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Bisimilar Symbolic Models for Stochastic Control Systems

without State-Space Discretization ∗

Majid Zamani Ilya Tkachev Alessandro Abate

Delft University of Technology Delft University of Technology University of Oxford

ABSTRACT The construction of symbolic models has been studied

In the past few years different techniques have been de- extensively for continuous-time non-probabilistic systems.
veloped for constructively deriving symbolic abstractions of This includes results on the construction of approximately
(stochastic) control systems. The obtained symbolic mod- bisimilar symbolic abstractions for incrementally stable con-
els allow us to leverage the apparatus of finite-state re- trol systems [8, 12], switched systems [4], and control sys-
active synthesis towards the problem of designing hybrid tems with disturbances [13], as well as the construction of
controllers enforcing rich logic specifications over the con- sound abstractions based on the convexity of reachable sets
crete models. Unfortunately, most of the existing techniques [14] and for unstable control systems [20]. Recently, there
severely suffer from the curse of dimensionality due to the have been some results on the construction of symbolic mod-
need to discretize state and input sets. In this paper we els for continuous-time stochastic systems, including the
provide a symbolic abstraction technique for incrementally construction of approximately bisimilar (in moments) sym-
stable stochastic control systems, which only requires dis- bolic models for incrementally stable stochastic control sys-
cretizing input sets. We show that for every incrementally tems [18, 19] and for stochastic switched systems [16], as
stable stochastic control system, and for every given positive well as sound abstractions for unstable stochastic control
precision ε, the discretization of exclusively the input set al- systems [17]. The results in [6] propose abstraction notions
lows constructing a symbolic model which is ε-approximate for continuous-time stochastic hybrid systems, but with a
bisimilar (in moments) to the original stochastic control different purpose: while we are interested in the construc-
system. The details of the proposed technique are eluci- tion of bisimilar abstractions that are finite, the work in [6]
dated by synthesizing a control policy for a 6-dimensional uses the notion of bisimulation to relate continuous (and
linear stochastic control system satisfying some logic spec- thus infinite) stochastic hybrid systems. Note that all the
ifications, which would not be tractable using existing ap- abstraction techniques provided in [4, 8, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17,
proaches based on state-space discretization. 18, 19, 20] are based on the discretization of state and input
sets. Therefore, they suffer severely from the curse of dimen-
sionality due to the need to grid both sets, which is especially
1. INTRODUCTION tolling for models with high-dimensional state spaces.
In the last decade several abstraction techniques have been In this paper, we construct approximately bisimilar
developed, providing symbolic models for (stochastic) con- symbolic models for incrementally stable continuous-time
trol systems obtained by replacing aggregates or collections stochastic control systems, where only the input set requires
of states of such systems by symbols. When a system with to be discretized. This work is inspired by the recently
a finite number of states is obtained, one can use mature proposed result in [2] for discrete-time non-probabilistic
methodologies available in the literature [9] to leverage fixed- switched systems, in which mode sequences of a given length
point computations in order to synthesize hybrid controllers are considered as symbolic states. Since in the new approach
enforcing rich complex specifications over the original sys- we do not discretize the state space, this is potentially more
tem. Examples of such specifications include properties ex- efficient than the one proposed in [18, 19] when dealing with
pressed as formulas in linear temporal logic (LTL) or as au- higher dimensional continuous-time stochastic systems. We
tomata on infinite strings. provide a simple criterion that helps choosing the the most
suitable among two approaches (in terms of the sizes of the
∗This work is supported by the European Commission symbolic models) for a given stochastic control system. An-
STREP project MoVeS 257005 and IAPP project AMBI other advantage of the technique proposed here is that it
324432. allows us to construct symbolic models with probabilistic
output values, resulting in less conservative symbolic ab-
Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or stractions than those proposed in [16, 17, 18, 19] that allow
classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for non-probabilistic output values exclusively. We then ex-
for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full cita- plain how the proposed symbolic models with probabilistic
tion on the first page. Copyrights for components of this work owned by others than output values can be used for synthesizing hybrid controllers
ACM must be honored. Abstracting with credit is permitted. To copy otherwise, or re- enforcing logic specifications. The effectiveness of the pro-
publish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission
posed results is illustrated by synthesizing a control policy
and/or a fee. Request permissions from
HSCC’14, April 15–17, 2014, Berlin, Germany.
for a simple 6-dimensional linear stochastic control system
Copyright 2014 ACM 978-1-4503-2732-9/14/04 ...$15.00. against an LTL specification, which is not amenable to be
dealt with the approaches proposed in [18, 19]. Due to space • U is a subset of the set of all measurable functions of
constraints, most of the proofs of the main results are omit- time from R+0 to U;
ted from this manuscript.
• f : Rn × U → Rn satisfies the following Lipschitz as-
sumption: there exist constants Lx , Lu ∈ R+ such that:
2. STOCHASTIC CONTROL SYSTEMS kf (x, u) − f (x0 , u0 )k ≤ Lx kx − x0 k + Lu ku − u0 k for all
x, x0 ∈ Rn and all u, u0 ∈ U;
2.1 Notation
The identity map on a set A is denoted by 1A . The sym- • σ : Rn → Rn×p satisfies the following Lipschitz as-
bols N, N0 , Z, R, R+ , and R+ sumption: there exists a constant Z ∈ R+ such that:
0 denote the set of natural,
nonnegative integer, integer, real, positive, and nonnegative kσ(x) − σ(x0 )k ≤ Zkx − x0 k for all x, x0 ∈ Rn .
real numbers, respectively. The symbols In , 0n , and 0n×m
denote the identity matrix, zero vector, and zero matrix in A continuous-time stochastic process ξ : Ω × R+ n
0 → R is
Rn×n , Rn , and Rn×m , respectively. Given a vector x ∈ Rn , said to be a solution process of Σ if there exists υ ∈ U sat-
we denote by xi the i–th element of x, and by kxk the isfying the following stochastic differential equation (SDE):
infinity norm of x, namely, kxk = max{|x1 |, |x2 |, ..., |xn |}, d ξ = f (ξ, υ) d t + σ(ξ) d Wt , (2.1)
where |xi | denotes the absolute value of xi . Given Pna ma-
trix P = {pij } ∈ Rn×n , we denote by Tr(P ) = i=1 pii
P-almost surely (P-a.s.), where f is known as the drift and
the trace of P . We denote by λmin (A) and λmax (A) the σ as the diffusion. We also write ξaυ (t) to denote the value
minimum and maximum eigenvalues of symmetric matrix of the solution process at time t ∈ R+
0 under the input curve
A, respectively. The diagonal set ∆ ⊂ Rn × Rn is defined υ from initial condition ξaυ (0) = a P-a.s., in which a is a
as: ∆ = {(x, x) | x ∈ Rn }. random variable that is measurable in F0 . Let us empha-
The closed ball centered at x ∈ Rm with radius λ is de- size that the solution process is unambiguously determined,
fined by Bλ (x) = {y ∈ RQ | kx − yk ≤ λ}. A set B ⊆ Rm since the assumptions on f and σ ensure its existence and
is called a box if B = i=1 [ci , di ], where ci , di ∈ R with uniqueness [10, Theorem 5.2.1, p. 68].
ci < di for each i ∈ {1, . . . , m}. The span of a box
B is defined as span(B) = min {|di − ci | | i = 1, . . . , m}. 3. INCREMENTAL STABILITY
For a box B ⊆ Rm and µ ≤ span(B), define the
µ-approximation [B]µ = [Rm ]µ ∩ B, where [Rm ]µ = We recall a stability notion for stochastic control systems,
{a ∈ Rm | ai = ki µ, ki ∈ Z, i = 1, . . . , m}. Note that [B]µ 6= introduced in [19], on which the main results presented in
∅ for any µ ≤ span(B). Geometrically, for any µ ∈ R+ with this work rely.
µ ≤ span(B) and λ ≥ µ, the collection S of sets {Bλ (p)}p∈[B]µ Definition 3.1. A stochastic control system Σ is incre-
is a finite covering of B, i.e. B ⊆ p∈[B]µ Bλ (p). We ex- mentally input-to-state stable in the qth moment (δ-ISS-
tend the notions of span and approximation to finite unions Mq ), where q ≥ 1, if there exist a KL function β and a
of boxes as follows. Let A = M
j=1 A j , where each Aj is a K∞ function γ such that for any t ∈ R+ n
0 , any R -valued
box. Define span(A) = min {span(Aj ) | j = 1, . . . , M }, and random variables a and a that are measurable in F0 , and
for any µ ≤ span(A), define [A]µ = M any υ, υ 0 ∈ U , the following condition is satisfied:
j=1 [Aj ]µ .
Given a measurable function f : R+ 0 → R ,
E [kξaυ (t) − ξa0 υ0 (t)kq ] ≤ β E

a − a0
,t + γ υ − υ0 .

the (essential) supremum of f is denoted by (3.1)
kf k∞ := (ess)sup{kf (t)k, t ≥ 0}. A continuous func-
tion γ : R+ +
0 → R0 , is said to belong to class K if it is As showed in [19], one can describe δ-ISS-Mq in terms of
strictly increasing and γ(0) = 0; γ is said to belong to class the existence of so-called incremental Lyapunov functions,
K∞ if γ ∈ K and γ(r) → ∞ as r → ∞. A continuous as defined next.
function β : R+ + +
0 × R0 → R0 is said to belong to class KL
if, for each fixed s, the map β(r, s) belongs to class K Definition 3.2. Consider a stochastic control system Σ
with respect to r and, for each fixed nonzero r, the map and a continuous function V : Rn × Rn → R+ 0 that is twice
β(r, s) is decreasing with respect to s and β(r, s) → 0 continuously differentiable on {Rn × Rn }\∆. The function
as s → ∞. We identify a relation R ⊆ A × B with the V is called an incremental input-to-state stability in the qth
map R : A → 2B defined by b ∈ R(a) iff (a, b) ∈ R. Given moment (δ-ISS-Mq ) Lyapunov function for Σ, where q ≥ 1,
a relation R ⊆ A × B, R−1 denotes the inverse relation if there exist K∞ functions α, α, ρ, and a constant κ ∈ R+ ,
defined by R−1 = {(b, a) ∈ B × A : (a, b) ∈ R}. such that

2.2 Stochastic control systems (i) α (resp. α) is a convex (resp. concave) function;
Let (Ω, F, P) be a probability space endowed with a fil-
(ii) for any x, x0 ∈ Rn ,
tration F = (Fs )s≥0 satisfying the usual conditions of com-
α (kx − x0 kq ) ≤ V (x, x0 ) ≤ α (kx − x0 kq );
pleteness and right continuity [7, p. 48]. Let (Ws )s≥0 be a
p-dimensional F-adapted Brownian motion. (iii) for any x, x0 ∈ Rn , x 6= x0 , and for any u, u0 ∈ U,
Definition 2.1. A stochastic control system is a tuple 0 f (x, u)
Lu,u V (x, x0 ) := [∂x V ∂x0 V ] 0 0
Σ = (Rn , U, U, f, σ), where f (x , u )
 h i∂ V 
1 σ(x) x,x ∂x,x0 V
• Rn is the state space; + Tr 0 σ T (x) σ T (x0 )
2 σ(x ) ∂x0 ,x V ∂x0 ,x0 V

• U ⊆ Rm is a compact input set; ≤ −κV (x, x0 ) + ρ(ku − u0 k),

where Lu,u is the infinitesimal generator associated to the 4. SYSTEMS AND APPROXIMATE
process V (ξ, ξ 0 ) where ξ and ξ 0 are solution processes of the EQUIVALENCE RELATIONS
SDE (2.1) [10, Section 7.3]. The symbols ∂x and ∂x,x0 de-
note first- and second-order partial derivatives with respect 4.1 Systems
to x and (x, x0 ), respectively.
We employ the notion of system, introduced in [15], to de-
scribe both stochastic control systems as well as their sym-
Although condition (ii) in the above definition implies
bolic models.
that the growth rate of functions α and α is linear, this
condition does not restrict the behavior of α and α to only Definition 4.1. A system S is a tuple S =
linear functions on a compact subset of Rn . The following (X, X0 , U, - , Y, H), where X is a set of states
theorem, borrowed from [19], describes δ-ISS-Mq in terms of (possibly infinite), X0 ⊆ X is a set of initial states
the existence of δ-ISS-Mq Lyapunov functions. (possibly infinite), U is a set of inputs (possibly infinite),
- ⊆ X × U × X is a transition relation, Y is a set of
Theorem 3.3. A stochastic control system Σ is δ-ISS-Mq outputs, and H : X → Y is an output map.
if it admits a δ-ISS-Mq Lyapunov function.
A transition (x, u, x0 ) ∈ - is also denoted by
x - x . For a transition x u- x0 , state x0 is called
One can resort to available software tools, such as SOS-
TOOLS [11], to search for appropriate δ-ISS-Mq Lyapunov a u-successor, or simply a successor, of state x. We denote
functions for polynomial type Σ. We refer the interested by Postu (x) the set of all u-successors of a state x. For
readers to the results in [19], providing special instances technical reasons, we assume that for any x ∈ X, there ex-
where these functions can be easily computed. For example, ists some u-successor of x, for some u ∈ U — let us remark
for linear stochastic control systems Σ (that is, for systems that this is always the case for the considered systems later
with linear drift and diffusion terms), one can search for ap- in this paper.
propriate δ-ISS-Mq Lyapunov functions by solving a linear System S is said to be
matrix inequality (LMI). • metric, if the output set Y is equipped with a metric
d : Y × Y → R+ 0 ;
3.1 Noisy and noise-free trajectories
In order to introduce the symbolic models in Subsection • finite (or symbolic), if X and U are finite sets;
5.2 (Theorems 5.6 and 5.7) for a stochastic control system, • deterministic, if for any state x ∈ X and any input
we need the following technical result, borrowed from [19], u ∈ U , |Postu (x)| ≤ 1.
which provides an upper bound on the distance (in the qth
moment) between the solution process of Σ and the solu- For a system S = (X, X0 , U, - , Y, H) and given any
tion of the corresponding non-probabilistic control system initial state x0 ∈ X0 , a finite state run generated from x0 is
obtained by disregarding the diffusion term σ. From now a finite sequence of transitions:
on, we use the notation ξ xυ to denote the solution of the or- u0 u1
- ··· un−2 un−1
x0 - x1 - xn−1 - xn , (4.1)
dinary differential equation (ODE) ξ˙ xυ = f ξ xυ , υ starting

from the non-probabilistic initial condition x and under the such that xi - xi+1 for all 0 ≤ i < n. A finite state
input curve υ. run can be directly extended to an infinite state run as well.
A finite output run is a sequence {y0 , y1 , . . . , yn } such that
Lemma 3.4. Consider a stochastic control system Σ such there exists a finite state run of the form (4.1) with yi =
that f (0n , 0m ) = 0n and σ(0n ) = 0n×p . Suppose that q ≥ 2 H(xi ), for i = 0, . . . , n. A finite output run can also be
and there exists a δ-ISS-Mq Lyapunov function V for Σ such directly extended to an infinite output run as well.
that its Hessian is a positive semidefinite matrix in R2n×2n
and ∂x,x V (x, x0 ) ≤ P , for any x, x0 ∈ Rn , and some positive 4.2 Relations among systems
semidefinite matrix P ∈ Rn×n . Then for any x ∈ Rn and We recall the notion of approximate (bi)simulation rela-
any υ ∈ U , we have tion, introduced in [3], which is useful when analyzing or
h q
i synthesizing controllers for deterministic systems.
E ξxυ (t) − ξ xυ (t) ≤ hx (σ, t), (3.2)
Definition 4.2. Let Sa = (Xa , Xa0 , Ua , - , Ya , Ha )
where and Sb = (Xb , Xb0 , Ub , - , Yb , Hb ) be metric systems
1 √ 2 with the same output sets Ya = Yb and metric d. For ε ∈
hx (σ, t) = α−1 P n min{n, p}Z 2 e−κt R+
2 0 , a relation R ⊆ Xa × Xb is said to be an ε-approximate
simulation relation from Sa to Sb if, for all (xa , xb ) ∈ R, the
 2 !
t following two conditions are satisfied:
· β (kxk , s) + γ sup {kuk} ds .
0 u∈U (i) d(Ha (xa ), Hb (xb )) ≤ ε;
ua ub
It can be readily seen that the nonnegative valued function (ii) xa - x0a in Sa implies the existence of xb - x0b
a b
hx tends to zero as t → 0, t → +∞, or as Z → 0, where
in Sb satisfying (x0a , x0b ) ∈ R.
Z is the Lipschitz constant for the diffusion, introduced in
Definition 2.1. The interested readers are referred to [19], A relation R ⊆ Xa × Xb is said to be an ε-approximate
which provides results in line with that of Lemma 3.4 for bisimulation relation between Sa and Sb if R is an ε-
(linear) stochastic control systems Σ admitting a specific approximate simulation relation from Sa to Sb and R−1 is
type of δ-ISS-Mq Lyapunov functions. an ε-approximate simulation relation from Sb to Sa .
System Sa is ε-approximately simulated by Sb , or Sb ε- random variable which is as close as desired to the original
approximately simulates Sa , denoted by Sa εS Sb , if there point in the metric d.
exists an ε-approximate simulation relation R from Sa to Sb To elucidate the discussion in the previous paragraph, let
such that: us consider the following example. Let A ⊂ Rn be the set (of
non-probabilistic points) whose safety we are interested in,
• for every xa0 ∈ Xa0 , there exists xb0 ∈ Xb0 with so we formulate the problem as satisfying the LTL formula1
(xa0 , xb0 ) ∈ R. A. Suppose that over the abstract system we are able to
System Sa is ε-approximately bisimilar to Sb , denoted by synthesize a control strategy that makes an output run of
Sa ∼=εS Sb , if there exists an ε-approximate bisimulation re- the abstraction satisfy A. Although the run would in gen-
lation R between Sa and Sb such that: eral be consisting of random variables y, the fact that y ∈ A
means that y has a Dirac probability distribution centered at
• for every xa0 ∈ Xa0 , there exists xb0 ∈ Xb0 with y, that is y ∈ Y is a degenerate random variable that can be
(xa0 , xb0 ) ∈ R; identified with a point in A ⊂ Rn ⊂ Y : note that since any
non-probabilistic point can be regarded as a random variable
• for every xb0 ∈ Xb0 , there exists xa0 ∈ Xa0 with with a Dirac probability distribution centered at that point,
(xa0 , xb0 ) ∈ R. Rn can be embedded in Y , which we denote as Rn ⊂ Y with
a slight abuse of notation. As a result, satisfying A pre-
5. SYMBOLIC MODELS FOR STOCHAS- cisely means that the output run of the abstraction indeed
TIC CONTROL SYSTEMS stays in the set A ⊂ Rn forever. On the other hand, suppose
that the original system is ε-approximate bisimilar to the
5.1 Describing stochastic control systems as abstraction. If we want to interpret the result A obtained
metric systems over the abstraction, we can guarantee that the correspond-
ing output run of the original system satisfies Aε , that is
In order to show the main results of the paper, we use the any output y of the run of the original system is within ε d-
notion of system to abstractly represent a stochastic control distance from the set A: d(y, A) = inf a∈A d(y, a) ≤ ε. Note
system: given a stochastic control system Σ, we define an that although the original set A ⊂ Y is a subset of Rn ⊂ Y ,
associated metric system S(Σ) = (X, X0 , U, - , Y, H),
its ε-inflation Aε = {y ∈ Y : d(y, A) ≤ ε} is not a subset
where: of Rn anymore and hence contains non-degenerate random
• X is the set of all Rn -valued random variables defined variables. In particular, Aε 6= {y ∈ Rn : inf a∈A ky − ak ≤ ε}
on the probability space (Ω, F, P); and is in fact bigger than the latter set of non-probabilistic
points. As a result, although satisfying Aε does not neces-
• X0 is a subset of the set of Rn -valued random variables sarily mean that a trajectory of Σ always stays within some
that are measurable over F0 ; non-probabilistic set, it means that the associated random
variables always belong to Aε and hence are close to the non-
• U = U;
probabilistic set A with respect to the qth moment metric.
υ We are now able to provide two versions of finite abstrac-
• x - x0 if x and x0 are measurable in Ft and Ft+τ ,
tions: one whose outputs are always non-probabilistic points
respectively, for some t ∈ R+ +
0 and τ ∈ R , and there
– that is degenerate random variables, elements of Rn ⊂ Y ,
exists a solution process ξ : Ω × R+0 → R n
of Σ satis-
and one whose outputs can be non-degenerate random vari-
fying ξ(t) = x and ξxυ (τ ) = x0 P-a.s.;
ables. Recall, however, that in both cases the output set is
• Y = X; still the whole Y and the semantics is the same as for the
original system S(Σ).
• H = 1X .
We assume that the output set Y is equipped with the metric
5.2 Main results
q  1 This subsection contains the main contributions of the
d(y, y 0 ) = E ky − y 0 k q , for any y, y 0 ∈ Y and some

paper. We show that for any δ-ISS-Mq stochastic control
q ≥ 1. Let us remark that the set of states and inputs system Σ, and for any precision level ε ∈ R+ , we can con-
of S(Σ) are uncountable and that S(Σ) is a deterministic struct a finite system that is ε-approximate bisimilar to Σ.
system in the sense of Definition 4.1, since (cf. Subsection The results in this subsection rely on additional assumptions
2.2) the solution process of Σ is uniquely determined. on the model Σ that are described next. We restrict our at-
As usual, since the concrete system S(Σ) is infinite and tention to stochastic control systems Σ with input sets U
that are assumed to be finite unions of boxes (cf. Subsec-
does not allow for the direct control synthesis over itself,
tion 2.1). We further restrict our attention to sampled-data
we are interested in finding a finite abstract system that stochastic control systems, where input curves belong to set
is (bi)similar to the original concrete one. In order to Uτ which contains only curves that are constant over inter-
talk about approximate (bi)simulation relations between two vals of length τ ∈ R+ , i.e.
metric systems, such systems have to share the same output n o
set (cf. Definition 4.2). The latter clearly determines the Uτ = υ ∈ U | υ(t) = υ((k − 1)τ ), t ∈ [(k − 1)τ, kτ [, k ∈ N .
output behavior of the model that needs to be used to com-
pare the concrete and the abstract models. Obviously, the Let us denote by Sτ (Σ) a sub-system of S(Σ) obtained by
system S(Σ) inherits a classical trace-based semantics [15], selecting those transitions of S(Σ) corresponding to solution
and the only subtle point in our case is that the outputs of processes of duration τ and to control inputs in Uτ . This
S(Σ) (and those of any approximately (bi)similar one) are can be seen as the time discretization of Σ. More precisely,
random variables. This fact is especially important due to
the metric d with which the output set is endowed: for any 1
We refer the interested readers to [1] for the detailed defi-
non-probabilistic point one can always find a non-degenerate nition of the safety property.
given a stochastic control system
 Σ, we define the associ-

ated metric system Sτ (Σ) = Xτ , Xτ 0 , Uτ , τ- , Yτ , Hτ ,
where Xτ = X, Xτ 0 = X0 , Uτ = Uτ , Yτ = Y , Hτ = H, and (0, 0) 1 (0, 1)
ξxs (0,0) (2τ ) ξxs (0,1) (2τ )
• xτ τ- x0τ if xτ and x0τ are measurable, respectively,
in Fkτ and F(k+1)τ for some k ∈ N0 , and there exists
a solution process ξ : Ω × R+ 0 → R
of Σ satisfying 0 1
0 0
ξ(kτ ) = xτ and ξxτ υτ (τ ) = xτ P-a.s..
Notice that a finite state run
υ0 υ1 υN −1
x0 - x1 - ··· - xN of Sτ (Σ), where υi−1 ∈ Uτ (1, 0) (1, 1)
τ τ τ 1
and xi = ξxi−1 υi−1 (τ ) P-a.s. for i = 1, . . . , N , captures the ξxs (1,0) (2τ ) 0 ξxs (1,1) (2τ )
solution process of Σ at times t = 0, τ, . . . , N τ , started from
the initial condition x0 and resulting from a control input υ
obtained by the concatenation of the input curves υi−1 i.e.

υ(t) = υi−1 (t) for any t ∈ [(i − 1)τ, i τ [ , for i = 1, . . . , N .
Let us proceed introducing two fully symbolic systems for
the concrete model Σ. Consider a stochastic control system Figure 1: Example of abstraction Sq (Σ) with N = 2
Σ and a tuple q = (τ, µ, N, xs ) of parameters, where τ is the and Uq = {0, 1}. The lower part of the states are
sampling time, µ is the input set quantization, N ∈ N is a labeled with their output values.
temporal horizon, and xs ∈ Rn is a source state. Given Σ
and q, consider the following systems:
If one chooses N = 3, then Sq (Σ) will have eight possible
Sq (Σ) = (Xq , Xq0 , Uq , - , Yq , Hq ), states.
In order to obtain some of the main results of this work,
S q (Σ) = (Xq , Xq0 , Uq , - , Yq , H q ),
we raise an assumption on the δ-ISS-Mq Lyapunov function
V as follows:
consisting of:
|V (x, y) − V (x, z)| ≤ γ
b(ky − zk), (5.1)
N times
for any x, y, z ∈ R , and some K∞ and concave function γ b.
 z }| {
• Xq = (u1 , . . . , uN ) ∈ [U]µ × · · · × [U]µ ;
As long as one is interested to work in a compact subset of
• Xq0 = Xq ; Rn , the function γb in (5.1) can be readily computed. Indeed,
for all x, y, z ∈ D, where D ⊂ Rn is compact, one can readily
• Uq = [U]µ ; apply the mean value theorem to the function y → V (x, y)
to get
• xq - x0q , where xq = (u1 , u2 , . . . , uN ), if and only if
q |V (x, y) − V (x, z)| ≤ γ
b (ky − zk) ,
x0q = (u2 , . . . , uN , uq );
• Yq is the set of all Rn -valued random variables defined ∂V (x, y)
where γ
b(r) = max r.
on the probability space (Ω, F, P); x,y∈D\∆ ∂y
  In particular,
q for the δ-ISS-M1 Lyapunov function
• Hq (xq ) = ξxs xq (N τ ) H q (xq ) = ξ xs xq (N τ ) . 0
V (x, x ) := (x − x0 )T P (x − x0 ), for some positive defi-
Note that the transition relation in Sq (Σ) admits a very nite matrix P ∈ Rn×n and for all x, x0 ∈ Rn , one obtains
compact representation in the form of a shift operator. We b(r) = √λmax (P ) r [15, Proposition 10.5], which satisfies (5.1)
λmin (P )
have abused notation by identifying uq ∈ [U]µ with the con-
globally on Rn .
stant input curve with domain [0, τ [ and value uq and identi-
Before providing the main results of the paper, we need
fying xq ∈ [U]N µ with the concatenation of N control inputs
 the following technical claims.
ui ∈ [U]µ i.e. xq (t) = ui for any t ∈ [(i − 1)τ, iτ [ for
i = 1, . . . , N. Notice that the proposed abstraction Sq (Σ) Lemma 5.1. Consider a stochastic control system Σ, ad-
resp. S q (Σ) is a deterministic system in the sense of Defi- mitting a δ-ISS-Mq Lyapunov function V , and consider its
nition 4.1. Note that Hq and H q are mappings from a non- corresponding symbolic model S q (Σ). We have:
probabilistic point xq to the random variable ξxs xq (N τ ) and    1/q
to the one with a Dirac probability distribution centered at η ≤ α−1 e−κN τ max V ξ xs uq (τ ), xs , (5.2)
uq ∈Uq
ξ xs xq (N τ ), respectively.
The control synthesis for S q (Σ) is simple as the outputs where
are non-probabilistic points. For Sq (Σ) it is perhaps less
ξ H q (xq )uq (τ ) − H q x0q

intuitive. Hence, we discuss it in more details later in Sub- η := max . (5.3)
uq ∈Uq ,xq ∈Xq
section 5.3. x0q ∈Postuq (xq )
An example of abstraction Sq (Σ) with N = 2 and Uq =
{0, 1} is depicted in Figure 1, where the initial states are The proof of Lemma 5.1 is provided in the Appendix. The
shown as targets of sourceless arrows. Note that Sq (Σ) only next lemma provides similar result as the one in Lemma 5.1,
has four possible states: Xq = {(0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 0), (1, 1)}. but without explicitly using any Lyapunov function.
Lemma 5.2. Consider a δ-ISS-Mq stochastic control sys- By choosing N sufficiently large, one can enforce
tem Σ and its corresponding symbolic model S q (Σ). We hxs (σ, (N + 1)τ ) and η to be sufficiently small. Hence, it
have: can be readily seen that for a given precision ε, there always
  1/q exists a sufficiently small value of µ and a large value of N ,
η ≤ β max ξ xs uq (τ ) − xs , Nτ , (5.4) such that the condition in (5.9) is satisfied.
uq ∈Uq
In order to mitigate the conservativeness caused by using
where η is given in (5.3). Lyapunov functions, the next theorem provides a result that
is similar to the one of Theorem 5.6, which is however not
The proof of Lemma 5.2 is provided in the Appendix. obtained by explicit use of δ-ISS-Mq Lyapunov functions,
The next two lemmas provide similar results as the ones of but by using functions β and γ as in (3.1).
Lemmas 5.1 and 5.2, but by using the symbolic model Sq (Σ) Theorem 5.7. Consider a δ-ISS-Mq stochastic control
rather than S q (Σ). system Σ, satisfying the result of Lemma 3.4. Let η be given
by (5.3). For any ε ∈ R+ , and any tuple q = (τ, µ, N, xs ) of
Lemma 5.3. Consider a stochastic control system Σ, ad- parameters satisfying µ ≤ span(U) and
mitting a δ-ISS-Mq Lyapunov function V , and consider its
corresponding symbolic model Sq (Σ). One has: 1 1
(β (εq , τ ) + γ(µ)) q + (hxs (σ, (N + 1)τ )) q + η ≤ ε, (5.10)
ηb ≤ α−1 e−κN τ

max E V ξxs uq (τ ), xs

, (5.5) the relation
uq ∈Uq  
q  q
R = (xτ , xq ) ∈ Xτ × Xq | E xτ − H q (xq ) ≤ε
ξHq (xq )uq (τ ) − Hq x0q
ηb := max E . (5.6) is an ε-approximate bisimulation relation between S q (Σ) and
uq ∈Uq ,xq ∈Xq
x0q ∈Postuq (xq )
Sτ (Σ).

Proof. The proof is similar to the one of Lemma 5.1 and By choosing N sufficiently large, one can force hxs (σ, (N +
can be shown by using convexity of α and Jensen inequality 1)τ ) and η to be sufficiently small. Hence, it can be readily
[10]. seen that for a given precision ε, there always exist a suf-
ficiently large value of τ and N and small value of µ such
Lemma 5.4. Consider a δ-ISS-Mq stochastic control sys- that the condition in (5.10) is satisfied. However, unlike
tem Σ and its corresponding symbolic model Sq (Σ). We the result in Theorem 5.6, notice that here for a given fixed
have: sampling time τ , one may not find any values of N and µ
satisfying (5.10) because the quantity (β (εq , τ )) q may be
ηb ≤ β max E ξxs uq (τ ) − xs , Nτ , (5.7)
uq ∈Uq larger than ε. The symbolic model S q (Σ), computed by
using the parameter q provided in Theorem 5.7 whenever
where ηb is given in (5.6). existing, is likely to have fewer states than the model com-
Proof. The proof is similar to the one of Lemma 5.2 and puted by using the parameter q provided in Theorem 5.6.
can be shown by using Jensen inequality [10]. Similar observation has been verified in the first example in
Remark 5.5. It can be readily verified that by choosing The next theorems provide results that are similar to those
N sufficiently large, η and ηb can be made arbitrarily small. of Theorems 5.6 and 5.7, but by using the symbolic model
One can even try to reduce the upper bound of η in (5.2) by Sq (Σ).
choosing the source point xs as the following: Theorem 5.8. Consider a stochastic control system Σ,
  admitting a δ-ISS-Mq Lyapunov function V such that (5.1)
xs = arg minn max V ξ xuq (τ ), x . (5.8) b ∈ K∞ . Let ηb be given by (5.6). For
holds for some concave γ
x∈R uq ∈Uq
any ε ∈ R+ and any tuple q = (τ, µ, N, xs ) of parameters
We can now present the first main result of the paper, satisfying µ ≤ span(U) and
which relates the existence of a δ-ISS-Mq Lyapunov function 1
to the construction of a symbolic model. e−κτ α (εq ) + ρ(µ) + γ η ) ≤ α (εq ) ,
b (b (5.11)

Theorem 5.6. Consider a stochastic control system Σ the relation
with f (0n , 0m ) = 0n and σ(0n ) = 0n×p , admitting a δ-ISS-
Mq Lyapunov function V , of the form of the one explained in R = {(xτ , xq ) ∈ Xτ × Xq | E [V (xτ , Hq (xq ))] ≤ α (εq )}
Lemma 3.4, such that (5.1) holds for some concave γ b ∈ K∞ .
Let η be given by (5.3). For any ε ∈ R+ and any tuple is an ε-approximate bisimulation relation between Sq (Σ) and
q = (τ, µ, N, xs ) of parameters satisfying µ ≤ span(U) and Sτ (Σ).

1  1  Theorem 5.9. Consider a δ-ISS-Mq stochastic control

e−κτ α (εq ) + b (hxs (σ, (N + 1)τ )) q + η ≤ α (εq ) ,
ρ(µ) + γ system Σ. Let ηb be given by (5.6). For any ε ∈ R+ , and any

(5.9) tuple q = (τ, µ, N, xs ) of parameters satisfying µ ≤ span(U)
the relation 1
(β (εq , τ ) + γ(µ)) q + ηb ≤ ε, (5.12)
R = (xτ , xq ) ∈ Xτ × Xq | E V xτ , H q (xq ) ≤ α (εq )
the relation
is an ε-approximate bisimulation relation between S q (Σ) and n 1
Sτ (Σ). R = (xτ , xq ) ∈ Xτ × Xq | (E [kxτ − Hq (xq )kq ]) q ≤ ε
is an ε-approximate bisimulation relation between Sq (Σ) and Theorem 5.14. Consider the results in Theorem 5.8. Let
Sτ (Σ). A denote the set of all Rn -valued random variables, measur-
able over F0 . If we select
Remark 5.10. The symbolic model Sq (Σ), computed us- Xτ 0 =
ing the parameter q provided in Theorem 5.8 (resp. Theorem  
1 1
5.9), has fewer (or at most equal number of ) states than the a ∈ A| (E [ka − Hq (xq0 )kq ]) q ≤ α−1 (α (εq )) q , ∀xq0 ∈ Xq0 ,
symbolic model S q (Σ), computed by using the parameter q
provided in Theorem 5.6 (resp. Theorem 5.7) while hav- then we have Sq (Σ) ∼
=εS Sτ (Σ).
ing the same precision. However, the symbolic model Sq (Σ)
has states with probabilistic output values, rather than non- Proof. The proof is similar to the one of Theorem
probabilistic ones, which is likely to require more involved 5.12.
control synthesis procedures (cf. Subsection 5.3).
Theorem 5.15. Consider the results in Theorem 5.9. Let
A denote the set of all Rn -valued random variables, measur-
Remark 5.11. Although we assume that the set U is infi- able over F0 . If we select
nite, Theorems 5.6, 5.7, 5.8, and 5.9 still hold when the set U
is finite, with the following modifications. First, the system 1
n o
Xτ 0 = a ∈ A | (E [ka − Hq (xq0 )kq ]) q ≤ ε, ∀xq0 ∈ Xq0 ,
Σ is required to satisfy the property (3.1) for υ = υ 0 . Sec-
ond, take Uq = U in the definition of S q (Σ) (resp. Sq (Σ)). then we have Sq (Σ) ∼
=εS Sτ (Σ).
Finally, in the conditions (5.9), (5.10), (5.11), and (5.12)
set µ = 0. Proof. The proof is similar to the one of Theorem
Finally, we establish the results on the existence of sym-
bolic model S q (Σ) (resp. Sq (Σ)) such that S q (Σ) ∼
=εS Sτ (Σ) 5.3 Control synthesis over Sq (Σ)
∼ ε
(resp. Sq (Σ) =S Sτ (Σ)). Note that both S q (Σ) and Sq (Σ) are finite systems. The
only difference is that the outputs of the former system are
Theorem 5.12. Consider the results in Theorem 5.6. If always non-probabilistic points, whereas those of the latter
we select can be non-degenerate random variables. Let us describe

 the control synthesis for these systems over the safety for-
Xτ 0 = x ∈ Rn | x − H q (xq0 ) ≤ α−1 (α (εq )) q , ∀xq0 ∈ Xq0 , mula A, for A ⊂ Rn ⊂ Y , which has already been used in
Subsection 5.1. Clearly, since the original system Sτ (Σ) is
stochastic in the sense that its outputs are non-degenerate
then we have S q (Σ) ∼
=εS Sτ (Σ).
random variables similarly to Sq (Σ), it would be too conser-
Proof. We start by proving that Sτ (Σ) εS S q (Σ). For vative to require that it satisfies the formula exactly. Thus,
every xτ 0 ∈ Xτ 0 there always exists xq0 ∈ Xq0 such that we are rather interested in an input policy that makes Sτ (Σ)
1 satisfy Aε with some ε > 0: recall from Subsection 5.1 that
kxτ 0 − H q (xq0 )k ≤ α−1 (α (εq )) q . Then,
the latter LTL formula can be satisfied by non-degenerate
E V xτ 0 , H q (xq0 ) = V xτ 0 , H q (xq0 )
 random variables, in contrast to A. Let us recap how to
use abstractions for this task, and let us start with S q (Σ)
≤ α(kxτ 0 − H q (xq0 )kq ) ≤ α (εq ) , belonging to a more familiar type of systems whose outputs
are non-probabilistic.
since α is a K∞ function. Hence, (xτ 0 , xq0 ) ∈ R implying We label a state xq of S q (Σ) with A if H q (xq ) ∈ A and, say,
that Sτ (Σ) εS S q (Σ). In a similar way, we can show that with B otherwise. As a result, we obtain a transition system
S q (Σ) εS Sτ (Σ) which completes the proof. with labels over the states and can synthesize a control strat-
egy that makes an output run of S q (Σ) satisfy A. After
The next theorem provides a similar result in line with the that, we can exploit ε-approximate bisimilarity to guaran-
one of previous theorem, but by using a different relation. tee that the refined input policy makes the corresponding
output run of the original system satisfy Aε .
Theorem 5.13. Consider the results in Theorem 5.7. If The main subtlety in the case of Sq (Σ) is how to label its
we select states. We cannot do this as for S q (Σ), since Hq (xq ) may
never be an element of A for any xq ∈ Xq : indeed, the latter
Xτ 0 = x ∈ Rn |

x − H q (xq0 ) ≤ ε, ∀xq0 ∈ Xq0 ,
is a set of non-probabilistic points, whereas all the outputs
of Sq (Σ) can happen to be non-degenerate random variables.
then we have S q (Σ) ∼
=εS Sτ (Σ). In order to cope with this issue, we propose to relax the orig-
Proof. We start by proving that Sτ (Σ) εS S q (Σ). For inal problem and at the same time to strengthen the quality
every xτ 0 ∈ Xτ 0 there always exists xq0 ∈ Xq0 such that of the abstraction. Namely, we can consider a relaxed prob-
q  q lem Aδ over the abstraction Sq (Σ), for some δ ∈ (0, ε),
kxτ 0 − H q (xq0 )k ≤ ε and E xτ 0 − H q (xq0 ) ≤ ε. where the latter is now required to be (ε − δ)-approximate
Hence, (xτ 0 , xq0 ) ∈ R implying that Sτ (Σ) εS S q (Σ). In a (rather than just ε-approximate) bisimilar to the original
similar way, we can show that S q (Σ) εS Sτ (Σ) which com- system. Clearly (Aδ )ε−δ ⊆ Aε , so that whenever the control
pletes the proof. policy for Aδ is synthesized over Sq (Σ), its refined version
is guaranteed to force Aε over the original system. Thanks
The next two theorems provide similar results as the ones to the fact that Aδ contains non-degenerate random vari-
of Theorems 5.12 and 5.13, but by using the symbolic model ables, we eliminate the conservativeness presented before in
Sq (Σ). the sense that it is likely that there are now points xq ∈ Xq
in Sq (Σ) such that Hq (xq ) ∈ Aδ . The only remaining ques- Note that given any precision ε and sampling time τ , one
tion is how to check whether Hq (xq ) ∈ Aδ . To answer this can always use the results in Theorem 5.12 to construct
question, we check that the distance a symbolic model S q (Σ) that is ε-approximate bisimilar to
1/q Sτ (Σ). However, the results in Theorem 5.1 in [19] cannot
d (Hq (xq ), A) = inf Ekξxs xq (N τ ) − akq (5.13) be applied for any sampling time τ if the precision ε is lower
than the thresholds introduced in inequality (5.5) in [19].
is smaller than δ, which involves both computing the ex- Furthermore, while the results in [19] only provide symbolic
pectation over the solution of the SDE, and optimizing the models with non-probabilistic output values, the ones in this
value of this expectation. Clearly, such a computation in work provide symbolic models with probabilistic output val-
general cannot be done analytically, and the evaluation of ues as well, which can result in less conservative symbolic
the expectation itself is a highly non-trivial task unless the models (cf. Remark 5.10 and the example section).
SDE has a very special form. One can compare the results provided in Theorems 5.6
We propose a Monte Carlo approach to compute an ap- (corr. 5.12) and 5.7 (corr. 5.13) with the results provided
proximation of the quantity in (5.13) by means of empiri- in Theorems 5.1 and 5.3 in [19] in terms of the size of the
cal expectations. Using such an approach, we can estimate generated symbolic models. One can readily verify that the
d (Hq (xq ), A) only up to some precision, say . If the es- precisions of the symbolic models proposed here and the ones
timated distance is less than δ − , we are safe to label xq proposed in [19] are approximately the same as long as both
with A, whereas all other states are labeled by B. Further- use the same input set quantization parameter µ and the
more, since this result is based on a Monte Carlo method, it state space quantization parameter, called ν, in [19] is equal
holds true only with a certain confidence level 1 − π where to the parameter η in (5.3), i.e. ν ≤ α−1 e−κN τ η0
π ∈ [0, 1]. The benefit of our approach is that it is not  
only valid asymptotically (as the number of samples tends where η0 = maxuq ∈Uq V ξ xs uq (τ ), xs . The reason their
to infinity), but we are also able to provide a number of sim- precisions are approximately (rather than exactly) the same
ulations that is sufficient to estimate d (Hq (xq ), A) with any is because we use hxs (σ, (N + 1)τ ) in conditions (5.9) and
given precision  and with any given confidence 1 − π. This (5.10) in this paper rather than h(σ, τ ) = supx∈D hx (σ, τ )
can be considered as an extension of the well-known Hoeffd- that is being used in conditions 5.4 and 5.14 in [19] for a
ing’s inequality [5] to the case when one has to deal with compact set D ⊂ Rn . By assuming that hxs (σ, (N + 1)τ ) q
an optimization problem. Note that regardless of the spec- 1

ification of interest, the main task over Sq (Σ) is always to and h(σ, τ ) q are much smaller than η and ν, respectively, or
compute some distance as in (5.13) for any set that appears hxs (σ, (N + 1)τ ) ≈ h(σ, τ ), one should expect to obtain the
in the specification, so the method below applies not only to same precisions for the symbolic models provided here and
the safety formula A, but also to more general formulae, those provided in [19] under the aforementioned conditions.
which are left as object of future research. The number of states of the proposed symbolic model in
Due to space limitations, here we only consider the case this paper is [U]µ . Assume that we are interested in the
q = 1. For q ≥ 2, similar results can be derived. Suppose dynamics of Σ on a compact set D ⊂ Rn . Since the set of
that A as in (5.13) is a compact subset of RnS, and let Ar states of the proposed symbolic model in [19] is [D]ν , its size
be the smallest subset of [Rn ]r such that A ⊆ p∈Ar B r2 (p).
is [D]ν = νKn , where K is a positive constant proportional
Let M be the number of samples and let
to the volume of D. Hence, it is more convenient to use the
1 X i proposed symbolic model here rather than the one proposed
drM := minr ξxs xq (N τ ) − a , in [19] as long as:
a∈A M i=1
[U]µ ≤ .
where the superscript i denotes the number of samples. Now (α−1 (e−κN τ η0 ))n/q
we have the following result.
Without loss of generality, one can assume that α(r) = r for
Theorem 5.16. Consider a stochastic control system Σ any r ∈ R+0 . Hence, for sufficiently large value of N , it is
and suppose that we are interested in its dynamics over a more convenient to use the proposed symbolic model here
compact set D. It holds that |d (Hq (xq ), A) − drM | ≤  with in comparison with the one proposed in [19] as long as:
confidence of at least 1 − π given that r/2 <  and that −κτ n
[U]µ e q ≤ 1. (5.14)
D2 2|Ar |
M≥ 2 · log , Note that the methodology proposed in this paper allows
2 ( − r/2) π
us to construct less conservative symbolic models with prob-
where D = sup {kx − yk | x, y ∈ D}. abilistic output values (see the example section) while the
proposed one in [19] only provides conservative symbolic
Let us make some remarks regarding Theorem 5.16. First models with non-probabilistic output values.
of all, no matter how many distances one has to evaluate,
one can always use the same samples ξ i and there is no need 6. EXAMPLE
to generate new samples. Second, the number of samples is We show the effectiveness of the results of the paper
quadratic in the precision  and is only logarithmic in the by constructing a bisimilar symbolic model for a simple
lack of confidence π, thus it is fairly fast and easy to satisfy 6-dimensional linear stochastic control system Σ, aiming
the desired degree of accuracy with very high confidence. mostly at elucidating the details. The model of Σ is de-
scribed by:
5.4 Comparison with existing results in the
literature Σ : {d ξ = (Aξ + Bυ) d t + 0.5ξ d Wt , (6.1)
where distance in time of the solution process ξx0 υ to the sets
 −20.73 W1 , W2 , and W3 , namely kξx0 υ (t)kW1 , kξx0 υ (t)kW2 , and
0.45 −0.77 0.92 0.68 1.28 
−22.41 −1.73 −0.14 kξx0 υ (t)kW3 , where the point-to-set distance is defined as
 0.95 0.47 0.77 
 0.57 −0.74 −23.57 0.37 0.58 0.57  kxkW = inf w∈W kx − wk.
 −0.71

0.07 1.04 −21.41 −1 0.14 
−0.95 0.47 0.96 −1.34 −23.96 0.11
 
1.72 0.37 −0.21 −0.43 0.89 −22.91
2 3
BT = [ 0 0 0 0 0 100 ]T .

0 2.5
We assume that U = [−1, 1] and that Uτ contains curves −2
0.9 0.92 0.94 0.96 0.98

taking values in [U]1 . Hence, as explained in Remark 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
5.11, µ = 0 is to be used in (5.9), (5.10), (5.11), and
(5.12). One can readily verify that the function V (x, x0 ) = 1
(x − x0 )T I6 (x − x0 ), for any x, x0 ∈ R6 , satisfies conditions
√ 0
(i)-(iii) in
√ Definition 3.2 with q = 1, α(r) = r, α(r) = 6r,
+ −1
ρ(r) = 6kBkr, ∀r ∈ R0 , and κ = 19.5. Hence, Σ is δ- 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
ISS-M1 , equipped with the δ-ISS-M1 Lyapunov function V . time
Using the results of Theorem 3.3, provided in√[19], one gets Figure 2: A few realizations of the closed-loop solu-

that functions β(r, s) = 6e−κs r and γ(r) = 6kBkr satisfy tion process ξx0 υ along the 6th dimension (top panel)

property (3.1) for Σ. Given the Lyapunov function V , we and the corresponding evolution of the obtained in-
solve the optimization problem in (5.8) using the function put signal υ (bottom panel).
fminimax in Matlab and obtain xs ≈ 06 .
For a given precision ε = 1 and fixed sampling time
τ = 0.01, the parameter N for S q (Σ), based on inequal-

E[|| x ||W ]
ity (5.9) in Theorem 5.6, is obtained as 10. Therefore,

the resulting cardinality of the set of states for S q (Σ) is 0
10 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
[U]1 = 310 = 59049. Using the aforementioned param- E[|| x ||W ]
eters, one gets η ≤ 0.127, where η is given in (5.3). Note 5

that the results in Theorems 5.7 and 5.9 cannot be applied

1 0
here because (β(εq , τ )) q > ε. Using criterion (5.14), one has 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
−κτ n
E[|| x ||W ]

[U]µ e q = 0.93, implying that the approach proposed 5


in this paper is more appropriate in terms of the size of the

abstraction than the one proposed in [19]. We elaborate 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
more on this at the end of the section.
Figure 3: The average values (over 1000 experi-
Remark 6.1. By considering the dynamics of Σ over the ments) of the distance of the solution process ξx0 υ
subset D = [−4, 4]6 of R6 , at least 1 − 10−5 confidence level, to the sets W1 (top panel), W2 (middle panel), and
and precision  = 0.01 and using Hoeffding’s inequality [5], W3 (bottom panel).
one can verify that the number of samples should be at least
3.9059 × 106 to empirically compute the upper bound of ηb in To compute exactly the size of the symbolic model, pro-
(5.5). We compute ηb ≤ 0.1287 when N = 10, τ = 0.01, and posed in Theorem 5.1 in [19], we consider the dynamics of Σ
xs ≈ 06 . Using the results in Theorem 5.8 and the same over the subset D = [−4, 4]6 of R6 . Note that Theorem 5.3
parameters q as the ones in S q (Σ), one obtains ε = 0.73 in in [19] cannot be applied here because (β(εq , τ )) q > ε. Us-
(5.11). Therefore, Sq (Σ), with confidence at least 1 − 10−5 , ing the same precision ε = 1 and sampling time τ = 0.01 as
provides less conservative precision than S q (Σ) while having the ones here, and the inequalities (5.3) and (5.4) in [19], we
the same size as S q (Σ). obtain the state space quantization parameter as ν ≤ 0.01.
Therefore, if one uses ν = 0.01, the cardinality of the state
Now, consider that the objective is to design a con- set of the symbolic model, provided by the results in The-
trol policy forcing the trajectories of Σ, starting from the 8
orem 5.1 in [19], is equal to 0.01 = 2.62 × 1017 which is
initial condition x0 = 06 , to first sequentially visit (in much higher than the one proposed here, which amounts to
the 1st moment metric) two regions of interest W1 = 59049 points.
x ∈ R6 | x6 = 0.3 and W2 = x ∈ R6 | x6 = −0.3 ; then

once the system has visited these regions, to reach the re- 7. DISCUSSION
gion W3 = x ∈ R6 | x6 = 0.2 in finite time and remain

In this paper we have proposed a symbolic abstraction
there forever (in the 1st moment metric). The LTL for-
technique for incrementally stable stochastic control systems
mula2 representing this goal is 32W3 ∧ 3 (W1 ∧ 3W2 ). Fig-
with only discretization of the input sets. The proposed
ure 2 displays a few realizations of the closed-loop solution
approach is potentially more scalable than that proposed in
process ξx0 υ along the 6th dimension, as well as the cor-
[18, 19] for higher dimensional stochastic control systems.
responding evolution of the input signal υ. In Figure 3,
Future work will concentrate on efficient implementations
we show the average value (over 1000 experiments) of the
of the symbolic models proposed here, using Binary Decision
2 Diagrams (BDD’s) or Algebraic Decision Diagrams (ADD’s)
Note that the semantics of LTL are defined over the output
behaviors of Sq (Σ). as well as efficient controller synthesis techniques.
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