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“Ravenwood Academy: School for Mystical Beings”

(Note: This story is fiction—all the names, characters, ideas, and events are fictional and is

purely created by my imagination ✨)

[Note: Long Introduction]

In the southern reaches away from the bustling world—lies an enigmatic woodland. Ancient
tall trees, and their skeletal branches stretching towards the sky, casting its shadows upon
the forest floor, where only a dim of sunlight penetrates the dense canopy above.
Surrounding these woods are thickets of thorns, climbing from the ground to the top of the
trees. Within its depths, eerie winds whisper, while unseen creatures emit haunting cries that
echo within it, that no man—even the bravest would dare to set foot. Though it is veiled in
mystery and secrets, and shrouded with an elusive atmosphere, this forest conceals
something undiscovered within its depths.
Nestled behind its towering trees and formidable thorns, exists a majestic realm—a
sanctuary reserved exclusively for extraordinary beings, where only the chosen few may
proceed forth.

These extraordinary beings are known as Mythix—these are individuals endowed with
special and unique abilities, with each possessing their own lineage of ancestry and
distinctive traits passed down through generations. Many are associated with royal or noble
blood, while others are associated with animals, monsters, or from a family of heroes or the
offspring of a powerful person. All of these remarkable individuals are brought together in
one Institute, where they can cultivate their abilities through rigorous physical, mental, and
magical training. This kind of approach empowers them to unlock their full potential and
ascend to the heights of power befitting their lineage.

Ravenwood Academy—stands as an institute for extraordinary beings seeking to harness

their powers and refine their abilities. Within its halls, students are guided not only in the art
of combatting monsters and fighting formidable opponents, but also in the responsible use
of their abilities for the good of society. The academy's curriculum extends beyond mere
trainings, it of course provides lessons on etiquette, governance, and leadership, especially
taught for young royalties and nobilities for the one thing they are bound to do in the future,
to rule. Nevermore Academy empowers its students to become not just formidable warriors,
but also compassionate and wise leaders, trained to make a positive impact on the world.

However, not all beings are blessed with extraordinary powers; some remain powerless,
having an absence of any special gifts, and among them is a noble girl named Arabella
Gabrielle Vestrine, the sole daughter of Grand Duke Gabriel Vestrine, a renowned hero who
fought valiantly in the wars years ago.
Due to her lack of abilities, Arabella’s existence in the world of nobility was seen as a
nuisance for she was known as a disgrace to her family and as the daughter of a renowned
However, against all odds, Arabella found herself sent to Ravenwood Academy by her own
father. This unexpected turn of events left her with arising questions in her head about the
true intentions behind her sudden enrollment. Was it a glimmer of hope from her father—a
belief that she could rediscover her dormant abilities within the academy’s walls? Or was it
a way of disowning her, casting her away from the family? Arabella couldn’t help but
wonder—that maybe her father held some hidden knowledge or had a secret plan in motion,
something that blurred her understanding. The mysteries surrounding her enrollment only
deepened, leaving Arabella with a sense of curiosity and uncertainty as she embarked on her
new life and journey at Ravenwood Academy.

Join Arabella’s journey as she encounters a multitude of unfamiliar faces, delves into new
wonders, and witnesses extraordinary abilities that are unknown to her. Accompany her as
she discovers the hidden secrets concealed within the walls of Ravenwood Academy,
discovering the mysteries that lie in wait. Alongside her new friends, Arabella will face
numerous challenges, overcoming obstacles together and forging unbreakable bonds. Amidst
the trials they’ll face—for they will not only unveil the mysteries of the academy but also
unravel Arabella’s true identity, and the truth of who she truly is. Together, they will walk a
path filled with adventure, growth, and self-discovery, forging their destinies while standing
together against the forces that hinders their progress.

But certainly! As Arabella and her friends navigate through the halls of Ravenwood
Academy—amidst the mysteries and challenges that lies ahead, they also find themselves
entangled in the delicate dance of youth. With each passing day, the bonds between them
and their love interests deepens, and as the whispers of affection begin to bloom. Through
stolen glances and heartfelt conversations, they explore the depths of their feelings,
embarking on a journey of self-discovery and love. As their relationships evolve, they find
trust and strength in each other’s arms, forging connections that makes them stronger.
Together, they’ll weave a tapestry of romance and companionship, adding a touch of
sweetness to their adventurous tale. Journey with Arabella and her friends as they unravel
the mysteries of the academy while embarking on the trail of love, youth, and passion where
every moment is a cherished chapter in their untold and continuing story.
*Carriage stops*
“We have arrived Miss” – The coachman said
*Comes out*
“Greetings Miss Vestrine, I am Shawn, I shall take your luggage to your room” – Then a
man in a butler’s suit stood in front of me
“Yes, Thank you” – I just said
“One of the teachers are waiting for you inside Miss Vestrine, should be best to hurry up” –
He said then disappeared
Teleportation huh?
“Hn—so this is Ravenwood?”
*Ominous wind*
“Despite being a prestigious school this place sure looks like an abandoned old castle” – I
“So this where my father wants me to live huh?”
“Come in” – I said
“Miss, it’s me” – Eliana then came inside
“Eli, what is it?” – I asked
“A letter came from the main duke’s mansion, it’s for you” – She said
“Hn...give it here” – I said as I turned away
“Here miss” – She handed me the letter and I opened it
To: Arabella
I wrote this letter to inform you that you have been enrolled to Ravenwood Academy, you
will be living there until you graduate, do this and after you graduate you are free to do
whatever you desire, a carriage will arrive first thing tomorrow, so take the night to prepare
and get ready.
From: Your Father
“Hah—so he’s basically chasing me out? Haha” – I muttered
“Eli, help me pack things I’ll be needing for my trip” – I said and stood up
“Y-yes miss” – She said
How naïve father, sending me to a boarding school by bribing me of being able to do
anything I want after graduation? Hah, I’m not a child you people can trick anymore…
“Ravenwood Academy—so this where my new life begins?” – I muttered then continued to
walk inside the school
Now that inside, it’s way bigger than when you look at it outside, its bigger than father’s
“Oh?” – I stopped as I saw a figure of a girl staring at me from one of the windows above
“uh—!?” – D-did her eyes just—?
“Miss Vestrine!” – Then a woman came running to me
“Are you perhaps Miss Arabella Vestrine?” – She asked
“Yes, pleasure to meet you teacher, my name is Arabella Gabrielle Vestrine” – I said and
“I’m Miss Ivy Thornhill—but how did you know I am a teacher?” – She asked
“Ah, a butler named Shawn told me one of the teachers are waiting for me inside” – I said
“Oh Shawn, yes” – She said, I looked back up to see the girl has disappeared
Huh? I wonder who that was—?
“What’s wrong Miss Vestrine?” – Miss ivy then asked
“Ah nothing” – I just said
“Well then, please come this way, the dean is waiting for you in his office” – She said
“Yes” – I said and followed her
“Please wait here” – Miss Ivy said

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