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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Definition and Glossary

Terms/Abbreviation Definition/Expansion
EPMS Employee Performance Management System
KRA Key Result Areas
KPI Key Performance Indicator
H1 Cycle Review for first half of the year (April to September)
H2 Cycle Review for second half of the year (October to March)
HOD Head of the Department

Timelines :

Task Start Date End Date

Open tool for KRA Submission and Self Review 19-Feb-24 3-Mar-24

Managers Actions :
a. Setup 1:1 conversation with each direct reportee
b. Fill the feedback for each direct reportee
c. Submit the final rating

Promotion Discussion and Finalisation 4-Mar-24 17-Mar-24

Rating Calibration between HOD and the P&C team 18-Mar-24 31-Mar-24

Letter Release 25-Apr-24 26-Apr-24

Revised Salary and Variable Pay release 29-Apr-24 30-Apr-24

Q. Will the employee have access to the Manager Review Ticket ?

A. No, the employee will not have access to the manager review ticket.

Q. When should the manager have the 1:1 performance review discussion with their
reportees ?

A. The manager can have the performance review discussion post submission of the self
review form by the employee and before the manager review form is submitted.

Q. Will the manager rating be visible to the employee ?

A. Yes, the manager rating will be visible to the employee, however it is only visible once the
entire review cycle is completed and the review is published for employees to view.

Q.Will the manager be able to make changes to the employee's self review ticket?

A. No,the manager will not be able to make any changes to the employee ticket,however
they can add their inputs in the comments section.

Q. When will the employee get the revised payout?

A.Revised pay will be processed along with the April payout to all the eligible employees.

Q. Where can I get additional information to complete the Performance Appraisal?

A. You can find all the additional information here

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