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I'm Dana and I'm a student who always have a lot things to do, especially
my school works. Even though we have many school works or activities to do, I
have friends who were very supportive. We're helping each other like explaining
to them what is that schoolwork all about, and more. This past few days, were
rushing all of our school works because our exam is very near. The teachers will
not sign our clearance if we don't finish all of our school works. Next day, my
friends and I are planning to go out this coming weekend if we will be able to
finish our school works. My friends and I are planning to go out because we
wanted to enjoy, relax, and have a quality time with each other before this
upcoming exam. We wanted to go out to avoid stress and pressure. After that, we
will be reviewing ourselves to get ready or to be ready this upcoming exam. Our
second plan is after we take our exam, we will be going out again to celebrate.
Were going to iust enjoy our bonding until my friends and I meet again next S.Y. .

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