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Entrepreneurship as a Habit

For entrepreneurship mindset, there are three habits that required most to be nurtured and be
Habit - an unconscious behavior done often and regularly.
Habit loop - a process wherein the brain makes the decision whether to store or repeat such
Rewarded behavior - most likely repeated

Three important strategies needed in the implementation of self-leadership:

1. Behavior-focused - This strategy concerns enhancing self-awareness to manage behaviors
especially when dealing with essential but not-so-good tasks. Here are the ways to
accomplish this strategy:

a. Self-Observation - This increases the consciousness of how, when and why entrepreneurs
behave the way they do in some situations. Most of the time entrepreneurs evaluate
themselves on their accomplishments, on what they have not accomplished, the situations
at hand and their feelings about these situations.
b. Self-goal Setting - This concerns the process of planning goals of entrepreneurs.
c. Self-Reward - This is about paying oneself after accomplishing the set goals with either
tangible or intangible rewards.
d. Self-Punishment - This is allowing entrepreneurs to evaluate their behaviors in order to
reform them.
e. Self-Cueing - This is making lists and notes or writing motivational posters as reminders
of the planned goals.

2. Natural Reward - This is about making every task enjoyable by emphasizing the positive
aspects of each task and its importance.

3. Constructive-Thought - This means creating positive and productive means of thinking that
are advantageous to the performance of entrepreneurs.

The Creativity Habit

Creativity is the capacity of turning fresh ideas, insights, inventions, products or artistic
objects that are considered to be unique, useful and of value to others into reality. It is the
ability to observe the world in different and novel ways, to discover unseen patterns, to
make associates between apparently unconnected phenomena, and to produce solutions.

Creative People are open to experiments and do not fear to commit mistakes. Entrepreneurs
are said to be creative people because they are constantly in practice of creativeness.
Creative thinking is the essential skill of an entrepreneur for the formation of fresh ideas.
Creativity is the ability of imagination. Imagination makes somebody reach unexplored
areas. In business, imagination is known as “thinking outside the box”. Using imagination,
an entrepreneur can set aside the everyday norms and entertain in his mind something
creative and innovative.

Certain problems in the process of creativity:

1. Fear
2. No craving for disorder
3. Fondness for judging over making ideas
4. Distaste for nurturing ideas
5. Perceived shortage of challenge
6. Failure to differentiate reality from fantasy

The Improvisation Habit

Improvisation - the unstructured way of creating something in the absence of planning. It is

the rational ability to promptly sense, and change direction quickly. It requires
improvisation to function in the uncertain world of business.

Entrepreneurs start with good ideas and oftentimes possess limited resources, unpredicted
market situations or conflicts inside the company. Hence, quickly they must adjust to any
situation they are in to realize their initial plans.

Improvisation helps entrepreneurs outperform their competitors who do not possess this
habit. Those with this habit are always prepared to face failures. Self-doubt is the common
barrier to improvisation. Fear is part of self-doubt which comes from being unprepared.

Self-leadership, creativity and improvisation are the habits essential towards

entrepreneurship actions. Entrepreneurial Self-efficacy is the belief that entrepreneurs have
the capability to start new businesses. It is a vital element of the entrepreneurial mindset. It
is also a sign of business intention in moving towards an action, leading to realizable

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