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Business Requirement Document

Version No:

Date (01-06-2022):

Project Name:

Change Request No:

Copyright Notice
This document contains proprietary information of HCL Technologies Ltd. No part of this document may
be reproduced, stored, copied, or transmitted in any form or by means of electronic, mechanical,
photocopying or otherwise, without the express consent of HCL Technologies. This document is intended
for internal circulation only and not meant for external distribution.
EIS_ENGT001_1.5 Business Requirement Document

Revision History

Version Date Prepared By / Changes made to document

No. Modified By

Approved By Approval Date

Other Stakeholders
<List the other stakeholders impacted with this change>

Name Entity-Role Email


Abbreviation Description

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EIS_ENGT001_1.5 Business Requirement Document

Table of Contents

1 Business Need(Mandatory).........................................................................................................................4
2 Business Requirements(Mandatory).........................................................................................................4
2.1 Requirement (1, 2, 3 ... n)....................................................................................................... 4
2.1.1 Description................................................................................................................ 4
2.1.2 Scope and Impacted Users.......................................................................................4
2.1.3 Business Rules and Validation..................................................................................4
2.1.4 Screen Illustration (Non Mandatory)..........................................................................4
2.1.5 Report Format (Non Mandatory)...............................................................................4
2.1.6 Impact on mobile applications...................................................................................4
3 Key Success Factors(Mandatory)..............................................................................................................4
4 Assumptions, Dependencies and Constraints (Non Mandatory)......................................................5
5 User Acceptance Criteria and Scenario (Mandatory)...........................................................................5
6 Risks and Impact(Mandatory).....................................................................................................................5
6.1 Risks and Impact (to be filled by Business).............................................................................5
6.2 Risks and Impact (to be filled by EIS SAP Team)...................................................................5
7 References.......................................................................................................................................................5
8 Solution Overview.............................................................................................................................................5

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EIS_ENGT001_1.5 Business Requirement Document

1 Business Need

1.1 <Explain the Business Need for Application Development / Change >

1.2 If this is an Automation (Please right click on check boxes propertieschecked OK)



2 Business Requirements
<Elaborate the business requirements as per the sub-sections mentioned below. Also iterate all the below
sub-sections for each business requirement as “Requirement-1”, “Requirement-2”, “Requirement-n” >

2.1 Requirement (1, 2, 3 ... n)

2.1.1 Description
<Describe the requirement in detail>

2.1.2 Scope and Impacted Users

<List the Entities, Impacted Users, Bands, GEO’s, LOB’s etc for which the change would be applicable >

2.1.3 Business Rules and Validation

<List the Various Business Rules and validation associated with this requirement>

2.1.4 Screen Illustration (Non Mandatory)

2.1.5 Report Format (Non Mandatory)

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EIS_ENGT001_1.5 Business Requirement Document

2.1.6 Impact on mobile applications

3 Key Success Factors

<Identify the Key Success factors or Benefits of the application/Change>

Measurable Effort Saved : MM

Cost Saving : USD
(which ever is applicable)
Reduction in Cycle Time : Days
(details of the above calculations required)

Intangible Benefits:

4 Assumptions, Dependencies and Constraints (Non Mandatory)

< List and briefly describe the assumptions, dependencies and constraints for the above stated
requirement >

5 User Acceptance Criteria and Scenario (Mandatory)

< User Acceptance Signoff would be based on successful execution of the following test cases >

S. No. Test Case Description Execution Steps Expected Result



6 Risks and Impact

6.1 Risks and Impact (to be filled by Business)

<Identify and document the Risks and Impact (in case any) for the requirements stated in this document>

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EIS_ENGT001_1.5 Business Requirement Document

6.2 Risks and Impact (to be filled by EIS SAP Team)

<Identify and document the Risks and Impact (in case any) for the requirements stated in this document>

7 References
(to be filled by Business Team)

<Provide a list of documents referenced (in case any)>

Document Name Document Summary

8 Solution Overview
(to be filled by EIS SAP Team)

< List and briefly describe the solution overview for the above stated requirement >

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