistics Page 1

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