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Robert Miguel A.



Experiment No. 6

Metacentric Height of the Floating Body

ESSAY: Write a composition that reveals your learning outcomes on the determination

of the metacentric height of the floating body based on the video presentation.

The words should not exceed 250 words and it should never be less than 200

words. (20 pts.)

Understanding the importance of the metacentric height in assessing a vessel's stability was the primary
learning objective. It was discovered that a higher metacentric height corresponds to increased stability
because the center of buoyancy resists capsizing pressures by shifting very little in relation to the center
of gravity. In addition, I developed an understanding of the experimental procedure used to determine
the metacentric height. I discovered a straightforward yet accurate method for determining this crucial
parameter: I just needed to change the angle of heel systematically and track the resulting change in the
center of buoyancy. The presentation also clarified the usefulness of the metacentric height in ship
design and operation. Gaining insight into the way structural modifications impact a ship's metacentric
height allowed for a greater understanding of the complex trade-off between functionality and stability
in marine engineering. Ultimately, the talk emphasized how crucial careful data analysis and testing are
to getting results.

A rectangular scow 9m wide and 4m high has a draft in sea water of 2.5m. Its center

of gravity is 2.8m above the bottom of the scow.

(a) Determine the intial metacentric height

(b) If the scow list until one side is just on the point of submergence,determine the

righting couple. Draw the sketch.

2. A cylindrical caisson having an outside diameter of 7m float in fresh water with its

axis vertical and its lower end submerged 7m below the water surface. Its center

of gravity is on the vertical axis 2.5m above the bottom. Find (a) the metacentric

height, (b) the righting couple when caisson is tipped through an angle of 12º.

Draw the sketch.cise answers. I learned the value of paying close attention to details in scientific

from making sure that the right equipment was used to keeping precise records.

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