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Religious Studies

The Conflict
Result of Wrestling with your Faith Interview

By: Joy & Matthew 7A

The conflict was about Ms
Odit not knowing that her
mom had cancer
Wrestling Process
Ms Odit lived abroad from her family, she didn’t know her mom
had cancer. When she returned home for Christmas, she was
shocked to see her mom hairless (no hair). Then they had an
emotional moment and then her Christmas holiday was over
which means Ms Odit had to go back to Tangerang to continue
her college. She had a thought to just drop out of her college so she
can stay with her family in Jogja.
Wrestling Process
Ms Odit felt angry towards God because she
prayed for her family before she went to college
so her family won’t be sad and will stay healthy
when she leaves. Because of this, Ms Odit didn’t
go to church nor pray for 3 months.
End of Story
Then one of her friend scolded and reminded
her to reconnect her faith, which was a
difficult journey for her, and after that she did
reconnect her faith with God.
What We Learned
So what we learned from this
interview is that we can’t leave God
and we must always trust God and
connect our faith no matter in what
situation we are in. Because God has
never left us.
Thank You

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