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Viện Đại học Mở Hà Nội Cơ hội học tập cho mọi người

Simple Present - Be
am with the personal pronoun I
is with the personal pronouns he, she or it (or with the singular form of nouns)
are with the personal pronouns we, you or they (or with the plural form of nouns)
Example: I am hungry
I I am = I’m
He/She/It He is = He’s
She is = She’s
It is = It’s
You/We/They You are = You’re
We are = We’re
They are = They’re
I am not (I’m not)
He/she is not (isn’t) a receptionist.
We/you/they are not (aren’t)
Yes-No questions
Are you on vacation? No, I’m not. I’m a student.
Are you a student? Yes, I am.
Is Sarah from the United States? No, she isn’t. (No, she’s not). She’s
Is Sarah from Australia? from Australia.
Yes, she is.
Are you and Tom in the same class? No, we aren’t. (No, we’re not). We’re
Are you and Tom on the same on the same volleyball team.
volleyball team? Yes, we are.
Are Mr. and Mrs. Tavares No, they aren’t. (No, they’re not).
American? They’re Brazilian.
Are Mr. and Mrs. Tavares Yes, they are.

CEFR.Level A1 – Unit 1 Trang 1

Viện Đại học Mở Hà Nội Cơ hội học tập cho mọi người

Questions with question words

What’s your name? My name is Chuck.
Where are you from? I’m from Taiwan.
Who is that? His name is Tom.
What’s her name? Her name is Amy.
Where is she from? She’s from Korea.
Where are you from? We’re from the United States.
Who are they? They’re Amy’s parents.
What are their names? Their names are Mr. and Mrs. Kim.
Where are they from? They’re from Korea.

Exercise 1.6.
1. Complete these conversations. Then practice with a partner.
a. A: ………. you from Vietnam?
B: Yes, I ……….. ………….. from Dong Anh.
b. A: ……….. Thao in her first year?
B: No, she ……….. ………………. in her second year.
c. A: ………. you and An from Hoa Binh?
B: Yes, we ………. ………….. from Hoa Binh City.
2. Fill in the gap with appropriate form of the verb to be.
a. The manager ………in the office.
b. The staff…………not at work today.
c. I ……………… not in the marketing department.
d. It………………Saturday today.
e. Our room ……………….on the fifth floor.
f. You and your friends ……….. so nice.
g. I ………very happy to work with you.
h. The guest in room 205 …………very angry.
i. Her room ……………….very dirty.
j. Her slippers ………………old.

CEFR.Level A1 – Unit 1 Trang 2

Viện Đại học Mở Hà Nội Cơ hội học tập cho mọi người

3. Pair work
Read the following conversations. Then answer these questions. For questions you
answer “no”, give the correct information.
Tom: Paula, who is that over there?
Paulo: Oh, that’s my father! And that’s my mother with him.
Tom: I’d like to meet them.
Paulo: Mom and Dad, this is Tom Hayes. Tom, these are my parents.
Tom: Pleased to meet you, Mr. And Mrs. Tavares.
Mrs. Tavares: Nice to meet you, Tom.
Paulo: My parents are here from Brazil. They’re on vacation.
Tom: Oh, where are you from in Brazil?
Mr. Tavares: We’re from Rio.
Sarah: Hi, Tom. How’s everything?
Tom: Not bad. How are you?
Sarah: Pretty good, thanks.
Tom: Sarah, this is Paulo. He’s from Brazil.
Sarah: Hello Paulo. Are you on vacation?
Paulo: No, I’m not. I’m a student here.
Sarah: Oh, are you studying English?
Paulo: Well, yes, I am. And engineering, too.
Sarah: Are you and Tom in the same class?
Paulo: No, we aren’t. But we’re on the same volleyball team.
a. Are Tom and Paulo on the baseball team?
b. Are Mr. and Mrs. Tavares on vacation?
c. Are Mr. and Mrs. Tavares from Mexico?

CEFR.Level A1 – Unit 1 Trang 3

Viện Đại học Mở Hà Nội Cơ hội học tập cho mọi người

d. Is Paulo from Brazil?
e. Is Paulo on vacation?
4. Complete this conversation. Then compare with a partner.
Yoko: Rich, who are the two women over there?
Rich: Oh, …………………………….names are Lisa and Kate.
Rich: Hi, Kate. This……………Yoko.
………………… from Japan.
Yoko: Hello. Nice to meet you.
Kate: Good to meet you, Yoko.
Lisa: And …………… name ……….. Lisa.
Yoko: Hi, Lisa.
Rich: Lisa and Kate …………. from Canada.
Yoko: Oh? Where ………….. you from in Canada?
Kate: ………………… from Toronto.
5. Complete these questions. Then practice with a partner.
a. A: ………… that ?
B: That’s Hung.
b. A: ………. ………. he from?
B: He ‘s from Lang Son.
c. A: ……… …………… his last name?
B: It’s Nguyen.
d. A: …….. ………… the two students over there?
B: Their names are Hai and Quyen.
e. A: ……… ……….. they from?
B: They’re from Quang Ninh.

CEFR.Level A1 – Unit 1 Trang 4

Viện Đại học Mở Hà Nội Cơ hội học tập cho mọi người

6. Group work. Write five questions about your classmates. Then take turns asking
and answering your questions.
a. ……………………………………………………………………….
b. ……………………………………………………………………….
c. ……………………………………………………………………….
d. ……………………………………………………………………….
e. ……………………………………………………………………….

Capitalizing Proper Nouns

A noun is a person, place, or thing. Nouns can be proper nouns or common nouns.
A proper noun is the name of a person, place, or thing. Proper nouns are always
capitalized. This means some or all of the words begin with capital letters.
A common noun is a word for any person, place, or thing. Common nouns are
usually only capitalized at the beginning of a sentence.

Proper nouns Common nouns

Maria Perez woman
Tokyo city
New Zealand country
Spanish nationality

Note: Many proper nouns have more than one word. Small words such as the and of
are not usually capitalized in proper nouns.
the English Channel the Gulf of Mexico

Exercise 1.7. Read the following text and capitalize the proper nouns.
I like the name of my city chicago, the city is in the state of illinois in the united
states of america. The name comes from the native americans. The algonquins lived
on the chicago river. The word chigogou comes from their language. It means field
of onions. A long time ago, onions grew next to the river and lake michigan. I like

CEFR.Level A1 – Unit 1 Trang 5

Viện Đại học Mở Hà Nội Cơ hội học tập cho mọi người

the name because it is interesting. There is no other place in the world with the same

Writing sentences in simple present

When we write a sentence in English, there are two compulsory elements: the
subject (S) and the verb (V). In some sentences there are only these two elements,
nut in many other sentences, there may be other elements like: complement (C),
object (O), and adverbial (A).
The basic sentence pattern we learn in this unit is:
S + V (to be) + C/A.

A. Write sentences using the prompts below

1. old. I twenty-five years am
2 Venezuela. are We from
3 a I'm student. My is name and Anton
4 today. a day It's nice
5 Her brother's is Paul. name
6 Britain. an is from John
7 is Johansson. name My husband's
8 of is My the top at address letter. new the

CEFR.Level A1 – Unit 1 Trang 6

Viện Đại học Mở Hà Nội Cơ hội học tập cho mọi người

B. Write around 60 words about a person you know. In your passage, include
these points:
- Name
- Nationality
- Age
- Job
- Family

CEFR.Level A1 – Unit 1 Trang 7

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