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1. There are 100 problems in an international mathematics competition. The scores of each
problem are allocated in the following ways: 2 marks will be given for a correct answer, 1
mark will be deducted from a wrong answer and 0 marks will be given for a blank answer.
Find the minimum number of candidate(s) to ensure that 11 candidates will have the
same scores in the competition.
Answer: 3001
Solution. Using the Pigeonhole Principle, the least number of students such that r among
these necessarily have identical scores in a test consisting of p problems in the competition
with +2, −1, 0 marking scheme is 3p(r − 1) + 1. In the problem, p = 100 and r = 11.
Using the formula,

3p(r − 1) + 1 = 3(100)(11 − 1) + 1 = 3001.

Therefore, the minimum number of candidate(s) to ensure that 11 candidates will have
the same scores in the competition is 3001.

2. There are n lines that are not parallel with each other on a plane. There are no 3
intersecting lines at a point. If they intersect 276 times, find the value of n2 + 24n − 2024.
Answer: −872
Solution. The number of times n lines intersect such that these lines are not parallel with
each other and no 3 lines intersect at a point is given

n(n − 1)
C2n = 276 =⇒ = 276 =⇒ n2 −n−552 = 0 =⇒ (n+23)(n−24) = 0.

Since n must be nonnegative, hence n = 24 and therefore

n2 + 24n − 2024 = 242 + 2(24) − 2024 = −872.

TIMO 2024 FRR Senior Secondary Set 3

3. If abcde + bcdea + cdeab + deabc + eabcd = 499995, find a + b + c + d + e.

Answer: 3 5
Solution. Note that

abcde = 10000a + 1000b + 100c + 10d + e

bcdea = 10000b + 1000c + 100d + 10a + a
cdeab = 10000c + 1000d + 100a + 10b + b
deabc = 10000d + 1000e + 100a + 10b + c
eabcd = 10000e + 1000a + 100b + 10c + d
abcde + bcdea + cdeab + deabc + eabcd = 11111a + 11111b + 11111c + 11111d + 11111e
499995 = 11111a + 11111b + 11111c + 11111d + 11111e
45 = a + b + c + d + e
√ √
45 = a + b + c + d + e
√ √
3 5 = a + b + c + d + e.

4. Convert octal number 7320248 to hexadecimal.

Answer: 3B414 or 3B41416
Solution. Octal is the base-8 numeral system. It uses the digits 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7
to represent any real number. While hexadecimal is a positional system that represents
numbers using a base of 16. It uses numbers 0-9 and letters A-F . We first convert 7320248
into decimal as follows:

7320248 = 7 · 85 + 3 · 84 + 2 · 83 + 0 · 82 + 2 · 81 + 4 · 80
= 229376 + 12288 + 1024 + 0 + 16 + 4
= 24270810

Now, to convert decimal to hexadecimal as follows,

242708 ÷ 16 = 15169 with remainder 4 =⇒ 4

15169 ÷ 16 = 948 with remainder 1 =⇒ 1
948 ÷ 16 = 59 with remainder 4 =⇒ 4
59 ÷ 16 = 3 with remainder 11 =⇒ B
3 ÷ 16 = 0 with remainder 3 =⇒ 3

Then we just write down the remainders in the reverse order to obtain the hexadecimal
number which is 3B414 or 3B41416 .

TIMO 2024 FRR Senior Secondary Set 3

5. Given that A, B, and C are three distinct 1-digit positive numbers and the 3-digit numbers
formed by A, B, and C have the following properties:

(a) CAB is divisible by 27; and

(b) ABC is a cubic number.

Find the smallest 3-digit number BCA.

Answer: 162
Solution. Observe that 125 = 53 , 216 = 63 , 512 = 83 , and 729 = 93 are the only 3-digit
numbers of the form ABC. Corresponding to these, we have 512, 621, 251, and 972 are
the 3-digit numbers of the form CAB. However, only 621 = 27 · 23 and 972 = 27 · 36 are
divisible by 27. Therefore, 126 and 297 are the 3-digit numbers of the form BCA. Thus,
the smallest 3-digit number BCA is 162.

6. In a quiz, no two students had the same score and the score of each student is equal to
n + 2 − 2k where n is a constant and k is the rank of that student. If the total score of
all participants is 2024, find the smallest possible value of n.
Answer: 89
Solution: Let m be the number of students taking the quiz. Then,

2024 = n + (n − 2) + (n − 4) + · · · + [n − 2(m − 1)]

2024 = mn − 2[1 + 2 + · · · + (m − 1)]
2024 = mn − m(m − 1)
2024 = mn − m2 + m
n= +m−1

Observe that m must be a factor of 2024 = 23 × 11 × 23. Among the 16 factors of 2024,
by checking, both m = 44 and m = 46 give the smallest value of n which is 89.

TIMO 2024 FRR Senior Secondary Set 3


7. Find the smallest positive integer a such that (a − 2)x2 + (a − 2)x − 2 = 0 has two distinct
real roots.
Answer: 3
Solution. To find the integer values of a such that (a − 2)x2 + (a − 2)x − 2 = 0 has two
distinct real root, its discriminant, we denote it as D, must be strictly greater than 0.

D = (a − 2)2 − 4(a − 2)(−2) > 0

a2 − 4a + 4 + 8a − 16 > 0
a2 + 4a − 12 > 0
(a + 6)(a − 2) > 0

Solving the quadratic inequality we have a < −6 or a > 2. Therefore, the smallest
positive integer value of a must be 3.

8. Given that x and y are real numbers, find the minimum value of 5x2 +9y 2 +70x−72y+2024.
Answer: 1635
Solution. Observe that rearranging and manipulating the terms, we have

5x2 + 9y 2 + 70x − 72y + 2024 = 5x2 + 70x + 9y 2 − 72y + 2024

= 5(x2 + 14x) + 9(y 2 − 8y) + 2024
= 5(x2 + 14x + 49) + 9(y 2 − 8y + 16) + 2024 − 245 − 144
= 5(x + 7)2 + 9(y − 4)2 + 1635

Therefore, the minimum value is 1635 which can be obtained at x = −7 and y = 4.

9. Solve the equation log9 x + log27 x + log243 x = 31. (Answer in exponential form)
Answer: 330
Solution: Using the change of base theorem, we have

log3 x log3 x log3 x

+ + = 31
log3 9 log3 27 log3 243
log3 x log3 x log3 x
+ + = 31
2 3 5
15 log3 x + 10 log3 x + 6 log3 x = 31 · 30
log3 x = 30
x = 330

TIMO 2024 FRR Senior Secondary Set 3

p √
10. Simplify 104 + 60 3.
√ √ √ √
Answer: 5 2 + 3 6 or 3 6 + 5 2
Solution. Observe that
√ √
q q
104 + 60 3 = 104 + 2 · 30 3

= 104 + 2 2700

= 50 + 2 50 · 54 + 54
√ 2 √ √ √ 2
= 50 + 2 · 50 · 54 + 54
√ √ 2
= 50 + 54
√ √
= 50 + 54
√ √
= 5 2 + 3 6.

11. Find the coefficient of x4 in the expansion (2x2 − 3x + 4)4 .

Answer: 1329
Solution. Using the expansion of the trinomial, we have

X  4  X  4 
2 4 2 a b c
(2x − 3x + 4) = · (2x ) · (−3x) · 4 = · 2a · (−3)b · 4c · x2a+b
a, b, c a,b,c≥0
a, b, c

4 4!
where a, b, c ≥ 0, a + b + c = 4 and = . Since a + b + c = 4, the only
a, b, c a!b!c!
possible triples (a, b, c) so that 2a + b = 4 are (0, 4, 0), (1, 2, 1) and (2, 0, 2). Therefore, the
coefficient of x4 is given by
4 0 4 0 4 1 2 1 4
· 2 · (−3) · 4 + · 2 · (−3) · 4 + · 22 · (−3)0 · 42
0, 4, 0 1, 2, 1 2, 0, 2
4! 4! 4!
= · 20 · (−3)4 · 40 + · 21 · (−3)2 · 41 + · 22 · (−3)0 · 42
0!4!0! 1!2!1! 2!0!2!
= 1 · 1 · 81 · 1 + 12 · 2 · 9 · 4 + 6 · 4 · 1 · 16
= 81 + 864 + 384
= 1329

TIMO 2024 FRR Senior Secondary Set 3

12. Given a and b are the roots of x2 + 20x + 24, find the value of a4 + b4 .
Answer: 729
Solution. If a and b are the roots of x2 + 20x + 24, then by Vieta’s formula, we have
a + b = −20 and ab = 24. Now,

(a + b)2 = a2 + 2ab + b2 (a + b)4 = a4 + 4a3 b + 6a2 b2 + 4ab3 + b4

a2 + b2 = (a + b)2 − 2ab a4 + b4 = (a + b)4 − 4ab(a2 + b2 ) − 6(ab)2
a2 + b2 = (−20)2 − 2(24) a4 + b4 = (−20)4 − 4(24)(352) − 6(24)2
a2 + b2 = 352 a4 + b4 = 122752

TIMO 2024 FRR Senior Secondary Set 3


13. A 5-digit number has a remainder 2 when divided by 5, has a remainder 8 when divided
by 9, and has a remainder 10 when divided by 13. What is the smallest possible value of
this 5-digit number?
Answer: 10007
Solution. Let x be the 5-digit number. Observe that the given can be written and
expressed as
 

 x ≡ 2 mod 5 

 x ≡ 62 mod 5
 
x ≡ 8 mod 9 =⇒ x ≡ 62 mod 9 .

 

x ≡ 10 mod 13
 x ≡ 62 mod 13

Since all of the moduli are relatively prime, we know that by the Chinese Remainder
Theorem that this system of linear congruences has a solution modulo the product of
the moduli, i.e., 5 × 9 × 13 = 585. We need to find the smallest 5-digit number x with
remainder 62 at modulo 585. Observe that the largest 4-digit number which is a multiple
of 585 is 9945 = 17 · 585. Therefore, the smallest possible value of the 5-digit number is
9945 + 62 = 10007.
1 1
14. Given a real number x > 0 and − x = 7. Find the value of x5 − 5 .
x x
Answer: −18557
Solution. Let x − = −7. Then

2  3

1 x− = (−7)3
x− = (−7)2 x
1 3 1 1
x2 − 2 + 2 = 49 x −3 x− − 3 = −343
x x x
1 1
x2 + 2 = 51 x3 − 3 = −364
x x

Observe that
2 1 1 1 1
x + 2 x − 3 = x5 − + x − 5
x x x x
5 1 1
(51)(−364) = x − 5 + x −
x x
−18564 = x5 − 5 − 7
−18557 = x5 − 5

TIMO 2024 FRR Senior Secondary Set 3

15. It is known that x is rational and

x+8= .
−8 +
−8 +
−8 +
−8 + · · ·

Find the maximum value of x.

Answer: 24
Solution. Observe that

−8 +
−8 +
−8 +
−8 + · · ·
x = −8 +
x = −8x + 768
0 = x2 + 8x − 768
0 = (x + 32)(x − 24).

Hence, there are two possible values of x, i.e., x = −32 and x = 24. Therefore, the
maximum value of x is 24.

16. Let x, y, z be positive integers such that x3 − xyz = −16, y 3 − xyz = 3, and z 3 − xyz = 40.
Find the value of x4 + y 4 + z 4 .
Answer: 353
Solution. Let m = xyz. Multiplying the three equations, we have

x3 · y 3 · z 3 = (xyz − 16)(xyz + 3)(xyz + 40)

m3 = (m − 16)(m + 3)(m + 40)
m3 = m3 + 27m2 − 568m − 1920
0 = 27m2 − 568m − 1920

Solving this equation, we obtain m = 24 or m = − . Since m = xyz > 0, we take
m = xyz = 24. This further implies that then x = 2, y = 3, and z = 4. Therefore,

x4 + y 4 + z 4 = 24 + 34 + 44 = 16 + 81 + 256 = 353.

TIMO 2024 FRR Senior Secondary Set 3

17. Trailing zeros are a sequence of “0” on the rightmost of a number, after which no other
digits follow. Given n! = n × (n − 1) × (n − 2) × · · · × 2 × 1, find the number of trailing
zeros of 20242025!.
Answer: 5060503
Solution. To determine the number of 0’s at the end of 20242025!, we determine how
many multiples of 5 are there in the numbers from 1 to 20242025. To do that, consider
the following algorithm:
1 20242025
5 : = ⌊4048405⌋ There are 4048405 factors of 5.
52 : = ⌊809681⌋ There are additional 809681 factors of 5.
53 : = ⌊161936.2⌋ There are additional 161936 factors of 5.
54 : = ⌊32387.24⌋ There is an additional 32387 factors of 5.
55 : = ⌊6477.45⌋ There is an additional 6477 factors of 5.
56 : = ⌊1295.49⌋ There is an additional 1295 factors of 5.
57 : = ⌊259.10⌋ There is an additional 259 factors of 5.
58 : = ⌊51.81⌋ There is an additional 51 factors of 5.
59 : = ⌊10.36⌋ There is an additional 10 factors of 5.
510 : = ⌊2.07⌋ There is an additional 2 factors of 5.

Therefore, the number of trailing zeros of 20242025! is

4048405 + 809681 + 161936 + 32387 + 6477 + 1295 + 259 + 51 + 10 + 2 = 5060503.

TIMO 2024 FRR Senior Secondary Set 3

18. Let [x] denote the greatest integer not exceeding x. Find the last three digit of
" q 2024 #
3 √ 3 √
5+2+ 5−2 .

Answer: 625
3 √ 3 √
q q
Solution. Let x = 5+2+ 5 − 2. Using the formula (a+b)3 = a3 +b3 +3ab(a+b),
we have
√ √
q q
3 3 3
x = 5+2+ 5−2
√  √  r
√  √ 3 √
 q 3 √
x3 = 5+2 + 5−2 +3 3
5+2 5−2 5+2+ 5−2

x3 = 2 5 + 3x
 √  √ 
Rearranging and factoring the equation we obtain x − 5 x2 + 5x + 2 = 0. Since

the quadratic has no real roots, we must have x = 5. Thus,
" q 2024 #   
3 √ 3 √ √ 2024
= 51012 = 51012 .
5+2+ 5−2 = 5

The last three digit of the powers of 5 follow the pattern 005, 025, 125, 625, 125, 625, . . ..
It follows that the three digit of 51012 is 625.

TIMO 2024 FRR Senior Secondary Set 3


19. In ∆ABC, BC = 5, AC = 4 and cos(A − B) = . Find the value of cos C.
Solution. Consider the illustration below.

Let D be a point on BC such that DA = DB. Then cos ∠DAC = cos(A − B) = . Let
DA = DB = x. Hence, DC = 5 − x and applying cosine law in ∆DAC gives
2 2 2 3
(5 − x) = x + 4 − 2(x)(4)

9 9 11
which gives us x = . Thus, DA = and DC = . Applying cosine law on ∆DAC
4 4 4
again, we have  2  2
2 11 9
4 + −
4 4 296 37
cos C = = = .
11 352 44
20. The side lengths of a triangle are 35, 39, and 46. Find the area of this triangle. (Answer
in terms of simplest surd form.)

Answer: 210 10
35 + 39 + 46
Solution. Using Heron’s formula with semiperimeter s = = 60, we have
Area∆ = 60(60 − 35)(60 − 39)(60 − 46)

= 60 × 25 × 21 × 14

= 22 × 3 × 5 × 52 × 7 × 3 × 2 × 7

= (2 × 3 × 5 × 7) 2 × 5

Area∆ = 210 10.

TIMO 2024 FRR Senior Secondary Set 3

21. On the figure below, I is the incenter of ∆JKL. If ∠KIL = 140◦ , find ∠KJL.

Answer: 100◦
Solution. By the property of incenter,

∠IKL = and ∠ILK = .
2 2

Hence, ∠JKL = 2∠IKL and ∠JLK = 2∠ILK. Now, note that

∠IKL + ∠ILK + ∠KIL = 180◦

∠IKL + ∠ILK + 140◦ = 180◦
∠IKL + ∠ILK = 40◦ .


∠KJL = 180◦ − ∠JKL − ∠JLK

= 180◦ − 2∠IKL − 2∠ILK
= 180◦ − 2(∠IKL + 2∠ILK)
= 180◦ − 2(40◦ )
∠KJL = 100◦ .

22. For acute angle θ satisfying tan θ = , find the value of sin 2θ − cot θ sin θ.
Solution. Using trigonometric identities,
15 15 17 8
tan θ = =⇒ 1+ = sec2 θ =⇒ sec θ = =⇒ cos θ = .
8 8 8 17

8 15
Also, since angle θ is acute, cos θ = implies that sin θ = using the Pythagorean
17 17

TIMO 2024 FRR Senior Secondary Set 3

identity cos2 θ + sin2 θ = 1. Now,

sin 2θ − cot θ sin θ = 2 sin θ cos θ − cos θ

= cos θ (2 sin θ − 1)
8 15
= 2 −1
17 17
8 30
= −1
17 17
8 13
17 17
sin 2θ − cot θ sin θ = .

23. Let G be the centroid of △ABC. If the distance from G to the sides AB, BC, and CA
are 20, 12 and 15 respectively, find the length of BG.

Answer: 10 13
Solution. Let M be the midpoint of AC. Since BM = 3GM , the distance from B to AC
is three times the distance from G to AC, i.e. 15 × 3 = 45.

Similarly, the altitudes from A and C have lengths 12×3 = 36 and 20×3 = 60 respectively.
As the length of an altitude is inversely proportional to the corresponding base, we have

1 1 1
AB : AC : BC = : : = 3 : 4 : 5.
60 45 36

It follows that △ABC is right-angled at A with AB = 45 (same as the distance from B

to AC). Similarly AC = 60 and hence AM = 30, and so we have BM = 452 + 302 =
√ 2 √
15 13 and thus BG = BM = 10 13.

TIMO 2024 FRR Senior Secondary Set 3

24. Find the value of
−1 1 −1 1 −1 1
tan tan + tan + · · · + tan .
2 · 12 2 · 22 2 · 20242

Solution: Note that
−1 1 −1 (2k + 1) − (2k − 1)
tan = tan = tan−1 (2k + 1) − tan−1 (2k − 1).
2k 2 1 + (2k + 1)(2k − 1)

−1 1 −1 1 −1 1
tan tan + tan + · · · + tan
2 · 12 2 · 22 2 · 20242
= tan tan−1 (3) − tan−1 (1) + · · · + tan−1 (2 · 2024 + 1) − tan−1 (2 · 2024 − 1)

= tan tan−1 (2 · 2024 + 1) − tan−1 (1)

−1 (2 · 2024 + 1) − 1
= tan tan
1 + (2 · 2024 + 1)
−1 2 · 2024
= tan tan
2 · 2025

TIMO 2024 FRR Senior Secondary Set 3


1 1 1
25. How many number(s) of sets of integral solutions do + = have?
x y 2028
Answer: 149
Solution. Given the equation, we have

1 1 1
+ =
x y 2028
2028y + 2028x = xy
xy − 2028x − 2028y = 0
xy − 2028x − 2028y + 20282 = 20282
(x − 2028)(y − 2028) = 20282

Observe that the 20282 = 24 × 32 × 134 . Hence, the number of divisors of 20282 is

2(4 + 1)(2 + 1)(4 + 1) = 150.

However, since x, y ̸= 0, we cannot have x − 2028, y − 2028 = −2028. Therefore, the

number of integral solutions is 150 − 1 = 149.

26. Six mathematicians, four physicists, two chemists and two biologists take part in a chess
tournament. The fourteen players are to compete in seven pairs by drawing lots. What
is the probability that no two mathematicians play against each other?
Solution. Randomly arrange the players in a row, which can be done in 14! ways, so that
the two leftmost players compete against each other, the next two compete against each
other and so on. Now suppose we want no two mathematicians to play against each other.
Then there are 14 possible positions for the first mathematician, then 12 position for the
second mathematician, and similarly 10 for the third, 8 for the fourth, 6 for the fifth and
4 for the last. After the positions of the mathematicians are fixed, there are 8! ways to
arrange the positions of the non-mathematicians. Hence the answer is

14 × 12 × 10 × 8 × 6 × 4 × 8! 64
= .
14! 429

TIMO 2024 FRR Senior Secondary Set 3

27. How many different way(s) is/are there to arrange 8 identical straws, 5 identical forks
and 7 identical spoons in a row?
Answer: 99768240
Solution. Since each set of the utensils are identical, we have

(8 + 5 + 7)! 20!
= = 99768240.
8! × 5! × 7! 8! × 5! × 7!

Therefore, the number of permutation(s) arranging the utensils is 99768240.

28. How many ways are there to arrange 12 identical red balls, 6 identical green balls, and 6
identical blue balls in a row so that no two adjacent balls are of the same color?
Answer: 7392
Solution. Consider the following cases:

Case 1: No green ball and blue ball are adjacent to each other.
In this case, the red ball must either occupy the 1st , 3rd , 5th , . . . , 23rd positions or 2nd , 4th , 6th ,
. . . , 24th positions. In each case, there are C612 = 924 ways to arrange the green and blue
balls. Hence, there are altogether 924 × 2 = 1848 ways in this case.

Case 2: A green ball and a blue ball are adjacent to each other.
We place the ‘green-blue pair’ first. Since half of the total number of balls are red, and
that no two red balls may be adjacent, the number of empty spaces before and after this
pair must be both odd. Hence, there are 11 choices of positions of this pair, i.e., 2nd and
3rd , 4th and 5th , . . . , 22nd and 23rd . Of course, there are 2 ways to arrange the two balls
among the pair. After this pair is placed, the position of the red balls are fixed, e.g., if
the pair is placed in the 6th and 7th positions, then the red balls must be placed at the
1st , 3rd , 5th , . . . , 24th positions, and there are C510 = 252 ways to arrange the remaining 4
green balls and 4 blue balls. Hence, there are altogether 11 × 2 × 252 = 5544 ways in this
Combining the two cases, the number of ways is 1848 + 5544 = 7392.

29. Kean, Kian, and Keanne get 2024 candies together. How many different combination are
there if each of them gets at least two candies?
Answer: 2039190
Solution. Let a, b, and c be the number of candies Kean, Kian, and Keanne get, respec-
tively. If the get 2024 candies altogether, we have a + b + c = 2024 with a, b, c ≥ 2. This
further implies that a − 2, b − 2, c − 2 ≥ 0. Using the stars and bars formula, the number
of combinations for at least each of then get two candies is C3−1 = 2039190.

TIMO 2024 FRR Senior Secondary Set 3

30. Twenty-five cards are marked from 21 to 45 and 2 are drawn at random. Find the
probability that one card drawn is a multiple of 4 and another is a multiple of 7.
Solution. Observe that the set {24, 28, 32, 36, 40, 44} are the cards marked with numbers
multiple of 4 and {21, 28, 35, 42} are of multiple 7. Consider the following cases:

Case 1: One number is a multiple of 4 and another is a multiple of 7, none of which is 28.
The probability that a number is a multiple of 4 but not the number 28 is while the
probability that a number is a multiple of 7 but not the number 28 is . Since there are
2 ways to do these, hence we have

5 3 1
2× × = .
25 24 20

Case 2: One number is 28 and the other is a multiple of 4.

The probability that a number is 28 is and the probability that the other number is
a multiple of 4 is . Since there are 2 ways to do these, hence we have
1 5 1
2× × = .
25 24 60

Case 3: One number is 28 and the other is a multiple of 7.

The probability that a number is 28 is and the probability that the other number is
a multiple of 7 is . Since there are 2 ways to do these, hence we have
1 3 1
2× × = .
25 24 100

Adding all these cases, we have

1 1 3 23
+ + = .
20 60 100 300

TIMO 2024 FRR Senior Secondary Set 3

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