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Setting: A Sunday afternoon.

The son (17) is helping his mom (50s) in the kitchen,

washing dishes while she dries.

Mom: (Smiling) You're a big help, honey. Almost done with those dishes?

Son: (Scrubs a plate) Almost. So, Mom, can I ask you something kind of personal?

Mom: (Puts a dish away) Of course, honey. What's on your mind?

Son: (Hesitates) It's about... love.

Mom: (Raises an eyebrow playfully) Love, huh? Is there a special someone you
want to tell me about?

Son: (Blushes) No, not yet! But this book I'm reading, it's all about this crazy,
passionate kind of love. Is that what real love is like?

Mom: (Chuckles) Well, honey, there's all kinds of love. The kind you read about in
books can be pretty intense, but real life love isn't always fireworks and grand

Son: (Stops washing) Not?

Mom: No. Sometimes it's the quiet things. It's knowing someone is always there for
you, through thick and thin. It's feeling safe and comfortable just being yourself
around them.

Son: That sounds nice. Did you feel that way about Dad?

Mom: (A soft smile) Absolutely. Your father and I, we built a love over time. We were
friends first, then something more blossomed. It wasn't always easy, but we learned
to support each other, to laugh together, to weather the storms life throws your way.

Son: Wow.

Mom: And honey, even though your father isn't here anymore, that love doesn't
disappear. It leaves a warmth in your heart, a memory of something special.

Son: Do you think you'll ever love someone else that way again?

Mom: (Looks out the window) Love is a funny thing, honey. You never know what
life might bring. But right now, I'm happy focusing on you and your sister.

Son: (Grins) Aw, Mom.

Mom: (Winks) But hey, if you ever meet someone who makes your heart skip a beat,
don't be afraid to take a chance. Love is a beautiful thing, and it can bring so much
joy into your life.
Son: (Dries his hands) Maybe. But first, I gotta find someone who can handle all my
dirty dishes.

Mom: (Laughs) Now that's the real challenge!

(They share a laugh, a warm understanding passing between them.)

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