រឿង ប្រវត្តិពិធីបុណ្យចូលឆ្នាំ

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U-rtliiirntuflumi HhrntUl~lflil~f!lil~f\:sH , v
tl il '1 . ry tmt Bl gm m blY1 gtll \:S 11 Ul ru ry tm ~lUj il
n ru ~tlmi
v ,
\:S HUl
'<to ,.
, •
mrn rl S\:S Ht Bi tJ \:S Htli rn t\1l rul
O J .
1 ......
• c.
tUm~ml1ilmMU-rtlittlitmmnumB ttlirulQ] BilHfl
, ."., .":l

).~lU\:sH~mjilnrut~ '1
~nce upon a time, there lived a rich couple with a son who
~ as very knowledgeable about religious principles. The boy
fI was named Thonn -bal Koma. He attended the religious
""11 embly every day at the religious assembly hall, where he
"\'w"n ~espect and affections from people, young and old, man
and woman alike, who listened to the everyday sermon .

tiiU6J!J1tniltnrumdr ~~mrurymHhtmt!1il~ntnmBtm~~tFilliTltU
tUfiUtBmnru tgUm~prrtFitmru13ruFiurutmntbll!] '1 m~~n!'iil
£:0. .. , ~c::o.c:s

~~m ~~mrurymrmBtmh~Bnnmtrurn-H]tt~BHBHt9! HlITlHQ)

2mFilugu9rut131rutm~lHl!11HQ)~lm" ~g~n~tymUiruFiuru
Htmtbll!] Fi~gHFi~U ~
Bil~~mrurymr tmi:m~ru[ilfi11ru1 '1

Everyone often praised Thorm-bal Koma for being a small, but the most intelligent
boy ever. And this made Kabel-mohaprum jealously furious. He thought to
himself: "Well! Thorm-bal Koma, you have many people respecting and loving
you. You'll see. I will use my wisdom to find ways of defeating you". He then
descended to see Thorm-bal Koma at the religious assembly hall.

1 tru~Hf-itB&~jj~~rn~th~t1nrn tthm tJiumuh:!mH'yl

tru~B~miifiJ1~mUtUtru~VthLiH hitthmtJ~m0tllit]t9tB1&
fiJ1rutmtJ~ArnrVtllLiH~jj~tt31 ~ Li~UlrurymlUlBflJmnfiuruHun
tblt[Jtil "tr&~llill;fltUtUfJ11tB&tll~mj tmu~ru " ,! ~ltmm~lU~&
C>I oC>l C>I c:::.l , 0 " ..

tUfJ11tB1&ttil~flJIHmtijlflJ~mtijH~tijj\:l~91~9j1til rlmB1J§lBru1~
H~jj ~UUlBt9? tru~ tijBJlmB~ ~ fim ru9Jtm I til :tbl ruU;l riJt~ ti5nu
tUfJ11tB& ~

"Thorm-bal Koma, I come down here in order to challenge you to a bet. If you
can answer my puzzles, I will offer my head to the dharma. But if you fail, you
will have to do likewise". Thorm-bal Koma asked Lord Brahma: "What are the
puzzles, Lord?". The Brahma said: "Well! Listen! I want to ask about human
happiness. How many are they? You get it? You have seven days to give me the
.~ ~

d 0 0 00 t

G1;!LilrurymHnri~iJ ~BttJljHLntu~j:iriri~U~U
~ . CSI d 01 010 I.

fimfrut3ruLilrugn1j~lUru '1 ~Lf'i1rublj:iriHturru:

01 ~ d • CSI

mru~LGB ~~Hn G1;!Lilrurymrf'i Htutu~ Hrii}

mmtfirut'thmTh!i~gmQJmmBHB~~~n~ru .
,I ~~mjru '1 .

I Thorm-bal Koma was very sad after receiving LIlt:." ' -

puzzles from Kabel -mohaprum. He locked himself up
in the room, ignoring all food. After many days of
thought, Thorm-bal Koma was so helpless in life that
he decided to leave the posh residence without
informing his parents.

gnri2BBl:lt~m~m ~

unHmmBtu9fl@ru1JruMqfmnHU~l:l~Ei1ri mfl@ruUlBsru1ru~l
~:...tSP1H;mutiJflm "mrurumi ~BtrintfJJntBg HDl:lUlBft11iktinmBqllilJ
rqnnru ... ! ~tmgnUmHunt~LDUlBthfituf)Jl~L9gUlmrymHn ~t~
o CI) d ..
• c:.I 0"
L9gUlmm~n1H] ~Bmtufln~rtgimfl ~gtuf)JltB1gm~tgim m
OlcJQ,1 .. 0 .011 c:::.) o::.J 01. .. .. c:s
flrnrut~rum tu~rtB1gj:j mttuJ~fJ,!mtuH~tujmBq§1B? ~g~tuJ
~~diflmB~§1Btgihi? ~Bfl@ru~l mfl@rut~ru "~mBmt3l:lril:l0
t~ ~trinHli triB~3 H~tujDlfiri~tllilnmf~UblJ1l:l~3 t~triBHlit~H
u;rl:l ~mmtB1gH~ tujtUi H~ tujt~f~UblJ1l:l2 B tJmmt~mu~m ~

~tlliln1Q) mfblJ1l:lt~l:ltri~~l:ltJl:lllil1~B! '1

[[,horm-bal Koma ventured in the forest late into the night, and while resting
himself against a palm tree, he heard an eagle which built a nest on the top of the
palm tree consoling its hatchlings: "Stop crying. Tomorrow morning we will
bave the flesh of a holy man for food ... ! Because Kable-mohaprum has got him
to answer tbe puzzles. But Thorm-bal Koma is not able to solve tbe riddles". The
hatchlings asked their mother: " What are the riddles, mum?" . The eagle said:
"How many human happiness are there". "And how many, mum?", they further
asked. The mother answered: "3 times a day. In the morning it exists in the face.
When wake up, people will clean their face. At noon, it rests on the chest. When
people feel hot, they wi ll clean their body, whi le in the evening, before going to
bed, you have to wash your feet. That's all, my dear!".
01 dt)


blp G1:r Lil ru ry trl i ru ~ tYl gmUll m nblll HIHlH:l t ru m ru ti1 Ufi ill ru
oc:# dd

01 <;01"


tmrumtti1nLllHfllliJllillti1§ Hi~lliltmruUtlti1Ufirn ru Llltmru

G1:rLilrurytrli ~tg~wJlit~~Hhm1trlmUM2B1L] '1 blPt~nmjtl
G1:rLilruryH1i ~ru1~~n~rutgiG1:rti1rnti11ru1t~HJt~rutUfJIl Stlnuru
c::.. d • "":I 0 •

HUTlU1tD '1 tJnUruHUTlU1tD~gt:lru t~nllil~n~gtfnU1BH~ti1jtru1n

c::.. 01 0 001 • 01 c::..

lHtlll;lruBtltn~mtltLilmH~~tl ~gHnt:lruti1rnG1:rti11ru1tmru nUru

c;! , 001 t> 0 001 c::..c::..

~.UTlt~tD n~tlt~~,:u~ H1BHUTltlBmtlmti1mtltti1tmmtU~U~


overheard the conversalions,

to the-------=

tg~ft~mn rm'mgUlllif;nmm •~Hlli GgUlllirymHn turumrhmnt]
ymi? •tmtb1LD1f1ti.hnnnt]tUiruunu~lli tiJHtg~tmmnllir;hU~jj~
mi! GgUlllirymn~ru ~g§mu1unmllit~nGgmH~fUjtri1tlO1fi~tt:ln
mrRJUlliltl1f8 91D~~si~~Hrntlmllirumcri H~fUjmrRJUlliltl~ By
\1~gn ... ! Gtrulngm ~tsit~~umt~tlH~fUjtri1tlmB~mmlli1fB
~lli~trulnWflliltlt~~f '1
He asked Thorm-bal Koma: "Well! Thorm-bal Koma! Have you got the answers
to my puzzles?". The boy said yes and started to give the answers. He said that
first, in the morning, when people get up from their s
face. Secondly, in the .'
chest. When people feel
hot, they will wash their
body or take a bath,
thirdly, the
exists in the soles of
feef' People often
theIr feet pefore goi
CII CII CII ~ ~ cc:a. CII

Mlqg Mlqg GgmrnrytrlH:H.:!tliituUJ1ttmU ttul::iBl::immIHMlttut:JtJtrl

~ .. ~ .. ~ o 0 ~

Ggmrn Bl::imHmfiJru~: fiurnHuntbll[l tmtbll[l1f1ru8tmH~~Gl::imB

~tygt9 t\1 Ht9l:lih!jGmfiJtmrnmi •Ggmrnrytrlft~tu '1 I

"Bless you! Torm-bal Koma, you give th e right answers. I will cut my head to offer
to you as I promised". "Lord Brahma! I do not want it. Please forget it", "Thorm-ba l
Koma", rep li ed.
~t~fiuruH\:ml,b1LDLgiiHBLt1mg LgiimBLmu1UiJL~mimJH~tryjjLm2B
tmru Lgiiiflm " iJL~l,blg fillhllurn tUQBtmmnrumf~ rlstmm3 ru tfl BBifi
tmufiv Btmgt gi Hlfi1 Mfl'SiH)'Jg t3rut grml1fi t3mm H1 Brufim~ H1 MHfi
v a t/v

L9rufitgi~firu ~ltmrufiuruHtmLt1LDr;hfiLm2BtgiBl:jfi'it3 0t9j~9U

~ ~
But Kabel -mohaprum did not agree. He told his 7 daughters to get him the sword
and said: "My dear! If you have my head thrown onto the ground, an inferno will
rage as far as tbe hell. And if you have it tossed up in the sky, the fire will reach the
celestial world. So place it on the gold plate". Kabel-mohaprum then put the sword
to his neck with one hand, and with the other he placed his severed head on the gold
plate. His seven daughters flew back to the heavenly world with their father's head
on the gold pate .
• P

tUthtlmnilmtumilttU Hn!1ill:JHil~HuHHUlmLi~FimJry~mhlrn~Lhg
001 . " 1

tU~U1BtUlrurtumj rmil fil3 ti1l ~mnil '1

People, both men and women, in the village all admired Thorm-bal Koma for being
abl e to answer all the puzzles. And the boy since then had led a peaceful life. 9

- ... .. --
f1unUMntmJtruntf1tDtBlIUlB net: f1tJf9~
lill The End
( tuLws'i~mgfiJ) ~ilJlm1: t~m:nilrnYi~siumi1mntLhru
C$ 001 • • • c)

~gg'i:mnrumfiH\Jl:t9iltuLhuu~Hflri finJlumtgiltti1lrut~a~~F

"t~~" tmUlf)lrif!tg~mrLiijtfi tf1gUlf)lt~il

• t.J •• Q)

t9iltu~ t9ilriiltrntu~m~thmUls: '1

Vtiitim ( tul~St~li~ ) Hilflm91: lmEllilrulilmmrmJmhru~H~i1ltuj
~ • • • 0 0

tUlrumiiHlJl: 19i1lUt31U~!rl iifijlUm l9ilumrumru (tlUil ) lmUlt')J~

• t.J • .::.I • • • e.,)

19i1mrf9lm3S lmUlt')Jt~ill9ilHillllifi 19i1niltrutu~~1 ~lmUlS: '1

Vtiitim ( tulWSt~HtrlD flfijtulml

~ OJ • .tl
19t1H~~ mifn§'l rulilmmrultt31ru
. .:::.
, ~~fimmUlrumiiHlJl:l9ilmmfi~mEllfl iifijlUnJl9ilttulrutrulUlfi
lmUlt')J~l9tll~flJrn lmUlt')Jt~ill9tl~ 19t1ntl~U9lmtSlfi tru£iltu~
HtujmmmUlS: (tJfitul~~gm~fil: (li,lm mmUlS: ) '1

V@9(£ ( tul~st~~f9 ) lHl!Jlm1: 19t1rulilmmrul tt31ru~liHjin:nrum

• • .::;,. u • c::# •

iiHUl: 19i1mfibl~U (fiJiltb1l~tl1fi11l ) iifijlun~l9ilttulru9mt31gtmltutu

o. v . .. .: :.1 • .::.I .

lmUl t')J ~ll9il mr li, ru lmUlt')Jt~ill9ilHillllifi 19i1nmrutu~ rul
mmUlS: '1

V@9ri ( tulwst~lblUltuJ~b ffilliim1:

• •
• U 0

miiHlJl: 19i1lut31UfiJilmfifi iifijlun~l9ilttulrututU!)fi -b]J lmUlt')J~

19t1m~~ lmUlt')Jt~~l9tlffHBil 19t1ntltrutu~mmmUlS: '1

V@9~ ( tulwst~~lm AHflm1: 19t1rulilmmrultt31ru~li~ruEhmru

miirllil: 19t1lUt31Ulltujfl~H iifijlun~l9~ttulrumfirun'h l~gUlt')J~l
• t.J • .::.. •• eo1 e:.J

19i1 lm3S lmUlt')Jt~ill9ilblllil 19i1niltrutu~lfiummUlS: '1

Vtii9" ( tulwst~tflrrb mun9flm1: 19t1rulilmmrultt31ru~lmfijfi

tmrumiirllil: 19t1lUt31u'BrnrfiB (fiJilblrult§'l ) iifijlun~l9tlttulrutul~
o • • V • • c:.) r::I • • e.J

lmrulmUlt')J~l9ilmSmrf9lilfi lmUlt')Jt~ill9ilmslfiflJru 19i1niltru

tummfimmUlS: '1
d V

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