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I have recently joined The Web Hub, a global technology firm who sells products ranging from
personal computers, tablets, mobile phones to industry super computers and other artificial
intelligence machines and much more! The Web Hub also reports on current technology news,
reviews and updates for digital enthusiasts and professionals. The Web Hub would like to
update their current website and change this to bring them in line with other major
competitors and move forward in the digital age.

I need to develop the web site and test it for functionality, compatibility (with different devices
and browsers) and usability (including user testing), using appropriate test plans, test schedules
and data and then I should collect results and feedback and show that i have responded to any
problem or errors identified.

Problem definition statement:

Today smartphones are a part of day-to-day life, used for multiple purposes, being one of the
major aspects that influence society. To begin with, they mainly serve to facilitate
communication. Smartphones allow us to call each other, message one another and use
different social networks, that’s how they have changed communication habits. Furthermore,
they provide information and entertainment. Playing games, watching movies, browsing
through the net–everything is possible on a mobile phone. Additionally, they are essential as
they allow fast access to emergency services and even help call dear ones in cases of
emergency. Therefore, cellular phones play a critical role in communicating, informing, and
amusing, as well as giving security and accessibility in our day-to-day routines.

Smartphone users represent an impressively wide and varied user base. Currently, there are
nearly 3.8 billion smartphone owners globally, which is indicative of their popularity. The target
different age demographics are tech-savvy youth as well as older people living a digital lifestyle.
They are used by professionals for their workplace functions and communication and students
use them for their schoolwork, research, etcetera. This enables low-income earners to also
afford smartphones. Smartphones become one of the most important resources for
information access, banking, and health care in developing countries. A significant group is that
of gamers who have at their disposal many games for mobile phones. Therefore, smartphones
cut across age, occupation and socioeconomic class as an essential technology.
Client requirements
The need for smartphones has changed a lot during that time. At first simple functions such as
making calls and sending messages were enough. Nevertheless, over time, clients today insist
on having a camera that is of high definition, powerful processor, huge storage capacity, and
longer-lasting battery. Customers also anticipate smooth connectivity options such as 5G, and
Wi-Fi 6. Besides, such users prefer thin designs and good quality of build material. Also, clients
require strong biometric authentication processes as security is imperative to them, especially
in securing their data. Therefore, the client demands for smartphones have evolved from mere
communication utilities to meet diverse user needs.

User requirements
We are nowadays dependent on mobiles, so while designing a mobile, we should pay attention
to user needs. Among these is the first, which refers to the fact that users require an interactive
and user-friendly interface that facilitates smooth navigation to different functionality options.
The other major issue that users face is the issue of battery life as many people use their
phones all day. Therefore, there should be durability and water resistance since accidents
occur. Finally, customers expect a software update, as it must ensure high-security standards
along with availability of new products. This means that smartphone developers must ensure
that these customer requirements are met so as they keep them contented within a
competitive industry.

While the smartphone has become a fundamental aspect of our lives, it is essential to identify
how it limits us. To start with, too much screen time may result in conditions like eye strain and
addiction. Another issue is that mobile phones promote virtual over concrete communication
which could inhibit meaningful face-to-face communication and social interaction. Also, these
persistent alerts and interruptions will tend towards decreased effectiveness and attention.
Limiting phone usage and giving more room for reality is important and superior to creating a
dream through social media. Recognition of these limits would help us weigh between the
advantages of cell phones and our overall health.

Owning a smartphone is no longer just an option but a necessity with many advantages that
should not be dismissed. smartphones enable communication with relatives, friends, and
workmates even when they are far away from each other. It, therefore, helps keep us updated
about the happenings around us. In addition to this, smartphones have many applications
which help us increase productivity and be more efficient. These phones are changing how we
bank, shop and look up information anywhere. Besides, mobile phones give us a feeling of
security as we can contact help during emergency cases and when there is danger. Finally, the
importance of having a cell phone is unquestionable today; it is a vital instrument that
facilitates communications, increases profitability, and makes our world safer in the present

Smartphones have changed the way people talk, share information, and do business. Their
interactivity, which makes them to be among the most popular, is one of the characteristics.
Using a smartphone, you will be directly connected with numerous individuals around the globe
through calls, SMS, as well as social networking sites. Additionally, they serve unlimited
amusement and education possibilities. Research recently conducted indicates that 80 percent
of mobile phone users undertake interactive activities including games and video viewing daily.
Smartphones increase our productivity, creativity, and general living standards by virtue of their
interactivity. Take advantage of it and exploit whatever this technological wonder has got to

The complexity of a smartphone is multi-layered, putting some sophisticated technologies in a
small gadget. This includes complex hardware such as processors, RAM, and sensors among
others with corresponding software comprising of operating systems, applications and user
interface. It consists of numerous functions such as calling, texting, emailing, internet surfing,
photography, and enjoyment of media. The use of AI, GPS, and biometric security in
smartphones involves complex engineering so that users have a smooth experience. Complexity
also involves shrinking into compactness and putting in place various parts into smaller forms.
Several worldwide platforms and protocols can be supported via smartphones networked.
Features are constantly evolving while these ubiquitous products are being updated and
advanced continuously.

Legal and Ethical Considerations

Ethical Issues of IT by Gregg Learning

1. What are the two types of information available on the Web?

Ans. Two are the major types of information that could be found on the web that is structured
and unstructured. Structured information is properly formatted and organized, also stored in
databases and is therefore computer readable. Structured data follows some predefined
structure or model and contains information in text, picture, or video forms. Both types help to
enrich web content and tools such as search engines enable users to move through the Internet
and locate appropriate information.
2. What are examples of intellectual property?
Ans. Intellectual property refers to inventions of the mind that have such rights. These include
copyright for works such as music and software, trademarks for logos and brand names,
patents for inventions, trade secrets for confidential business information, industrial designs for
product aesthetics, geographical indications plants variety protection and integrated circuit
layout design protection. These rights encourage innovation and creativity by giving individuals
a guaranteed right to original ideas and inventions.

3. What is cybersquatting?
Ans. Cybersquatting refers to the act of registering or using an internet domain name that looks
like a famous trademark for profit because such property is sold back to its original ownerly
extravagant price, or it is diverted to earn money. It is due to bad faith registration that usually
results into court cases each time the ACPA laws are applied. Action could either be brought
before the court or through dispute resolution mechanisms to fight cybersquatting and salvage
the brand’s integrity.

4. Who is most at risk from the digital divide?

Ans. The digital divide is an especially severe problem in economically deprived communities,
rural areas, the elderly population, minority groups, individuals with disabilities and people who
have low ‘digital literacy’, as well as students of poor educational establishments. Digital divide
means finding answers to accessibility, affordability and literacy so that all the people benefit
equally in the digital age.

Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 and its requirements in terms of protecting
software products and digital media, such as images, music and films.

The Copyright, Design and Patents Act 1988 protects all original works such as music, art,
writing and programming code. All these works are viewed as intellectual property by the
people or businesses that create it. Websites are now considered intellectual property and the
content is protected under copyright legislation.
1. What steps do you need to take to make sure you are not in violation of copyright?
Ans - avoid copyright infringement:
1. Know copyright laws.
2. Confirm ownership or obtain permission.
3. Use public domain or Creative Commons content.
4. Seek permission or license copyrighted material.
5. Understand fair use but use cautiously.
6. Attribute content properly.
7. Avoid plagiarism.
8. Keep records of permissions.
9. Stay updated on copyright law changes.
10. Seek legal advice if unsure.

2. How do you seek permission to use intellectual content?

Ans - To seek permission to use intellectual content:
1. Identify the copyright holder.
2. Contact them directly with your request, detailing usage plans.
3. Specify terms and negotiate if needed.
4. Obtain written permission.
5. Keep records of permission granted.
6. Adhere to agreed terms strictly.

3. What is the purpose of Creative

Ans - Creative Commons licenses have the purposes of allowing creators to grant permissions
for their work use while retaining some rights. The licenses encourage co-creation,
dissemination and innovation by giving an open arrangement in contrast with standard
copyright as a help to make the climate uproarious.

Data protection legislation and the requirements it places on organisations to keep data
about living individuals secure.

The evolution of the Internet has raised many concerns as to the protection and privacy of end
users. The Data Protection Act 1988 was written well before the Internet expanded to what we
use today. The UK has updated this Act to the Data Protection Act 2018 which includes the
General Data Protection Regulations.

Client and End User Requirements

Client Requirement End User Requirement
Specific Allow end users to subscribe to enhance Provide strong password fields to protect
end user engagement. end user data
Measurable Increase website traffic by 30% within three Boost the average rating of a user on
months of launching the new website app stores to 4.5 stars mobile
application within six months.
Achievable Develop relevant website features and Speed up the application response time
functionalities within the stipulated for its most visited section by 2 seconds
between two quarters through better
budgetary allocation to maintain quality
coding and server performance.

Relevant Promote higher customer engagement and Increase the accessibility features that
satisfaction through interactive are associated with the software
functionality in the form of live chat
support, product suggestions based on
individual requirements.
Time Bound Finish the website production and testing In scope to address at least 80% of
phase within two months to answer for reports within two days, incorporate the
feedback system into every software
client’s terms of product market launch
application in your order.

Design sets:
Mood boards:
House Style
Site Map:
Contact us page and about us
End user Feedback
• From this I've interpreted that overall, everyone like my first design better and that
most people use google over edge or any other web browers so that's why i uploaded
my website on google rather than edge

Project Planning

Search engine optimization (SEO):

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the practice of optimizing a website or webpage to
increase its visibility and ranking in search engine results pages. In other words, SEO means
making a site more relevant and attractive to search engines so that to increase unpaid
(organic) traffic. The major aim of SEO is to comprehend how search engines work and what
people are searching for. These factors are to be considered so that the website owners can
create and improve their content so that it matches the user intent and search engine
algorithms well. This is done through both on-page and off-page methods.

On-page SEO refines each web page of a website to make them more friendly to users and
search engine. It includes tactics including keyword research and execution, meta tags
optimization, creating quality and relevant content, improving the page load speed, and the
URL structure optimization.

On the other hand, off-page SEO groups activities that occur outside to a website to boost
its potential in search engines. This usually comprises of acquiring backlinks from
authoritative and relevant websites that show search engines that a website is deemed
credible and authoritative. Another off-page SEO technique is social media marketing,
influencer reach and content sharing.

SEO significantly influences a website's online presence which is reflected through its
visibility in search engine results. Better ranks on SERPs mean better chances to get organic
traffic. The natural traffic involves visitors who are useful and qualified since they are
actively browsing for items, services, or information which correspond to the page’s
content. Because of this, SEO could have a huge influence on a site’s overal success; it could
be about driving sales, generating leads, or increasing brand awareness

Testing Plan:

Link Name Does it work Expected outcome Actual outcome

Homepage yes Everything should load quite I've tested it and it
smoothly works
Products Yes, all images loads All the images should load it works
Products 2 Yes, all images loads Images should work it works
About us yes it should work it works

Contant us yes It should work it works

Links All the links work All the links should properly All the links works,
properly work and should take you all and they take u in
the right places when u click what page u want
them to see
My inexperience with Dreamweaver and my inability to create a website with it were
the constraints I faced during this assignment. With some experience, I could have
improved the overall look of my website and made it bit more appealing but overall, i
worked hard to make it nice. One of my other constraints was that during the time we
were building these websites, our college's Wi-Fi was still being fixed, so we weren't
always able to access the Internet. This prevented us from searching for images for our
websites and from using Dreamweaver. The frustration of not having a connection in
the middle of an important assignment was a common occurrence. It disrupted my
workflow and forced me to constantly save my work to avoid losing progress. This
constraint not only wasted valuable time but also affected the quality of my work as I
had to rush through tasks once reconnected. I had to create my website quickly because
of these constraints, which limited my time and i had to rush with everything.

Assets List
Justification Choice of Design
Design 1
Design 2

• I did a survey to see which design my classmates like the most and they all liked
the first one better as its clearer rather than the second option and its more
sophisticated looking than the second one

Screenshots of the website:

Screenshots of my HTML code:

Screenshot of my CSS code:

Screenshot of my JavaScript code:

Screenshots of uploading and publishing my website:

Finished Product - Website
Functionality Test Plan
Link Name Does it work Expected outcome Actual outcome
Homepage yes Everything should load I've tested it and it
quite smoothly works
Products Yes, all images loads All the images should load it works
Products 2 Yes, all images loads Images should work it works
About us yes it should work it works

Contant us yes It should work it works

Links All the links work All the links should All the links works,
properly properly work and should and they take u in
take you all the right places what page u want to
when u click them see

Unit 6 – End User Testing

Summary: Based on my End User’s Feedback above, List 5 things to improve
1. I would have added more detail as my website is very boring
2. I would've used white space effectively to guide people's attention to important
3. I should've added more colour and made it a bit more appealing
4. I should have made a sign in page
5. Overall, i should've picked my pictures a bit more carefully

Finished Product - Website
Evaluation – Skills, Knowledge and Behaviours

The first thing I’ll review carefully is the general design and lay out of the website.
Visitors should be drawn to the site since it should be very attractive and keep your
attention. I was very careful with the colors, I have chosen, they should be in the full
harmony, fonts and graphics should be easy to read and view. In addition, as to the site
design, I was sure it is logical and friendly enough as for user experience, with clear
navigation menus and tidy content. I carefully handpicked exclusive materials that were
rich and very related to my website. I included items such as pictures and videos among
multimedia in my project to make it interactive. Lastly, the content was structured well
and was easy to read by having the titles and subtitles specified at every point clearly to
direct the reader to the right content. Overall, I am extremely happy about the website
that I have developed. It is a manifestation of my creativity, painstaking work ethic, and
ambition to hit the market with a well refined product. On the other hand, there is
undoubtedly some things that still need to be improved.

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