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Static Electricity
Total pertanyaan: 20
Estimasi pengerjaan: 10menit
Disusun oleh Katie Griffin

1. In a neutral atom, the number of electrons is equal to the number of _______.

a) Subatomic Particles b) Protons

c) Orbits d) Neutrons

2. If two charges repel each other, the two charges must be?

a) Positive & Positive b) Negative & Negative

c) Positive and Negative d) Positive & Neutral

3. An object becomes charged when the atoms in the object gain or lose?

a) All of the above b) Protons

c) Electrons d) Neutrons

4. What charge does a proton have?

a) Neutral or no charge (0) b) Negative (-)

c) Positive (+)

5. What charge does an electron have?

a) Negative (-) b) Neutral or no charge (0)

c) Positive (+)
6. If a substance has a higher number of electrons than protons on its surface, what type of
charge does it have?

a) A positive charge. b) A neutral charge.

c) No charge at all. d) A negative charge.

7. Which of the following is caused by static electricity?

a) A stove getting hot when it is turned on. b) A magnet being attracted to a


c) A lightning strike during a storm. d) A light bulb coming on when a switch is

turned on.

8. An object becomes negatively charged by

a) gaining protons b) losing protons

c) losing electrons d) gaining electrons

9. An object becomes positively charged by

a) gaining electrons b) losing protons

c) gaining protons d) losing electrons

10. Electricity flows well through conductors. A good example of a conductor is


a) Metal b) Glass

c) Wool d) Rubber

11. Electricity does not flow well through insulators. A good example of an insulator is

a) Oil b) Silicon

c) Carbon d) Metal
12. Materials that allow electrical charges to flow easily through them are called __________.

a) Currents b) Semiconductors

c) Conductors d) Insulators

13. Select the materials that are electrical insulators.

a) Glass b) Oil

c) Copper d) Carbon

14. A positively-charged and a negatively-charged object will...

a) Attract b) Repel

c) Do nothing

15. Select the materials that are electrical conductors.

a) b)

c) d)

16. Select the materials that are electrical insulators.

a) b)

c) d)


17. The accumulation of excess electric charge on an object is called

a) Static Electricity b) Current Electricity

c) Resistance d) Electric Discharge

18. The study of electric charges is called

a) Thermodynamics b) Electromagnetism

c) Electrostatics d) Electronics

19. If an object has the same number of positive and negative charges, its electrical charge

a) Negative b) Neutral or no charge

c) Opposite d) Positive
20. Static charges build up when

a) Neutrons move within an object b) Protons move within an object

c) The nucleus moves within an object d) Electrons move within an object

Kunci Jawaban

1. b) Protons 2. a) Positive , Negative 3. c) Electrons

& b) &
Positive Negative

4. c) Positive (+) 5. a) Negative (-) 6. d) A negative charge.

7. c) A lightning strike 8. d) gaining electrons 9. d) losing electrons

during a storm.

10. a) Metal 11. a) Oil 12. c) Conductors

13. a) Glass , b) Oil 14. a) Attract 15. e) , b)

16. c) , b) , d) 17. a) Static Electricity 18. c) Electrostatics

19. b) Neutral or no charge 20. d) Electrons move

within an object

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