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mruntU1ti1)1tu tfl~tFcu\ilfhnw: au tfl~lun§

ni1)1ft ut:flftHlrn:
SlUm ~tit:flftn;'1nHlrn:
u U '"
IlbA '1

tgVtu pu qJ~1)1lun§mtim~lfHmnJi~3~-QUti
' 0 0 OJ ,

y~U>ii:Jl~n~m'1 U3imtfgttml~fH1)1: tfl~~mu

hlluntrunnh unau ut~ilUn§tmeHuflnihatum
OIl'" ......, 1
o:n unu Nmtrtu,'1
1 U
, t..l U OI~ v ,
1 OIl
OIl ....., 1""" c;>
nUtiltutfniflUfHt:l'1 unau H~trtimt
OJ a, OJ

tm ~ run ninUruititmHlfH1)1tf
u u
ftm~ummf\hii tilqJClIl '1 Ilbm ~ti
Once upon a time, there was a man
named Kong, who had two wives: Neang Am and Neang Kom. One day,
Kong and his two wives went to visit relatives at a village in the remote
area. Along the way, there was a vicious tiger. Kong accompanied his
wives to a dense forest where the tiger always chased the people, cows
and buffaloes to eat. When they arrived there, the tiger came out of the
forest and roared from the distance towards them. Not knowing where
to flee from the tiger, Kong ran into a wood cave, urinating and shaking
with fear. Neang Am and Neang Kom cooperated to hit the tiger until it
was dead.
U'tf.tU tWmiltilthrnru R«l;flWmnjtitrujrun~Utif1ru
gltm:Ut~Ht9]n'1 lUO§mtini~m~Hu~um "gltr:1f1ru
tilthrnru t-mtgmnruttJHt9]n mWHfhulnt~:" un1!tU
o 0 0 "0. cJ 01 _ ,

W9JnlUO§ mtium~ m H~ HHlH:fl~lwrunun~ W!if1Uglt9

'e,) " c.J 0 ' "

fill tnmW'tlH1£r: wrum~n!ifltiHl\3W!iflUglljl~ '1

Seeing the tiger die, Kong hurriedly came out of the wood cave and
further hit the dead tiger with a wooden stick. "The tiger was killed," his
two wives blamed him, "there is no need to hit it
more; what a coward man you are!" Kong shouted
at his wives, "No woman dares to kill the tiger;
only man is strong enough to kill it."
fi t(j1 01rlhHHf1 t131 ~ ioHm rut ~ n~Uhl n
W W U ~ 1'1 HWHnUhlnnifmnmf:lihl~81tfn nmcifituru

~ ~ 1""\.1 W \.I H

tfmtfrumhlwm ttnrunmf:lhlHtl Hntl~UHjmtf0(j113



\.I \.I

c:1u ~ n

mgH13~~U nJngH13~hl1tn11runw tH\ftf~hlJ tm lnU

tlU13nUH13HW"'1 lun§ unau ~U51rul(j1U{!nlA1nm
"UMU uum81t(j1rutfn
u ~
001 'Ol 1 ,C) '"

gm131nlhl' U1n~tlrug1t13~~rum~u '1

Then, Kong pulled out vines to tie the tiger and carried it into the
village. When the dead tiger was carried into the village, all the villagers
came to see it and asked, "How did you kill this tiger, because it was
very cruel and ate countless people, cows and buffaloes?" "When our
husband, Kong, saw the tiger run to us," said Kong's wives, "he hid
himself in the wood cave, while we were joined together to beat it to
uftltd ULUrt§ZunlliL41th~~t~: ft~tfln~LUrt§m
"H~rtHut:fl~uwrumiitirtrnt1i1~tllli31t1n:t~ tfl~rnUUhl'

thom: t9UHl(jtllli31~fhllU41~"~ vftltd ftHnUWUHn

I lUI IV V IV " CI \.I '"

L~nt9Jnm "rnrnrrHU~lhl:Hnm~ ~nuulHnt~n9~

tflntl t9UHl(jtlllitl41~"~ C\u1lli tgctltrn1nnJ1G imid
9~~UnL~m&rn~ HrJUnL~mrnn~(j Uftltd r ~U'
rnttfilli~ftmn:m ltUtnlI~ rntintOt1n:Hn
'" v '" v
""" '"

When he heard his wives say so,

at them, "No woman dared to kill the tiger; only man is strong enough
to kill it.""When the tiger sprang over me, I used my methods offighting
so that I could hit it," Kong boasted to the villagers while showing them
the martial arts. Every one of the villagers was very proud for Kong, so
he was named Kong Hean. Since then, Kong Hean was very famous in
. . that village.
His fame was spreaded out to the king and Kong Hean was invited to
serve the army. A little later, there was a war to fight against the
invasion ofthe enemy. The king ordered Kong Hean to fight with the en-
emies. When the royal order was given to Kong Hean, he was very
frightened and did not know how to escape from this fighting because
it was the king's order and on the other hand, he was a famous person.
He went back home and laid tiredly and hopelessly.
"What is the matter that makes you lie hopelessly?" a""c,",u
when they entered."Because the king ordered me to make war now,"
Kong Hean told his wives, "and I am scared with this battle; I don 't
know what to do." "Don't worry, my dear," replied his wives "Give us
his responsibility and get up to have meal happily and take a bath
rrr~tUUUJmulru C:HlitinmYR~'lHmUnUU~H}!umm
tmu.]lti runlUn§tmm\jruutite1~'1 I$mml ~~trunjlru en
lun§G~rltU'nru m~uulnrutU1U1tnHH:f~Hu'nrumnJ~
9f1tUUUunmwwmgi'1 rrr~Gne1ru~ltiWmitijrutufm
, ,'0 , c: u'a
ujlWUilne1 I$fltJ111 firurunWtrumfluHtrum~lH mn e1
m H Gti ~m ~Hru~ njl ru en '1
After preparing and it was good time for Kong Hean to salute the king
for the battle field and request to take his wives with him. Kong Hean
sat on the head elephant; while his wives, at the back behind him,
escorted by many soldiers before and after his
elephant as the parade of the armies
along the road. When the parade was
getting nearer the enemies; Kong
--...... Hean was frightened nearly to die,
excreting and urinating, and was
shivering with fear as if someone
",U,JVJ\. the elephant's head.
lli~13mt~Hru13~21'Hfilru~ru fhu~tmfilruWmnt:f13
c: 0 ' W t OJ ocJ 0 OJ

mnnrumtiHW ~1313H1ilHllijm13t~jrni uHlIlnLun§mti m

, t OJ 0 o.!~ 01

mmQ(jlmnLijtitmtru~tiWL~iij13u~tiWi unwL~i mJm

autnll utfilrulli~m~ u '"
". rv U

ftfilR9mfirnntnLfilWHlUjtUti, 213i w

Supposing that Kong Hean was shaking it to go toward the enemies, the
elephant ran ahead of the soldiers and no one could follow it. Whereas
his two wives were bravely and actively using bows and arrows to shoot
the enemies. When the enemies saw Kong Hean galloping the elephant,
they thought that he was a strong commander; so they were nervous and
defeated and ran for their lives.
lfBtJ111 tWmg1tiWmrlfttf1iHhl fhgm~mQtiQ1timri
um31tD~~tfnnfJ1u'1 Hhl~tD~tWm lfBtJ111 HlHHfluH
mrinW'il rumwrurnwmrne1m:ftWHtl
f* --.>u'" '"
"tru1nm~n ttnnHft 1.:1

truumuHHlim~He1m:?" U'"
lfMI tflrut~ttim
.., W

W' U
tthrnHnu:t t~lutit~l: 81tiHnwmu
1 "" ". OIl
nuti~"""~~M~f1itUllliY? "
When Kong Hean saw that the
enemies were defeated and ran
away, he was very proud and
boasted at the officials. "Mr.
Commander, why did you
excrete in feces and urinate?"
asked the officials when they
saw Kong Hean excrete and
urinate so badly. "If we went
to excrete and urinate, while
fighting in the battle; the
enemies may come and kill
"replied Kong Hean.
HtJ1)1tfi~~~ou1nrun aUtJ1'Il ~unmea\]~
"" ,J. u
Hn3~m~ ~ Q" 1\1

l41g1Hif1~UlaUtJ1'Il gl\]Wl~truntJ'1 tnUng~ij~fiJl

m~l41g1rhmng1\] aUtJ1'Il W1Ht~n'1 aUtJ1'Il 41~ny~
wUjtnnm ftlnruu~ru~m1m'1 t~\]UH1UjlUUl aUtJ1'Il
41~f1ffrunmG~~ lf1titlnnmWlgi~ ftln~fl1;jf11~mWWU
aUtJ1'Il 1ntnHn ~

H f. ~ IV U U

When the officials and soldiers heard that, some, intelligent, knew that
Kong Hean was afraid of the enemies; and some, not so clever, were
very proud of Kong Hean. Kong. After winning the battle, Kong Hean
returned to the kingdom. As the king knew that Kong Hean defeated the
enemies, he was very happy and appointed Kong Hean a high-ranking
official. Since then, Kong Hean was even more boastful.
C11~tunllitH1t ~J n tfl1>Lntn hlltm1\jlli W~tnttH1J31
HrJtf~WJ tinG~mm~tfl~9n HifJ10Hf1L~U'~ ij1)tfl1>
n Ut eh~u
m1)i ~t1)l~t ~1'lli'1
d u
i ~t1)~U~ti

LmrJuqp~ ulitJhl tmmULmrh ulitJhl DU1~U~rn

CII '''vcJ Q. a_ c.> 011 01

eHm~ 1)nftlli01llW Ut1)tf1)tJl11)tUtnn1)~un~U1)rn nWlli

u~ ,n t..; 'fI '"
\j u.
ulitJhl unruUtfntl~~llilllil~

LUO§U1 "~j1)tHlli! ft~J1t1)~t'1!oL~titLUu~~tmmULmn


n \j 'w

OJ 010' t Q. 01 01 ,

t ~Jlli \:f3l:JlLmom '1rUl:Jlnl:Jltf1> m1) '1 0\:f1)1)1trntmnLm1)

01 01 Qp 01 C:lI n cJ
mrntllirn tf~t1)~t1)1n~~n tt:ic:wm(1)~W31>tm? Ut1)
........,,, ~ dU" \J~ 11"\
t 01 ao.
01 010. cJ 01 tJ
t'1!0L~~tLmUllli tUtf1)tmntf1)(jl1)UH tU~tYl~ tfl1>tn
trnln9n~Lmnhftn~~tm"'1 ulitJhl ~n[1Jotullli R
c:. , 0/

u ~ <>
Later, there was a cruel crocodile which usually ate people and
merchants who operated the business by the waterway. People were
very afraid of it and no one dared to go into the water or to get on the
boat there. When the king knew this, he ordered Kong Hean to catch the
crocodile. Having heard this order, Kong Hean felt very nervous but
dare not refuse it, so he accepted the order. When he got home, Kong
Hean told his wives, "My dear, now the king gave me an order to catch
the very cruel crocodile in the water; this time I cannot escape from
dying as the crocodile will bite me to death. Previously, it was better to
see on the land, but this time it is in the water; how can I come back
alive. It was the king's order, how can I deny? Thus, I'll go and jump
into the water for the crocodile's food at once." Then, Kong Hean
pretendedly called for his children and nephews to catch the crocodile.
HtJa~fUJ\fH:nmtJ~ijU)!1Ul 1!tt1tJ1l1 tmmUlmnfiutJru
~ I
ru: 1!tt1tJ1l1 tmeiruitml~nnumumn
I -v

rtflruanlUuun~ lnti ~reirutfl~t ffaHlunn ffa~:thi~

tfl~lumu'1 1!tt1tJ1l1 tnnnq:~nUJ~lnti~U>1:Ufllli~nUl
v I
n u
.... <"
(l , OJ c::»
: nD1mlnnlU~
01 t

01 t t

nrunru3~ rrutma3
n .., I I
a 0. w ,


crowdedly went to see him. When Kong Hean reached the harbor, he
saw the crocodile swimming close to the shore and right to a place where
there were two trees growing next to one another with a crotch. Kong
Hean jumped into the water there intending to allow the crocodile to eat
him. But, when the crocodile heard the sound of jumping into the water,
it was startled and then jumped up into the crotch in the middle of its
and could not move forward or backward.
adtJ111 tf(jtmQ~9mSut9j~ttUmUHnd1U~~t~ijtruj
AU'" U
alUtm1 HnteHliijmHru9i~u~l~tJ:l~nhll~m adtJ111
'" 1 '" '"
mutmntijl:ijndlU~~t BmnUfttmn~u aBtnlI tlnmn1

sticking up in the crotch of the trees, he called for his relatives to raise
the spears and thrust the crocodile to death. People there, supposing that
Kong Hean caught the crocodile and threw it up on the trees, were very
fearful of him.
Ji~tJ111 ijU5tWrnumnUltham:
--.. u~
AintnHmnilrnilmil \.I ...... JV

t9Jilt9Jn ttfilli~rutmlmu~nHfUum
~ ~ u u
t9Jilt:fmrutmn'1 tfUunhlDU1:9lli tUvhlUl:fHjm~llihl
hl~~ JiMI t9JilWldtruhlntt~tmt9Jn ~il Ul:fl{:Jm~
o 0 '01 ,

m~mrunu m~~W1tlu U.,

When he saw that the crocodile was killed, Kong Hean was even more
boastful and told the king that he caught the crocodile and threw it up on
the land. The king, then, was much happier and appointed Kong Hean
higher ranking official, and provided him with power as well as many re-
wards. The End
Fear is stronger than love.

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