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― Part 5 ―
R agarra’s W rath

A L evel 5 Narrative
S olo A dventure

Blaise Wigglesworth
― Part 5 ―
R agarra’s W rath
With your successful liberation of Fang Island, the flow of travel and commerce resumed. Adventurers new to the region
take up lodgings in the Fang Island Adventurer’s Guild. A cult dedicated to Ragarra, (a malevolent primeval deity), is
rumored to have spread throughout the Islands of the Utter South, the group that had attacked Fang Island was but a

A L evel 5 Narrative S olo A dventure

single cell in this nefarious proliferation. The people of these isles bring their pleas to you. The time has come to return to
the mainland and face the cult leaders in Kadarasto, a treacherous city on the peninsula of Zakhara.

for D ungeons & D ragons (F( F ifth E dition)

Credits How it works


Written by: Blaise Wigglesworth A solo adventure allows you to explore an established world
without the need of a Dungeon Master. In this adventure, you are
Editor: Kathleen Harrington
given options to respond to; some are a matter of preference, but
Layout and Graphic Design: Anja Svare more often they are driven by skill checks or combat outcomes.
Cartography: Anja Svare Some of the adventurers you create will have unique abilities
not anticipated in this solo adventure. In such cases, choose
Images from and DMs Guild creators’ resource art the option that best emulates your character’s abilities. This
archive adventure is intended as a continuation of Shipwrecked! Part
Play testers: David Joël La Boon, Matthew Martinez, Four: Mystery of Fang Island. If you completed that adventure,
Ian Michael Minh, Michael Mondejar, Kingsley Clennel White treat it as a milestone advancement to level 5. If you did not play
Shipwrecked! Part Four: Mystery of Fang Island, create a level 5
Special Thanks: Paul Bimler, Randall Right, Ashley Warren, and
character or use the pregenerated character provided in appendix
to GM Lent for insight into the city of Kadarasto!
C. Lastly, if you have never played any of the Shipwrecked!
Acknowledgements: This product was inspired by the solo series and want to know more about the story, please consider

adventures of Paul Bimler and Ashley Warren. Thank you for purchasing and playing parts one, two, three, and four before
sharing your work with the DMsGuild community. continuing with this adventure.
Since solo adventure texts are non-linear (you have to move
to different pages depending on the choices you make) you
will sometimes be directed to continue reading the text by this
Some tendays ago you defeated the evil lizardfolk of Fang prompt: Read on…
Island. Delving into the warrens, you discovered evidence of In other cases, you will be asked to click on a link. This link takes
cultic activity focused on the primeval deity Ragarra. At first, you you to the appropriate place to continue the story.
assumed the cult was defeated through your actions, but with the
return of commerce and news to the island, you have been made
aware that there is a greater evil at work. You (and perhaps an
ally) must set sail and make your way back to the mainland to
investigate the true origin of this evil spreading throughout the
Islands of the Utter South.

DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, Ravenloft, Eberron, the dragon ampersand, Ravnica and all other Wizards of

the Coast product names, and their respective logos are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast in the USA and other countries. This work contains material
that is copyright Wizards of the Coast and/or other authors. Such material is used with permission under the Community Content Agreement for
Dungeon Masters Guild. All other original material in this work is copyright 2023 by Blaise Wigglesworth and published under the Community Content
Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild.
Combat Extras
In a solo adventure, you control the actions of your character(s) To make this game more immersive, consider adding some of the
and your opponents. A text feature called a “combat tile” outlines following elements:
the specifics of each encounter. Combat tiles are summaries of • Miniatures and a 1-inch grid map to aid in visualizing combat
the abilities and suggested tactics of your opponents. Combat
tiles also include notes about the environment and other special • Thunderstorm and crashing waves sound effects
instructions. At the bottom of each combat tile are links to follow • Ancient city ambience sound effects
for each of the possible outcomes. Tactical maps with a scale of
one square equals 5 feet are also included. These maps have red • Underground cavern sound effects (these effects should begin
and blue dots. The red dot(s) signifies the starting position of your once you are underground)
opponent(s), the blue dot signifies your starting position; if you’re • You may also use howling wind sound effects while
using a sidekick, they begin in any square adjacent to you that underground as well.
you choose. When making decisions for your opponents, consider
• You can find plenty of video or audio hosting sites on the
their abilities, their motivations, and the tactics listed on the
internet that provide the sound effects you’re after!

combat tile. The encounter should be challenging for both you and
the enemy. • Maps and tokens for a virtual tabletop. The maps included with

OrganiZational Tip!
this product are great for playing on virtual tabletop software.

While the decision to rest is entirely up to you, it is strongly

advised to take a short rest after any encounter where your
Occasionally the text prompts you to record information. The
character took damage. The text indicates the appropriate place

Dynamic Battlefield
prompt appears like this: Take note. In such cases, write down
to take a long rest. That said, this is your adventure; if you feel
the information following the prompt. It will surely come up again.
your character needs more rest, by all means rest. To replay this

Who Are You?

scenario in a more challenging mode, take long rests only where

indicated in the text.

Some combat tiles provide instructions about using the battlefield

to gain the upper hand. The action required and the potential
results are also explained. For players wanting less conventional
That’s entirely up to you! It is expected that you create a level 5
combat, the Dynamic Battlefield feature provides new options.

A Note About
character of your own design. For those who want to jump right

Players who prefer standard combat can ignore the Dynamic
in, a simple pre-generated character is included in the appendix.
Battlefield instructions.

the Setting
Descriptions of any special treasure can be found in appendix A.

This adventure takes place in the Forgotten Realms campaign
setting. Far to the south of Faerûn is the land of Zakhara.
Though many cultural traditions exist in this land, much of the
population in the region believe that each individual’s life is
fated in advance, and though we can make decisions along the
way, ultimately our fate cannot be changed. The farther south
If you’re keen to play this adventure with two players (or with one
one travels among these islands, the less influence there is from

Sidekicks: special
player and one sidekick), you’ll find a two-character adjustment
mainland cultures. Some cities in Zakhara that have existed for
at the bottom of each combat tile.
generations still cleave to ancient religions not affiliated with the

What you Need feature for part 5

benevolent Loregiver—and such cultures tend toward the worship
of evil gods.

to Play: The adventure is specifically designed to use sidekicks though

you are free to play without one. Each sidekick entry begins
• A love of adventure with an important “Take note” entry. Bear in mind, some
• An active imagination sidekicks are only available to players who successfully earned
• A working knowledge of Dungeons & Dragons fifth edition the Guildmaster boon from Shipwrecked! Part 4: Mystery of
• Or a willingness to learn as you as go Fang Island. The text will prompt you to look at the appropriate
• A full set of polyhedral dice appendix when you are introduced to your potential sidekicks—
• A character sheet for a level 5 character for now, it is best to leave this as an element of surprise for your

• A pencil and eraser enjoyment.
• A piece of paper for note-taking
Special Rule: Regarding
If you played Shipwrecked! part 4 Mystery of Fang Island, you Occasionally, you’ll see a notation like this: “Special:” Its purpose
may have acquired the Guildmaster boon. This allows you access is to explain game mechanics or other relevant information
to a stable of new sidekicks. If you were not lucky enough to gain directly to you, the player, outside the narrative structure. Such
the Guildmaster boon, you can gain it by playing through part 5 notes are equivalent to what a Dungeon Master might do in a

Expanding the
without accessing the special sidekicks. Upon completion, grant standard game of D&D to help players with their decision-making

Special Rule:
yourself the Guildmaster boon and replay this adventure with full processes.

access to your stable of special sidekicks!

Starting Gold Suggestions about how to use this adventure for non-solo play are
If you played any of the original Shipwrecked! trilogy with discussed in appendix D.
your current character, you begin with the gold and treasure
you’ve acquired. If you have not played any of the Shipwrecked! The adventure begins on the next page...
trilogy you begin play with 640 gold pieces to purchase armor,
equipment, and weapons from the lists in chapter 5 of the
Player’s Handbook.

Part 1: The Cry of Kadarasto
Cool wind hisses across Fang Island’s white sand beach.

Darkening waves pound the shore as black clouds
from the south churn unrelentingly across the sky. The
peal of distant thunder shakes you from a moment of
introspection. A low, whistling wind echoes through the
building as you instinctively look to the open window. Red
curtains coil and flap unpredictably in the gusts. Leaning
back into a plush divan in the main room of the Fang
Island Guildhouse, your eyes flit back to the parchment
laid out on the table before you. “Chosen of Fate, our
discoveries indicate matters are worse than we feared.
The temples of Ragarra among our islands spread at the
behest of a committed and powerful patron. We have
followed red-sailed vessels from the affected islands and
have discovered that each finds berth in the evil city of
Kadarasto. The kidnapping and slavery you ended on Fang
Island will intensify among other small islands if we do not
crush the insidious imperial designs of Ragarra’s servants.
My friend, we ask you to venture to this city and cut the
head off the snake. I wish we had more news, but as of the
date of this epistle, we have shared all that we were able to
ascertain from the ocean depths. We pray to the Loregiver
it is enough to start you on your way. We sisters of Ali’zah
believe in you. Go now, Chosen One of Fate, and end the
terror done through worship of this fearsome goddess.”
Another thunderclap reverberates through the air, echoing
across the unsettled waters. It is followed by the sound of
rain pelting the thatched roof. Peering toward the swelling
ocean, you look to the pier and see your sambuk bucking
on the waves. It will soon be time to set sail. To return to
the mainland after all these months away.

What do you know about Kadarasto? Make a DC 12 Intelligence (History) check.

Failure Success
Known as “The City Most Sinister,” Kadarasto is infamous for Known as “The City Most Sinister,” Kadarasto houses secret
its bizarre architecture and ancient, evil religions. Only recently temples to ancient gods. Among those inscrutable deities is
have the inhabitants accepted the teachings of the Loregiver. As Ragarra, a goddess representative of the primal power of the
for adventurers, they are accepted as parts of the culture and are wilderness. Inhabitants of the city have a recent and tenuous
treated with respect. Locales you may wish to explore include hold on the religion of the Loregiver. Adventurers are tolerated
the Loregiver’s Temple, the antiquity dealers, the thieves’ guild, but are feared and resented by the city’s inhabitants. Locales you
the purple fountain, and the Southern Sword tavern. may wish to explore include the Loregiver’s Temple, the antiquity
Read on… dealers, the thieves’ guild, and the Southern Sword tavern. The
purple fountain is a place of great evil, and should be avoided
unless you are accompanied by an expert on primal religions.
Read on…

You are not startled by footfalls from behind mainland or live in Ragarra’s shadow forever. I don’t envy
you. It’s Zamaya, the proprietor of the you this decision. So, what will it be?”
Guildhouse. She’s become a trusted friend Looking at the letter one last time, you realize that a
since you rescued her and her people from dreadful pall has hung over you since defeating Ragarra’s
the lizardfolk of this island. Looming over followers. This has manifested when alone in the jungle.
your shoulder, she inspects the letter then You’d hear a prolonged hiss on the wind. Or when

proceeds to collect the small pile of books stalking through the brush, phantom beasts appeared then
and papers you’ve recently acquired from vanish from the periphery. Ragarra—the Black Tempest,
sages and scholars in the vicinity, all the Winged Beast, the Render—has not forgotten your
focused on the origins of primal religions. defilement of her temple and the slaying of her priests. Her
Seeing that you raise no objection, she voice challenges you from across the sea. It is time you
gathers this modest library and places answered.
it in a neat pile on the table. The cool
wind tousles her hair as the candles Seeing you gaze toward your sambuk, Zamaya nods
on the table gutter. Pulling a shawl and smiles, “Go on the morrow with the Loregiver’s
around her shoulders, she sits blessing. I’ll keep watch on Fang Island while you’re
across from you with a bottle and away.” Standing up, she pads across the rough planks
two glasses. Pouring out a drink of the wooden floor, then turns to you before blowing
for each of you, she studies your out the remaining candles. “I reckon you’ll sleep on the
expression. She speaks just above a divan no matter how often I insist you take a room for
whisper, “That letter. It haunts you.” Taking a sip, she yourself. Typical adventurer. Good night.” With the candles
pauses for a space but does not wait for a response. “As I extinguished, you lay back and look out the window as
see it, you have little choice. It’s either face this evil on the lightning forks across the blackening night sky.

Foul-Weather Friend ocean depths is a ghostly figure. The notes of her song
grow stronger and more vibrant with each step until at last
Rising at dawn from the divan, you are heartened to the gray veil parts and you see the smiling face of Aliz’ah!
note the storm has abated. It’s not ideal weather, but When her twinkling eyes meet yours, she spins playfully
manageable for your trusty vessel. Not wishing to wake and curtsies. “O Chosen One of Fate! I have risen from the
Zamaya (who took the bottle with her to bed) you head sea! My sisters, seeing the calamity before you, would not
out back to the training ground behind the Guildhouse. A let you face it alone. Through the magic of the Loregiver,
handful of capable-looking sellswords and spell slingers I am restored to life and come again, if you will have me,
from across the world spend their spare time here while as your guide and ally through the darkness.” Stunned
living on Fang Island. You know their names and have a and overwhelmed with emotion, you stand astonished,
vague idea of their powers, yet you are unsure if you’ll be wondering if this is some dream. Aliz’ah has no such
able to convince them to join your quest. Each of them delusions. Rushing over, she embraces you warmly.
possesses abilities that could potentially be lifesaving in “Surely you are not surprised! Magic can restore life to
the unforgiving streets of Kadarasto. those willing to return, and though I was loath to leave the
afterlife, I chose to come back the moment I was told of the
Special: If Aliz’ah died during Shipwrecked! Part 4, read on. evil haunting you and the islands! Come, my friend, let us
If Aliz’ah survived, go to Ragtag crew. waste no words in questions, but accept Fate’s command.
Show me around this Guildhouse and let me aid you by
Just as you begin walking toward the training ground, making ready to sail!” So saying, she gracefully steps into
a faint, comfortingly familiar sound echoes on the wind the guildhouse then swiftly toward the training ground.
from the beach. A strange lilting song you’ve not heard Still in disbelief, yet deeply comforted by her return, you
since…shaking your head, you decide to follow the sound. laugh aloud and shake your head. Aliz’ah is always so full
The front door of the guildhouse opens up into a cloud of surprises!
of mist. Emerging from the fog like a dolphin from the Read on…


Ragtag Crew
The training ground of the guildhouse is an open square it’s enough to make most rather nervous. Pushing the
of white sand contained by a sturdy bamboo fence. Every door open into the clearing, you see several adventurers
morning after a brief repast in the mess hall, travelers who have come to call this place home—until they are
and guests find their way here. Adventurers who enjoy ready to return to the life of adventuring. Aliz’ah is clearly
socialization come for the company. Those who avoid fascinated. She crouches on a large red stone, her eyes
such matters immerse themselves in practice of their darting from one strange being to the next, amazed at the
art. Common folk of Fang Island keep well away from powers they wield. “You do keep the strangest company,

the training ground. With the twanging of arrows, the Chosen One!” she giggles. “ I will hurry along to ensure
whooshes of magic, and the sharpening of blades, supplies are in order and the sambuk is ready for travel.
As ever, I aid you in piloting the ship as you doubtless have The lead-gray sky, the small whitecaps, the cool white
much study and planning to do while aboard.” Hopping sand beneath your feet…all feel familiar but different. That
from the stone, she looks back with a grin, then nimbly strange foreboding—that eerie sense that you are being
strides toward the pier. watched…no, hexed…by some malevolent force permeates
your being. Trying to shake this haunted feeling, you and
Special: If you did not receive the Guildmaster boon, go to your ally pack and get onto the sambuk. The others bid you
no such luck. If you did receive the Guildmaster boon, read on… success as you leave port and slowly drift into the ocean.
Aliz’ah holds the rudder. You want to believe this mission
Who would be most suitable for this journey? Indeed, will succeed, but you are enveloped by a sense that nothing
Aliz’ah is a viable choice, but so too are these others, has been right since you slew the servants of Ragarra. Her
and besides, perhaps leaving Aliz’ah on board while you vengeance is a force of nature—a living thing that hunts,
explore the city might be what Fate truly wishes. Each of stalks, and holds fast to its prey. Nothing helps. Not the
these four other adventurers have good reason for being creaking boards of the sambuk’s deck, the flapping of the
here; each has been harmed by the cult of Ragarra and canvas sails, or the silhouette of Fang Island vanishing on
has done their own research as well as accessed your the horizon. Nothing comforts you as you plot your course
small library on the subject. Your eyes move over each of for Kadarasto.

No such luck
the potential candidates, giving them due consideration. Go to Part 2.
First, you see a heavily muscled minotaur barbarian named
Vroth. Few could match him for sheer power and rage in
battle. Across from him is Lavularan, an elf wizard. She is
arrogant but scholarly; a little magical firepower can always
be useful. Reclining in the sand with a broad-brimmed hat Your gaze tracks over each of the adventures in the
covering her eyes is Vyranzhal, an aasimar rogue. From training ground. Holding up a bag of coin and nodding
what you’ve seen of her, she is direct, well-connected, to each one in turn, you are disappointed to see that not
and fearless. Lastly and perhaps most peculiar of all is one of them is willing to take you up on your offer of

Rawl—an awakened white tiger. Rawl is the servant of the adventure. It seems that it is just you and Aliz’ah bound
primal good-aligned god named Nobanion, and has been for the mainland. Gathering the last of your gear, you
gifted with strange mystical powers including telepathy. watch as she runs toward the shore, kicking up white sand
Since you are the guildmaster, each of these adventurers in her enthusiasm. You try to smile at her innocent and
is fully aware that you might choose them as a partner if irrepressible effervescence, but the pall of Ragarra hovers
you wish. You may decide against any of them and stick over you like an evil cloud. Exhaling, you resign yourself to
with only your old friend Aliz’ah to aid you, or take on a brutal and life-changing task ahead.
another sidekick and have Aliz’ah mind your sambuk,
serving as deckhand and navigator. Aliz’ah will be with you, Special: If you want to use Aliz’ah as your sidekick, go to
regardless, but only one sidekick can accompany you into appendix B. When ready, proceed to Part 2.
the dangers of Kadarasto. Ultimately, it’s up to you.

Special: If you’d like to have a conversation with one (or more)

of these potential sidekicks, go to quick talk. You can return here
immediately afterwards. Back to the action…
Special: If you’d like to select one of these sidekicks (or Aliz’ah)
to go appendix B. From there, you can return here by clicking on
“Return to the story here” and read on…
Special: If you’d prefer to play on without a sidekick read on…

Arriving at Kadarasto’s port up the Nagaro River from
the sea is a more somber occasion than you would have
Into the City Most Sinister
Traversing the rickety pier, you set foot on the mainland.
imagined. The crimson-and-orange sunset seems to linger The jumble of bizarre and ancient architecture gives the
for an unnaturally long time. Blazing eerily across the city an alien atmosphere. Clusters of gourd-shaped hovels
horizon, the garish twilight casts the port into a surreal dominate the landscape, yet inexplicably within their midst
two-dimensional shadow; the black outlines of palm trees, ominous pentagonal towers of dark stone rise upward of
piers, and three-masted vessels appear merely as paper five stories like clawed fingers grasping at the dusky sky.
cutouts. The air itself carries a cloying but bitter scent Stepping back to take a broader look at the cityscape,
reminiscent of overripe fruit. Uncannily bulbous one-story you note a series of free-standing wall-like structures
structures line the pier. They glow orange in the wan delineating the perimeter of the pier and the city itself.
beams of the setting sun, as umbral outlines of Humanoids Each of these walls is carved with weather-faded bas relief
stalk the streets. Seeking a harbor master in vain, Aliz’ah images. You note a recurring theme of a grotesque winged
steers the sambuk to a vacant berth. Recalling your quadruped emerging from behind a great portcullis. In
research about Kadarasto, you have a vague idea of where subsequent panels the beast tears the flesh off Humanoid
to start. That said, you reckon a second opinion wouldn’t victims while other Humanoids bow in supplication. These
hurt. carvings are undoubtedly ancient. You wonder if they once
decorated the outside of a long since destroyed building.
Special: You can confer with your sidekick or with Aliz’ah if you
They are haunting and echo the foreboding in your soul.
wish. To do so, visit Opinion on Kadarasto; otherwise, read on…
The fetid air of the city lingers within the unfathomable
alleyways like a poisonous fog. It is time to test your fate.
Where will you begin your investigation?

Loregiver’s Temple Antiquity Dealers
Thieves’ Guild Purple Fountain
Tavern Temple of Ragarra

Loregiver’s Temple
After a brisk walk along the pier, you spy a graceful
structure upon a low hill. An elegant temple to the
Loregiver stands like a beacon of order and sanity in this
wicked metropolis. Mounting the stairs, you see inside
the sanctuary. Despite its grandeur, the great prayer room
is nearly empty. A handful of worshippers kneel in silent

Special: If you have fate’s voice written in your journal (from your
chosen sidekick), go to True Wisdom. Otherwise, read on…

The orange light of the setting sun illumines this spacious

prayer room. Upon entering, a middle-aged man dressed
in white vestments approaches you. Realizing at once you

True Wisdom
are not native to the city, he hurries forward. “This city
is not safe for the unwary!” he says. “Come into the holy
sanctuary and turn your back on the evil of Kadarasto.
Tell me, how may I, Zal’atar, be of service to you?” Upon entering the temple, an anxious looking middle-
Trusting to the Loregiver, you decide to speak frankly, aged man hurries toward you. Ali’zah steps forward, bows
explaining that the cult of Ragara has gotten a foothold delicately at the waist then raises the palm of her left hand.
in the Crowded Sea, and worse, is taking prisoners from Instantly, the man’s pace slows. Nodding knowingly, he
among the free people of those islands. You also mention backs away allowing you full access to the temple's central
your desire to deal directly with this evil by attacking prayer room. Ali’zah smiles and whispers, “He is doubtless

the temple of Ragarra head on. Zal’atar rubs his chin a good man, but knows little of what you seek.” Leading
and leans nearer than is perhaps necessary. Whispering you across the enormous, elegant carpet of the prayer
hurriedly into your ear he says, “I have been fearful of this room, Ali’zah kneels beside a waif dressed in rags. Seeing
cult’s growing power as well. Fool that I am, I have joined Aliz’ah, the woman whimpers slightly as her eyes well up.
secret conclaves to learn what I can to help bring the cult “Praise be to the Loregiver! My friend, you live!”
of Ragarra down! You are clearly better suited to this task
than I. Take this talisman. Wear it openly. Any follower “Praise be to Fate! Indeed, I do, but without your help, I
of Ragarra will treat you as one of their own. I have fear my new life will be a fruitless one! We must speak
walked into secret meetings and observed their religious quietly and swiftly. I am with Fate’s Chosen! We seek to
mysteries. The talisman is not magical; it is a simple piece end a festering evil within this city of lies. Tell me, what do
of leather formed into the shape of a bat. Take it and go, you know of the cult of Ragarra?”
my friend. I can be of no more use to you than this.” You Not hesitating even for a breath the woman responds
thank him and put the talisman around your neck. With in a barely audible whisper. “There are a number of
that, you exchange blessings then head back into the city. false temples throughout the city, small hovels where
Take note. Gift of the talisman pious acolytes teach the essentials of this evil faith to
eager fools,” she says. Do not waste your time with such
Where to next? nonsense. Instead, do as I say. Go to the northmost limits
Antiquity Dealers Thieves’ Guild of the city. You will find a path into the jungle. Follow its
winding ways and you’ll come to what appears to be a large
Purple Fountain Tavern
old well. Descend into its depths! Truly you will be within
Temple of Ragarra the inner sanctum of the cult if you heed my words.”
Ali’zah’s eyes dart from the woman back to you. Nodding
and placing a small satchel of silver coins into the woman’s
hand, Ali’zah speaks, “Bless you, Nertali. You always know
the truth while others struggle even to define it! We must
hurry from this place. May the Loregiver protect you.”
Nertali nods then returns to her meditation as you and
Aliz’ah leave the temple by way of the broad white stairs.
Take note. Well, well, well.
Where to next?
Antiquity Dealers Thieves’ Guild

Purple Fountain Tavern
Temple of Ragarra
Antiquity Dealers weight of bottles, potsherds, broken statuary, and other
strange but intriguing trinkets. At first you can’t spot the
The expected household noises of pans, conversation,
and children at play ring peculiarly within the close, proprietor, but noticing a leather strap lined with bells and
honeycombed alleys of Kadarasto. The scent of spicy chimes, you shrug and give it a pull. A mysterious mix of
dishes bubbling over hearths reminds you that even in a notes ring out an unnerving minor chord. A moment later,
land as strange as this, some things are common among an elderly woman rises from behind two barrels. Rubbing
all peoples. This eases your nerves as you push toward her eyes, she rises to her feet and hobbles forward. She
the mercantile hub of the city. Emerging from the hive of looks tired and a bit perturbed, but manages a brief smile
domiciles, you enter an impressive city square. Merchants before speaking, “Ah! A wanderer has come to Shanzalra’s
of every trade pack this space with temporary stands. tent. This wanderer wishes to see what strange wares
Everything from copper pots to longswords are hawked she peddles? This is no surprise to Shanzalra! More often
here. now do your kind come wishing to buy or sell unusual
acquisitions. Come then, speak. You have not awoken me
Special: If you require any equipment, you can make your for nothing, have you?”
purchases here for normal prices as outlined in chapter 5 of the
Player’s Handbook. If you have worth the price written in your journal (from your
chosen sidekick) go to voice of blood. Otherwise, read on.
Pushing through the throng, you arrive at an impressive
tent. Though designed to be a temporary feature, it’s Not knowing quite where to begin, you lean forward to
clear that whoever runs this establishment has special more closely inspect the items on the shelves. Perhaps
privileges, allowing them to keep this structure up day after something will twig a memory that allows you to casually
day. Brittle-looking gray wooden shelves bend under the begin a conversation about the cult of Ragarra.

Make either an Intelligence (History) or Intelligence (Religion) DC 12 check.

Failure Success
Looking at the various objects on the shelf, you feel wholly out You notice a broken carving on the shelf. Though it requires
of your element. Shanzalra nods, recognizing that you’re unable some use of the imagination, you infer this carved stone depicts
to express yourself. a wing from a statue of Ragarra.
“No fear, my friend, Shanzarla can see you’re just looking. It is Shanzalra notices your interest and speaks: “You’re after such
well. When you have a better idea of what you’re after, Shanzalra items as these?” Raising her finger to her lips, her yellow teeth
will be around.” nibble on her nails nervously. “You are no ally of the Ragarrans,
Shanzalra is not blind! Listen, if you are after more relics such as
Read on…
this, you’ll need a little help.” Reaching behind her counter, she
draws forth a small tin flute. She blows into it, but you hear no
sound. She winks and nods, “This flute drives bats to lose their
senses! I offer it as a gift to a fellow foe of Ragarra. Keep it close
at hand. It is a bat whistle. Handy in a tight spot!”
Take note. Blinding sound.
Read on...

Where would you like to go?

Loregiver’s Temple Thieves’ Guild
Purple Fountain Tavern
Temple of Ragarra

Thieves’ Guild
Heading toward the lower city, you feel your feet slipping
down the steep, unpaved path. The sun’s dying light is
obscured by buildings above, throwing this quarter into
shadow. A choking stench looms above the puddles and
piles of refuse here. Trickling alongside the footpath is an
open sewer where waste of all kinds flows from the city
into a neighboring bog. You watch with concern as the
inhabitants of these streets scatter at your approach. Those
who stand their ground are not native to the quarter; they
are adventuring thieves who know well their strength and
influence in Kadarasto. Staring at you, they keep their gaze
fixed as you approach the sturdy, single-floor building of
the thieves’ guild.

Special: If you have honor among thieves written in your journal

(from your sidekick), go to avenging angel; otherwise read on…

A blue-gray haze of smoke hovers in this low-ceilinged

room. The place thrums with boisterous adventurers
engaged in risky amusement. Two brawny rogues arm
wrestle as gold coins clatter across the table. In the corner,
wiry young rascals play a game of knivesies. Everywhere
else, Humanoids of every heritage tell bawdy tales or

whisper of close calls that would have been the end of

Voice of blood
lesser thieves. You feel a slight tingle on the back of your
neck—a feeling you’ve long ago realized means you’re
being watched. Turning swiftly, you see a white-haired
Sidling up beside you, Lavularan inspects the curios. Her human behind the bar polishing some mugs. His intense
clear, clever eyes instantly lock onto a vial. It is a hollowed- stare is a sign he wants to talk to you. Having few other
out bone with cork stoppers at either end. Black designs leads, you slide through the crowd.
spiral around the object. The image is that of a skeletal “You’re no cut-throat, I can tell that at a glance,” the old
alligator with its mouth agape. Noting the elf’s interest in man laughs. “You’re going to need to blend in a lot better
the object, the old woman quickly utters a brief prayer to or you’ll end up gutted in the alley. These fellas,” he
the Loregiver. “You’ve got an eye for the most wonderful gestures toward the crowd, “can’t be trusted for a minute.
things, my dear elf. Only those who oppose Ragarra I can see you need some guidance to achieve your goals,
would have noted this object.” Taking the vial, Shanzalra and I’ll gladly help you if you help me. For now, give me
hands it to Lavularan and nods. “This is called a blood your best scowl. Scare me. I want to know I’m talking to
key. Ragarrans hide secrets behind images of the skeletal someone who can at least use body language to keep these
alligator. If you ever see such an image, smash the vial jackals at arm’s length!”
upon it. A secret will be revealed!”
Lavularan notices a slightly impressed expression on
your face. Not willing to waste the chance to boast, she
smiles and tilts her head. “At least some of us have done
the requisite reading on the arcane secrets of the primal
faiths,” she says. “I swear you had a copy back on Fang
Island. Did you miss a page? Tut tut.” Reaching into her
purse, the elf pays for the vial and continues, “I wouldn’t
bother with the rest of these items. They may be of use
to some, but not to us. Believe me, I’d know.” Tossing
her hair, she looks over her shoulder playfully as you say
goodbye to Shanzarla.
Take note. Vile vial
Where would you like to go?
Loregiver’s Temple Thieves’ Guild

Purple Fountain Tavern
Temple of Ragarra
Make a DC 12 Charisma (Intimidation) check.

Failure Success
“Well, it’s not the best ‘back-off face’ I’ve seen, but it might keep “Egads! Now that’s a scowl to keep the scoundrels at bay! Well
the pickpockets away. Hopefully you’re a small enough fish that then, you’ve got more skill in the game than I guessed. An
no one with any real skill will approach you. It’s best if you get on adventurer like you walking into a place like this tells me you
your way. I need someone a lot tougher than you. No offense.” need something special. Let’s make a deal: I need to put the fear
of the gods into someone. Walk over to the table near the door
Read on…
and drop this note in front of the thug with the scar on his right
cheek. Give him that same look you just gave me. If you pull
Time to get going. it off, I’ll reward you with something very special.” Raising his
Loregiver’s Temple Antiquity dealers glance swiftly, he makes eye contact with a strongly built woman
standing by the door. “She’ll give you a grand reward. Just get this
Purple Fountain Tavern done for me, yeah?”

Avenging angel
Temple of Ragarra Not quite sure what to make of the old rapscallion, you take the
note, drop it on the thug’s table, and scowl. Not waiting for a
reply you walk toward the door. The brawny woman swiftly places
a packet into your hand then blocks the door, keeping anyone
“Follow my lead,” Vyranzhal says, with a narrow smirk. from following you as you leave.
Staring forward from under her broad-brimmed hat, the
Take note. Add anti-poison vial to your inventory.
aasimar strides through the crowd. She briefly makes eye
contact with a white-haired human behind the bar and the Read on...

two exchange subtle hand gestures as she quickly changes
direction. The crowd parts as she saunters straight toward Time to get going.
a table where a human thug with an ugly scar running down Loregiver’s Temple Antiquity dealers
his right cheek is sitting. For a moment, he continues talking
with his cronies, but after an awkward five seconds Purple Fountain Tavern
of Vyranzhal staring at him, the man cocks his head, his Temple of Ragarra
eyes hidden by his moth-eaten cowl. “What do you want?”
he growls, placing his hand on the hilt of his blade.
which means you’re smart enough to know you lay a finger on
“Me?” Vyranzhal lilts in a mocking falsetto, “Oh, nothing. I’m me and you’re as good as dead. The Zhents don’t take kindly
here to give you a message. Something you already know. to, uh, ‘messengers’ such as myself going missing. Let’s save
There’s a price on your head and the Zhents are sending both of us some time. Just hand it over.”
agents to the four corners of the world to collect.” You look at
her face. Aside from slightly narrowed eyes, her countenance For a tense moment, no one moves. The room falls silent.
is cool and devoid of emotion. Glancing at the thug, you see Finally, lowering his blade, the man takes out a fist-sized
his hand leave his blade. He leans back in his chair and looks blue stone and drops it on the table. “Take it, bounty-hunting
the aasimar in the eye. Clearing his throat, he responds, scum! And take note, the rest of you,” he addresses the room,
“Listen. We could dance. I might cut you up, you might cut “I’ve no longer got it. This takes the mark off me and places
me up. Not sure how it would play. I don’t want the risk, and it on her!” With a look of disgust he sneers at Vyranzhal
I’m sure you don’t either. So how’s this? We make a deal. and spits out a sentence from behind clenched teeth. “Best
Pretend you never saw me, how’s that?” you get gone before some other Zhent bounty-hunter gets
Vyranzhal nods, “So I name a price and you pay me. Easy
deal.” She grins, and leans forward. “Cough up the bauble the “That’s good advice,” Vyranzhal laughs, “but I can always
Zhents are after, and I leave.” claim I’m bringing the gem north to the Zhents. Take care
of yourself, pal. I’m sure you’ll cross the wrong people again
The thug’s eyes widen. Leaping to his feet he draws steel. soon. I can always use a big reward for an easy mark.”
His minions pull their daggers in response Glancing toward you, she motions toward the door. “Let’s get
as they start to circle the two of you. scarce.” You don’t wait to be told twice. The two of you hustle
“Never!” the man growls. “I’d die back to the streets. Vyranzhal tosses you the magnificent gem
before I give it up.” and laughs as she says, “If you need it, use it!”
Rolling her eyes and coyly Take note. The Serpent’s Eye Sapphire
stretching her neck,
Vyranzhal shakes her Where to next?
head. “Enough bad theater, Loregiver’s Temple Antiquity dealers

tough guy. You’re smart Purple Fountain Tavern
enough to have acquired
the bauble in the first place, Temple of Ragarra
Purple Fountain
The Purple Fountain of Kadarasto is an ancient and Approaching the fountain, you feel something untamed
mystical site. Following the unpaved, circuitous streets, emerge from within you—a flush of raw, unchecked energy
that you can’t wholly define or control.

you arrive at the ruins of an old villa. There’s little left of

the building now; the facade has crumbled, as has most You see a faint inscription written along the edge of the
of the southern wall, exposing the two-floor building to basin. Though the letters are unfamiliar to you, they are
the elements. But you’re not here for the building, you’re nonetheless intelligible through the power of a lingering
here for the garden. Overgrown with vines and thorns, enchantment: “Drink of the fountain to know raw fury.”
the flagstone path leads to the soft tinkling of water. The You feel drawn against your will to taste the water.
fountain might have been impressive in its day, but now
it’s ruined like the rest of the manor. Made from strange, Special: If you have beastly place written in your journal (from
purple stone, the circular basin is cracked. Moss grows your sidekick), go to wild blood; otherwise read on…
along the rupture as purple water trickles out.

Make a DC 12 Wisdom saving throw.

Failure Success
Ignoring your better judgment, you drink some of the purple Drawing back slowly from the fountain, you realize there is
water. For a moment, you feel your body shudder with rage. You nothing here for you, save some dread madness hidden within
barely stifle a howl, yet moments later you seem to be yourself the waters. It is time to leave this strange place and get back to
again. your mission.
Take note. Primal call Read on...
Read on…

Where to next?
Loregiver’s Temple Antiquity dealers
Thieves Guild Tavern
Temple of Ragarra

Wild blood
Rawl steps ahead. You feel his
telepathic presence in your mind.
Though not true speech, you
understand what he is telling you;
you see a dark shadow lingering
within the fountain. You see bat wings
and an alligator’s maw. You hear a heartbeat pounding
swiftly in panic then slowing as though being strangled.
Shaking the images from your head, you look to see Rawl
somberly approaching the fountain. For a moment, you
reach out to keep him from the source of evil, but he
nods his great white head telling you he is resigned to his
fate. Drinking of the water, he roars powerfully—enough
to shake the stone fountain itself—causing the gash to
deepen. More water spills out. For a moment, the great
beast staggers sideways as though poisoned, yet he does
not fall. Turning to you, he stares with new eyes, eyes with
Take note. Voice of the Primal
a purple sheen. You sense his thoughts once again; you see
a reptilian face cruelly mocking you, yet its voice slowly Where to next?
fades and its arrogance turns to fear. Unsure of what has Loregiver’s Temple Antiquity dealers
transpired, you know in your heart that Rawl has survived
a strange and savage test. There is little left to do in this Thieves Guild Tavern
bleak garden. Temple of Ragarra


In a city like Kadarasto, adventurers, like expatriates of
every kind, find their way to the familiar. Brightly lit with
oil lamps and everburning torches, the Southern Sword
welcomes foreigners, relic seekers, antiquity dealers, and
others of that ilk at all hours. Constructed of imported
lumber, the Southern Sword feels familiar, like the taverns
of Waterdeep. Entering the crowded hall, you chuckle at
the wide fireplace that likely has never seen use in this
tropical clime, yet whoever designed this tavern would not
skip this requisite detail from a northern-style tavern.

Special: If you have iron sharpens iron written in your journal

(from your sidekick), go to mercenary’s price; otherwise, read on…

The everburning torches at the doorway were certainly

a promising sign. Perhaps there’s someone here able to
provide magical supplies. Glancing around the room, you “Well, well! A fresh face here at the Southern Sword.” His
can’t help but grin again: a steely-eyed gnome sits at a tone is taunting, but not unkind. Giving a friendly wink he
table with a small but impressive pile of platinum coins in gestures for you to join him. “Neither one of us has time
front of him. Approaching, you note the finery of his attire. for small talk. I’m here to make gold coins pile up, and
What at first appeared to be a red jacket festooned with you’re here to watch them vanish…in exchange for much-
rhinestones looks far more magnificent as you approach. needed gear of course. Because you’re new, I’m willing to
You can’t be sure, but this gnome might be wearing wiggle a little on price, but only if you’ve got the gift of the

dragon scale armor! Seeing the surprise on your face, the gab. So tell me your tale stranger, and don’t be afraid to
mischievous merchant laughs and nods as he greets you. embellish—everyone around here does!”

The gnome wants to hear a good yarn.

Make a DC 12 Charisma (Performance) check to see if you can impress him.

Failure Success
Whether it happened or not, you would have sworn everyone in The buzz of the room slowly fades as the opening sentence
the room stopped chatting just to hear your story. Not quite sure leaves your lips, “It was I who slew the great Sha’ir of the
how far you should push your embellishments, you stumble a Crowded Sea–I who saved those isles from tyranny under the
bit on detail, making you sound less like a bravo and more like a necromancer. Few have seen the horrors I have endured and
phony. The gnome shrugs and waves his hands. “Well, not bad lived…” Leaning in closer, the gnome waves for more ale. As he
for a first timer. Let’s see what we can manage.” drains his mug, his eyes glisten ever more brightly with each
syllable. When your story ends, he falls back on his chair and
Read on...
leads the tavern in joyous applause.
Take note. Make it fifty.
Read on...

The gnome stands on the table and gestures for everyone

to go back to what they were doing. Still grinning from Special: If you have make it fifty written in your journal, reduce
watching you squirm a bit in the spotlight, he reaches back the listed prices above by 50 percent. Read on…
and pulls out a leather sack. Looking into it, he draws
Where to next?
the following objects (each with a hand-painted price tag
attached). Cocking his head to the left, the gnome reaches Loregiver’s Temple Antiquity dealers
out an upturned palm. With a wry smile he says, “So, Thieves Guild Purple Fountain
what’ll you have?”
Temple of Ragarra
Let's make a deal:
Two potions of greater healing. Cost: 100 gp, each.

Cloak of protection +1. Cost: 1,500 gp
Keoghtom’s ointment. Cost: 1,000 gp
Mercenary’s price knows that Vroth
will fill you in when
Striding into the Southern Sword tavern, Vroth inhales
deeply and sighs, “The smell of ale and greasy gold coin— the time is right.
if that doesn’t excite you, I don’t know what will!” Patting For now, you get
you on the back between the shoulders, Vroth uses a bit the sense these
too much gusto. You stumble under the force of the good- mercenaries need
natured blow and shake your head. It doesn’t take long some time to tell
before the minotaur nods toward a table of three warriors stories and gossip.
exchanging tales. Without a moment’s hesitation, Vroth With that, you
interrupts them, “My fellow mercenaries of the Flaming settle into your
Fist! I am delighted to see I’m not the only one of our kind seat and listen as
seeking richer pastures in the South!” Instantly, the three they drink and
welcome you and Vroth to their table. After downing a spin yarns for a
pitcher of ale at astonishing speed, the minotaur feels it’s few hours in
time to talk business. “Listen now. My friend and I are the tavern.
bound for the temple of Ragarra. Is there anything you can
do to help us? We know this is a mad pursuit, but we’re Take note. A
bound to attempt it or die trying.” pocket full of gold.
The three nod and whisper, seemingly wary of revealing Where to next?
trade secrets in front of you. Finally, one of them whispers
in Vroth’s ear. The minotaur, drinking from a fresh pitcher Loregiver’s Temple Antiquity dealers
of ale, suddenly coughs and spits out most of what he just Thieves Guild Purple Fountain
swigged. With a bellow of laughter, he once again slaps
Temple of Ragarra
you between the shoulders. “Oh, that’s rich, mates, that’s

rich!” You blink in confusion as he nods knowingly to you.
Part of you wants to know the secret, but the other part

Temple of Ragarra
Your reading indicates that the temple of Ragarra is north
of Kadarasto. Figuring that you’re ready as you’ll ever be,
you leave the city behind. It isn’t long before you enter
the dense and untamed jungle. The silence and vastness
of the green wall of wilderness gives you a deep sense of
untouched and ancient nature. You seek for any sign of a Proceed to Part 3: Deeper and Darker
path. Your keen eyes catch a glimpse of a broken fern. It’s If you have Well, well, well written in your journal, go there
enough to begin with. And so you head in that direction. instead.

Primordial ferns and tall, deep grasses wave and bend with
each step you take into the jungle. At times, the foliage
forms nearly impassible green knots of branches, leaves,
and grass. The air here is humid and stagnant. Foul-
smelling droplets form on your forehead and arms. You’ve
spent so long blazing this path that the eerie twilight is at
last fading to darkness as the sun begins to dip below the
horizon. Then you see it. The plants and roots give way
to black, uneven flagstones. Emerging like a nightmare
from fitful sleep is a ruin. Black pavement overgrown with
lime-green moss forms a central square, and at its far end
stands a dark arch daring you to enter. Though time has
damaged the structure, the motif is obvious; the archway
is long and narrow, carved into the form of an alligator’s
open maw. The 10-foot entry is utterly black. Approaching
it, you note that the way forward is at a surprisingly steep
downward angle. Descending, you’re sliding far more
than walking. You estimate that your short but unnerving
journey downard brought you twenty feet below the surface
to a large, windy, natural cavern. A wide, fragile-looking
rope bridge spans a deep crevasse. The bridge looked

utterly still during your descent, but as you enter the room,
a moaning vortex of wind rises from the darkness. No mere
breeze, this howling twister sends the bridge thrashing
about. It’s easy to imagine yourself being plucked from the
bridge only to be dashed along the stone walls. It’s time to
cross the crevasse.

Special: If you have primal call written in your journal, go to

unholy path. Otherwise, read on…
Special: If you have voice of the primal written in your journal, go
to one with nature. Otherwise, read on…

You must attempt your crossing.

If you’re using the bridge, make a DC 13 Dexterity (Acrobatics) check.
If you’re climbing down into the crevasse then back up, or if you have the ability and desire to fly
across, make a DC 15 Strength (Athletics) check.

Failure Success
There is no safe path against this whirlwind! Feeling unsteady, The preternatural winds would test even the most skilled
you hurtle out of control! The savage wind takes hold, throwing adventurer. Despite the fury of the tempest, you negotiate a path
you into the stone wall. You are lifted again by the wind, but this across the crevasse. You are pleased to see the winds die down
time, you are deposited on the far side of the bridge, though when you cross safely.
somewhat worse for wear. The winds slowly die down.
Read on...
You take 11 (2d10) bludgeoning damage.
If this damage brings you to unconsciousness, go to a
rocky finish; otherwise, read on…

The exit from this room is another steep decline. Again, you find yourself barely able to keep your feet. At last, the floor

levels off again leaving you standing before a 10-foot cavern opening. Torchlight emanates from somewhere within.
Go to Combat Tile #1.
Rocky finish Unholy path
The crushing blow against the stone wall was far harder The furious winds mercilessly thrash the rope bridge.
than you expected. You feel your senses fading as you A strange sensation moves across your frame. A
struggle to regain control over your body. With a sickening bright purple light shines from your eyes like lightning
thud, you are deposited on the far side of the bridge. With illuminating the entire cavern. The swinging bridge settles
blurring vision you see what must be torchlight ahead. This instantly. The churning winds fade leaving silence in their
faint glimmer fades as your spirit leaves your body. The wake. You confidently cross the bridge, your body still
last sounds you hear are a terrifying cackle and flapping vibrating with an otherworldly force—ancient and evil. This
wings. Is your soul safe with the doom of Ragarra upon power visited you briefly then fled as suddenly as the wind.
you? In mere moments you’ll know the terrifying truth of Go to Combat Tile #1.
the afterlife.
The end.

One with nature

Rawl steps ahead of you. For a moment, the tiger stares silence in their wake. Nodding to you, Rawl gingerly tests
as the winds mercilessly thrash the rope bridge. A strange the bridge’s strength, then proceeds across. You follow
motion, almost a shudder, seems to move across his frame. confidently. Rawl’s body shimmers with tiny purple sparks
A bright purple light shines from his eyes like lightning of energy and his eyes have become very dark as though
illuminating the entire cavern, and the swinging bridge an otherworldly force, ancient and evil, visited him briefly,
settles instantly. The churning winds die down, leaving then fled as suddenly as the wind. Go to Combat Tile #1.


Primordial ferns and tall, deep grasses wave and bend
with each step you take into the jungle. At times, the
foliage forms nearly impassible green knots of branches,
leaves, and grass. The air here is humid and stagnant. Foul
smelling droplets form on your forehead and arms. You’ve
spent so long blazing this path that the eerie twilight is at
last fading to darkness as the sun begins to dip below the
horizon. Then you see it. The plants and roots give way
to black, uneven flagstones. Emerging like a nightmare
from restless sleep is a ruin. Black pavement overgrown
with lime-green moss forms a central square, and at its
far end stands a dark arch daring you to enter. Though ample handholds line the inside. A chilling thought grips
time has damaged the structure, the motif is obvious; the you—perhaps this well was not for drinking, but served
archway is long and narrow, carved into the form of an some more diabolical function: a sacrificial pit of the evil
alligator’s open maw. Natali’s whispered words echo in goddess. You prepare for your descent.
your mind. Walking the perimeter of the square you spy
a crumbing, 10-foot diameter well. A terrible stench rises Special: If you’d prefer to use the conventional entrance, go to
as you peer within. You cannot see any water below, but Deeper and Darker; otherwise read on…

To descend into the depths of the well, make a DC 15 Strength (Athletics) check. If you’d prefer
to use a rope, the DC is 10. If you have the ability to fly, you automatically succeed.

Failure Success
Though there’s no water at the bottom of the well, a recent You cautiously climb downward as a putrid scent assaults your
rainstorm has made the walls more slippery than expected. You senses. When you touch bottom, you see the bound and gagged
lose your grip and fall backward into the dark. body of a decomposing gnome. His light crossbow and twenty
You take 7 (2d6) bludgeoning damage. bolts seem to have survived the fall. You find a narrow passage
along the southern wall. You avail yourself of it and exit these
Take note. Loud thud gloomy environs.
If this fall knocked you unconscious, go to fell for it; otherwise Special: Add crossbow and bolts to your inventory if desired.
read on…
Read on...

You manage to squeeze through the narrow pass into a are three ways out of here: the first is via the well you’ve
large cavern. The walls are unfinished stone. Creeping just climbed down (DCs remain the same as noted above).
along the edge of the sacrificial well, you are confronted The second is to the west; a 10-foot cavern emptying into
with a bizarre scene. Four brightly colored snakes lie darkness (leading back up to the black stone archway on
contentedly on the stony floor. Behind them on a raised the surface). Lastly, you note a wide tunnel running east.
dais sits a woman with a reptilian head and large, bat-like It is possible that stealth might allow you to bypass this
wings. The room is supported by four large columns. There room’s denizens if you choose the eastern path.
Proceed to Combat Tile #1

Fell for it
Your vision fades as you peer up twenty feet toward the lip The last thing you sense is a nightmarish cackle and the
of the well. Turning with what little life remains in you, you flapping of bat wings. Your soul is torn from your body as
are confronted by the decomposing body of a bound and you await your fate in the afterlife…
gagged gnome. Flickering torchlight licks the edges of a The end.

narrow passage along the wall of the well. Yet all this is for
naught—you’ve become an accidental sacrifice to Ragarra.
Combat Tile #1: SERPENT'S PIT
If you entered this room through the sacrificial well,
you begin at the blue circle marked “W.” You may
attempt stealth to proceed east. If you succeed on a
DC 13 Dexterity (Stealth) check and wish to avoid this
combat, proceed into the bowels; if you wish to fight, your +10'

opponents are surprised. If you fail the Dexterity (Stealth)
check, combat begins as normal.

If you have loud thud written in your journal, you may not

attempt to use Dexterity (Stealth) to bypass this combat.
Your opponents are not surprised.

The giant poisonous snakes have been trained to

attack anyone walking through this room. The Ragarran

pureblood takes flight once it becomes aware of you, using
its ranged attacks to full advantage.
Ragarran Pureblood
This chamber is 15 feet high with pillars reaching Medium Humanoid, Typically Chaotic Evil

Dynamic battlefield
from floor to ceiling. The pillars can be climbed with a

Armor Class 11
successful DC 10 Strength (Athletics) check. Hit Points 40 (9d8)
Speed 30 ft., swim 20 ft.

The southwest column is not firmly attached to the

ceiling because of seismic activity. If you wish, you can STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
use attempt to push it over by using an action to make a 11 (+0) 12 (+1) 11 (+0) 13 (+1) 12 (+1) 14 (+2)
DC 15 strength check. On a success, the column topples
Skills Deception +6, Perception +3, Stealth +3
diagonally across the room and any creatures under the Damage Immunities poison
falling column take 14 (4d6) bludgeoning damage. The Condition Immunities poisoned
fallen column provides partial cover. Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 13
Languages Abyssal, Common, Draconic
One player: one Ragarran purebood, four giant
poisonous snakes Magic Resistance. The Ragarran pureblood has advantage on saving throws
against spells and other magical effects.
Two player adjustment: three Ragarran purebloods, three
giant poisonous snakes A ctions
Multiattack. The Ragarran pureblood makes two melee attacks.
Poison bite. Melee weapon attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 2
Giant Poisonous Snake (1d4) piercing damage, and the target must make a DC 10 Constitution
saving throw, taking 7 (2d6) poison damage on a failed save, or half as
Medium Beast, Unaligned much damage on a successful one.
Scimitar. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 4
Armor Class 14 (1d6 + 1) slashing damage.
Hit Points 11 (2d8 + 2) Shortbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, range 80/320 ft., one target.
Speed 30 ft., swim 30 ft. Hit: 4 (1d6 + 1) piercing damage plus 7 (2d6) poison damage.
Spellcasting. The Ragarran pureblood casts one of the following spells,
requiring no material components and using Charisma as the spellcasting
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA ability (spell save DC 12):
10 (+0) 18 (+4) 13 (+1) 2 (–4) 10 (+0) 3 (–4)
At will: animal friendship (reptiles only)
3/day each: poison spray, suggestion
Skills Perception +2
Senses blindsight 10 ft., passive Perception 12

A ctions
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d4
+ 4) piercing damage, and the target must make a DC 11 Constitution

saving throw, taking 10 (3d6) poison damage on a failed save, or half as If you are successful, go to Into the bowels
much damage on a successful one.
If you are defeated, go to Devoured body and soul
Into the bowels
Leaving the pillared room behind, you are faced with yet
another moss-covered slope leading into a cavernous hall.
The space is enormous: 180 feet long by 80 feet high. A
natural stone bridge joins this end of the room with the far
end. On either side of the bridge are 60-foot-deep chasms
with sheer walls. The only exit from this cavern is at the
far end, atop a 60-foot-high cliff. Surveying the room, you
notice a slight rustling sound coming from the cavern’s
ceiling. At first you guess it might be a tropical moss
rippling amid the stalactites, but looking more closely, you
see that this black, fur-like moss is in fact a colony of bats.
A few of these creatures flit around the upper reaches of
the chamber. At the same time, you notice a pungent scent
in the air and a low, constant hissing from overhead.

Devoured body and soul

Despite a valiant defense, you are no match for the
guardians of Ragarra’s temple! Your last fleeting
sensations are of your body being dragged across the floor,
and of some awful beast’s teeth probing at your feet…
you fear it won’t be long before you are utterly swallowed

whole—devoured by whatever creature has set upon your

semiconscious form…
The end.

Make a DC 13 Intelligence (Nature) check.

Failure Success
You can’t quite put your finger on it, but you’re sure there’s You remember that in some caverns there is naturally occurring,
some sort of gas emptying into this room. You’re unsure if it incendiary gas. Knowing this, you easily spot three likely vents
is poisonous or benign. Shrugging your shoulders, you resign you may be able to use to your advantage.
yourself to yet another mystery you’ll have to solve if you survive Take note. It’s a gas!
the trials ahead.
Read on...
Read on…

You see an alcove carved into the base of the cliff a the far end of the chamber. It might offer some protection against
attack, if one should come. Resigning yourself to the idea that it’s better than nothing, you stealth across the expanse, and
try to avoid making a sound.

Make a DC 16 Dexterity (Stealth) check.

If you have a means of traveling without touching the ground (example: flight) the DC is 12.

Failure Success
You remember hearing that bats have an exceptional sense of A sense of anxiety rushes through you with each moment you
hearing. Though you believe yourself to be moving with the travel undetected by the bats. You realize that climbing the sheer
utmost care, it is not enough. Halfway across the hall, the bats wall can’t be done stealthily and choose instead to make your

awake, erupting into a frenzy! stand in the alcove.
Go to Combat Tile #2 Go to Combat Tile #2
Combat Tile #2: FIRE IN THE HOLE
If you manage to succeed to cross the room using Stealth, -60'

you begin at the blue dot marked with the letter “S.”
Otherwise, you begin in the center of the chamber. s

If you have the bat whistle, you may use it now. Note: the
whistle is effective against giant bats and swarms of bats. -60'

If you have It’s a gas! written in your journal, you may use
the dynamic battlefield option for this encounter. Swarm Of Bats
Medium Swarm of Tiny Beasts, Unaligned

The giant bat(s) and swarm(s) of bats attack mercilessly. Armor Class 12

If you attempt to flee, they do not leave this room, but harry Hit Points 22 (5d8)
you as you climb the 60-foot sheer wall. Speed 0 ft., fly 30 ft.


The cavern is 180 feet long. A 40-foot-wide land bridge 5 (–3) 15 (+2) 10 (+0) 2 (–4) 12 (+1) 4 (–3)
connects one side of the cavern with the other. On either
side of the bridge is a 20-foot-wide cavern that is 60 feet Damage Resistance bludgeoning, piercing, slashing

Dynamic battlefield
deep. Climbing the cliff or climbing out of the 60-foot pits Condition Immunities charmed, frightened, grappled, paralyzed,

petrified, prone, restrained, stunned
requires a successful DC 10 Strength (Athletics) check. Senses blindsight 60 ft., passive Perception 11

The three vents in the ceiling can each be used once. If Echolocation. The swarm can’t use its blindsight while deafened.
you have any incendiary ranged spell or item (such as a Keen Hearing. The swarm has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks
lit torch you can throw), you may attempt to activate the that rely on hearing.
incendiary gas. If you’re using a ranged attack (weapon or Swarm. The swarm can occupy another creature’s space and vice versa,
and the swarm can move through any opening large enough for a Tiny bat.
spell) that requires an attack roll, treat the vents as having The swarm can’t regain hit points or gain temporary hit points.
an AC of 12. Alternatively, if you lack an incendiary ranged
weapon, you could use an arrow or bolt to cause a spark, A ctions
but this requires more precision; treat the AC as 15. Area Bite (swarm has more than half of its hit points). Melee Weapon Attack: +4
to hit, reach 0 ft., one creature in the swarm’s space. Hit: 5 (2d4) piercing
of effect spells that hit the vents automatically succeed
upon casting. Upon a success, the natural gas blazes into a Bite (swarm has half of its hit points or fewer). Melee Weapon Attack: +4
60-foot sphere doing 14 (4d6) fire damage to any creature to hit, reach 0 ft., one creature in the swarm’s space. Hit: 2 (1d4) piercing
within the area. A successful DC 12 Dexterity saving throw damage.
reduces damage by half.

One player: five giant bats and one swarm of bats

Two player adjustment: eight giant bats and two swarms
Giant Bat
Large Beast, Unaligned
of bats
Armor Class 13
Hit Points 22 (4d10)
Speed 10 ft., fly 60 ft.


15 (+2) 16 (+3) 11 (+0) 2 (–4) 12 (+1) 6 (–2)

Senses blindsight 60 ft., passive Perception 11

Echolocation. The bat can't use its blindsight while deafened.

Keen Hearing. The bat has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that
rely on hearing.
Results A ctions

If you are victorious, go to: Like a bat out of… Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit: 5 (1d6
+ 2) piercing damage.
If you were vanquished, go to: Bitten and torn
Bitten and torn Like a bat out of…
There are too many, just too many! Everywhere you Once, the ceiling of this cavern appeared covered in
turn, the bats shriek, flying by and tearing at your skin. black moss. Now, the land bridge itself appears that way.
Overwhelmed and covered in a cloud of flying foes, you Spatters of blood, leather wings, and crushed brown fur
stumble away, hoping for some way out, but no matter how make for grisly decoration. It’s time to climb. Heading
far you go, there is no escape. The bats do not relent. For toward the sheer face, you begin your ascent.
you, this is the end. Go to Eerie Murals

Eerie Murals
Brushing chunks of flesh and fur from your shoulders, you Bypassing this strange image, you proceed down the
look back at the great cavern far below. Seeing the sheer corridor until arriving at yet another steep decline. Now
number of fallen foes, you wonder at how you survived. used to these downward angles, you manage it well,
Centering yourself, you examine your new surroundings. coming out into an airy cavern. This enormous cave is
You are standing in a 10-foot wide hallway illuminated by filled with jagged rock walls. At the far end is what looks
magical blue torchlight. Unlike the other passages you’ve like a temple illuminated with green torchlight. You see a
encountered, this one has finished walls adorned with guard, but it does not notice you. You swiftly enter a cave to
murals. Most of the artwork consists of spirals followed by the side. This will serve as a place to rest and prepare for
erratic waves, yet as you walk forward, you note a strange the coming trials.
design; this wall features a skeletal alligator.
Special: If you wish, take a long rest now. When ready, go to

Special: If you have vile vial written in your journal and wish to Temple Guards.
use your item here, go to bone locker. If you do not have vile vial
written in your journal, or you do not wish to use your item here,
read on.

Bone locker
Recalling Lavularan’s words, you smash the vial against
the skeletal alligator motif. A phosphorus green fluid
sprays across the stone causing the mosaic to glow.
Instantly the five-foot stone panel vanishes, revealing
a small room. A glowing purple gem hovers between a
stalactite and a stalagmite. Clearly, this is not a natural
cavern formation but was crafted through magic. Crackling
purple energy flows through the gem. You study the object
more closely.

Make a DC 13 Intelligence (Arcana) check.

Failure Success
Totally out of your element, you decide to see if you can impact This gem appears to be a conduit for some great magical power
the gem’s behavior. Using a piece of stiff leather from your embedded in the stalactite and stalagmite. Interfering too
backpack, you poke the floating crystal. It rotates slightly in greatly with it might cause some sort of alarm, but you decide
response. As it rotates, it remains floating, but ceases to glow. to take a risk. The gem is glass-like. Perhaps a glass bottle would
After rotating it back into position, the gem glows as it did be enough to keep the flow going, but reduce the power. You
before. dig into your bag and find an empty vial that once contained a
Take note. If you leave the gem glowing, write vibration in your healing potion from Corelleon’s Crown in Waterdeep. This will do
journal. nicely. In one swift motion you replace the gem with the bottle!

It fills with magical energy and floats in place. Whatever the gem
Take note. If you leave the gem not glowing, write no flow in was powering, it has one charge left and after that, it should
your journal. cease to function. That’s the arcane theory, at least. Satisfied that
Read on… you’ve done your best, you move on.
Take note. Switcheroo
Read on...

Proceeding down the corridor until you come to another one guard is present, but you haven’t been noticed. You
steep decline. Now used to these downward angles, swiftly enter a cave. This will serve as a place to rest and
you manage it well, coming out to an airy cavern. This prepare for the coming trails.
enormous cave is filled with jagged rock walls. At the far
end is a temple illuminated with green torchlight. At least Special: If you wish, take a long rest now. When ready, go to
Temple Guards.

Temple Guards Special: You can attempt a DC 17 Dexterity (Stealth) check to

A broad, clear path leads toward the glowing entrance to sneak past this guard. If you succeed, proceed to Sanctum of
the temple, yet you needn’t walk up openly unless you wish Ragarra! If you fail, go to Combat Tile #3. If you do not want to
to; large craggy outcroppings line the path forward. If you attempt stealth, go to Combat Tile #3.
wanted, you could attempt to move unseen until you close
on the guard’s position. Outlined in the eerie green light of
the temple, you behold a hulking shadow wielding a great
ax. Straining your vision, you make out more of the being’s
features: a long snout, polished horns, and brown fur
covering its body. Upon its chest you spot a coat of arms:
you recognize the symbol of the Flaming Fist, a powerful
mercenary company from the north. Doubtless, defeating
such a warrior will not be done without substantial risk.

Special: If you have pocket full of gold written in your journal, go

to business is business. Otherwise, read on…
Special: If you have gift of the talisman written in your journal

and if you’re prepared to do a Charisma check, go to smooth
talker. Otherwise, read on…
Business is Business
Laughing, your friend Vroth approaches the minotaur glare, the guard nods then speaks gruffly, “If you survive,
and tosses a coin purse filled with silver toward him. you better be sure you slay all beings beyond this point in
“Lower your ax, brother,” Vroth grunts. “My friend and I the temple. I do not want any survivors who might sully my
have business with the fiends that pay your salary! Take reputation as a mercenary! May Mogis’s spirit fill you with
the silver I offer and leave with your life. If I survive the fury!” Saying these words, the guard slowly backs away
upcoming battle, I’ll meet you back at the Southern Sword then retreats up the steep passage.
for an ale!” At first, the minotaur guard seems reluctant, Go to Sanctum of Ragarra!
but appraising your might and feeling Vroth’s merciless

Smooth talker
Remembering the talisman Zal’atar provided, you decide
it’s time to test its power. Ensuring the talisman is
displayed prominently on your chest, you step out boldly
into the cavern and approach the enormous minotaur

Make a DC 15 Charisma (Intimidation or Persuasion) check.

Failure Success

Before you can even speak, the minotaur laughs coldly. Feeling The minotaur narrows his eyes, looking at the talisman. He
its enormous dark eyes fall upon you, it’s clear you’ve failed to nods along as you communicate your distant but important
impress upon him that you are a member of the cult of Ragarra. relationship to the cult of Ragarra. Seeing no obvious flaws in
He snorts, bellows, and raises his ax! your story, the guard stands aside and lets you pass into the inner
Go to Combat Tile #3 sanctum.
Go to Sanctum of Ragarra!

Combat Tile #3: JUST A LITTLE BULL
The minotaur guard uses brute strength to defeat

opponents. His 40-foot speed closes distance during

Dynamic battlefield
This area is dimly lit by the green torches of the temple.
The floor is even flagstone and can be easily traversed.

Barbed stone spikes flank both sides of the temple

entrance. Any creature shoved into them takes 3 (1d6)
piercing damage and must spend an action freeing
themselves from the barbed spike.

One player: one minotaur

Two player adjustment: one minotaur and two
semiconscious flying swords that only engage if the
minotaur does.
Large Monstrosity, Typically Chaotic Evil

Armor Class 14 (natural armor)

Flying Sword Hit Points 76 (9d10 + 27)
Small Construct, Unaligned Speed 40 ft.

Armor Class 17 (natural armor)

Hit Points 17 (5d6) STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
Speed 0 ft., fly 50 ft. (hover) 18 (+4) 11 (+0) 16 (+3) 6 (–2) 16 (+3) 9 (–1)

Skills Perception +7
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 17
12 (+1) 15 (+2) 11 (+0) 1 (–5) 5 (–3) 1 (–5) Languages Abyssal

Saving Throws Dex +4 Charge. If the minotaur moves at least 10 feet straight toward a target and
Damage Immunitites poison, psychic then hits it with a gore attack on the same turn, the target takes an extra 9
Condition Immunities blinded, charmed, deafened, frightened, (2d8) piercing damage. If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC
paralyzed, petrified, poisoned 14 Strength saving throw or be pushed up to 10 feet away and knocked
Senses blindsight 60 ft. (blind beyond this radius), passive Perception 7 prone.
Labyrinthine Recall. The minotaur can perfectly recall any path it has
Antimagic Susceptibility. The sword is incapacitated while in the area of traveled.
an antimagic field. If targeted by dispel magic, the sword must succeed Reckless. At the start of its turn, the minotaur can gain advantage on all
on a Constitution saving throw against the caster's spell save DC or fall melee weapon attack rolls it makes during that turn, but attack rolls against
unconscious for 1 minute. it have advantage until the start of its next turn.
False Appearance. While the sword remains motionless and isn't flying, it is
indistinguishable from a normal sword.
A ctions
Greataxe. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 17
A ctions (2d12 + 4) slashing damage.
Longsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 5 Gore. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 13 (2d8
(1d8 + 1) slashing damage. + 4) piercing damage.


If you were victorious, go to Sanctum of Ragarra
If you were vanquished, go to Gored stiff
Gored stiff
The heavy blows of the minotaur mercenary are Your senses begin to fade. At the edge of sight, you see the
unbearable! With each attack, you feel the full strength arch into the sanctum; a threshold you will never cross.
of four hundred pounds of muscle fuelled by malice! Ragarra’s terror lives on as your vision fades into total
Crumpling under the beating, your body fails at last. darkness. The end.

Sanctum of Ragarra
Passing under the great archway, you enter into the Beneath the left wing is a portcullis, kept shut by a complex
unholy heart of Ragarra’s temple. The cavern within is weight and pulley system. Adjusting to the bizarre sights,
immense; the unfinished stone walls glisten with moisture. you note further details that escaped you before. Five pits
Hissing thermal vents release bursts of steam from unseen are scattered across the floor. Cries issue outward from
fissures. The sinister architecture at the room’s far end these dark, shallow holes; you presume the voices echoing
is the focal point. A jade altar devoted to the evil goddess in the depths are of terrified Humanoids held against their
stands upon a raised, hexagonal dais. Behind the altar will. Just as you harden yourself to peer into one of those
looms an enormous statue of the goddess herself. Carved prisons, you catch sight of a figure emerging from behind
from a single green stone, you stand agog, staring at the the altar. A brawny, alligator-headed cultist rises, his green
twisted artistry that crafted the Humanoid female body cape rising in the thermal drafts. A low hum lingers in the
with a hideous maw, head of an alligator, and immense bat air—it is coming from the mouth of that great statue! Some
wings that span the width of the chamber. fell power throbs and shudders, preparing for an all-out
attack on you!
Go to Combat Tile #4

If you have no flow recorded in your journal, the cultist
knows that you’ve tampered with the magical device.
He started opening the portcullis once you stepped into

the room; instead of joining combat in three rounds, the
Cyclone will join at the start of the second round.

If you have vibration recorded in your journal, you did not

impact the magical device at all. The cultist follows the
tactics section below.

If you have switcheroo recorded in your journal, the cultist

does not know that you have disrupted the flow of magic
to the statue of Ragarra. The statue’s magic only works

for one round, then ceases to function for the remainder of

If you have primal call written in your journal, your body

shudders while in this chamber. At the start of each of your A successful DC 13 Strength (Athletics) check lets you pull
turns, make a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw. If you fail, roll the chain of the controls for the portcullis hard enough that

on the table below. If you succeed, cease making saving it jams, rendering the mechanism ineffective.
throws. Note: levels of exhaustion are cumulative.
With a successful DC 13 Dexterity check using thieves’
d4 Effect tools, you are able to gum up the controls for the portcullis
1 You may only take the Dodge action this round through your intuitive understanding of devices.
2 You fall prone

3 You take a level of exhaustion Damage: If the controls for the portcullis sustain 20 points
4 You are incapable of speech for this round of damage (from any source, whether physical or magical)
the portcullis is stopped. The controls for the portcullis has
an AC 10.
The Ragarran cult leader uses its spellcasting to disrupt
opponents at range. Also, (unless already underway as Psychic damage: a 120-foot cone of psychic energy
noted above if you wrote no flow in your journal) the emanates from the base of the statue of Ragarra. The
Ragarran cult leader uses its first bonus action to raise Ragarran cult leader, the Cyclone, and the consecrated
the portcullis by pushing a button on the altar. Once prisoners are immune to this psychic damage. Everyone
activated, the portcullis automatically rises and finishes else takes 13 (5d4) points of psychic damage each round
at the beginning of the third round. If successful, the the statue’s power is activated.
Ragarran cult leader works with the Cyclone to destroy
invaders. The Cyclone can spend an action to slay one of

the Humanoids in a pit to potentially gain new power (see
stat block on next page).

The 10-by-10-foot holes are 5 feet deep. Each pit contains

one bound Humanoid consecrated against their will to the

Dynamic battlefield
service of Ragarra. Use the consecrated prisoner stat
block on next page.

The psychic magic emanating from the statue of Ragarra

can be stopped through a silent act of will by anyone One player: one Ragarran cult leader joined by the
standing behind the altar. Once stopped, it cannot Cyclone unless the portcullis is jammed before the end of
be reactivated until five rounds have ended. Also, the the requisite number of rounds (see above).
portcullis can be stopped from rising by spending an action Two player adjustment: two Ragarran cult leaders joined
on one of the three following methods: by the Cyclone unless the portcullis is jammed before the

end of the requisite number of rounds (see above).
Continued on next page…
Combat Tile #4: THE CYCLONE UNLEASHED! continued
The Cyclone
Large Monstrosity, Chaotic Evil

Armor Class 14 (natural armor)

Hit Points 68 (8d10 + 24)
Speed 30 ft., fly 50 ft.


17 (+3) 16 (+3) 17 (+3) 7 (–2) 12 (+1) 8 (–1)

Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 11

Languages Common

Tail Spike Regrowth. The Cyclone has twenty-four tail spikes. Used spikes
regrow when the Cyclone finishes a long rest.

A ctions
Ragarran Cult Leader Multiattack. The Cyclone makes three attacks: one with its Bite and two
with its Claws or three with its Tail Spikes.
Medium Monstrosity, Typically Chaotic Evil
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d8 +
3) piercing damage.
Armor Class 12
Hit Points 66 (12d8 + 12) Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d6 +

3) slashing damage.
Speed 30 ft.
Tail Spike. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, range 100/200 ft., one target.
Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) piercing damage.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Devour. if the Cyclone spends on action, it can devour the body of a
16 (+3) 14 (+2) 13 (+1) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 16 (+3) Medium or smaller being that is dead. Doing so causes a roll on the table
Skills Deception +5, Stealth +4
Damage Immunitites poison
Condition Immunities poisoned d100 Effect
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 11
Languages Abyssal, Common 1–50 Gain 1d10 temporary hit points
Increase Bite damage by one die type (example, from
Magic Resistance. The Raggaran has advantage on saving throws against d8 to d10 then from d10 to d12)
spells and other magical effects. Increase both Claws’ damage by one die type
A ctions (example, from d8 to d10 then from d10 to d12)
Multiattack. The Ragarran makes two ranged attacks or two melee attacks, 91–100 Gain all abilities in this table listed from 1–90.
but can Bite only once.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit: 5 (1d4
+ 3) piercing damage plus 7 (2d6) poison damage.
Grappling Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit:
10 (2d6 + 3) bludgeoning damage, and the target is grappled (escape DC
13) if it is a Large or smaller creature. Until this grapple ends, the target is
restrained, and the Ragarran can't bite another target.
Scimitar. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6
(1d6 + 3) slashing damage.
Longbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, range 150/600 ft., one target.
Hit: 6 (1d8 + 2) piercing damage.
Spellcasting. The Ragarran casts one of the following spells, requiring no
material components and using Charisma as the spellcasting ability (spell
save DC 13):
At will: animal friendship (reptiles only)
1/day: magic missile
3/day: invisibility


If you were victorious, go to Final Victory
If you were vanquished, go to Devoured by the beast
Devoured by the beast
The wrath of Ragarra is inexorable! That much is clear
to you now. Foolish mortal that you are, you dared to slay
the precious servants of this vile and merciless goddess!
It is no surprise that your life is forfeit. For the briefest of
moments before your death, you cling to a hope that this
fatality will release you from Ragarra’s hold—that your
gods will usher your soul safely home—but such an illusion
as this is torn cruelly from you. Floating above the floor,
you can see your broken body on the flagstones, yet your
soul is bound within this chamber. To your dismay, you
feel yourself being drawn nearer and nearer to the altar
of Ragarra. You hear a magical crackle then the snapping
of great, stone teeth before entering eternal agony!
Ragarra will feast upon your spirit until her followers have
devoured the world!

Final Victory
The End.

This victory was not easily won, but the terror of Ragarra
is over at last. Seeing the broken bodies of your foes
littering the sanctum provides macabre but authentic
satisfaction. The dreaded pall that haunted you all these
tendays has finally been lifted. It takes some time to gain

full possession of yourself after the battle, but once ready,
you set yourself to freeing any remaining prisoners. If none
remain alive, you will report back to the Loregiver’s temple
and ask that someone provide these bodies with a proper
burial. Satisfied you have done all you can, you turn from
this benighted temple and steel yourself for the long ascent
into the jungle and back to your sambuk. Soon you will
set sail again to seek adventure on the Crowded Sea, but
for now, your mind is filled with recollections of the divan
in the Guildhouse. Maybe when you finally get back home
you’ll take Yamala up on that drink!

Special: If you played with a sidekick (and they survived), click on

A Worthy Reward
here for a custom finale! Otherwise, read on…

Crowded Sea, of your victory over the Cult of Ragarra! It

After a boisterous tenday spent feasting, telling tales, was in his last hour that he called me to have his final will
and basking in the glory of victory, a magnificent, though amended. And it was not only I who witnessed, but each
familiar, three-masted ship approaches the pier. The Kor’s crew member, as you can see, scrawled their signature at
Bounty! As you and the other guild members approach bottom. He willed the Kor’s Bounty to you. And each one
the vessel, the initial joy at seeing the great ship turns to of us on board would be honored if you took up the post as
concern. Crossbow bolts dot the port bow, and the mainsail captain. Where you sail, we’ll follow.”
is scorched. Stunned, you all hurry across the wooden
dock as the gangplank lowers. There, standing shoulder Looking to the guild members, you watch as they nod in
to shoulder are six crewmen carrying the body of their turn, providing you with the support you sought to take on
captain. Wordlessly, they walk past you and head toward this heavy new burden. The first mate flips to the final page
the Guildhouse. The first mate approaches you and with a of the parchment and says, “You need but sign and she’s
quick bow from the neck, extends a parchment. As you take yours. But first, let’s see to the old sea dog and ensure he’s
it, the ruddy-faced man speaks plainly, “We were ambushed given a proper burial here on Fang Island.” Nodding, you
by pirates. No shortage in these waters, as you know too turn back toward the village with your allies, your mind on
well. We fought ’em off, but the captain didn’t make it. It the passing of a wise and courageous old sailor, but also on
is my duty to inform you of his last wishes.” Pausing, he the trust given you to guide his ship and his crew into future
adventures along the coasts of Zakhara and Faerûn. So

waits for you to raise your eyes from the paper. Meeting
your glance, he continues, “As you’ll plainly see, the captain much for the quiet life of retirement on Fang Island!
never forgot your valor. He has heard, as all who ply the The end.
Bat Whistle
Wondrous Item, Rare
This tin whistle plays a note that disrupts the senses of
creatures possessing echolocation. It takes an action
to blow. Once blown, creatures with echolocation must
succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or lose their
echolocation sense for three consecutive rounds.

Anti-poison Vial
Return to the story. Go and read on…

Potion, Uncommon
This golden fluid smells like overripe fruit. When you drink
the vial’s contents, you gain immunity to poison damage
for the next 24 hours.

Potion of Healing (Greater)

Go to Time to get going to continue the adventure.

Potion, Rare
You regain 4d4 + 4 hit points when you drink this potion.
The potion’s red liquid glimmers when shaken.

Cloak of Protection
Go to Let’s make a deal to continue the adventure.

Wondrous Item, Uncommon (Requires Attunement)

You gain a +1 bonus to AC and saving throws while you
wear this cloak.

Keoghtom’s Ointment
Go to Let’s make a deal to continue the adventure.

Wondrous Item, Uncommon

This glass jar, 3 inches in diameter, contains 1d4 + 1 doses
of a thick mixture that smells faintly of aloe. The jar and its
contents weigh 1/2 pound.
As an action, one dose of the ointment can be swallowed
or applied to the skin. The creature that receives it regains
2d8 + 2 hit points, ceases to be poisoned, and is cured of
any disease.

Serpent’s Eye Sapphire

Go to Let’s make a deal to continue the adventure.

Wondrous Item (Very Rare)

This fist-sized sapphire is a powerful magic item. As a
bonus action, the wielder places the sapphire on their
forehead and mentally declares an energy type they
want immunity from. The serpent’s eye sapphire grants
immunity to that energy type for three consecutive rounds.
After being used, the sapphire becomes an inert piece of
glass. It can be recharged by holding the sapphire while
casting absorb elements. The spell goes directly into the
sapphire, recharging it; you do not gain the benefit of this

spell as it is cast.
Go to Where to next to continue the adventure.

Aliz’ah, Expert on Fate Fey Charm. The pahari targets one Humanoid or Beast that she can see
within 30 feet of her. If the target can see the pahari, it must succeed on
Medium Fey (Pahari), Chaotic Good a DC 14 Wisdom saving throw or be magically charmed. The charmed
creature regards the pahari as a trusted friend to be heeded and protected.
Armor Class 11 (16 with barkskin) Although the target isn’t under the pahari’s control, it takes the pahari’s
Hit Points 27 (6d8 + 0) requests or actions in the most favorable way it can.
Speed 30 ft. in human form, 10 ft. in mermaid form; Each time the pahari or her allies do anything harmful to the target, it
swim 40 ft. in mermaid form, 60 ft. in fish form can repeat the saving throw, ending the effect on itself on a success.
Otherwise, the effect lasts 24 hours or until the pahari dies, is on a
different plane of existence from the target, or ends the effect as a bonus
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA action. If a target’s saving throw is successful, the target is immune to the
10 (+0) 12 (+1) 11 (+0) 14 (+2) 15 (+2) 18 (+4) pahari’s Fey Charm for the next 24 hours. The pahari can have no more
than one Humanoid and up to three Beasts charmed at a time.
Saving Throws Int +5, Wis +5 Spellcasting. The pahari casts one of the following spells, requiring no
Skills Perception +5, Stealth +6 material components and using Charisma as the spellcasting ability (spell
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 14 save DC 14):
Languages Aquan, Common, Midani At will: druidcraft
3/day each: charm person, entangle, goodberry
Amphibious. The pahari can breathe air (except in fish form) and water. 1/day each: animal messenger, barkskin, hold person
Bestow Waterbreathing. Once per day, the pahari can bestow one recipient
with water breathing.
B onus A ction
Change Shape. The pahari can use her action to polymorph into a mermaid
Magic Resistance. The pahari has advantage on saving throws against
form (her true form), the form of a 12-inch tropical fish, or human form.
spells and other magical effects.
Her statistics, other than her AC (her armor does not transform with her
Speak with Beasts and Plants. The pahari can communicate with beasts and into fish form), are the same in each form. Any equipment she is wearing
plants as if they shared a language. or carrying isn’t transformed. She reverts to her true form if she dies.
A ctions E quipment
Spear. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5 ft., and range Spear, shortbow, quiver with 60 arrows, common clothes, purple robe,
20/120 ft., one target. Hit: 3 (1d6) piercing damage, or 4 (1d8) piercing explorer’s kit.
damage if used with two hands to make a melee attack.

Return to the story here or if prompted to do so, proceed to Ideal: Fidelity. My people were selected to nudge the world
Part 2. toward the Loregiver’s ways. If we fail, how can we expect
Take note. If you choose Aliz’ah as your sidekick, write anyone to heed us?
fate’s voice in your journal. Bond: I will lay down my life for the Chosen One of Fate.
Personality trait: I am a servant of Fate. No matter how Their coming was no accident.

dangerous the path ahead, I will follow it. Flaw: I judge all things by my interpretation of the
Loregiver’s will. Sometimes, I harbor secret disgust for
those failing to achieve their true purpose.
Lavularan, Wizard 5
Medium Humanoid (Elf, Noble), Chaotic Good

Armor Class 13 or 16 (mage armor)

Hit Points 21 (6d6 + 0)
Speed 30 ft.


10 (+0) 16 (+3) 12 (+1) 18 (+4) 13 (+1) 8 (–1)

Saving Throws Int +7, Wis +4

Skills Arcana +7, History +7, Investigation +7, Perception +4,
Persuasion +2
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 14
Languages Abyssal, Common, Elvish, Midani

Fey Ancestry. Lavularan has advantage on saving throws against being

charmed, and magic can’t put her to sleep.
Evocation Savant. The gold and time Lavularan must spend to copy an
evocation spell into her spellbook is halved.
Sculpt Spells. Lavularan can create pockets of relative safety within the
effects of her evocation spells. When she casts an evocation spell that
affects other creatures that she can see, she can choose a number of them
equal to 1 + the spell’s level. The chosen creatures automatically succeed
on their saving throws against the spell, and they take no damage if they
would take half damage on a successful save.

A ctions
Shortsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) piercing damage.
Longsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft, one target.
Hit: 4 (1d8), slashing (or 1d10 two-handed).
Longbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, range (150/600) ft.,
one target. Hit: 4 (1d8) piercing (heavy, two handed).
Fire bolt. Ranged Spell Attack: +7 to hit, range 120 ft., one target.
Hit: 11 (2d10) fire damage.
Spellcasting. Lavularan casts one of the following spells using Intelligence
as the spellcasting ability (spell save DC 15):
Cantrips: dancing lights, firebolt, light, minor illusion, true strike
1st level: burning hands, color spray, false life, mage armor
2nd level: blindness/deafness, blur, spider climb
3rd level: fireball, fly

E quipment
Spellbook, shortsword, longsword, longbow, 20 arrows in quiver,
component pouch, scholar’s pack, 100 gp worth of gold dust

Return to the story here or if prompted to do so, proceed to

Part 2.
Take note. If you choose Lavularan as your sidekick, write Bond: The Guldmaster. Though barely a match for
worth the price in your journal. me in power, I admit that the Guildmaster has shown
Personality trait: I am nothing without my magic. I feel extraordinary adroitness. Their peerless success speaks
sorry for non-wizards. How do they get through the day? for itself. I joined the guild to learn their ways.

Ideal: Discipline. Constant study and an unwavering desire Flaw: I can be flippant with non-elves. It’s not that I look
to know the truth of the multiverse. These are the greatest down on them, I simply can’t understand how they view
pursuits. time. They’re either absolutely in a rush, or simply lazing
about then panicking about it! I cannot fathom them.

Vroth, Barbarian 5
(Path of the Berserker)
Medium Humanoid (Minotaur), Chaotic Good

Armor Class 14
Hit Points 57 (6d12 + 18)
Speed 30 ft.


18 (+4) 12 (+1) 16 (+3) 10 (+0) 13 (+1) 8 (–1)

Saving Throws Strength +7 Constitution +6

Skills Athletics +7, Intimidation +2, Survival +4
Senses passive Perception +11
Languages Abyssal, Common, Midani

A ctions
Extra attack. Vroth can attack up to twice when he takes this action.
Greataxe. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Hit: 10 (1d12 + 4) (or +6 if raging) slashing damage.
Handaxe. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft. or range
20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) (or +5 if raging and used in melee)
slashing damage.
Javelin. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft. or range

30/120 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) (or + 6 if raging and used in melee)
piercing damage.
Horns. Vroth has horns that he can use to make unarmed strikes. When he
hits with them, the strike deals 1d6 + 4 piercing damage, instead of the
bludgeoning damage normal for an unarmed strike.

B onus A ctions
Rage. (3 between long rests) While raging, Vroth gains the following
benefits if he isn’t wearing heavy armor: advantage on Strength checks
and Strength saving throws; a melee weapon attack using Strength gains
a bonus on the damage roll; and resistance to bludgeoning, piercing,
and slashing damage. Rage lasts 1 minute. It ends early if he is knocked
unconscious or if his turn ends and he hasn’t attacked a hostile creature
since his last turn or taken damage since then. He can also end his rage on
his turn as a bonus action.
Frenzy. While raging, Vroth can make a single melee weapon attack as a
bonus action. If he does so, when his rage ends, he suffers one level of
(Option) Reckless Attack: Vroth can throw aside all concern for defense
to attack with fierce desperation. When he makes his first attack on his Return to the story here or if prompted to do so, proceed to
turn, he can decide to attack recklessly. Doing so gives him advantage on
melee weapon attack rolls using Strength during this turn, but Attack rolls
Part 2.
against him have advantage until his next turn. Take note. If you choose Vroth as your sidekick, write iron
Goring Rush. Immediately after Vroth uses the Dash action on his turn and sharpens iron in your journal.
moves at least 20 feet, he can make one melee attack with his Horns as a
bonus action. Personality trait: Courage! Without it, the world falls to
Hammering Horns. Immediately after Vroth hits a creature with a melee pieces. Look around! Cowardice and dishonor destroy all
attack as part of the Attack action on his turn, he can use a bonus action to things. Live by the code of the warrior and your live a life of
attempt to shove that target with his Horns. The target must be within 5
feet of him and no more than one size larger than him. Unless it succeeds purity.
on a Strength saving throw against a DC of 15 (8 + his proficiency bonus + Ideal: Fellowship. Give your word and live by it. I respect
his Strength modifier), he pushes it up to 10 feet away from him.
mercenaries who remember who their friends are.
E quipment Sometimes we need the silver to survive, but sometimes
Backpack, lion skin cloak, bedroll, greataxe, handaxes (2), healer’s kit, friendship comes first.
javelins (3), mess kit, tinderbox, torches (5), traveler’s clothing, waterskin,
coin (10 gp, 4 pp)
Bond: The Guildmaster has taken me in. I am a refugee
in this world and must destroy the Cult of Ragarra for
dragging me away from my people!

Flaw: I dislike intellectuals. I appreciate what they
contribute to the world, but most often their ideas unravel
and cause more harm than good.
Vyranzhal, Rogue 5 (Background Charlatan) A ctions
Medium Humanoid (Aasimar, Fallen), Lawful Evil Shortsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Hit: 7 (1d6 + 4) piercing damage.
Armor Class 14 Dagger. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Hit Points 33 (6d8 + 6) Hit: 6 (1d4 + 4) piercing damage.
Speed 30 ft. Hand Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, range 80/320 ft.,
one target. Hit: 7 (1d6 + 4) piercing damage.
11 (+1)
15 (+2)
13 (+1)
10 (+0)
12 (+1)
16 (+3)
B onus A ctions
Cunning Action. Vyranzhal’s quick thinking and agility allow her to move
and act quickly. She can use her bonus action to take the Dash, Disengage,
Proficiencies (+3 proficiency bonus)
or Hide action.
Saving Throws Dex +7, Int +4
Skills Deception +6, Insight +4, Investigation +4, Perception +7*, Two-Weapon Fighting. When Vyranzhal takes the Attack action with a
Persuasion +6, Sleight of Hand +7, Stealth +10* shortsword in one hand, she can use a bonus action to attack with a dagger
Tools disguise kit, poisoner’s kit, thieves’ tools in the other hand. She doesn’t add her ability modifier to the damage of
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 17 the bonus attack.
Languages Celestial, Common, thieves’ cant
R eactions
Uncanny Dodge. When an attacker that Vyranzhal can see hits her with an
Celestial Resistance. Vyranzhal has resistance to necrotic damage and Attack, she can use her reaction to halve the attack’s damage against her.
radiant damage.
Healing Hands. As an action, Vyranzhal can touch a creature and roll a O ptions
number of d4s equal to her proficiency bonus. The creature regains a Sneak Attack. Once per turn, Vyranzhal can deal an extra 3d6 damage to
number of hit points equal to the total rolled. Once she uses this trait, she one creature she hits with an attack if she has advantage on the attack
can’t use it again until she finishes a long rest. roll. The attack must use a finesse or a ranged weapon. She doesn’t need
Light Bearer. Vyranzhal knows the light cantrip. Charisma is her advantage on the attack roll if another enemy of the target is within 5 feet
spellcasting ability for it. of it, that enemy isn’t incapacitated, and she doesn’t have disadvantage on

Celestial Revelation. Vyranzhal can use a bonus action to unleash the the attack roll.
celestial energy within her, gaining the benefits of that revelation. Her Assassinate. Vyranzhal has advantage on attack rolls against any creature
transformation lasts for 1 minute or until she ends it as a bonus action. that hasn’t taken a turn in the combat yet. Also, any hit she scores against a
Once she transforms using her revelation below, she can’t use it again creature that is surprised is a critical hit.
until she finishes a long rest:
Necrotic Shroud. Vyranzhal’s eyes briefly become pools of darkness, and E quipment
ghostly, flightless wings sprout from her back temporarily. Creatures other Shortsword, dagger, hand crossbow, quiver with 20 bolts, studded leather
than her allies within 10 feet of her that can see her must succeed on armor, dungeoneer’s pack, thieves’ tools, disguise kit, fine red leather
a Charisma saving throw of DC 14 (DC 8 + her proficiency bonus + her clothes, black cloak, red wide-brimmed hat, belt pouch.
Charisma modifier) or become frightened of her until the end of her next
turn. Until the transformation ends, once on each of her turns, she can deal
+3 extra necrotic damage to one target when she deals damage to it with
an attack or a spell.

Return to the story here or if prompted to do so, proceed to

Part 2.
Take note. If you choose Vyranzhal as your sidekick, write
honor among thieves in your journal.
Personality trait: I take the easy way out of pretty much
everything until I hit rock bottom.
Ideal: Power. I’m waiting for my big break. The ultimate
heist. It will fall in my lap and after that, I’ll be calling the
shots at the Theives’ Guild!
Bond: The Guildmaster. So, I hit rock bottom and the
Guildmaster let me in. I might be lazy, but I’m not disloyal.
The Guildmaster was there for me, so I’m there for the
Guildmaster. No questions asked.
Flaw: I can get by on my charm most of the time. Problem
is, I’m a bit lazy. I worry that this might one day backfire
and lead to me being sloppy on the job!

Rawl A ctions
Large Beast, Neutral Good Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 11 (2d6
+ 4) piercing damage. If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a
Armor Class 13 DC 14 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.
Hit Points 45 (6d10 + 12) Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: (1d6 +
Speed 50 ft. 4) slashing damage.

B onus A ctions
Levitate (Recharge 4–6). Rawl casts levitate as per the spell, using Wisdom
18 (+4) 17 (+3) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 8 (–1) as the spellcasting ability (spell save DC 12).
Nobanion’s Presence (Recharge 5–6). Rawl exudes waves of psychic
Skills Perception +7, Stealth +6
power in a 15-foot cone. Each creature in that area must make a DC 12
Senses passive Perception 13
Wisdom saving throw, taking 18 (4d8) psychic damage on a failed save, or
Languages understands Common and Midani but can’t speak
half as much damage on a successful one.

Jungle Camouflage. Rawl has advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks made

E quipment
to Hide in jungle terrain. Exotic saddle for Medium-sized creature (worn).
Limited Telepathy. Rawl can magically transmit simple messages and Independent Mount. Rawl retains his place in the initiative order. Bearing a
images to any creature within 120 feet of him that can understand a rider puts no restrictions on the actions Rawl can take, and he moves and
language. This form of telepathy doesn't allow the receiving creature to acts as he wishes. He might flee from combat, rush to attack and devour a
telepathically respond. badly injured foe, or otherwise act against your wishes.
Pack Tactics. Rawl has advantage on an attack roll against a creature if at
least one of Rawl’s allies is within 5 feet of the creature and the ally isn't
Speak with Animals. As per the spell, Rawl can use this ability at will.

Return to the story here or if prompted to do so, proceed to Part 2.

Take note. If you choose Rawl as your sidekick, write beastly place in your journal.
Personality trait: Ferocious. I stalk. I wait. And then I strike!
Ideal: Faith. I will rend primal evil!

Bond: Nobanion is my lord. I am his instrument.
Flaw: Single mindedness. I am a predator.
Quick Talk
“Where you go, Chosen One, I follow. This is the will of Fate. And I see why. Think carefully. Where would you be without me?
Still lost on the island of the Sahir’s hermitage!” Here, Aliz’ah giggles then narrows her eyes to underline the seriousness of her
next sentence. “I should not joke about what could or could not be. That is Fate’s domain! It was impossible that we should
Aliz’ah never have met. It was not Fate’s will that you be left alone to starve. We are united in our pursuit of freedom for the Islands of
the Utter South. Lead on!”
Go back to the action.
“The Guildmaster requests aid from the famed magic user Lavularan? I admit, I’m unsurprised. It isn’t that you lack the requisite
skill to succeed on your own—that has been demonstrated satisfactorily in the past; it’s that you have shown uncommonly
good sense in selecting me to be your right hand! Let’s be rid of this riffraff and make for the mainland. Ragarra’s evil religion
Lavularan desecrated a site sacred to elven wizards in the north. It will be my crowning achievement to repay this foul goddess with a
mighty stroke!”
Go back to the action.
Approaching the great white tiger, you instinctively brace yourself for what can only be described as a singular experience.
Making eye contact with the magnificent beast, you feel his consciousness blend with yours. Images flit across the screens
of your tightly shut eyes. Jungle, darkness, and then a great light accompanied by a celestial roar. Part of you wishes to end
this bizarre sensation, yet Rawl continues his telepathic communication. Scenes of the tiger stepping onto your sambuk, then
Rawl peering out toward the horizon flood your mind. Opening your eyes, you hear a loud, deep chuff. Rawl pads up beside you and
nudges your left hand with his head. The great and mysterious creature has accepted your invitation to face Ragarra’s cult on the

Go back to the action.

Snorting and stretching his heavily muscled neck, Vroth grunts out a guttural laugh. “Slaying the servants of Ragarra? It’s what I
was born to do! That foul goddess’s magic is what flung me across space into this strange world! Her acolytes were toying with
a portal beyond their ken. Fools! They found themselves on the Island of the Minotaurs. When I saw these invaders enter our
Vroth land, I pursued. Perhaps I was overzealous. I ended up in the wilderness not far from Waterdeep. I slew the fiends, but found no
way to return to my home. I joined the Flaming Fist and fought for them for some months. Tracking the cult of Ragarra led me
here. But enough talk. Take me to your ship. Vengeance demands blood. My ax is ready. Let’s move!”
Go back to the action.
Gently bending her wide-brimmed hat back just enough for her eyes to meet yours, the aasimar glances up in disbelief. Her gaze
flits away briefly as though expecting you to move on. When she looks back to see you haven’t moved, she shakes her head
in confusion. “You’re choosing me? I mean, I’m flattered, but you know I don’t like taking orders. And I can fly off the handle
sometimes.” Waiting to see if you’re still serious, she continues, “Well, you’re not leaving so I suppose I should get my gear?”
Pausing until you nod, she sighs then rises to her feet. “Fine. You’re the Guildmaster and I do owe you my loyalty.” As she places
Vyranzhal her hands on her hips, you notice a change in her demeanor. “It won’t be so bad, really,” she says. “I mean, I get to slay the
servants of Ragarra. It was one of those slimy villains that ratted me out the night of my biggest heist. Set me up to be killed,
more like it! Sure, I broke into their holy site, but that jade statue was priceless! No, I didn’t get out with the statue, but I did
make it out with my life. Time for a little payback!”
Go back to the action.

“This is a city of dark, primal power. Do not become corrupted, Chosen One. Seek the Temple of the Loregiver. I will follow you
Aliz’ah where you lead, but if you wish my advice, I ask you to please avoid the Purple Fountain.”
Go Into the City Most Sinister
“This city is rich in history and forbidden knowledge. You’re an adventurer of some experience–surely you recognize the raw
power that such baubles might offer? Seek out the antiquities dealer. I’m sure I will be of use to you there. That is, unless you’re
Lavularan the superstitious type.”
Go Into the City Most Sinister
Wordless images flow from the awakened tiger. The image of a purple fountain enters your mind. You feel a sense of danger—of
foreboding. You are comforted when you see Rawl pushing past you toward the fountain. The image vanishes and the great tiger
Rawl looks up toward you, awaiting your decision.
Go Into the City Most Sinister
“There’s nothing in this city a battleax can’t make right. Let’s go to the tavern and have a laugh before we get hip-deep in
danger. There are plenty of expats and adventurers in Kadarasto. Any adventurer who dares this city is someone special. Let’s
Vroth learn what they have to say, and fill our bellies while we’re at it!”
Go Into the City Most Sinister
“Forgive me for saying so, but there’s something in your eyes emanating fear. I know you’re haunted by dark powers. First
time?” She smirks, then cocks her head. “At a certain point when you’re confronted with evil, sometimes the only cure is to
plunge into the pit. Once you hit bottom, the only way out is up. Come on, let’s get to the Thieves’ Guild. And for the sake of

Mask, god of thieves, let me do the talking.”
Go Into the City Most Sinister

Leaning back sumptuously in her hammock, Aliz’ah grins when she hears you coming down into the hold. “I feel free again,
Chosen One! Free of the sadness that haunted you. Free of the tyrannical threat of Ragarra. We have done it at last! The Islands
of the Utter South are now purged of this evil. It is time for us to finally rest and gather our strength. These islands will continue
Aliz’ah to need me as their guardian, but you can choose anywhere else in this world to travel. Go where your heart leads you or stay
with us in the Utter South, but know always you have a home with us in Zakhara!” Now for the conclusion.
Go to a worthy reward.
“Well,” the elf says, shaking her head in disbelief, “we proved more or less adequate, wouldn’t you agree?” You notice a slight
smile on her face as she looks toward the setting sun from the deck of your ship. “Often I feel called West; it’s a sacred place of
Lavularan the Elves. Yet I am not ready for Evermeet, not yet. With Ragarra’s cult in ruins, I’ll head north again. If you ever decide to leave
these isles, let me know. I’d gladly bring you along on my adventures! What say you?”
Go to a worthy reward.
You’d never seen a tiger fully stretched across the deck of a sambuk before. It’s an impressive sight! The large cat seems utterly
enormous, using the entire bow as his resting area. Hearing your approach, the mighty beast glances up. As ever, you hear no
words, but clear images enter your mind: of Fang Island and the jungle. Rawl, it seems, is heading back into the wild. Rubbing
Rawl his head, you nod in understanding. He has seen great evils and experienced terror that most natural beasts need never face. It is
time for Rawl to serve Nobanion in some more natural way. So be it. It was a rare delight having a tiger as your ally these days.
Go to a worthy reward.
Despite his sheer bulk, Vroth is surprisingly handy on board a ship. One morning, you hear him stomp and shout on deck, “Fang

Island is just to starboard! Come on, I can hardly wait to tell the others what feats we’ve achieved! We’ve freed these isles from
Ragarra’s grasp. Let’s drink and feast! Then when all is done, let’s head north together. There’s gold in the north! We’ve earned
Vroth a chance to make some coin. And maybe I can find a mage powerful enough to send me home!” Clapping you on the shoulder,
you sense the minotaur’s enthusiasm. Perhaps a trip north is just what you need!
Go to a worthy reward.
When you glance at her, the aasimar feigns doing something nautical on board the ship. After a moment of staring, she smirks
and shrugs, “I’m no sailor and I don’t mean to be lazy, but haven’t I done enough for a while?” Turning and strutting across
the deck, she looks toward the horizon, places her hands on her hips and inhales. “Ah, that’s freedom, right there. The great
horizon! Listen, you’re pretty good in a tight spot. How about you leave Fang Island and come north with me? I could use a
Vyranzhal little visit to Waterdeep. You have to admit, it would be nice to get back north and see how things are going.” Maybe there’s
something to her idea. You chuckle at the thought of having the luxury to make such decisions. You're free from Ragarra’s wrath
now—and the world lies open before you.
Go to a worthy reward.

Level 5 pre-generated character

Human Fighter 5
(Background: Soldier)
Medium Humanoid (Human), Chaotic Good

Armor Class 18 (chain mail, shield)

Hit Points 51 (6d10 + 18)
Speed 30 ft.


16 (+3) 9 (–1) 16 (+3) 13 (+1) 11 (+0) 14 (+2)

Proficiencies +3 proficiency bonus

Saving Throws Strength +6, Constitution +5
Skills Athletics +6, History +4, Intimidation +5, Perception +3
Armor All, shields
Weapons Simple, martial
Senses passive Perception 12
Languages Common, Midani (the common tongue in Zakhara)

A ctions
Longsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 9
(1d8 + 5) slashing damage, or 10 (1d10 + 5) if used with two hands.
Fighting Style. Dueling. When wielding a melee weapon in one hand and no
other weapons, you gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls with that weapon.
Extra attack. You can attack twice instead of once, whenever you take the
Attack action on your turn.
Martial Archetype. Champion, improved critical. Your weapon attacks score
a critical hit on a roll of 19 or 20.

B onus A ctions
Second Wind. On your turn, you can use a bonus action to regain (1d10
+ 5) hit points. Once you use this feature, you must finish a short or long
rest before you can use it again.
Action Surge (one use). On your turn, you can take one additional action
on top of your regular action and a possible bonus action. Once you use
this feature, you must finish a short or long rest before you can use it

E quipment
Longsword, chain mail, shield, waterskin, whetstone, lucky charm.

Personality trait: Opportunistic. When you see a chance

to take advantage of a situation, you do so, quickly.
Ideal: A love of justice. You know the world isn’t fair.
Where you see injustice, you take action; it needn’t be
a grand gesture, but you’ll do something to balance the
Bond: The common folk. Not one for the aristocracy or
the wealthy, you will put yourself at risk to help those in
greater need.
Flaw: Impulsive. You get into trouble by pulling pranks or
insulting the powerful.

Kadarasto is a city of contradictions. The tenuous grasp Encounter: Combat Tile #3—Just a Little Bull (Hard)
of the Loregiver faith is merely a veneer disguising the # of Adventurers # of Opponents
ancient, primal heritage of this insidious city. Secret
3 2 minotaurs, 2 flying swords
meetings devoted to Ragarra occur nightly in back alleys
and abandoned buildings. Many of these cult meetings are 4 2 minotaurs, 2 flying swords
used for recruiting, not new members, but new sacrifices. 5 3 minotaurs, 2 flying swords
Amid the ancient and evil faiths of Kadarasto, many unholy 6 4 minotaurs, 3 flying swords
sites have changed hands or been lost in interfaith battles.
Finding forgotten sites such as these are a boon to any Encounter: Combat Tile #4—The Cyclone Unleashed
adventurers willing to risk the incredible danger such (Hard)
haunted and cursed locales are known for. There is no end
to adventure within the city of Kadarasto for daring players # of Adventurers # of Opponents
and creative Dungeon Masters! For more adventures in 3 1 Ragarran cult leader, the Cyclone, 1 crocodile
this part of the world, check out the campaign guide for

Two-player (duo) adjustment

4 1 Ragarran cult leader, the Cyclone, 2 crocodiles
Zakhara! 1 Ragarran cult leader, the Cyclone, 2 crocodiles,
1 cult fanatic
1 Ragarran cult leader, the Cyclone, 2 crocodiles,
If you are playing with a sidekick or if another player is 3 cult fanatics
joining you with their own character, use the two-character

adjustment at the bottom of each combat tile to increase

Multi-player, DM-led adjustment

the challenge.

Encounters: To scale the encounters, use the following

tables. Additional monsters can be placed anywhere on the
map for the corresponding combat tile or can be added to a
logical location nearby as deemed appropriate by the DM.
Refer to the Monster Manual for stat blocks for creatures
not included in the solo version of this adventure.
Encounter: Combat Tile #1–Serpent ,s Pit (Hard)
# of Adventurers # of Opponents
1 Ragarran pureblood, 2 cult fanatics,
3 giant poisonous snakes
2 Ragarran purebloods, 2 cult fanatics,
3 giant poisonous snakes
2 Ragarran purebloods, 2 cult fanatics,
4 giant poisonous snakes
2 Ragarran purebloods, 4 cult fanatics,
4 giant poisonous snakes

Encounter: Combat Tile #2—Fire in the Hole (Hard)

# of Adventurers # of Opponents
3 6 giant bats, 4 bat swarms, 1 ankheg
4 6 giant bats, 4 bat swarms, 2 ankhegs
5 6 giant bats, 4 bat swarms, 2 ankhegs
6 6 giant bats, 4 bat swarms, 3 ankhegs

APPENDIX E: MAPS Map 1: Serpent's Pit

+10' +0

1 square = 5 feet

Map 2: Fire in the Hole

gas vent

-60' -60'

gas vent

gas vent

1 square = 5 feet
Map 3: Just a Little Bull


1 square = 5 feet

Map 4: The Cyclone Unleashed!

1 square = 5 feet


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